How to organize an independent trip to Georgia and how much it can cost. What to see if this is your first time in Georgia? Route for a beginner It’s better to go to Georgia

Georgia is a country where your day begins with a smile and ends with a glass of wine. One visit to Georgia is enough to leave your heart here forever. He will be captivated by the stunning mountain panoramas of Kazbegi, the sea waves of Adjara, the view of Tbilisi from the Narikala fortress, hot khinkali with a glass of “Khvanchkara” and, of course, friendliness local residents. This will be confirmed by each of the 6 million tourists who annually visit the birthplace of winemaking. Why is it worth going to Georgia? And what should you know before your first trip? All answers are in the material Traveling. by , prepared jointly with specialists from the tour operator Mouzenidis Travel.

The stunning beauty of the mountains, the cleanliness and warmth of the Black Sea, aromatic cuisine and even wine traditions cannot overshadow one thing in Georgia - the boundless hospitality and responsiveness of the local residents. Here, anyone you ask about the right road to a church or fortress will personally take you and tell you everything he knows about it. And every driver in Georgia is a guide following the call of his heart; he will tell you from the bottom of his heart everything he knows about every house, street, temple on your route.

Georgians are a people with wide open hearts. Before you know it, you’re already being treated to their chacha, taking home-made suluguni and inviting you to your daughter’s wedding next year. And Georgians are like that in everything - they sing bewitchingly, dance fieryly, make the best wine in the world ancient technology, and they prepare it in such a way that you will see the Georgian feast in your dreams long after you return home. In this country, hospitality seems to have been elevated to a cult. If you are lucky enough to attend a family dinner, the hostess will prepare her own best dishes, to show what a skilled cook she is, and the owner will do everything possible to show that he is the head of the family, and you are the most honored guest in their home.


The country, located in the highlands between the Caspian and Black Seas, at the junction of the West and the East, has more than 11 centuries of history. Whoever visited the fertile Georgian lands during this time - Greeks, Turks, Armenians, Arabs, Russians. Georgians not only took the best from these cultures, but also organically integrated this heritage into their carefully preserved traditions.

Georgia has also saved religion - almost 90% of the population today professes Orthodox Christianity, without challenging the right to other religions: the country has mosques, synagogues, Gregorian, Catholic churches. Pilgrims from all over the world flock to Orthodox churches and monasteries.

In addition to the shrines, Georgia prepares tourists walking tours of Tbilisi and gastronomic tours to any of the 12 regions of the country, the wine cellars of Kakheti, the mountain slopes of Svaneti, Gudauri and Bakuriani, the beaches of Batumi and surrounding resort villages.


There are regular flights between Minsk and Georgian airports - you can get directly to Tbilisi (Belavia planes fly every day) or Batumi (every day in summer, on Wednesdays and Sundays in winter). There are also direct flights from nearby capitals - Moscow and Kyiv.


Belarusians do not need a visa to Georgia, just like citizens of 93 other countries. To visit Georgia without a visa, you must have a passport, which will be valid for another six months after returning from a trip to Georgia. You can stay in the country without a visa for up to 90 days in a six-month period.


One of the most delicious cuisines in the world is Georgian. She absorbed all the best that the gastronomic cultures of other peoples could give her, in different time settled on the territory of Georgia. Many call Georgian cuisine one of the main attractions of the country - and it’s impossible to argue with that.

The cuisine is based on an abundance of herbs and vegetables, harmoniously balanced with meat. Thanks to this, it is almost impossible to gain weight from these dishes. For cooking, Georgian housewives always take only fresh products - nothing frozen or stored for a long time. They add cilantro to almost all of them - it is its taste that will subsequently make you persistently nostalgic for Georgia and a strong desire to return.

Feast in Georgia – business card countries. And if you find yourself at the table in a Georgian’s house, then you are incredibly lucky - you will experience the full power and depth of Georgian generosity. Dishes on the table for dear guests here are placed in several layers: lobio with mchadi corn flatbread, ajapsandali, khachapuri, khinkali, satsivi, kebab, elarji porridge, kebab with tkemali, satsebeli sauces or - for the strong-willed - with Megrelian adjika. A bottle of chacha or wine will add the right notes and mood to any dish. By the way, it’s customary to order wine here in bottles or jugs at once, you’re in Georgia!

There are no restaurants in Georgia where the food is not tasty - the cooking skills of local chefs know no bounds. And if such places appeared, they simply would not withstand the enormous competition with all the abundance of cafes and restaurants that any Georgian city can boast of. You can usually find out about the best of them by chance - through recommendations from locals. For example, about the family restaurant Shavi Lomi (“Black Lion”) on the ground floor of a house with a huge graffiti of a lion at 23 Amagleba Street in Tbilisi. Or about the Berlin-inspired bar Black Dog on Asatiani, 33 – with posters of cult westerns and portraits of the heroes of the film “The Big Lebowski”. About the classic Maspindzelo restaurant near the Sulfur Baths or the Machakhela khachapur chain.

A hearty dinner for two in Georgia will cost 15 USD, a bottle of wine to go with it - from 8 USD to 50 USD, depending on the type. Tips in Georgia are included in the bill and amount to 10-18% of the cost of the check.


The monetary unit of Georgia is the lari (GEL), which is divided into 100 tetri. Other currencies are not accepted for payments. You can exchange money profitably away from tourist areas.

What should you bring from Georgia?

The best Georgian souvenirs for gourmets will be Suluguni cheese, better - Megrelian. To get it, go to a specialized store of the Aristaeus chain. Here, in addition to traditional cheeses, you can buy rare varieties with spices and additives - cheeses aged in beer or wine, with honey and mint, with garlic, with coriander, paprika and others.

