Resorts of Spain. Hierro Island

The island of El Yero is a small piece of land located in the westernmost part of the Canary archipelago, until recently it was practically not visited by tourists. Thanks to its remoteness and weak development of tourism, it has managed to preserve its pristine nature, which attracts ecotourism lovers here.

Flights to El Yero

El Yero hotel reservations

El Yero hotels on the map

El Yero Resorts

The calling card of the resort villages of Timihirake and La Caleta are bays and coves basking in the sun, reliably sheltered from the wind. The ringing silence perfectly emphasizes the beauty of the stunning landscapes. Tourists who settle in secluded corners enjoy exploring the picturesque surroundings.

Town of Tamadust included in the list of the most attractive areas of the island. The growth of popularity was facilitated by the largest natural pool on the coast, the appearance of which the island owes to one of the last volcanic eruptions. The water filling the pool is considered healing.

Town of La Resting aimed at sports fans. Several diving centers are located on its territory. The coastal strip has been given the status of a marine reserve. Clear water and the absence of high waves are the key to successful dives. Ideal conditions attract both beginners and experienced divers. The harbor of La Restinga is ready to welcome fishing enthusiasts. Proper equipment guarantees an excellent catch of amazing variety.

Fans of mountain biking and extreme sports enthusiasts who conquer the skies on paragliders will also not get bored on the island.

Attractions El Yero

The island of El Hierro is a recognized leader in the number of volcanic craters. By this indicator, he left behind all his brothers in the Canary archipelago. In addition to volcanoes, you can explore natural galleries and caves here. There is no shortage of such formations on the island. All curious tourists are invited to explore the largest cave-pipe made of solidified lava on the planet. The giant cavity was formed by flowing molten magma, the outer layers of which cooled and solidified into a bizarre shape. Cumulative length of underground passages caves of Don Justo exceeds 6,000 m.

It is impossible not to be carried away by the volcanic landscapes, which are strikingly similar to the lunar ones. In the southern coastal part of the island of El Hierro, as well as on the surface of the Earth’s closest neighbor, there is Sea of ​​Tranquility. The splitting of the island and the sliding of one of its parts into the ocean was marked by the formation of El Golfo Bay. A “splinter” with a volume of approximately 300 km3 that disappeared in a few seconds caused the formation of a wave whose height exceeded 100 m. Today, the fault line is outlined by steep cliffs rising 1200 m above the water surface.

On the mountain slopes you can see ancient symbols - silent evidence of the presence of a vanished civilization. Scientists have been struggling unsuccessfully for many years to decipher these signs. It has not yet been possible to find something similar in other places on the planet. In addition to petroglyphs, the long-standing presence of the Bimbache tribe on the island is evidenced by the found tools, household utensils and mummified remains buried in caves.

Among the historical attractions, a visit to the village is recommended Casas de Guinea, a stay in which will allow you to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the life of peaceful tribes who lived on the island before the landing of the conquistadors who sailed from Spain. In addition to the Norman settlement of the 15th century. you can visit the ecological museum and Lagartario Museum-Reserve, specializing in keeping rare breeds of lizards that live only on El Hierro. Also located in the Las Puntas area nature reserve Roques de Salmor- a haven for rare sea birds nesting on coastal cliffs. Other attractions worth noting are Punta Gradne Hotel- the tiniest hotel in the world. It offers guests a small restaurant and 4 rooms.

For souvenirs it is better to go to El Pinar village- a place of work and residence for skilled artisans. In this locality you can buy drums, reed pipes, wicker and knitted products, as well as pottery. Here are also located Pancillo Museum And Church of San Antonio. On the way to the village you can climb to one of the observation platforms. From their height the southern part of the island opens up.

The list of attractions includes La Dehesa forest. The Canarian juniper, whose trunk is bent in an eternal bow, does not leave you indifferent. This situation is explained by the constancy of the direction of the winds blowing on the island.

From Cape Orcilla you can see the lighthouse located in the westernmost part of Spain. Ancient cartographers associated El Hierro with the edge of the world and the starting point of geographic longitude, which is why it was dubbed "meridian island".

Ethnographic Center took refuge in Valverde. The exhibitions presented within its walls introduce visitors to the traditions local residents. Samples of folk crafts are also presented here.

