Who is standing in Rio de Janeiro. Population and attractions of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rio de Janeiro is the second most populous city in Brazil and the sixth in the Americas. It was founded in 1565 by the Portuguese. Rio de Janeiro has a population of over 6 million, according to 2015 estimates. The city ranks second in terms of level in Brazil. Rio is home to the headquarters of oil, mining and telecommunications companies, as well as two major corporations. The largest research center in Brazil is located here. Millions of tourists flock to Rio every year and the city is known for its magnificent carnivals and sandy beaches. In 2016, Rio was held here and became the first city in South America to host this sporting event.

Historical features

The population of Rio de Janeiro is deservedly proud of the beauty of their city. The architecture combines completely new buildings with buildings that are almost half a thousand years old. The history of the city began with the discovery of Guanabara Bay by Gaspar de Lemos. He was a Portuguese navigator. De Lemos' expedition mistook Guanabara Bay for the mouth of the river. The city was named accordingly. Translated from it translates as “January river”. In 1555, it was founded on the island of Serigipe French colony Henriville. Ten years later, Portuguese troops landed near this place. The area at the foot of the fortification was chosen as the base of operation and was called San Sebastian di Rio de Janeiro. The hostilities continued for two years, but the Portuguese won. Thus began the development of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

In 1763, it became a new impetus for the development of the city given the Napoleonic wars. In 1821, Brazilian independence was declared. During this period, the population of Rio de Janeiro was only 113 thousand people. The city became the capital of the now Brazilian Empire. In 1889, further changes occurred. Brazil was transformed into a republic. According to the census, the population of Rio de Janeiro in 1890 was already 520 thousand people. In 1920 it exceeded a million people. In 1960, Brasilia became the capital of the country. This slowed it down a bit further development cities. In 1980, the population of Rio de Janeiro exceeded five million people. Now the city is the capital of the state of the same name.


Most often, the city is divided into the following parts:

  • Center. This is the historical heart of the city.
  • South Zone. This is a tourist rich area.
  • Northern Zone. where representatives of the middle class live.
  • Western Zone. There are traditionally three more districts here: Santa Cruz, Campo Grande and the newer and richer district of Barra da Tijuca.

Central Zone

This area is the historical and financial heart of Brazil. The population of Rio de Janeiro that lives there is 41,142 thousand people. However, the area is predominantly commercial. Modern skyscrapers and historical buildings coexist peacefully in it. Among the attractions of the Center are Paco Imperial, the historical residence of the Portuguese rulers, Brazil, the churches of the Calendarium, San José, Santa Lucia, Our Lady, Santa Rita, San Francisco de Paula and the monasteries of St. Anthony and St. Benedict. The Central Zone of Rio is home to the Municipal Theater and the National Library, as well as several museums. The Lapa district is also located here. It is famous for its historical monuments and nightlife.


This area is located between mountain range Tijuca, Atlantic Ocean and Guanabara Bay. Most of the spa resorts and hotels are located here, such as Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas. In the Southern Zone there is a large part of the Tijuca National Park, Sugar Loaf Mountain, and therefore the famous cable car, Corvocado Hill, on which stands the famous This is the richest area of ​​​​Rio. Every year it is visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world.


This area begins in Grand Tijuca, west of the Center, and extends many kilometers inland. It was previously known for having one of the world's largest football stadiums, which can accommodate 199 thousand people. The World Cup final was held here in 1950. Now its capacity has been slightly reduced due to new safety requirements. It was recently reconstructed. Now it can accommodate 80 thousand people. It hosted the final match of the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2016 Summer Olympics. The Northern Zone is also home to an international airport, Federal and National Universities, the best samba schools in the country. There are about 100 slums in this area. Among the main districts of the Northern Zone are the following:

  • Alto da Boa Vista.
  • Tijuca. The population of Rio de Janeiro, who lives in this district, is 181.810 thousand people.
  • Villa Isabel. If you look at how much of the population of Rio de Janeiro lives in this district, it is 189.310 thousand people.
  • Mayer. About 400 thousand people.
  • San Cristovao. About 85 thousand people.
  • Madureira. About 372 thousand people.
  • Penha. About 186 thousand people.
  • Manguinhoz.
  • Fundao.
  • Olario.