And, of course, how can you return from Georgia without a bottle? good wine. One of the most famous is “Khvanchkara,” which Stalin loved for its sweetness and richness of taste. A bottle of real “Khvanchkara” will cost about 70 lari (about 30 USD). To choose your favorite Georgian wine, do not miss the opportunity to try the red wines “Saperavi”, “Tsinandali” and “Mukuzani”, among the whites - “Tvishi”, “Rkatsiteli” and the pink “Aladasturi”. This is only a small part of the wine diversity; in Georgia, wines are also produced from rarer grape varieties, including using the most ancient technology - in clay amphorae “qvevri”.

They bring spices from Georgia (the most popular is Svan salt, a mixture of herbs and salt from the Svaneti region), sauces, preserves and the famous Georgian tea (connoisseurs should check out the “Tea Museum” in Tbilisi at the intersection of Tabidze and Lermontov), ​​and as a more expensive a souvenir worth a look Jewelry from the famous Georgian cloisonne enamel using the minankari technique and clothes from Georgian designers.


Getting around Tbilisi is easy - there is a well-developed network here public transport. You need to purchase a card in the metro for 2 GEL and top it up. The Metromani pass is valid for travel on the metro (50 tetri / 0.17 USD), buses (50 tetri / 0.17 USD), minibuses (80 tetri / 0.27 USD), as well as for climbing cable car to the Narikala fortress and by funicular to Mount Mtatsminda. You must keep the receipt for its purchase and return it at any metro ticket office at the end of your trip.

It is better to order a taxi in Georgia at the hotel. If you stop a taxi on the street, agree on the cost of the trip in advance.


Georgians are family people, they value everything related to family and love children very much. You will feel this immediately upon arrival in the country. You will meet groups of Georgian schoolchildren during every excursion - in castles, the stalactite Cave of Prometheus, in the rock cave city Vardzia and on the Martian-looking slopes of Uplistsikhe. What child did not imagine himself as a knight or a conqueror? It is these excursions that help develop imagination and captivate little travelers.

In Tbilisi, be sure to check out the Botanical Garden or the water park, which is open all year round. A special place is occupied by the Mtatsminda amusement park on the mountain of the same name - climbing it by cable car will become an adventure for a child. And when your Ferris Wheel cabin is at the highest height, remember that you are at the highest possible height above Tbilisi and are observing the entire panorama of the million-plus city.


Georgia is a country not only of wine and gastronomic tours, but also of exciting excursions into the history kept by small mountain towns. The city of love Singagi, the village of Kazbegi with a view of the majestic Kazbek, the restored Rabat fortress, the 6th century complex of David Gareji in the mountains, Kutaisi in Imereti, the ancient Caucasian fortress Ananuri, the Alazani Valley... Little hospitable Georgia is ready to give you everything it has: ski lovers and trekking - the stunning beauty of the mountain, connoisseurs of knowledge - 11 centuries of its history and the most valuable artifacts, pilgrims - oldest monasteries and churches with relics, for gastronomic fans - wine from qvevri and tables full of dishes, for lovers nightlife- the clubs of Batumi and the bars of Tbilisi, for those who yearn for the sea - the entire coastline of beaches, and for those yearning for human warmth - the Georgian soul, open and pure, like Georgia itself.

Choose your saturation level excursion program:

Light: Holiday program “Eureka! Tbilisoba. Gifts of Autumn"

  • Only two days - from October 6 to 7, 2018, the most popular Georgian festival will be held in the capital of Georgia. As part of the program, you will not only spend several unforgettable days in the world capital of winemaking, take part in tastings of wine and Georgian cuisine, but will also receive a boat trip on the Kura River as a gift!
  • Meals: breakfast
  • Cost: $484 for 5 nights

Standard: “All colors of Georgia” 1 / “All colors of Georgia” 2

  • Route: No. 1 Tbilisi – Uplistsikhe – Mtskheta – Gori – Borjomi – Akhaltsikhe – Vardzia – Kakheti – Wine Land
  • Meals: breakfast + 1 lunch
  • Route: No. 2 Mtskheta – Gori – Uplistsikhe – Batumi – Martvili – Okatse – Prometheus Cave – Kutaisi – Sataplia
  • Meals: breakfast
  • Cost: No. 1 – $672 for 5 nights; No. 2 – $730 for 5 nights

In-depth: “Georgian Odyssey”

  • Route: Mtskheta – Gori – Uplistsikhe – Batumi – Martvili – Okatse – Prometheus Cave – Kutaisi – Sataplia – Tbilisi – Borjomi – Akhaltsikhe – Rabat – Kakheti – Wine Region (Bodbe – Sighnaghi – Telavi) – Annanuri – Kazbegi
  • Meals: breakfast + 1 lunch
  • Cost: $1040 for 9 nights

Advanced: Wine and gastronomic tour “Gamarjoba, Georgia!”

  • Route: sightseeing tour in Tbilisi - Mtskheta - Uplikhtsikhe - Chateau Mukhrani - Kakheti - Wine Land - Alaverdi - Tbilisi
  • Meals: breakfasts + 4 lunches with drinks + 4 dinners with drinks, cooking master classes
  • Cost: $732 for 5 nights



Georgians say: if you have not been to Tbilisi, you have not seen Georgia. This city is worth choosing for your first acquaintance with the country. It captivates with colorful houses scattered along the slopes of Mount Mtatsminda with carved balconies and garlands of colored linen on them, churches reflected in the Kura River, cats in the narrow streets of the old city, the ancient Narikala fortress, from which the best panorama of the capital of Georgia opens. Tbilisi streets keep the love story of Alexander Griboedov and Nina Chavchavadze, echoes of the steps of Tchaikovsky, Lermontov and Mayakovsky.