Frontera (the second largest city) boasts a natural park Parque Rural de Frontera, on whose territory more than a dozen rare representatives of the flora grow. Wine cellars host tastings of the best spirits. You can see the Altar made of gold in the Church of Candelaria, the construction of which was completed in 1818. The building was built on the crater of a volcano.

Small Sabinos village enchants with the beauty of its narrow streets, surrounded by greenery and flowers. In a village that has grown up on a steep slope, it beats source of Poza del Salud, whose name means nothing more than “spring of health.” In 1996, a sanatorium was opened here.

Restaurant Mirador de la Pena- one of the highlights of the northern part of the island. From the observation deck of this restaurant you can enjoy local dishes and admire the surroundings of the tiniest of the Canary Islands.

Magnificent views from the slopes Malpaso Peak, the height of which reaches 1501 m. Almost anyone can climb to the top. The plateaus covered with solidified lava are in harmony with dense forests, vineyards and cultivated fields. In 2000, UNESCO took El Hierro under its wing, designating the island as a Biosphere Reserve.

El Hierro (ElHierro) or, as it is also called, “La isla Chiquita” is the smallest island of the Canary archipelago, with an area of ​​only 278 sq. km. The island's population is also very small - approximately 11 thousand people, a quarter of whom live in the island's capital, the city of Valverde. Before the conquest of the island by the Spaniards under the leadership of Jean Betancourt in 1403, the island was inhabited by the Bimbache tribes, related to the Guanche tribes of Tenerife. These were peaceful tribes who lived in caves and were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and fishing. Betancourt promised Bimbache to preserve their freedom, so the population of the island offered no resistance to the Spaniards. However, Betancourt did not keep his promise and most of the Bimbache tribe were sold into slavery, and their land was given to Norman and Castilian settlers. In our time, the Bimbache culture is evidenced only by petroglyphs found in different parts of the island (still not deciphered), cave burials with mummified remains, numerous household items and tools. According to scientific research, the island was formed about 1.2 million years ago as a result of a series of volcanic eruptions. Rising from the ocean floor, the island was a triangular basalt platform, in the center of which rose a volcanic cone, more than 2 thousand meters high. Today El Hierro is the “champion” in the number of volcanic craters among the islands of the Canary archipelago, there are about 800 of them. Also on El Hierro There are about 70 caves and volcanic galleries, in particular the Don Justo Cave (Cueva de Don Justo), whose system of underground passages exceeds a length of 6 km. Volcanic origin El Hierro certainly left an imprint on its relief.

The landscapes of the island are extremely diverse: zones covered with solidified lava and volcanic formations are located in the south and west of the island, in the north there are fertile fields and vineyards, and in the central part you can find various types of trees: pine, laurel, cherry. Coastline It is unusually rocky, with cliffs up to 1 thousand meters high. There are also several natural lagoons and pools along the coast that are perfect for swimming. The last strong volcanic eruption, which lasted a whole month, occurred on the island in 1793. Also, on October 11, 2011, 547 residents were evacuated from the town of La Restinga due to the eruption of an underwater volcano located off the coast El Hierro, since there was a possibility of a volcano awakening on the island itself. Currently, experts are carefully monitoring the activity of the island volcanoes. In addition to geological features, El Hierro famous by others interesting facts. The island went down in history as the “prime meridian”, which cartographers used as a reference point for geographic longitude, and the western part of the island was long considered the end of the world. At Cape Orchilla today everyone can see the westernmost lighthouse of Spain (Faro de Punta Orchilla), where the end of the world is supposedly located. There you can even buy a colorful certificate certifying that you have crossed the prime meridian. Due to the lack of sandy beaches El Hierro is an agricultural island. It is almost untouched by the tourism industry. Today, the local population is mainly engaged in agriculture. Grapes, potatoes, pineapples, almonds, peaches, tomatoes and, of course, the main agricultural crop of the Canary Islands - bananas are grown here. Besides this, others important element the local economy is fishing, especially in the southern part of the island. On El Hierro There are no industrial productions, but folk crafts flourish here. Pottery, wickerwork and knitted items with El Hierro known throughout Spain. Wine made from local grapes deserves special attention, since it has gained recognition not only in Spain, but also in other European countries.