This zone occupies more than half of the city's area. There are many attractions and the most high peak Rio Pico da Pedra Branca (1024 meters). The most famous districts of the Western Zone are: Campo Grande and Santa Cruz. The elite district of Barra da Tijuca is also located in this part of the city.

Santa Cruz

This district is developing quite dynamically. If we consider what population lives here in Rio de Janeiro, it is about 217 thousand people. This is one of the most numerous districts. People with both high incomes and poor live here. However, in terms of density, it is at the bottom of the list, since it occupies quite a large area. Campo Grande is an industrial area. Huge areas are still empty, so it has great potential for further dynamic development.

Campo Grande

The population of the city of Rio de Janeiro exceeds six million people. More than three hundred thousand of them live in the Campo Grande district, which is located in the Western Zone. It is the most numerous in the city. Today the district is developing dynamically. A huge number of students live here. As for industry and commerce, it is in this district in Lately Companies from other regions often open offices.

Barra da Tijuca

The population of this district is growing at the fastest rate. If in 1991 there were 99 thousand people living here, then in 2010 there were already 301. Barra da Tijuca is known for its beaches, lakes, rivers and rich lifestyle. Only 5% of Rio's population lives here. However, they transfer 30% of taxes to the city budget. Barra da Tijuca is considered one of the most developed districts in all of Brazil. It is cultural, economic and administrative center. Barra da Tijuca is the safest district in Rio as there are no slums. It is in this district that celebrities and football stars often buy their homes. Lots of events related to Summer Olympic Games 2016 took place in Barra da Tijuca, so foreigners could see its modern beauty with their own eyes.

Rio de Janeiro is the first city that comes to mind when you think of Brazil. In a city of contrasts, wealthy residents of elite areas coexist with poor people from slums. Noisy, diverse and crowded, Rio is second only to Sao Paulo, but in terms of entertainment it is an unsurpassed leader. They say that you can get to know it and see all the interesting places only by staying there forever. Grandiose and less noisy festivals are held here all year round, the absolute leader of which is Carnival. In 2016, the glory of Rio de Janeiro around the world will increase many times thanks to the Olympics.

Geographical features

Rio stretches along the Atlantic coast of Brazil. It has the following geographical coordinates:

  • 22054’ S;
  • 43011’ W.

Founded at the entrance to Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro gradually expanded its borders. It is oriented in a southerly direction. The terrain is heterogeneous. The north is dominated by plains and gentle hills. The central part has more mountains and cliffs that frame the sandy beaches of the south.

The proximity to the equator smoothes out seasonal temperature fluctuations. The air in the city warms up to +22…+28°C. The driest and coolest months are June to October, but rain occurs regularly throughout the year. The average annual precipitation is 1170 mm. For tourists, Rio is more interesting in December-March, when the air and water temperatures become most comfortable.


Rio de Janeiro has a high population density. More than 6.5 million inhabitants live on an area of ​​1.26 thousand km², which is not surprising, because even before 1960 the city was the capital of Brazil. And today many flock here in search of better life. On the downside, crime has increased, especially in poor slums, where tourists are asked to visit with caution.

The city is a mixture of different peoples and races, so discrimination on these grounds will not be found here. For the most part, residents are very smiling and hospitable, always ready to help. The main religion is Catholicism, which is often mixed with local traditions as well as African beliefs.


The cuisine in Rio de Janeiro is a combination of the culinary traditions of the Arabs, European settlers and local Indian residents. To experience the local flavor, you should order feijoada. This hearty dish is prepared from smoked meats, dried meat, beans and generously seasoned with spices. Each cook adds something of his own to the recipe, so feijoada will differ from place to place.

The highlight of Rio is Rodizio. These are meat restaurants where you charge an entrance fee, after which you can enjoy salads and main courses for free. Some establishments allow you to take breaks between meals and even walks in the fresh air. Drinks and desserts are billed separately.

A popular local drink is the caipirinha. It can be ordered both in an expensive restaurant and in a street eatery. For preparation, use cane vodka (cachaça), lemon, lime, ice and cane sugar. The cocktail turns out to be very pleasant and refreshing, but quickly gets you drunk.

And, of course, you cannot visit the birthplace of coffee and not enjoy the numerous varieties of this invigorating drink.


