Everest coordinates latitude and longitude. All about Mount Everest

I'm not a climber, but I like to wander in the mountains. At one time, the idea of ​​​​going to Everest did not leave me, because this is not a problem, if only there was money. While I can not afford this pleasure, but I hope my dream will come true.

Everest: other names and coordinates

Let's start with where the name "Everest" came from. The mountain got its name in honor of the Englishman George Everest, India's chief surveyor from 1832 to 1843. Surprisingly, George himself was categorically against this, because he did not see his name worthy of decorating the highest peak in the world. There are other names:

  • Peak XV - so it was called by English geographers, before the name "Everest" was given.
  • Sagarmatha is a name, translated from Nepalese, means "Divine mother".
  • Shengmufeng is a name known among the Chinese.
  • Chomolungma - the second name in Nepali - "Divine".
  • Chomo-Kankar - "Goddess of white snow" - a name known in Tibet before the arrival of Europeans.

However, no matter how you name the mountain, its coordinates will remain unchanged: 27°59′17″ (N), 86°55′31″ (E). It belongs to the Main Himalayan Range, which runs between Nepal and China.

Everest - tourist mecca

Anyone can test themselves for strength, however, this pleasure is very expensive. To begin with, you still have to get to the foot, because the mountain is located in a remote area. Legally, the peak belongs to China, but it shares the income with Nepal, and it is not small, since the climbing permit alone will cost $20,000! But you still need to buy equipment, a tent, provisions, and most importantly, find an intelligent guide. In general, according to the most conservative estimates, such an undertaking will cost at least $ 75,000! Patience will also be required - the preparation process, acclimatization and breathing exercises will take at least 3 months.

You need to prepare seriously, because the mountain is famous for its unpredictable weather, avalanches and stones flying from the top. The one who nevertheless reaches the top will be met there by knocking down winds, rarefied air and frost at -70 ° C.

1. Everest, Sagarmatha, Chomolungma - this is what the inhabitants of the Earth call differently highest mountain on our planet, rising among the eternal snows of the Himalayas to a height of 8848 meters. Located on the border of Nepal and Tibet, the peak invariably attracts thousands of mountain lovers, climbers and ordinary travelers, probably every person at least once in his life has heard this majestic name of the mountain. (14 photos)

Photo of the Himalayas and Mount Everest, the highest point on the planet.

4. Here we are at the foot of the majestic and proud Mount Everest, and we will begin our long-awaited ascent. It must be admitted that the desire to visit and look at the local surroundings from the height of the mountain is quite a big incentive. Of course, at all times, the mountain system of the Himalayas has always been famous for its beauty, but the “top of the world” deserves special attention - Mount Everest. Isn't it breathtaking. Climbing to such a height accompanies a number of difficulties, firstly, the ascent is complicated by a lack of oxygen, and therefore you have to carry equipped equipment with you, and secondly, the mountains are very steep and covered with ice.

5. For the night we stopped here in this small house, although it is not big, it is very warm and cozy. This trailer a good place for an overnight stay and a place to recuperate, first of all you need to eat heartily, otherwise we will not have enough strength. Tomorrow we will continue climbing.

8. The sun sets and gives the mountains an unusual shade, it is worth seeing. Rocks of different structure refracting light are sometimes reflected in an unusual color: orange, purple, pink. At the heart of this phenomenon lies the foundation of which the rocks are composed. For example, a grant mountain is reflected in a gray-pink color.

9. To our disappointment, the wind rises in the mountains, it is useless to put up tents here, they will simply be blown away. And we are forced to go down. At the top of Mount Everest, the wind is simply crushing, the wind force can reach 200 km / h. And the air temperature can reach -60-60 °C.

10. These stones, turned by the wind for centuries, are very popular with most tourists, climbers, and just ordinary people. But do not underestimate the mountains that are so alluring. It is worth considering that in order to climb Everest it is worth having certain climbing skills and experience, moreover, you need to go on such a trip only in the presence of an experienced guide. Unfortunately, carelessness and overestimation of one's strength played a cruel joke with many "dared ones". Everest for its existence can state the loss and death of entire expeditions.