Be sure to check out the performance at the clock tower of the Rezo Gabriadze Puppet Theater. Right here you can have a cup of coffee at the “Don't Cry!” cafe. - the interior of the cafe was completely created by Rezo Gabriadze himself, the creator of the films “Don’t Cry!”, “Mimino”, “Weirdos”, “Kin-dza-dza!”, “An Extraordinary Exhibition”.

Where to have lunch in Tbilisi:

  • Georgian house with an interesting interior,
  • Mravaljamieri, where you can see fiery Georgian dances,
  • Funicular cafe on Mount Mtatsminda,
  • high class restaurant Tabla,
  • Tavadoori restaurant on the banks of the Kura River.

Be sure to visit the ancient capital – Mtskheta. It is located just 20 km from Tbilisi - here the confluence of the Kura and Aragvi rivers creates an unusual panorama, the 7th century Jvari monastery flaunts on the mountain, and in the grandiose Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, the tunic of Christ is buried.

The pilgrimage program “Shrines of Orthodox Georgia” includes visits to the main holy places of the country, temples of the most important spiritual and historical significance, places associated with the enlightener of Georgia, St. Nina. Tour cost - from 784 USD, 7 nights/8 days, breakfasts +dinners, flight included.

8 things you must do in Georgia:

  • take the cable car: in Tbilisi - to the ancient Narikala fortress, in Batumi - to Mount Anuria, from where you can enjoy a stunning panorama of the city;
  • visit the sulfur baths in Tbilisi (the most beautiful bath is Orbelianovskaya, which Alexander Pushkin himself visited) and test for yourself their magical effect on the skin. By the way, next to them there is a monument to the heroes of everyone’s favorite film “Mimino”;
  • listen to Georgian men sing - Georgian polyphonic singing is included in the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List;
  • take a funicular ride to Mount Mtatsminda in Tbilisi and try cream donuts in the cafe at the top. Order the traditional Logidze Water lemonade with tarragon, cream soda, lemon or pear flavors;
  • decide on your favorite variety of Georgian wine by going on a wine tour;
  • learn how to eat khinkali correctly - hold it by the tail, carefully biting it so as not to spill the hot, aromatic broth;
  • choose your favorite type of khachapuri with cheese - Adjarian, Imeritian, Megrelian or another;
  • visit the local market and bargain for homemade suluguni, churchkhela (a sweet made from nuts strung on a string and grape or pomegranate juice) and walnut jam.


Over the past few years, Batumi has changed a lot and is not inferior to other European cities - the resort has been declared a national project. Modern buildings and hotels of the world chains Sheraton, Hilton, Radisson and others appeared here. The Batumi embankment is one of the most beautiful and romantic places in Batumi. Both tourists and locals love to stroll here past the palm trees against the backdrop of the sunset. You can rent a bicycle and ride along the embankment to see all the sculptures installed against the backdrop of the sea. The most touching of them is the monument to Ali and Nino, the heroes of the book of the same name about eternal love. The giant figures move slowly, now converging and merging into a single whole, then parting again, as if forever. Some episodes of the famous Soviet film “Love and Doves” were also filmed on the Batumi embankment.

Recently, Batumi has gained the reputation of the “Georgian Las Vegas” - at night the city lights up with the lights of casinos, expensive hotels, the Alphabet Tower and the Ferris Wheel. It is good to enjoy the view of this spectacle from the terrace of one of the restaurants on the shore - to the sound of the waves and the cries of seagulls. Local seafood restaurants are reputed to be the best in Georgia.

In the summer, this same coast will give you sea baths, bronze tanning and water activities. In winter, a holiday in Batumi can be combined with ski holiday at the new Goderdzi resort, which is just an hour's drive from the city.


This medical resort in the mountains at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level is famous for its mineral water. It’s worth going to Borjomi for a peaceful holiday in the lap of nature, walks in the local park, the same amazing Georgian cuisine and health improvement - local sanatoriums and hotels are considered the best in the country, and Georgians themselves love to relax here.


Gudauri confidently takes the palm from other Georgian ski resorts– Bakuriani, Svaneti, Mestia. This young resort, 120 km from Tbilisi, was built by Austrian specialists using the most modern technologies. To the delight of skiers, there are 57 kilometers of excellent slopes. Best time for a trip to Gudauri - from December to April, when the slopes are covered with the best snow cover, and small cozy hotels have a fireplace in the evenings.

Why Georgia with Mouzenidis Travel?

Georgia is good because it is perfect for your first independent trip. Georgian realities are similar to ours, local residents speak Russian, and planning a trip will be extremely simple.

This is incredible beautiful country, which greets travelers with stunning views, ancient architecture and original cuisine. I remember it for the spiritual gatherings in the restaurants of Old Tbilisi, and also for the amazing Batumi embankment.

No visa required. Citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to stay in Georgia for up to 90 days without a visa. A foreign passport is required.

What to see


Tbilisi is located on the banks of the Kura River. This ancient city with lots of attractions. Getting around them all is a good idea only if you are here for at least a month. Let's see the most interesting things.

Narikala Fortress

The main asset of Tbilisi is the ancient building on Mount Mtsatminda. Now most of the fortress has been destroyed, but even in the form of ruins, the Narikala fortress is one of the most visited places. You can get to the fortress either on foot or by cable car. Free admission.

Abanotubani or sulfur baths

More than one traveler paused with a camera in front of the low, neat domes in the center of the Old Town. The famous baths are located under these domes. The water there comes from natural sulfur springs, so going to the bathhouse in Tbilisi is not only interesting, but also very good for health.