It’s hard to imagine as many attractions as there are in Rio de Janeiro. Therefore, the excursion program should be thought out in advance. We will list only a small but most interesting part of the attractions. For convenience, they are grouped by topic.

Natural parks

Even the streets of the city are distinguished by lush vegetation, not to mention the parks and reserves that are scattered throughout Rio. To get acquainted with the unusual flora of Brazil in a small area, you should go to the Botanical Garden. It is divided into thematic sectors, through which there are convenient paths. Visitors alternate between fields of orchids, cacti or water lilies. Ubiquitous monkeys scurry through the dense vegetation and flocks of brightly colored birds flutter.

Many tourists are attracted by the beauty and historical significance of the palace and park complex of Quinta da Boa Vista. At the beginning of the 19th century, the property belonged to the imperial family, which abandoned it after Brazil gained independence. On the territory there is a park, a zoo and a palace, within the walls of which the National Museum is located.

At the Rio de Janeiro Zoo, there are more than 350 species of representatives of the local fauna, as well as those arriving from other countries, on the territory of the complex. The zoo area is small, but very green and well-groomed.
Enjoy the walk and explore the features landscape design possible in the parks:

  • Tijuca;
  • Lage;
  • Flamengo.

These green islands are equipped with jogging and cycling paths, as well as other necessary recreational infrastructure. And to admire and capture the most beautiful panoramas of the city, you should climb to the observation deck at the statue of Christ on Mount Corcovado or to the famous Sugar Loaf.

Religious monuments

The most famous landmark not only of Rio, but also of Brazil can be called the statue of Christ the Redeemer, which guards the city from the top of Mount Corcovado. The height of the structure is 38 m, and the arm span reaches 30 m.

You can get acquainted with temple architecture and better understand the meaning of religion for local residents by visiting the following attractions:

  • Church of Candelaria in honor of Our Lady;
  • Monastery of Sao Bento;
  • Cathedral of San Sebastian.

Architectural landmarks

The colonial era architecture in Rio de Janeiro is no less interesting. The pearl of Piazza Floriano is the Municipal Theater, replicating the architecture of the Paris Opera. In addition to its beautiful façade, the theater amazes with its rich interior decoration. It still hosts performances to this day.

The largest collection of literature in all of South America is located in the National Library. Much of it is included in the UNESCO heritage list. The majestic building was built at the beginning of the 19th century.

The city has several picturesque palaces that attract tourists:

  1. Tiradentes. State meeting place. The palace is distinguished by its monumentality, high columns and a huge glass dome.
  2. The Imperial Palace is an ancient snow-white building with a rich history. It was here that the law abolishing slavery was signed.
  3. The castle on the island of Ilha Fiscal resembles a fairytale pearl. Its walls are painted in emerald tones and are richly decorated. In the 19th century the customs office was located here, and today there is a naval museum.

Beaches of Rio de Janeiro

A visit to Rio is impossible without relaxing on the beach. This kind of relaxation involves more than just lying on the sand or swimming in the noisy ocean waters. By the way, they can be very insidious, which is why lifeguards are constantly on duty on the shore. The beach is a meeting place and a center of youth entertainment. Nearby there are hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and discos. open air. Carnival processions and mass New Year celebrations take place here. The most popular beaches are:

  • Copacabana;
  • Ipanema;
  • Leblond;
  • Flamengo;
  • Barra di Tijuca.

How to get there?

Rio has an international airport that receives flights from various countries. Considering the flight distance, it is impossible to find a direct flight from Russia. Most companies offer connections in Paris or Amsterdam. Citizens of the Russian Federation can stay in Brazil without a visa for 90 days.

Given the climate, holidays here will be pleasant all year round, but optimal weather conditions are from April to June and from August to September. The average air temperature ranges from 23-27°C, but from November to March the thermometer can rise to 40°C. The middle of winter is least suitable for holidays - in July it is relatively cold here, up to 17°C, and it often rains (do not forget that with the change of hemispheres, the seasons change places). The water temperature is highest from January to March - an average of 26°C. However, this figure also depends on the beach.