11. We have already passed more than half of the entire journey, it is already almost impossible to do without oxygen, which we have on our shoulders. The heart beats slowly and thinking becomes dull. But what a beauty. By the way, the first conquest of Everest took place on May 29, 1953, by two climbers: Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. Moreover, the conquest of the impregnable mountains of Everest began in the 20s. For 30 years, various expeditions, there were about 50 of them, tried to climb to the top of Everest.

12. Simply amazing view, it's something unimaginable.

13. There are only a few meters left to the highest point of the Earth, and the top of Everest, a little more. Geographical coordinates Mount Everest - 27°59′17″ N 86°55′31″ E

14. And here it is, that beautiful view for the sake of which we went here so much, it’s really amazingly beautiful. There is no one above us, even the clouds settle under our feet. I hope you enjoyed it, all the best and enjoy your travel experiences.

The path of the longest mountain belt of the Universe has been beaten through the whole of Eurasia. It, starting from the foot of the French Alps, extends all the way to the expanses of South Vietnam. The Himalayas are recognized as the highest ridge of the gigantic mountain range.

The majestic mountain looks like a grandiose petrified wave that has ascended into the sky. The crest of a wave frozen in stone is crowned by the Great Himalayas. In the main Himalayan range, stretching along the border of Tibet and Nepal, 11 peaks are connected. Each mountain range here has a height exceeding 8,000 meters.

Historical names of the highest mountain range

Here, in the "abode of eternal snows", on the lands of China, Mount Chomolungma is spread - the highest of the Himalayan "eight-thousanders" ridge. The giant mountain, which has soared into the sky to an incredible height, has two more names. Inhabitants of Nepal They called her Sagarmatha - "Lord of the sky."

The Tibetans call the peak Chomolungma (in translation - "Goddess of the Earth"). For Europeans, it is the peak of Everest. They named the mountain that way when India was going through an era of colonization, being under the yoke of Great Britain, and the topographic service of the enslaved state was headed by Major D. Everest, who studied the colossal mountain system.

top of the world

The Himalayan massif is considered a unique place. In this marvelous corner are the sources of the Indus and the Ganges. Mount Chomolungma with its high status became known to the Chinese much earlier than to people from the New World. Tibetan monks at the northern foot of the "top of the sky" the Ronkbuk monastery was founded, which is still operating today.

A majestic spectacle opens before a person entering the inner monastery courtyard - impressive mountain ranges of stunning beauty. The splendor of the grandiose peak is felt from the mountain passes adjacent to it and located for many kilometers from it.

Everest formation

The Himalayan range, according to geologists, was formed in the era of the split of the ancient mainland Gondwana. The mainland broke into plates. The Indian plate, moving in a northerly direction, came across the Eurasian fragment. In the zone of plate docking, the earth's crust was compressed and a huge fold was formed, which was called the Himalayas.

Himalayan mountain system formed three grandiose steps stretching from north to south. The “pre-Himalayas”, which form the southern step, have a lower height. The mountain ranges here are about 1000 m high.

The middle step is represented by massifs rising to 3500 m. In the northern part, the height of the mountain peaks ranges from 6000-8000 m. The width of the mountain ranges reaches 80-90 km.

The growth of the Himalayan range has not stopped so far. Scientists assure that the height of the Himalayas increases annually by 3-10 mm. There are 75 peaks in the mountain range, exceeding a height of 7,000 meters. The Nepalese Himalayas are recognized as the highest.

And Mount Chomolungma ascended above all the ridges. Where is its top? It rises above the boundless Chinese expanses. The highest peak of Everest is surrounded by other giant peaks that form a real "roof of the world" that holds the skies above the earth.