Coast El Hierro mostly steep, but has small coves and natural pools with crystal clear water. It is believed that of all the islands of the Canary archipelago El Hierro- the most better place for diving, because here is the most colorful and diverse underwater world. In general, tourism on the island is practically undeveloped; there is no tourist infrastructure and resort areas, as, for example, in Tenerife. However, there are still small hotels on the island where anyone can stay. As a rule, those tourists come here who prefer privacy and tranquility surrounded by pristine nature to noisy European resorts. The main part of the island's hotels is located in the Paradores de Turismo area, in the city of Valverde.

Valverde is the capital and the most Big City on an island with a population of 5,000 people. Here you can visit the ethnographic center La Casa de Las Quinteras, where exhibitions are presented that tell visitors about the traditions and folk crafts of the local residents. In addition to the capital, visitors can also stay in the coastal villages of the La Caleta zone: Tamaduste and Timijiraque, where all the conditions for a relaxing holiday and enjoying the unique landscapes are also created. In the town of Tamaduste there is an interesting attraction - a natural pool with access to the sea. There are almost no sandy beaches on the island, but there are still small black beaches with volcanic sand. The most popular beaches among tourists and locals are Playa de Las Arenas and Playa de Veradal.

Frontera (Frontera)- is the second largest city on the island. Here is located natural Park Parque Rural de Frontera, where you can see many rare plants. Frontera is also famous for the fact that grapes are grown here and one of the best Canarian wines, Vina Frontera, is produced. In the Frontera wine cellar you can taste and purchase best wines El Hierro. Also in this town you can visit the Church of Candelaria (Iglesia de la Candelaria), built in 1818. The interior of the church is notable for its majestic Altar made of gold.

Las Puntas. In the Las Puntas area, an interesting attraction is the preserved ancient Norman settlement of the 15th century, Casas de Guinea. This is a wonderful example of the life of the Aborigines and the first settlers. Here you can visit the ecological museum (Ecomuseo de Guinea), which tells its guests about the history of different eras. Also in this area, the town of Lagartario deserves your attention. This is a museum and reserve where rare breeds of lizards that are found only on El Hierro are kept in their natural habitat. Free access to the reserve is limited, but permission can be obtained from the Tigaday City Hall. Another local attraction is the Roques de Salmor Nature Reserve (Reserva Natural Integral de Rodues de Salmor), which features picturesque mountain formations rising above the ocean. Various species of rare seabirds find refuge on these rocks during the nesting season. Also in this area, in the town of El Golfa, there is the Punta Gradne Hotel, which is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest in the world. This hotel has only four rooms and a small restaurant.

Sobinos. Situated on a high slope, the small village of Sabinosa will enchant you with its picturesque narrow streets, surrounded by flowers. In this area there is a well-known water source among the Canarians - the locals call it Poza del Salud, which means “spring of health”. The water in this source has healing properties and cures many diseases and promotes the health of the body as a whole. In 1996, a modern sanatorium was built here, the only one of its kind in the Canary Islands.

La Restinga. La Restinga is a small harbor located in the sunniest part of the island. Not far from the harbor there is a black sand beach. This is a favorite place for tourists. There are hotels and a small promenade with restaurants, bars and shops. This area offers a variety of water sports programs, including swimming. Local waters have the status of a nature reserve and are notable for their unique richness of flora and fauna underwater world. The scuba diving center is open all year round and offers a variety of excursions depending on the wishes and experience of potential divers.

Isora Isora is an area in the eastern part of the island known for its excellent cheese production. The uniqueness of this area also lies in the fact that it is here that the famous national Canarian wrestling competition Lucha Canaria is held. 6 km. from Isora there is the El Pinar zone, which consists of two small settlements: Las Casas and Taibique. In El Pinar, the Ceramics Center deserves special attention, where you can buy unique ceramics and jewelry. In addition, there you can visit the small church of San Antonio (Iglesia de San Antonio) and the Pancillo Museum (Musea Panchillo), where you can see collections of ancient objects from El Hierro. central part The islands feature varied mountain landscapes, completely covered with magnificent pine forests. Volcanic rocks are typical for the island topography. In the center there is a mountain range about a kilometer high.