City `s history

The name “Rio de Janeiro” is translated from Portuguese as “January River”: the colonialists mistakenly mistook the bay for the mouth of a water artery. The city here was founded on March 1, 1565 by Estácio de Sa along with José de Anchieta and was originally called San Sebastian de Rio de Janeiro, in honor of the Portuguese king Sebastian I. The main industries at that time were logging and sugar cane cultivation. With the development of trade communications, Rio began to play an increasingly important role in the history of the country, and in the 18th century it practically became the center of Brazil.

In the 19th century, during Napoleon's victorious march across the world, the royal court of Portugal moved to Rio de Janeiro. So it became the center of an empire that attracted emigrants from all over Europe. After losing its capital status in 1960, the city still remained a symbol of the state.

What to see in Rio de Janeiro

To explore the main attractions of the city, you will need at least three days. First of all, you should go to Mount Corcovado to the monument of Christ the Redeemer, which is one of the seven new wonders of the world. The second point excursion program includes a visit to the Pan de Azucar mountain, which offers beautiful views of the beaches, islands in the ocean and the statue of Christ itself. You should set aside a whole day to explore the museums and palaces of Downtown. You can spend half a day walking around the colorful Santa Teresa district, where local bohemia gathers. It is also interesting to visit the oldest Botanical Garden in Rio. And in the evening you should pay attention to samba, going to the Sambodrome to watch the rehearsal of the famous carnival. After a unique cultural program, you can go to the beaches of Copacabana.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor)

From the platform at the foot of the Christ the Redeemer statue there is an amazing view of the city and the bay. But you won’t be able to admire Rio at night from here – entry to the observation deck is possible until 19:00. The ascent takes place on a small electric train, the ticket for which costs from 51 to 62 reais (approximately 13-16 USD), or by car. It's best to come here in the morning to avoid standing in line.

Main article:

Sugar Loaf Mountain (Monto do Pão de Açúcar)

Another mountain that is worth climbing for a beautiful view is called “Sugar Loaf”. There is a cable car leading to it, but the bravest and most resilient can climb to the observation deck on foot. There are several restaurants here where you can watch the sunset over a glass of wine, and in November the Carioca Nights music festival is held at the summit. In addition, right here you can hire a helicopter for a sightseeing tour. The flight over the city lasts from 10 minutes to an hour, and the price directly depends on this.

Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro (Jardim Botânico)

One of most beautiful places in Rio - Botanical Garden. It is divided into several thematic zones. Thus, vacationers can stroll along the alley of orchids, admire the Amazonian landscapes, and see an amazing collection of cacti and succulents. All this is complemented by fountains and sculptures that harmoniously fit into the landscape. The inhabitants of the garden - tropical birds, monkeys and other representatives of the fauna of Brazil - are accustomed to visitors and often come quite close. Entrance to the park is paid for everyone over 7 years old. The ticket price is about 9 Brazilian reais or 2.5 USD.

Carmen Miranda Museum

Carmen Miranda is one of the most famous actresses and singers in Brazil who managed to conquer Hollywood. She was bright and memorable - this woman shocked, bewitched, enchanted. After the death of Carmen Miranda, more than half a million fans came to the funeral. In Rio de Janeiro, a museum is dedicated to the diva, where admirers of her work can see unique jewelry and headdresses of the “Brazilian Bombshell,” including a hat with fruit, which brought her fame.

Selaron Staircase (Escadaria Selaron)

An amazing creation of modern art - a colorful staircase decorated with mosaic tiles - runs through two blocks. It starts on the street. Joaquim Silva and ends at st. Manuel Carneiro, thus connecting the areas of Lapa and Santa Teresa. This architectural miracle has become one of the symbols of the city, so its photo can be seen on many souvenirs. Tiles for the stairs were brought from all over the world, including from Russia.

Maracanã Stadium (Estadio Jornalista Mario Filho)

It's no secret that Brazil lives by football. It is rivaled only by the carnival in the love of the locals. To be in Rio and not visit one of the largest stadiums in the world is a real crime. The building of a unique design can accommodate more than 200 thousand spectators. It was here that the legendary Pele set records, Pope John Paul II preached, Madonna, Tina Turner, Sting and many other legends of the music world performed.