Cable car

Thanks to the cable car, the path of which is laid from Europe Square to the Sololaki Temple at the Narikala Fortress, for 2.5 GEL you will have a stunning view of Old city. There is an observation deck at the top.


This is an ancient church in Old Tbilisi. A small, modest-looking church is fraught with a long and distant history. The quiet, peaceful atmosphere inside the temple and the spirit of antiquity give you goosebumps.

Tsminda Sameba

In my opinion, the most atmospheric place in Tbilisi. Blown by all the winds, this church is under the sky, clearly visible. You can also see the Old Town from above, only from the other side.

Peace Bridge and Parliament Building

Modern architectural sophistication from the times of Saakashvili. The bridge glows beautifully at night, so I recommend coming after sunset. In front of the Parliament building there is a picturesque park with lavender bushes.

Metekhi Temple

Located on a cliff above the Kura River. Most travelers prefer to admire it from afar, because it really looks more beautiful from the outside.


Resort town on the Black Sea coast. Batumi will appeal to those who love beach holiday. Although there are not many attractions in this city, I will still highlight some of them.

View of the beach along the embankment in Batumi

Batumi Botanical Garden

One of the best gardens where a traveler can be lucky enough to visit. The garden area is huge, consisting of 21 natural area and about 5,000 species of living plants. You can spend the whole day there, walking along the paths, observing the rare beauty, relaxing in the shade of giant trees and drinking real Georgian lemonade. The botanical garden is located not in Batumi itself, but a few kilometers away.

Batumi embankment

Very long - 10 km, with equipped bike paths. In the evening you can rent a bike and ride to the very end. And on the way back, go to one of the restaurants on the Black Sea shore. Personally I really like it Grand Grill Restaurantс view of the Singing Fountains.

Argo cable car

After driving along it, you will see Batumi from a bird's eye view. The entire journey will take approximately 10 minutes.

One way ticket price - 7.5 GEL.

Alphabet Tower

This is a modern structure, but this building is worth seeing. This tower is located in "Park of Wonders". The height of the building is 130 meters. There is an elevator inside, going up which will reveal a beautiful panoramic view to Batumi. There is also a restaurant in the tower. It's best to come an hour before sunset to admire the departing rays.

Prices in Georgia

The national currency of Georgia is the lari, but many people willingly accept euros and dollars. Almost everywhere on the Georgian Military Road you can pay in rubles.

Prices at local spontaneous markets are lower than in supermarkets, and there is always fresh food there. The most popular market in Tbilisi - "Deserter". It is located near the railway station.

Lunch in a cafe in Tbilisi will cost from 250 rubles per person. Dinner with meat delicacies in a restaurant starts from 500 rubles. It is noteworthy that prices in Tbilisi are 10-15% lower than in Batumi.

Georgian food

One of the most famous Georgian dishes is khinkali. They eat khinkali exclusively with their hands, holding it by the top, molded from dough.

Georgia is famous for its unusual and delicious dishes. The cuisine is rich in meat dishes with a large abundance of spices, seasonings and sauces. The most popular Georgian dishes include:

  • Puri- traditional Georgian bread. Puri is prepared in stone ovens and the shape of the finished bread resembles a boat. There are many varieties of puri. The most famous include khachapuri - cheese flatbread, Adjarian khachapuri - bread with egg, butter and cheese.
  • Khinkali- balls of minced meat or minced meat with the addition of various seasonings, spices and herbs, wrapped in dough.
  • Lobio- a dish of beans, onions and herbs. The method of preparation may vary depending on the establishment. Lobio is served in clay pots. Many lovers of this dish add a piece of hot pepper to it.
  • Soup kharcho- thick spicy soup with beef, rice and tkemali sauce. There are also many varieties of kharcho soup. There are meat-free cooking options for vegetarians.
  • Mtsvadi or Georgian kebab. The peculiarity of this dish is that the meat is not marinated at all before cooking. Kebab is served with herbs, vegetables, satsebeli or tkemali sauces. The finished meat is generously poured with pomegranate juice.

Be careful in your choice, eat little by little, and even better, check with the waiter how spicy the dish is.

Most dishes of Georgian cuisine add a lot of spices, due to which the food can be very spicy.

Restaurants in Tbilisi

The choice of establishments with national Georgian cuisine is very diverse in the capital. Not far from the sulfur baths in the Old Town, in the building of the Caravanserai Museum, which is located on Sioni Street 8, there is a small cozy wine bar-restaurant Shukhman.

The prices here are moderate, there is a large selection of dishes and wines, and a very atmospheric atmosphere. The restaurant is also distinguished by its signature molecular cuisine.

Excellent restaurant Samikitno on Freedom Square in Tbilisi, they serve the best khinkali and many types. One of my favorite places, overlooking the river and Metekhi temple.

Sahli 11- restaurant on Galaktion Tabidze street 11 in the city center. A small establishment with very talented chefs and friendly waiters. Sakhli 11 has affordable prices, a good wine list, and a large selection of traditional Georgian dishes.

The Tsiskvili restaurant on Beliashvili Street 75 differs from other establishments with its unusually beautiful interior. The restaurant has 4 large rooms, one of them with access to the veranda. “Tsiskvili” is very popular, so it is advisable to book your seats in advance.

Restaurants in Batumi

To truly taste how Georgian dishes are prepared in Batumi, you need to visit "Heart of Batumi". A small cafe on General Mazniashvili Street 11 is a very popular establishment in Batumi. Since the hall can only accommodate a small number of people, it is better to pre-book a seat.

Lovers of hearty food should visit this establishment "Sazandari" on Gorgiladze Street 78. The portions here are very generous, the prices are low, an ideal place for the whole family to go out. The restaurant is located near the beach, so it is often crowded, but despite this, the waiters serve quickly.