The highest peak of the island is Malpaso (El Pica de Malpaso), which is 1,500 m high and offers a fantastic panorama of the entire island. This area is distinguished by the most beautiful and interesting forest landscapes combined with numerous volcanic craters. Another attraction of the island is the incredible surreal juniper forest of El Sabinar. There, on the mountain plain of La Dehesa, the Canary Sabinal junipers grow. These are unusual plants, with a dark green dense crown and a powerful twisted trunk. Constant strong winds bend the tree trunks, and they continue to grow in this bizarre curved shape. Sabinal is a very valuable tree. Its wood has been used for centuries in the manufacture of tools, weapons and jewelry. In addition, the wood of this plant has antiseptic properties, so it is also used for medicinal purposes. In addition to the Sabinal plant, a kind of symbol of El Hierro is the sacred Garoe tree (Arbol Garoe), which, according to legend, evaporated moisture from its leaves that fell in the form of precipitation, thus supplying the indigenous population of the island with the necessary amount of drinking water.

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Hierro Island is located in the western part, on the territory, and is the smallest of its seven main islands. It has amazingly beautiful natural landscapes and, perhaps, enjoys the least attention of tourists due to the obvious shortage of sandy beaches. Unlike other resorts in the Canary Islands, Hierro has best preserved the long-standing traditions and culture of its ancestors, and its remoteness and not too crowded are an excellent opportunity to relax away from the noise and bustle of tourists, enjoying unity with nature.


The relief of the island is extremely rich and varied. The rocky shores that rise along the coast are adjacent to grottoes, small bays and natural pools protected from the cool winds of the Atlantic, picturesque fields and pastures lie on the Nisdafe plateau, and in a place called El Pinar there are numerous date palms and almonds. The local laurel and pine forests are distinguished by dense vegetation, and the curved branches of the Canarian juniper trees blend perfectly with the surrounding green groves and blue Atlantic Ocean. The main activities of local residents are fishing, farming and the production of souvenirs. There are few foreign guests here, so the majority of vacationers on the local beaches are islanders themselves and Canarians who come here from different parts of the archipelago.

general information

The area of ​​Hierro Island is just over 268 thousand square meters. km, with a population of about 10.5 thousand people. Local time lags behind Moscow by 2 hours in summer and 3 in winter. Time zone UTC+0 and UTC+1 in the summer. Telephone code (+34) 22.

A brief excursion into history

Before the colonization of the island by the Spaniards, wild Bimbache tribes lived here, who lived in agriculture and cattle breeding. When Spanish ships led by the Frenchman Jean de Betancourt anchored off these shores in 1405, their leader agreed with the local population on mutual respect and peaceful coexistence without the use of force. However, after the strangers settled on hospitable shores, they treacherously violated the agreement and conquered the island with virtually no serious resistance, and then sold the native islanders into slavery. After some time, immigrants from Spain and France began to actively come here. In the second half of the last century, when the Canaries were in the grip of a tourist boom, Hierro also did not stand aside, joining this process.


The weather conditions at the resort, as on the rest of the Canary Islands, are very comfortable. Even in winter, the air temperature here rarely drops below +20 degrees, and in the summer months it regularly rises above +26. There is little precipitation, but strong winds and cyclones from the Atlantic sometimes cause strong storms, more typical for the autumn-winter period. You can come here at any time, although officially, the beach season lasts here from May to October.

How to get there

The island airport of Hierro serves only domestic flights, so to reach its shores, you must first land at the airport, and then, also by plane or ferry, go to your destination.


Public transport on the island itself is very poorly developed, so it is best to use a taxi or rent a car from a rental service.

Major resorts

Hierro Island belongs to the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and as administrative center here stands the city of Valverde, which is home to half of all island population. The leading resort is La Restinha, home to a roomy hotel, a residential complex and the Avenida Marítima promenade, teeming with shops, cafes and restaurants. In the central part of the village there is a good black sand beach, perfect for fans of water sports. There is also a local scuba diving base that organizes relevant tours for divers. Nearby are the waters of a marine nature reserve.

Just 10 km from Valverde lies a quiet, secluded cove where locals mostly relax. About 2 km away are the cozy backwaters of Pozo de las Calcosas with a whole scattering of charming bungalows made of black stones. Most beautiful beach The island is considered to be Playa de Verodal, which has volcanic sand with a reddish tint, lying at the foot of a high cliff. Another one that is also very popular sand beach– Playa de Arenas.