Everest Height

The mountain peak, proudly rising up from the eternal Himalayan snows, attracts tourists with its grandeur and bewitching beauty. Many climbers dream of conquering the steep slopes of a grandiose mountain range with the shape of a trihedral pyramid. Overcoming for them difficult mountain paths with a length of 8848 meters (such is the height of Mount Chomolungma) is a great honor!

The exact height of the peak was established by English topographers in 1852. Since then, many attempts have been made that would have refuted the primacy of Everest. However, they were debunked over and over again, because they all turned out to be insolvent.

While the bulk of the high peaks that make up the mountain complexes of the world were conquered by climbers, climbers did not know how to approach the “seven-thousanders” and “eight-thousanders” that formed Mount Chomolungma, Everest, if you like.

Climate on Chomolungma

The steepness of the southern slope is much greater than that of the other two. The snow does not linger on it, so a naked woman appears before the eyes of travelers. rock. The rest of the slopes are covered by glaciers stretching up to 5,000 meters.

Specifying the coordinates of Mount Chomolungma, tourists understand that the climate on the "top of the world" is far from comfortable. When bad weather breaks out on a mountain range, it is very dangerous to stay in its open spaces. The thermometer freezes here at -60 0 C, and the wind whistles at a speed of 200 km/h.

Climbing Chomolungma

The magnetic attraction of the highest point on Earth is incredible. Climbers year after year go to the East, to where Mount Chomolungma is located, where the tip of its giant peak, piercing the clouds, is located. The temptation to conquer this peak is great, but only a few reach it.

The philosophy of Everest is harsh. The path to its peak is reserved for those who are fussy and hasty, unprincipled and careless. It often turns into a tragedy for them. The first climbers, who started climbing at the dawn of the 20th century, suffered a fiasco due to poor equipment. For the first time, Mount Chomolungma was conquered by people in 1953.

Climbers constantly compete in difficulty climbing Everest. Some try to climb the icy slopes in the middle of winter. Others, intending to climb to the top, refuse to grab oxygen. Emancipated women, united in a group, try to overcome the difficult path without men.

However, only remoteness to surprise everyone Reinhold Messner. The recalcitrant Mount Chomolungma granted him a great favor - to set several records at the same time! He, climbing alone along the northern slope without oxygen, overcame the ascent to the top in 3 days. In 1992, 32 climbers climbed the peak as part of the Russian Lada-Everest team.

Rise of the end times

The success of the expedition depends not so much on the quality of the equipment, but on the climate, which determines the latitude and longitude of Mount Chomolungma (27°59′17″ N, 86°55′31″ E), as well as its height. In addition, climbers have to overcome mountain sickness, occurring at high air pressure.

About 500 travelers go to conquer the peak every year. The governments of the Celestial Empire and Nepal are not averse to making money on granting the right to climb the slopes of a harsh peak. Now almost all ascents are carried out on a commercial basis. Tourists agree in specialized firms on the organization of the ascent to the peak of Everest.

Professional guides accompany travelers to the very top. The service costs climbers $ 65,000. This amount includes training, providing the required equipment and ensuring safety (to the extent possible) on a laborious mountain route. It takes about 2 months to acclimatize and climb.

January 21, 2016

Mount Everest is a real treasure of Nepal, this small country, which is considered the birthplace of the Buddha.

Name variations and location

Nepal would never have acquired the status of a kind of tourist "Mecca", if not for Everest. This is an amazing peak, shrouded in legends. The name of the mountain was in honor of George Everest, an Englishman and head of the geodetic service. Translated from the language of Tibet, the second name of this mountain is Chomolungma. It sounds like "Divine". The Nepalese call the mountain Sagarmatha - "mother of the earthly gods." Before the Europeans arrived here, the peak was also called Chomo-Kankar - “the queen of white snows”. Looking at the map of southern Asia, you will find a narrow strip of the Himalayas in the north of the Hindustan peninsula and determine the coordinates of Mount Chomolungma. To the north is the Tibetan Plateau. Everest is 8848 meters high. The geographical coordinates of Mount Chomolungma are 27°59′17″ north latitude and 86°55′31″ east longitude. It is part of the Main Himalayan Range. highest point The planet is located almost on the border of China and Nepal.