Georgian wine

Kakheti winemaking technology is recognized throughout the world as one of the best ways of making wine.

The essence of the technology: wines are infused in large clay jugs at a certain temperature. Thanks to this preparation, Kakheti wines are rich and tasty.

One of the most famous varieties is the semi-sweet red wine Akhasheni. The drink is made from Saperavi grapes.

Dry white wine lovers will love this Rkatsiteli, which is produced from the grape variety of the same name. This aromatic wine with a rich taste is perfect with salty snacks, fish, and simply as an aperitif.

You can taste Georgian wines in the wine store " Winery Khareba" along Vakhtang Gorgasal street 1. You can also go to cellar Karalashvili wine cellar, which is on Vertskhli street 19, where they will tell you about the history of varieties.

Hospitable, hot, passionate and alluring - this is exactly how Georgia is known to both experienced tourists and those who have only seen Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi satellite maps. But the main difficulty when visiting this attractive country becomes the issue price. After all, the cost of a tourist package with all tickets, guides, accommodation and documentation reaches more than one thousand hryvnia. Therefore, an excellent option for saving money and a unique program is an independent trip around Georgia. Organizing it is not difficult, you just need to know a few tricks and create the right route.

Active holidays in Georgia - from the capital to the mountains

Geographically, we know Georgia precisely from the Caucasus and its landscapes. But it’s better to start your trip from Tbilisi, and leave Batumi for another vacation.

Duration: up to 5 days.

Your route: Tbilisi - Cross Pass - Mount Kazbek - Sighnaghi.

Along the way, many adventures and exciting places await you.

It goes without saying that the status of the capital obliges you to examine everything inside and out. In Tbilisi, as in Batumi, it is best to relax for several days in a row. But it all depends on your time frame. Familiarize yourself with the capital at the beginning, because after mountain peaks and there will simply be no strength left for the beauty of mosques, castles, museums and public gardens.

Having rested and been a little drawn into the atmosphere of Georgia, go to the Cross Pass, which is located not far from the resort of Gudauri. By the way, on the ski slope you can choose your route for the coming season. At the pass, the beauty and scale of nature will take your breath away! But it's time to move on.

The next stop is the village of Kazbegi, next to which Mount Kazbek rises. Daredevils try to climb the mountain (which we do not recommend), and those who like photo sessions stay at the foot and look into the Gergeti Monastery.

Mountains in Georgia are not the only thing you can do to entertain yourself. From Kazbegi the route runs to the city of Sighnaghi. It is here that you can enjoy the picturesque view of the Alazani Valley, the one about which there are many legends. And also feel like the king of life and have a hearty dinner in a restaurant on a small observation deck.

After this rest, you can take the bus and return.


Accommodation in hotels in Tbilisi costs different amounts, it all depends on the season and the level of the hotel. Basically, prices in hostels and cheap hotels start from 45 GEL per day, and rise to an acceptable limit.

In the village of Kazbegi, despite the small number of local residents, there are small hotels where you can stay overnight. But it is advisable to book a room in advance, because they are extremely common in this area. Prices here are a bit steep, they charge about $120 per night, but there is no point in staying longer than a day.

Traveling around Georgia - from Batumi to Prometheus

Often travelers fly to Batumi, so you can start your trip in this city.

Duration: 7 – 9 days.

Your route: starts in Batumi - Kutaisi - Tskaltubo, with a visit to the Prometheus Cave - Mestia - ends in Batumi.

There are more than a dozen must-see attractions in Batumi. This city is the main one tourist centre country, there are several gorgeous beaches open here, and at night a completely different world comes to life. You should spend more than one day to explore all of Batumi.

The list of must-see places includes: the Orta Jame Mosque, the tomb of the Apostle Matthew, the Nobel and Stalin Museums. There are also many castles, museums, churches and parks.

The next destination where the route takes you is the city of Kutaisi. It is also important in the country’s infrastructure, so it’s worth taking a little longer to look around here. Numerous temples, churches, museums. And several more attractions that are protected by UNESCO. This also applies to the Gelati Monastery of the Virgin Mary.

The city of Tskhaltubo is an ancient tourist spot where citizens of the Soviet Union came to relax and improve their health. But, to tell the truth, there are no outstanding attractions here today. It will be enough to just walk through the parks, breathe in the clean fresh air and, perhaps, stop for the night. Get enough sleep, have breakfast local cafe portion of khachapuri and go further on your own.

It is difficult to explore the entire region of Svaneti in one visit to the mountainous country. Major historical and natural attractions of Georgia are concentrated for the most part here. Therefore, for a short tour, the capital of the region - the city of Mestia - will be enough.

It’s better to stay for a couple of days to see the local mosques in all their glory, stroll through the city parks and, of course, walk along the plains. From them, and from the balconies of some hotels, a unique view of the mountain range opens, the heart of not only Svaneti, but the whole of Georgia!

You can stay in Mestia for a maximum of two days, because there is nothing really to see here for a long time. The main convenience is that the tourist infrastructure is well developed here - hotels, restaurants, cafes, points with free access to wireless Internet. There are also many souvenir shops and stalls. But nothing more.

At the foot of Mount Kazbek, tent camps are often set up, where experienced tourists share their experiences. Both climbers and simply onlookers, lovers of the beauty of nature, settle here. A great option is to move in with them and explore the situation.

Next is the Chalaad glacier, which is located under the Ushba rock at an altitude of 1900 meters. Don't be afraid if you've never been to
mountains - you have to walk along a fairly well-trodden path for only 6 kilometers. But the landscape and beauty around are definitely worth it.

