Detailed map of Grenoble - streets, house numbers, districts. Detailed map of Grenoble - streets, house numbers, districts of Grenoble on the map of France

Here is a map of Grenoble with streets → Rhône, France. We study detailed map Grenoble with houses and streets. Search in real time, weather today, coordinates

More details about the streets of Grenoble on the map

A detailed map of the city of Grenoble with street names can show all the routes and roads where the street is located. Rue Montorge. Located near.

To view the entire area in detail, just change the scale online schemes+/-. On the page there is an interactive map of the city of Grenoble (France) with addresses and routes of the neighborhood. Move its center to find Rue Condillac now.

The ability to plot a route across the country and calculate the distance using the “Ruler” tool, find out the length of the city and the path to its center, addresses of attractions, transport stops and hospitals (the “Hybrid” scheme type), look at train stations and borders.

You will find everything you need detailed information o location of urban infrastructure - stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and highways.

An accurate satellite map of Grenoble in Russian with Google search is in its own section, panoramas as well. Use Yandex search to show the desired house on a city map of France/the world, in real time.

Here is a detailed map of Grenoble showing street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the “+” and “-” icons located on the map on the right. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

In what country is the city of Grenoble located?

Grenoble is located in France. This is wonderful beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Grenoble coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

Interactive map Grenoble with landmarks and other tourist sites - an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the "Map" mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see a city plan as well as a detailed map highways with route numbers. You can also see the city's railway stations and airports marked on the map. Nearby you see the “Satellite” button. By turning on satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you will be able to study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the “little man” from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual walk around Grenoble. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out of the image.

France is a country that has always attracted a huge number of tourists and travelers from all over the world. Grenoble (France) is one of the cities that tourists love to visit. With many attractions and good developed infrastructure, he is popular French city for visiting. It is also a scientific and technological center not only of France, but of the whole of Europe.

Cities of France

France boasts many cities of interest for tourism. Some of them attract with descriptions of attractions, some - beach holiday. The first group includes cities such as Paris, Marseille, Le Havre, Rouen and many others. This ancient cities with a huge number of architectural and historical monuments.

Tourists and travelers come here regardless of the time of year, because you can admire the sights in any weather. The second type of cities includes resort towns such as Nice, Cannes, and Menton. People usually come here during the summer months to laze on the beach, sunbathe and relax peacefully. There are also cities in the country that combine industrial and scientific centers and cultural and historical places and attractions.

City Science Center

One of these is Grenoble. There are several industrial plants, research centers and universities, historical buildings, museums and monuments here. Tourists love it very much, so Grenoble can be classified as a popular tourist destination.

City information

A settlement on this site appeared in the 3rd century. It was founded by the Celtic people, and was called Cularo. During the Roman Empire it was called Grazionopolis. Later, the land was sold to France and Grenoble, due to its convenient position, became the main protective bridgehead against the invasions of invaders. During World War II, fierce battles took place here, and Grenoble received such orders as the Military Cross and the Order of Liberation.

Weather and climate

Grenoble has a temperate continental climate. It has a little Mediterranean influence from the south. Summers are hot and dry, with high temperatures reaching 35° C. Winters are cold, due to the influence of the Alps, temperatures reaching -10° C.

Average monthly temperature and precipitation:

  • January - 2.4° C, 84.6 mm - precipitation;
  • February - 4.6° C, 79 mm;
  • March - 8.1° C, 78 mm;
  • April - 11.1° C, 80.9 mm;
  • May - 15.7° C, 82.7 mm;
  • June - 18.8° C, 86.6 mm;
  • July - 21.1° C, 72.2 mm;
  • August - 21.3° C, 79 mm;
  • September - 17.7° C, 99.1 mm;
  • October - 12.5° C, 94.5 mm;
  • November - 6.2° C, 92.1 mm;
  • December - 3.6° C, 82.4 mm.

Note! The best time The best time to visit the city is from mid-April to the end of September. This is the least rainy and warmest time of the year.

The city of Grenoble in France and its attractions

How to get there and location on the map

Grenoble is located in the mountainous region of the Alps, at the intersection of three valleys in southeastern France. Located at an altitude of 215 meters above sea level. The Iser River flows through the village.

Getting to Grenoble is not difficult. The city has its own international Airport, which is called Alp-Iser. It is located 40 kilometers from Grenoble and serves the entire region. There are several ways to get from the airport to the center:

  • bus. The most common type of transport in the region. Comfortable and convenient buses will deliver tourists and travelers to the bus station in the city center in one hour. It is also most convenient to travel around Grenoble using this type of transport;
  • Taxi. The fastest and convenient way get there. To do this, you can use the services of special taxi stands at the airport;
  • transfer. Most tourists traveling around France on a package tour use a transfer. It’s convenient, the driver will meet those arriving in the hall and take them to the right place;
  • car rent. At the airport and many places settlement There are offices of companies providing car rentals. The most convenient way to get there allows you to stop at any time or visit the desired place without any problems.

Grenoble on the map of France


Among the main ones we can highlight the following historical monuments and attractions:

  • Bastille. It is a fortification structure, in its modern form, built in the 19th century on the top of the mountain. Built on site over old fortress Duke de Lediguiere. The initial construction dates back to the 16th century. Construction took place during the period of religious wars, the Duke was a representative of the Huguenots. The fortress was completed several times, and new defensive buildings and structures were erected. Until 1940, the fortress remained a structure for military purposes. On this moment there is a museum of modern art, many cafes and restaurants here. It is recommended to visit the military museum and observation deck, which has great view to the city. Here you can do beautiful pictures and admire the mountains. There is a funicular to the fortress;
  • Archaeological Museum in the Church of Saint Laurent. A popular attraction visited by many tourists and travelers. The church itself was built in the 12th century, and now there is an archeology museum inside it. All exhibits were found in the region and have long story. Walking along the wooden floors you can see the objects. The most famous of them is the underground chapel of Saint-Oyand, whose age has already exceeded ten centuries. The museum is included in the list of unique objects in France and is protected by the state. The Archaeological Museum is open daily from 9 am to 6 pm;
  • Parliament. The Grenoble Parliament building has a rich history that dates back to the 16th century. Is located central square and was previously a building for parliamentary meetings, then turned into a palace of justice, which housed all kinds of courts;

Grenoble hosts many holidays and festivals that will be interesting for tourists to visit. In March, a jazz festival is held annually, which attracts lovers of this type of music from all over the country. It also hosts the popular French Contemporary Film Festival in early July. During Palm Sunday, Grenoble hosts a street art festival, which attracts artists from all over the world.

Important! Admission to all festivals and holidays is absolutely free.

Bastille fortress in Grenoble

Among the interesting facts about Grenoble are the following:

  • The world's highest flux nuclear reactor is located here at the Nuclear Energy Commission. It is also home to the most powerful source of synchrotron radiation. Nearby you can find a branch of the European Laboratory of Molecular Biology;
  • The X Winter Games took place in Grenoble Olympic Games in 1968;
  • such famous French figures as the popular writer Stendhal, the commander Pierre de Bayard and the mathematician Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier were born here;
  • Grenoble has about 30 ski slopes and attracts skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts.

Grenoble is not only attractive tourist center, but also one of the main industrial and scientific points of France. Thanks to its beautiful location against the backdrop of the Alps, and many attractions, it attracts tourists and travelers from all over the world.