Cathedral of Saint Sebastian (Metropolitana de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro)

If tourists claim that the church building cannot surprise them, then they have never been to Rio. The Cathedral of St. Sebastian reminds some vacationers of the Mayan pyramids, and others - a chimney of a thermal power plant. There is very little of canonical religious buildings in its architecture. The inside of the cathedral is as unusual as the outside: vertical windows decorated with stained glass windows rise from four walls to the dome itself. They depict abstract paintings symbolizing the church: one, holy, Catholic, apostolic. Under the ceiling they converge into a cross - a huge transparent window at a height of 64 meters.

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Golden beaches of Rio

The beaches of Rio de Janeiro have an atmosphere of lightness and fun, so you get the feeling that everyone has known each other for a long time. There are three favorite tourist destinations: the elite and privileged Leblon, the calm, measured Ipanema and the noisy Copacabana.

Leblon Beach

This is the most prestigious beach in the city, located in the area of ​​the same name. It is considered the safest, and is chosen by wealthy tourists and the rich local residents. The coastline is only 1.3 km long, but a huge number of elite restaurants are concentrated here.

You can get to Leblon Beach by car or bus. The Avenida Delfim Moreira stop is located along routes nos. 175, 177, 382, ​​387, 557, 1133, 1134 and 1135.

Leblon Beach

Ipanema Beach

The second most prestigious and popular beach in Rio is also considered one of the most optimal places for family vacation. Due to the peculiarities of the terrain, large waves are rare here.

This beach is definitely worth a visit on Sunday, when part of Ipanema becomes a pedestrian zone. This is used not only by vacationers who can ride rollerblades or bicycles along the road, but also by street performers. Those who will go to the beach by bus should choose routes No. 382, ​​1133, 1134, 1135, 2016, 2018, 2113, 2113, stop - Avenida Vieira Souto.

Copacabana Beach

This beach can be called business card cities. An eternal holiday reigns here, and the audience gathers the most diverse. Because of big waves it is more suitable for surfing than swimming, however foreign tourists it doesn't stop. There are also volleyball nets throughout the beach, and along the alley there are numerous kiosks offering drinks, food and souvenirs. Young people who love to party come to Copacabana, and it is simply impossible not to succumb to the positive atmosphere here. Buses No. 175, 382, ​​1133, 1134, 1135, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2113, 2113, 2113, S020 run to the beach, stop - Avenida Atlantica.

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

Probably the most long-awaited event for all locals and tourists who come to rest in Rio de Janeiro is the Brazilian Carnival. This is real National holiday, whose roots go back to the distant past. The custom of going out into the squares in costumes and dancing to the accompaniment of street musicians has so harmoniously integrated into the lives of the townspeople that it has become one of the symbols of the country.

The opening of the holiday falls on the last Saturday before Easter, and it lasts four days. In 2016, the Carnival will take place from February 5 to 8, and the Champions Parade will take place on February 13. For this short time, power over the city passes to the King of the Carnival, who is chosen by voting according to the principle “the fatter, the more worthy.” His responsibilities, in addition to passing laws and signing documents, also include attending all city events: balls, competitions.

The central event of the carnival is the parade of samba schools at the Sambodrome. Each group of participants appears before the audience in truly fabulous costumes. Sequins, feathers, precious stones, massive headdresses - all this makes the dancers look like heroes of oriental fairy tales. The performance platforms are decorated with the same pomp - the best technicians and designers of the city work on their development and decoration. The winners will parade on the closing day of the carnival.

Brazilian Carnival in Rio de Janeiro!

To see the competitions of samba schools, tickets must be purchased in advance. The best option would be to order via the Internet, for example, on the sites: http://www.carnavalticketrio.com, http://www.camarotecarnaval.com, http://www.rio-carnival.net and others. The price per seat varies from $50 to $1,500 and depends on the view, the availability of nearby infrastructure and the level of security. There is also the possibility of free admission to the carnival in the so-called “sector zero”, located on Avenida Presidente Vargas.

The most courageous can buy a place in the procession itself. To do this, it is enough to purchase a costume from one of the schools and take several samba lessons from a master. Although, as they say, the latter is even unnecessary: ​​the body itself begins to move to the fiery rhythms.