The next day, in order to get to the Mulakhi community, you should collect enough provisions for several days and cross the pass. The duration of the hike is approximately 6 hours, the prize of which is the unique beauty local mountains. It is better to put up a tent near the village of Cholasi, although you can try your luck and ask the locals.

The Caucasus ridge is a test, both in the cool and warm periods of the year. Here the area is very windy, and the nearest settlements(villages of Zhabeshi and Adishi) are built at an altitude of approximately 2,000 meters. But, again, nature corrects everything. If you wish, you can go to the Lardaad glacier and negotiate with the locals about crossing the Adishchala.

The village of Ushguli will be a wonderful end to the journey. It is beautiful and recognized literally by the whole world - many local ensembles are under the protection of UNESCO. This place is also the second highland settlement in Europe (second only to the village of Kurush). Here you can see the Shkhara glacier, part of the Bezengi wall of Georgia. If you stay here overnight, you can literally forget yourself when you see the clean starry sky over mountain ranges.

In the morning, after an overnight stay, a minibus will pick you up back to the regional capital, the city of Mestia. Don’t forget to check the driver’s or operator’s number and write it down in advance.

Guide to Georgia - military road

If you want to see the maximum interesting places, architectural masterpieces and natural beauties, then go to an impromptu. You don't have to pay a guide to see everything with your own eyes. It is enough to know where to go and what to pay attention to.

There is such a thing in the country as a Georgian military road. No matter how strange it may sound, it was along this route that in ancient times they planned to transport troops and provisions. The idea itself somehow didn’t grow much, but the road remained. And it is along it that you can “walk” while getting to know Georgia.

Duration: from 5 to 7 days.

Your route: departure from Tbilisi - Mtskheta - Gudauri - Cross Pass - Truso gorge - Kazbegi village.

The length of the route is approximately 160 kilometers.

Many of these points are already known to you from the description above. Let's clarify just a few details.

The first city, Mtskheta, is definitely worth a stop. After all, this is the ancient, ancient and respected capital of Georgia. Before losing to Tbilisi, the city was majestic and gathered many famous figures under its wing. There are monuments, graves, and temples here. There will definitely be something to see.

In the 16th century, the Ananuri fortress was built, which today does not perform military functions. It is beautiful, equipped with souvenir shops and cafes. But you need to see it, this is a fact.

Not far from the Cross Pass, the Arch of Friendship of Nations was erected, which is more relevant today than ever. Well, the surrounding natural landscape is incredible.

In the Truso Gorge there are several abandoned villages that are a little scary in appearance. At the end of the last century, the inhabitants of Georgia, impoverished and crippled by the crisis, left here. Everyone scattered in all directions, but the houses remained untouched - rickety, overgrown with moss, against the backdrop of gray mountain peaks. A unique and slightly sad sight.

It is difficult to tell everything about Georgia for tourists in one blog. This country is multifaceted and certainly unique in everything. And you will have to open it again and again, on every new vacation, on every new visit. And don’t be afraid to refuse guides and clear programs.

Georgians, as freedom-loving and very hospitable people, are always ready to help guests. Just don’t get carried away with chacha before traveling around Georgia on your own. Otherwise you won’t notice and will remain there forever.

When I tell someone that we spent a month in Georgia, everyone always immediately asks me about money. I don’t know why, but in the minds of most of my friends the idea was clearly established that traveling is expensive. I’m even at a loss for guesses, where did you even get this from? Although, of course, I can assume that all this is somehow connected with the activities of Belarusian travel agencies, which may well ask for 500-700 dollars for a three-day tour to Georgia and at the same time prove with foam at the mouth that this is some kind of super-mega -promotion... Is this really the whole point?

I have already written this phrase several times, but I am ready to repeat it again: any trip is worth exactly as much as you are willing to pay for it. The main thing is not to adjust it to yourself, but to try, on the contrary, to adapt yourself to current promotions, discounts and optimal dates. Well, one more thing: of course, it’s best to plan your trips in advance. This advice applies not only to Georgia, but to absolutely any other country. Personally, we bought tickets for September at the beginning of spring. But I will dwell on all this in more detail a little later.

So... How to look for cheap flights? What websites are the most convenient for booking inexpensive accommodation? How to invest in your existing budget and organize an independent trip to Georgia without extra costs? Let's go through the points. The introduction was already too long.

Purchasing air tickets

Tip #1. Do not look for plane tickets on the websites of certain airlines. Instead, it is better to use the capabilities of so-called ticket search engines, which allow you to immediately “see” offers from different (!) airlines and all the best connections (if any are needed). Personally, I usually use the Aviasales website (I just like its interface). Although, if desired, you can use some of its analogues - for example, Buruki or Skyscanner. They also show good results. Search for flight options on all three of these sites. This will save you an additional 5-6 euros.

Tip #2. Use special “tricks” of ticket search engines, for example, flexible search of the Buruki website (button – “I don’t know the exact dates, I want cheaper”) or “Calendar low prices» Aviasales website (see plate below). Flights on different days have different prices. Adapt to them, and don’t bang your head against the wall shouting “I want tickets from 1st to 10th and nothing else.” It’s better to buy tickets first, and then go to your boss to ask for leave for the required dates. Or is there no way to reach an agreement with your boss at all?

Tip #3. As a rule, the cheapest tickets to Georgia are found on the Minsk – Kutaisi route. You can fly to the same city on the low-cost Wizz Air, which flies there from Vilnius. You can then get to Batumi or Tbilisi by train or minibus. Although in Imereti itself there is also something to see. An example is the Prometheus caves, Sataplia park with fossilized dinosaur tracks, Martvili canyons and much more.

See the price calendar for this route below.