Attractions and entertainment

Given the very limited number settlements Within the island, there are very few historical buildings or cultural monuments here. In Valverde, the ancient church of Santa Maria de la Concepción, dating from 1767, stands out, and nearby is Casas de Guinea, a Norman settlement of the 15th century, where an ecological museum is open to visitors, symbolizing the life of local residents in different eras. Lovers of natural beauty and wildlife are definitely recommended to visit the Lagartario Nature Reserve, whose territory is home to rare one and a half meter lizards that live only in these places.


In the resort's culinary establishments, visitors have the opportunity to try a wide variety of dishes, from exquisite seafood to fresh salads and exotic fruits. Great Spanish wines and all kinds of sweets deserve special attention.


The shops and stalls of local resort villages offer a wide selection of ceramics and textiles, as well as works by local craftsmen specializing in wood carving. The prices are very reasonable and it is quite easy to choose a product to suit your taste.

Hierro Island is perfect for those who prefer to relax in nature, away from the noisy tourist crowds. This is exactly what this picturesque green Island, which is the westernmost piece of land on the planet and never ceases to amaze with its amazing beauties even the most spoiled travelers.

At first glance, the island may seem inhospitable and unwilling to accept crowds of noisy tourists. The predominantly steep coastline looks harsh and inaccessible. And if you look closely, you will find small bays, magnificent natural pools, and over a dozen places for diving into the depths of the ocean. It’s not for nothing that Hierro is considered to be the best place in the Canaries for diving!

7 Useless Facts about Hierro Island

Despite the lack of mass interest from tourists, holidays on this island are not considered something inaccessible and “elite”. No, it’s just that there really isn’t enough entertainment here to attract restless young people, and not enough attractions to keep adults busy. What the hell is there to do here? Relax your soul and body, because Hierro is, first of all, a separate little world at the end of the world. Well, besides all these mental things, here you can do the following...

What to do on Hierro Island?

  • Dive into the depths of the ocean
  • Take a walk along one of the hiking trails
  • Fly on a paraglider

What is so special about paragliding on Hierro Island? And the fact that here you will have the opportunity to simultaneously (!) enjoy the sound of the ocean, the view of the mountains - and all this against the backdrop of a cloudless sky.

Very convenient: you can drive to any starting point by car.

Flight over Hierro
Starting place name Height, m Height delta, m
Malpaso 1501 1200
Dos Hermanas 1267 1000
1100 m 1100 878
Pino Verde 900 870
800 m 867 650
La Peca 800 750
Las Prendas 650 100
600 m 624 410
Carraskan 600 75
Charco Manzo 200 180
Las Lapillas 120 100
Tacoron 60 40

The island itself is relatively small (like an equilateral triangle with sides of 25 km), but this does not make the hiking routes any less interesting. There really is something to see here: diverse flora, magnificent landscapes, the ancient settlement of Bimbache, an ethnographic museum, etc. and so on. Below is a somewhat boring table with route options for every taste.

Hiking around Hierro Island
Route nameHeight difference, mDuration of the trip, hNote
El Pinar – Tacoron2,5 An easy route with no elevation changes. Covers some areas of the Frontera Rural Park
El Pinar – El Golfo1150 3,5 Route Taibique – Tigaday, or, as it is also called, the wine route. The final point is in the El Golfo valley, famous for its vineyards and wines
Camino de Los Llanillos1155 3 The Taibique – Charco Azul route allows you to admire the beautiful natural creeks
El Pinar – La Dehesa240 6,5 The difficulty of the route is average. Acquaintance with the ethnography of Hierro Island - the way of life of the aborigines. Again, you will have to walk through the Frontera Rural Park
Camino de la Virgen1500 12 Ascent from the coast to Malpaso Peak. Walking route passes through the Frontera Rural Park and the territory of the Ventehis Nature Reserve
La Restinga – Pozo de la Salud1100 9,5 Along the way, you can enjoy the view of volcanoes and traces of their former activity. The fishing village of La Restinga serves local cuisine. The path itself passes through the territories of the Frontera Rural Park and the Mencafete Nature Reserve
Camino del Norte300 3,5 Route Valverde – La Pena
Cruz de Calvario – Charco Manso555 2,5 The difficulty of the route is average. At the end you can admire the beautiful natural creeks
Isora – Las Playas – Isora1100 7 The complexity of the route is high. Suitable for experienced hikers
Tinor – Puerto de la Estaca – Tinor940 3,5 -//-
Valverde – Puerto de Estaca – Valverde650 2,5 -//-