Brazilian New Year

Celebrating the New Year in Rio de Janeiro is a guaranteed unforgettable and incomparable experience. According to tradition, on this night, local residents, dressed all in white, make sacrifices to the sea goddess Imanja. However, do not worry - flowers are brought as a gift. To ask a higher power for help, you need to lower a boat with a lit candle into the water.

All this action, which starts at six in the evening and lasts until the next morning, takes place on Copacabana Beach. Of course, it wouldn’t be complete without a festively decorated Christmas tree. Only here it is installed not on the main square, but on a specially equipped platform in the middle of the lake. After all the wishes have been made, the countdown of the last seconds to midnight begins, and at exactly 00:00 the sky lights up with fireworks. The light show lasts up to 20 minutes and smoothly flows into a carnival and disco.

What to buy as a souvenir

Almost everyone associates Brazil with coffee, and this is what people often buy as gifts. Unusual varieties are easy to find in specialized stores, and the price per kilogram will pleasantly surprise you. Those who decide to visit other cities besides Rio can stop by private farms along the way. Most often, tourists purchase brands Pilão, Mielita or Santa Clara.

Adult connoisseurs of alcohol will definitely enjoy cachaça, a traditional strong drink made from sugar cane. It is drunk both neat and in cocktails. The most famous of them is “Caipirinha” - with the addition of lime. When buying cachaça, it is important to remember that you can only export a liter of alcohol per person.

Another gift option is a carnival costume or part of it. Most often they buy masks decorated with feathers and rhinestones.

Accommodation in Rio

In Rio de Janeiro, tourists are offered a large selection of accommodation in different price categories. Most vacationers prefer to stay in the Copacabana area because it is convenient transport connection. The Orla Copacabana Hotel received the most positive reviews among mid-level hotels. Its windows offer beautiful views of Ipanema and Copacabana, and its well-trained staff will offer quality service. The average price for a room with two beds is 180 USD per night.

Slightly higher prices in Hotels Astoria Palace and Rio Othon Palace.

Those who are not used to saving on comfort and are willing to pay for a room from 600 to 1500 USD can stay at Copacabana Palace Hotel. This hotel has hosted show business stars and royalty, so truly royal service is guaranteed.

Tourists with children can also rent an apartment or house. This will not only be convenient, but also economical, since even at the height of the holidays, when prices rise several times, the rental cost will not exceed 100 USD. You can select and book apartments on our website.

Hotel deals

How to get to Rio de Janeiro

Given the long distance, the most convenient way to travel from Russia to Brazil is by plane. However, in this case too direct message no, you will have to change planes - in Amsterdam or Paris.

Major airlines, including Emirates, Lufthansa, AlItalia, Air France, offer flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Ticket prices start from 70,000 rubles, however, if you follow promotions, you can save a lot. After quite long flight(from 16 to 30 hours) the plane arrives at Galeão International Airport. The easiest way to get to the city from here is by taxi or bus (No. 2018). You can also rent a car, but after such a long journey it is better to rest and use the services of a driver.

To visit Brazil, tourists from Russia do not need a visa, but the maximum period of stay in the country should not exceed 90 days. Those who expect to walk around Paris or Amsterdam during a transfer will be disappointed: firstly, the airports are located outside the city, and secondly, a visa is required to exit the transit zone.

Move your hips more. Hi all! “Heads and Tails” is with you. Megacities! - And we flew to the mega-colorful and mega-sunny metropolis of Rio de Janeiro., which is happening right now. Eagle! - Tails! - Ahaha! The hat got in your way! Anton, don't be upset. I know you dreamed and all... but dreams don't always come true. fit between the mountains. Nowhere! - Hashtag Antosha is a child of the favelas.? So, listen carefully, now the captain of the military police, Polishado Arishtantes himself, will tell you the rules of behavior during the carnival! partying in the sweaty crowds, the rich relaxing in their exclusive areas - in private villas and boutique hotels. I land on the roof of my hotel. By helicopter! The bath is black.! After walking around Copacabana you realize that this is not a beach. This is a beauty pageant podium! You can find yourself a hostel, which is what I’ll do now. Here they applaud when the plane lands, but here when the sun goes down. Guys, just look at how delicious the participants from Brazil are here! Brazil - pirarucu. Okay, it's time. Now girls, move closer to the screen and see what guys are here! in Rio. There are a huge number of people in suits, they sit here for hours and wait on the asphalt, ready to go out and walk around the stadium once and remember this moment forever. And here’s another interesting observation: Brazilians don’t know what complexes are! sambas! For example, this one is dedicated to everyone’s favorite fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast”, this one is dedicated to the famous For them, imperfect shapes are not a reason not to wear a bikini! “Minas and Rio”, thanks to which the coffee industry began to grow in Brazil. - It’s like a fly took off! At the same time, they have more than enough fans!!