I wrote more about how you can cheaply get to Georgia from Belarus. All the best travel options are listed there. Be sure to read it. It describes all this in more detail.

Important! If you don’t know the exact dates of your trip yet, it makes sense to monitor various sales in this direction. You can do this by subscribing to the Aviasales newsletter or various VKontakte public pages, which collect messages on their pages about the start of promotions and sales. As an example -,, and others. Plus - you can also subscribe to our group on VK ( This is welcome ;)))

How to rent cheap housing in Georgia?

The Caucasus is a special region of the planet, so not all modern housing booking systems work well there. The only exception is Tbilisi. Everything is as usual here. There are many hotels, guesthouses, and private apartments. You can rent a hotel in this city inexpensively through search engine sites (for example, on the RoomGuru website). Such services compare the cost of a specific room on dozens of booking platforms (such as Booking, Agoda, HRV, etc.), and then redirect the user to where the specific room costs the cheapest. This a good option savings.

Another alternative is to look for private apartments on the AIRBNB website instead of hotels (discount when registering using the link provided). For example, in September 2016, we easily found a beautiful studio in the center of the old city of Tbilisi for only 25 dollars per day. Although here we need to make a reservation: in fact, I actually paid even less. The thing is that there are many different promotional codes and discount bonuses on the AIRBNB website. Therefore, I will not go into details now.

As for other cities in Georgia, it really makes sense to rent housing right on the spot. Another option is to look for apartments through specialized VKontakte groups. Most Georgians rent their homes the old fashioned way, without bothering with taxes and bank transfers. Therefore, on the same AIRBNB website, even after posting a specific advertisement, many owners say in plain text that they will not rent anything through this system. Here you can correspond with them, bargain, discuss details. But the money will have to be paid from hand to hand. There are exceptions (), but they are few.

VK groups where you can find suitable rental options:

But I advise you to avoid the batumiphotos group. I don’t know why, but there are always a lot of frankly inadequate comrades who can correspond with you for a couple of weeks and then rent out the house to someone else. I came across two of these at once.

Tip #1. Do not choose just one from the proposed options and try to look for housing on a variety of sites. Who knows which one will give the best result.

Tip #2. When renting housing in Batumi, be sure to bargain. Personally, this summer I had several cases when apartment owners asked for $1,000 per month, and then after saying “No, thank you,” they immediately reduced the price by almost half. Georgians usually first quote the maximum price, but almost always agree to make a discount.

It is written in great detail about all the nuances of finding housing in Batumi!!!

Travel insurance to Georgia

I liked Georgia and liked Georgian food, but believe me, sanitation rules are not always strictly observed in this country. On the streets you can often meet people selling homemade adjika and cheese directly from their cars. And at the market, I once saw with my own eyes how a woman stroked a cat, and then, without any twinges of conscience, without washing her hands, she simply went to sell churchkhela.

Where am I leading with all this? Moreover, insurance is mandatory when traveling to Georgia. Don't risk your health. And remember that paying a doctor’s visit is not cheap. For example, at the Paracelsus clinic, with whose doctors we (unfortunately) once had the opportunity to communicate in person, an appointment with a doctor cost from 13 to 17 dollars. Moreover, insurance prices can start as low as $8. In general, do not neglect purchasing a policy. The likelihood that it may be useful to you in Georgia is very high.

Transport in Georgia

Transport system Georgia is very underdeveloped. Attempts to change something were made during the time of Saakashvili. However, the Georgian authorities still have a lot of work to do in this area. Therefore, be mentally prepared for the fact that many of Georgia’s attractions can only be reached by car. Local taxi drivers know this, so they mercilessly raise prices for their services. Here's a simple example: in the center of Tbilisi, some taxi drivers ask for 70-100 lari for a trip to Mtskheta ( ancient capital Georgia). You can do the same trip by minibus for 1 GEL. As they say: I have everything.

In general, do not let yourself be deceived, and if you suddenly really need a taxi, it is better to use those services that set the price according to the meter. I'll post it later brief information regarding transport in Georgia.

Taxi Maxim(transportation in Tbilisi, Batumi + some surrounding areas of Batumi). Immediately when ordering a car on the website it shows the cost the desired trip. But in rainy weather and late at night the cars arrive very slowly.

Tbilisi bus stations located at Didube and Samgori metro stations. From Didube you can go to Kazbegi, Mtskheta, Akhaltsikhe, Kutaisi, Borjomi, Batumi and many other cities. From Samgori station there are minibuses to Sighnaghi, Telavi and other regions of Kakheti.

Batumi bus stations located on Mayakovsky and Gogol streets. There are always a lot of minibuses going in the direction of Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Borjomi, Zugdidi and other cities. Come and ask for the required flight. The transport system in Georgia is very bad and confusing. There is practically no clear flight schedule. But, as they say, we have what we have.

Private bus companies , working in Georgia, mostly represent Turkish business. Luks karadeniz travels from Batumi to Turkish cities. And the Metro company ( also operates flights within the country. There are flights to Tbilisi, Batumi, Gori (Stalin’s birthplace), Kutaisi and other cities. As surprising as it may be for Georgia, all buses have a clear schedule, route and price. These are not minibuses that can stand for half an hour because the driver is waiting for some old lady he knows with a bag of peaches.

Batumi railway station. Located outside the city. You can get there by bus No. 8 and No. 10.

Rail transport in Georgia– in fact, the only thing about which there can be no serious complaints. The trains are all new. The carriages have Wi-Fi, sockets, snack machines, and good toilets. The only thing worth noting is that all trains, in fact, run along one single line - Batumi - Tbilisi. There is no serious railway network in Georgia. You can get there this way only to Kutaisi, Gori, Zestafoni, Ureki and some other cities. Full map routes can be viewed on the website

How to get to the city from Batumi and Tbilisi airports

To Batumi: by bus number 10. It runs from 7 am and goes through the entire city (to the railway station). Travel time is 20-30 minutes. The fare is 40 tetri (0.4 lari).