Expensive pleasure

Climbing to the top of the world is a rather difficult and expensive business. "Divine" is located in a remote area and is not easy to get to, as evidenced by the geographical coordinates of Mount Chomolungma. And this is due not only to the price of the flight and long distances. Despite the fact that Mount Chomolungma on the map belongs to Chinese territory, it brings income to both China and Nepal. After all, the mere registration of a climbing permit brings up to 10 thousand dollars from each climber to the state treasury. In addition, you need expensive climbing equipment. These are tents, ice axes, ropes, special clothes, sleeping bags, an oxygen apparatus. Orientation is of great importance, before they used a map, compass and geographical coordinates of Mount Chomolungma. Now navigators allow you not to get lost. You also need to store food, oxygen and gas cylinders. In addition, you need to pay for the services of Sherpa porters, instructors and guides. The total amount spent on the rise can exceed 65 thousand dollars. You will also have to be patient. The whole ascent process, together with the obligatory monthly acclimatization to rarefied air, training and arrangement of intermediate camps, lasts about two months.

area of ​​death

In the snows of Everest, on the way to the top lies about two hundred dead climbers. From some of them, the wind blows snow away, and such “marks” unobtrusively remind tourists that the mountain is not to be trifled with.

Chomolungma has many dangers - snow avalanches, rock and ice screes, severe frosts. In winter, at the top of the mountain, the thermometer readings can drop below the 60-degree mark. Wind knocking down.
But the worst enemy of the climber is the lack of oxygen. Heights above eight kilometers are not in vain called the domain of death. Since here the oxygen content drops to 0.3 of the norm and below. Under such conditions, the body experiences tremendous exhaustion. The heart in such conditions can simply stop.
It is extremely difficult for climbers to move in the “death area”. Therefore, oxygen cylinders are mandatory elements of such expeditions. But many ascents have been made without the use of breathing apparatus.

Humanity test

"Mother of earthly gods" attracts climbers with its impregnability. Climbers who come here have been preparing for climbing this mountain for many years. They buy equipment and do physical training. If a person is not rich, he understands that he has only one chance to overcome this height. There will be no other attempt. Under these conditions, travelers find themselves in circumstances where the call of heights conflicts with humanity. For example, there is still a hundred meters to the top, the climber has almost no strength left, and a freezing person lies on the path. He urgently needs help. And the tourist understands that if you help this person, then he himself will no longer be able to be on the long-awaited peak. Help or step over a lying person? Unfortunately, many choose the latter. There is a story with a group of Japanese who met three people who were freezing. And they continued their ascent, thus leaving the unfortunate in trouble.

History of conquest

After it turned out in the middle of the 19th century that Everest is highest mountain planet, many wanted to climb it. The geographical coordinates of Mount Chomolungma have become of interest to many adventurers. The situation with the conquest of this impregnable height was complicated by the fact that for many years the approach to it was limited by the governments of Tibet and Nepal. Mount Chomolungma is located just on their border. But under the influence of the world community highest peak was opened for climbing expeditions. But the huge height, cold, lack of oxygen and hurricane-force winds kept this shining peak intact for a long time. Attempts to achieve it failed time after time. But at the end of May 1953, two travelers were the first to manage to climb to a height of 8848 m. They were members of the British expedition Tenzing and Lambert. After this historic ascent, climbers set many records related to Chomolungma. Here and climb to the top without an oxygen mask, and the study of new routes, and downhill skiing and snowboarding, and even climbing climbers with disabilities. One of them ascended on prostheses, the other, being completely blind.

Mount Everest has attracted people from all over the world since ancient times. Climbing it is fraught with many dangers and difficulties. However, neither the high cost of climbing, nor the huge load, nor even the fear of death stop numerous climbers climbing this majestic mountain.