If you want your first scuba diving experience to be like a fairy tale, then we recommend spending your time traveling to Hierro Island. Don't despair if you are not new to diving - here everyone can find a decent dive site. Most of them are located off the southern coast of the island, but the small village of La Restinga is considered a real Mecca for divers. Below we have presented some of the best places to dive into the calm waters of the Sea of ​​Tranquility Nature Reserve.

Most notable places for diving in the Mar de las Calmas reserve
Dive site a brief description of
El Puerto Option for beginners. The water is clear, allowing for night diving
Punta las Cañas Another option for beginners. Depth does not exceed 12 m
El Rincon A simple dive option. Depth varies between 10-20 m, there are small caves
El Lajial Similar to Punta las Cañas, only deeper
La Herradura Dive medium difficulty. Depth 8-35 m
Cueva del Diablo A dive for beginners in a place with a scary name. Diving in a shallow cave
El Bajón Option for experienced divers. The dive site is located three hundred meters from the shore in the south of Hierro Island. Strong currents make diving difficult, as does the significant depth (50-80 m). Rich underwater world
El Desierto A simple dive option. Among the local inhabitants you can see garden eels, dark groupers, flute fish
El Tacoron Option for beginners, getting acquainted with various types of marine life
El Roque de Tacoron The special thing about this dive site is that you can meet the big-headed sea turtle here
Baja Rosario There is virtually no current, making this place a good choice for beginners
Los Saltos 3 grottoes, several caves and arches, depth about 40 m

Resort Pozo de la Salud

About the resortShort description
LocationNear the town of Sabinos in the La Frontera area
Hotel facilities18 rooms (2x), picturesque views of the mountains or the sea, there is a restaurant, sauna, Turkish bath, jacuzzi, swimming pool with solarium, hydromassage showers, fitness and relaxation rooms
Service staffHighly qualified
DirectionTreatment mineral waters(skin, rheumatic, diseases of the digestive tract, bronchitis, herpes, etc.) – external and internal
Mineralogical composition of watersSiO2, SO42-, HCO3–, NO2, Cl–, Fe3+, Al3+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, Li+, NH4+, traces of PO43-, NaNO2, NH4Cl, KCl, Ca3(PO4)2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, NaCl , MgCl2, MgSO4, Ca(HCO3)2, Mg(HCO3)2
Organoleptic indicatorsOdorless, barely perceptible saltiness
Cosmetological effectSoftens the skin, promotes rejuvenation
SouvenirsThere is a specialized craft shop

El Golfo Bay

The island is divided into two parts by steep cliffs: on the northern coast there is the El Golfo valley, as if pressed in by the finger of some crazy giant. It is believed that once upon a time there was an earthquake (the islands are of volcanic origin), as a result of which part of the island broke off and fell victim to the treacherous ocean. You can appreciate the beauty of the valley from observation platforms, for example, from the Mirador de la Pena, which we will talk about below. Grapes are actively grown in the valley, which means that in any village you can taste good white wine.

The marvelous forest of La Dehesa in El Sabinar

Do you want to see the most unfortunate plant? Then you should go to the forest of La Dehesa. The famous Canarian juniper grows in this place - the tree looks as if it has survived all the hurricanes and miraculously survived by its roots.

Pools of Tamaduste

A visit to the small village of Tamaduste can be an unforgettable experience. It is notable for being located on the ocean coast, which is formed by intricately solidified lava. Over the years, water gave the material the appearance of swimming pools, which determined the fate of this place. By the way, they are found in several places along north coast islands.

Restaurant Mirador de la Peña

If you happen to visit the northern part of Hierro Island, be sure to check out the Mirador de la Pena restaurant (Guarazoca), which can easily be called a local landmark. This establishment is a real observation deck, which, coupled with the original architecture and the opportunity to taste local dishes, looks very good. The restaurant is located on the second floor of the building, it has its own garden and terrace, which offers a picturesque view of the surroundings of the smallest of the Canary Islands.