In Tbilisi: by bus No. 37, which runs around the clock at intervals of 15-20 minutes. Fare: 50 tetri. There is also a station near Tbilisi airport railway. With its help you can easily get to Central station cities. The price is the same 50 tetri. But there are relatively few trains.

In Kutaisi: still simpler. There is a special company at this airport, Georgian bus, which provides transportation to all major cities of Georgia (including Batumi, Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Mestia, etc.). The bus schedule is linked to the plane schedule. You can view prices and buy a ticket online on the carrier’s website (

How to navigate in an unfamiliar city?

Personally, I use the MAPS.ME mobile application for these purposes. This program, created by Belarusian developers, is a collection of offline maps with a GPS navigation system. Just set the required point on the city map - and follow the arrows. Everything is very simple. The main thing before your trip is not to forget to download a map of Georgia separately. All this is done for free.

How much money to take with you to Georgia

To tell the truth, Georgia is not the most cheap country. Most prices in shops and restaurants here are higher than in Belarus. The only thing that costs less than ours is Georgian wine and Georgian mineral water. It turns out very convenient. In the evening you drink wine. In the morning - mineral water.

Big story about prices in Georgia. Everything is described there in very, very detail. For now, I will present here only a small cost estimate.

Cost of rooms in Batumi hotels ranges from 20 to 30 euros (per day). But you shouldn’t be too attached to these prices, if only because the cost can change at different times of the year and from season to season. Specific prices can be found on the websites Hotellook and RoomGuru. I wrote about all this in more detail above. On average, for a trip of 10 days, expect to pay 200-300 euros (for 2 people). In Tbilisi, it makes sense to look for housing on the AIRBNB website. By using their discount coupons, you can shave $20, $40, or even $100 off your total. Read more about this.

Food in a restaurant: average bill 15-20 lari ($1 = 2.3 lari). But here, of course, everything largely depends on your personal preferences. If you are smart and completely turn off the excitement, you can eat in Batumi for 1 lari. I already wrote about this life hack in one of the.

Food in a store in Tbilisi and Batumi costs more than in Minsk supermarkets. Two liters of juice - 5 GEL, milk - 3 GEL, a pack of khinkali - another 7. Cigarettes 2.40 - 3.60 per pack. Personally, for two of us, for a month of living in Georgia, it cost us 400 dollars. Although I tried to buy everything as thoughtfully as possible. The best stores in Georgia are the Yalcin and Willmart chain supermarkets. Although it is cheapest to buy food at the Batumi market (Mayakovsky St.). This place is unsightly, and the sellers here are not particularly fond of washing their hands, but the prices here are lower than in stores. Therefore it is worth visiting. Just wash all your purchases thoroughly at home afterwards.

You can get to the market by buses No. 1, No. 1a, No. 4, No. 8.

Excursions around Georgia (cost of travel by minibus). Prices are for one way travel per person.

Renting a taxi or traveling with a tour company will cost much more. See photo below. The photo was taken in the capital of Georgia.

Again, I wrote in more detail about the cost of excursions in the article about. Be sure to read it. There's a lot of interesting stuff there.

General impression of Georgia

Georgia is bright and interesting country. But like any other state, it has its shortcomings. For example, I was personally unpleasantly surprised by the fact that many attractions here can only be reached by car. And the fact that sometimes you need to travel from one city to another with a transfer also somehow does not add optimism. Another disadvantage I would consider is quite high level prices for rental housing near the sea. Here's a simple example: last year we rented an apartment for $24 a day. In Batumi in September, sometimes they asked for $30 or $35 to rent a small apartment. Although normal offers are also found here.

On the plus side, I would note the fact that Georgia has very nice people (especially those not related to tourism). Plus delicious wine beautiful nature and many interesting historical sights - all this is also an indisputable advantage of this Caucasian state.

Read more about my impressions from the trip to Batumi and Tbilisi. And I will slowly finish this review. Have a nice trip and all the best.

Traveling to Georgia on your own is no more difficult than traveling to Sochi. The only significant difference is that you need a passport. The post is general information about the nuances of holidays in Georgia. Comprehensive answers to all the most popular questions that arise when preparing for a trip.

Why go to Georgia?

The majority of people here are hospitable and peaceful with their beauty. Official language Georgia - Georgian. Nevertheless, Russian is still understood here, and Russians are loved. No matter what anyone says.

If you suffer from the so-called "excellent student complex", then Georgia is an ideal place to learn healthy not giving a fuck. To better assimilate the material, I recommend combining this with tastings of Georgian wine.

Prices for holidays in Georgia

What to see in Georgia in a week

Tbilisi (2-3 days), Kazbegi and Georgian Military Road(1 day), Kakheti (1-2 days), Mtskheta and Jvari (1 day).

What to see in Georgia in 2 weeks

Tbilisi (1-2 days), Kazbegi and the Georgian Military Road (1 day), Kakheti (2 days), Gori and Uplistsikhe (1 day), Borjomi (1-2 days), Vardzia (1 day), Batumi and surroundings (2-3 days), Svaneti (2-3 days).

Transport in Georgia

Prices for food in supermarkets in Georgia

The only thing worth warning about is the carelessness of local drivers. In Georgia they drive as if they imagine themselves to be cats with seven lives. Dashing, careless and insanely dangerous. When crossing the road, you should look first to the left, then to the right and, just in case, up.

Accidents happen here with enviable regularity. Here is one of the last ones that was written about in the media.