- Bye! Anton, do you know what else? I flew in a helicopter!
- Stop, stop. Can we walk slowly through the Sambadrome?
-Come on. This is cool, come on!

- So that I also feel like a participant.- Hello! Hello people! I'm here! - Listen, what about your helicopters?

- Selfie!

- Enough vanity! Your helicopters, yachts, luxury hotels, cars - it’s all alien to me.

Oh, Rio Rio, the roar of the tide, the sound of the surf, the southern sweep.

Oh, Rio Rio, how much impulse, how much heat in the black eyes.

Ostap Bender “God created the world in six days, and on the seventh day he created Rio de Janeiro.”- this is what Brazilians like to say about their amazingly beautiful city. Luxurious, ultra-modern buildings here easily coexist next to the poverty of the favelas, luxury hotels and many kilometers of beaches make you forget about everything in the world, and the amazing temperament of the Brazilians will not leave anyone indifferent... Noisy, contrasting and endlessly sunny, Rio deservedly bears the nickname “Amazing City”. Rio de Janeiro is nestled along the shores of one of the most beautiful bays on Earth, framed by the picturesque heights of granite cliffs and verdant hills. The embankments and streets of the city are literally buried in the lush greenery of exotic plants. Millions of tourists from all over the world come here to enjoy the stunningly beautiful landscapes and feel the energy of this great city. January River The city owes its poetic name to the mistake of Portuguese navigators who discovered Guanabara Bay on January 1, 1502. The travelers mistook the bay for the mouth of the river, and named it Rio de Janeiro, which means “January River” in Portuguese. On March 1, 1565, a military fort called San Sebastian de Rio de Janeiro was founded on this site. Since 1763, the city became the capital of Brazil, and spent almost two centuries in this status. Today, Rio de Janeiro is one of the most important industrial, financial and cultural centers of the country. The city is home to more than 6 million people, making it the second most populous city in Brazil after Sao Paulo. Mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, chemical, oil, pharmaceutical, woodworking industries are widely developed here; there are even diamond cutting factories in the city.

Rio de Janeiro is a major transport hub of the country, cultural capital Brazil. For example, the National Library stores more than two million books, among which there are rare examples of ancient manuscripts and manuscripts. The city has many theaters and museums, conservatories and theater schools that train musical and acting personnel.

Of course, the residents of Rio de Janeiro cannot imagine their life without sports - football, as they themselves say, is the second Brazilian religion. Rio is home to one of the largest football stadiums in the world, the Maracana, built specifically for the 1960 World Cup. In addition to football, volleyball, tennis, surfing, and sailing are very popular among Brazilians. In 2016, Rio de Janeiro will become the first city in history South America, hosting the Summer Olympic Games.

What to see

There is an interesting saying: “To see everything in Rio de Janeiro, you need to stay here forever”. The symbol of Rio de Janeiro, without a doubt, is the famous one, installed on the top of Mount Corcovado. The 38-meter-tall sculpture is one of the most popular monuments in the world and offers breathtaking views of the city from the base of the statue.

It is impossible to imagine the landscape of Guanabara Bay without the famous Sugarloaf Mountain - this is another popular attraction of Rio de Janeiro. You can get to the top of the mountain using cable car, what in itself is already an interesting adventure?

Among the attractions of Rio de Janeiro, beaches occupy a special place. Ipanema, Copacabana, Leblon - many people associate these words with an ideal holiday by the sea. Several kilometers of sandy shore dotted with numerous bars and cafes, dazzling sun and boundless blue sea - such a cocktail can easily make time stand still!

Don't forget that Rio de Janeiro is the heart of football in Brazil. Fans of this sport simply must take a look at the legendary Maracanã stadium - the largest football stadium world, the capacity of which can reach 200 thousand people.