Tourists note the following features of this place:

  • magnificent views from the terrace. Moreover, to enjoy them, you can order regular coffee;
  • cozy atmosphere in the establishment;
  • the opportunity to try both local cuisine and those familiar to foreign tourists;
  • polite and tactful staff;
  • high prices

How to get to the island?

There are ferry and air services between Tenerife and Hierro. transport connection. You can get there by ferry within 4-4.5 hours, including from the island of La Gomera. By water transport It turns out not only cheaper, but also opens up new opportunities for exploring the coast. On the other hand, a half-hour journey by plane departing from northern airport Tenerife, allows you to capture the island from the air. The port is located in the town of La Restinga, the airport is not far from Valverde.

Where to live?

There are not many places where you can stay - in total there are about 2 thousand hotel beds on the island. Many offers at very affordable prices can be found in Valverde. If you have to choose among inexpensive hotels, then you should pay attention to the cluster of hotels in the Parador del Turismo area. There are many hotels in the capital of the island and the adjacent coast. Do you want something exclusive? Then we go to the luxurious hotel-parador "El Hierro", located in the eastern part, or check into the smallest hotel in the world - the "Club Punta Grande", which is located in the El Golfo area.

To get a little idea of ​​the prices, for renting a two-room apartment:

  • bedroom + living room;
  • bathroom and kitchen equipped with everything necessary;
  • Must have a balcony or terrace

– you will have to pay approximately €50±10 per day (no matter how many people stay).

What to eat?

Obviously, on an island surrounded by ocean, they mainly offer seafood dishes - a standard set typical for the cuisines of all the islands of the Canary archipelago. It’s worth trying the fish soup; they also make good smoked cheese; the restaurant can offer a signature dish – roast rabbit. You should definitely order a bottle or two of local wine, the grapes for which are grown in the El Golfo valley.

The average price for lunch or dinner is around €10-15.


The Spaniards are religious people, as evidenced by their tradition of mass celebrations of the appearance of various saints. The smallest of the Canary Islands is no exception. Once every 4 years, on September 24, a statue of the Virgin Mary is carried along the route from the chapel in the forest of La Dehesa to the capital of the island in Hierro - in honor of her appearance in Los Reyes. The action has a carnival flavor and is accompanied by dances and songs. The tradition is quite old - it began in 1643. The last celebration took place in 2011, the next one will be in 2015.

For souvenirs in El Pinar

But first let's look at observation decks El Mirador de Tanajara and El Mirador de las Playas - they allow you to fully appreciate the beauty of the southern part of the island. Moreover, this is on the way to the village of El Pinar, which is famous for its artisans. Here you can buy a beautiful wicker basket, buy a drum or a reed pipe. It is from here that these musical instruments come to the other 6 islands.


Be reasonable. You should not expect that in a couple of days you will be able to get to know Hierro from all sides. You need to fly here for at least a week. Only then will you be able to slightly lift the veil of secrecy of this small but cozy island. See you on Hierro! ;)

At an altitude of 700m overlooking the sea
We are talking about one of the creations of the famous Canarian architect Cesar Manrique. From here you can enjoy the impressive views of the El Golfo valley with its cliffs up to one kilometer high. Here you will find a restaurant with a wide selection of traditional Canarian dishes, which you can try while admiring the stunning scenery.

Garoe tree

Secrets of the past
Very beautiful place there is this tree, considered sacred for the inhabitants of Hierro, because once its leaves collected rainwater, which was used local population. Today there is an information center where you will get acquainted with the phenomenon of horizontal rains and all the secrets of this extraordinary place.

Charco Azul on Hierro Island

A natural pool just for you!
A natural salt water pool in the majestic El Golf valley, a gift from volcanic eruptions to the inhabitants of Hierro Island. After a refreshing swim, sunbathe on the wooden deck. Despite the fact that this is an almost pristine place where there are not many people, getting here is quite easy.

Frontera Rural Park

Enchanted Forest
In this protected area you can feel like you are in an enchanted forest. Admire these beautiful trees, up to 8 meters high, that have been bent by the force of the wind. Such a landscape can only be seen in three places in the world, so we are talking about one of the main symbols of the island of Hierro.