Dialogue "At the Airport" luggage check. Topic in English "At the Airport" The language will bring to London

Summer is coming, and many are planning a trip to the sea. But in order to fly anywhere, you need to get to the airport, get boarding pass, pass through customs. And if your luggage is lost or any other problems arise at the airport of an English-speaking country, then due to not knowing the words on the topic of airport in English, you may have serious misunderstandings with the help desk employee or other airport employees.

This situation happened to me too. Unfortunately, at that time I did not speak professional English, and because of this, a problem arose at the airport. During a trip to the Maltese Islands, my luggage was lost in Italy. I really didn’t know what to do, but pulling myself together, I went to the information desk and showed with gestures that I didn’t have a bag. After which, fortunately, the help desk worker showed me a picture with images of different types of bags. This helped me a lot and saved me from unnecessary explanations. But it was a very stressful situation. I don't think you would want to find yourself in the same situation at the start of your holiday. After all, we want to spend our vacation from start to finish without thinking about any problems or worries. Save the words on the topic airport in English or take them with you on a trip.

Fortunately, after 2 days my luggage arrived at my place. I left all my worries behind and continued my vacation.

Words on the topic airport in English:

to travel by air – travel by plane

adult’s fare – adult ticket

child’s fare – children’s ticket

one-way ticket - one way ticket

round trip ticket (a return ticket) – round trip ticket

package tour - comprehensive tour

direct trip (a non-stop flight) – non-stop flight

destination – destination, destination

domestic flights - domestic flights

international flights - international flights

first-rate seat - a place in first class

flight - flight; flight

flight 727 – flight 727

the Moscow (New York, Boston) flight – Moscow (New York, Boston) flight

I.D. card (I.D. – identification) - identity card

nonsmoking section - non-smoking areas

I’d like two seats in the nonsmoking section, please.

smoking section - smoking areas

to cancel a reservation - cancel a ticket reservation

to confirm a reservation on the phone – confirm your ticket order by phone

to fill out a form – fill out the form

to hold a reservation – leave the order with the client

crew – 1. crew 2. ship’s crew

air hostess - stewardess

navigator - navigator

pilot - pilot

air terminal - air terminal

boarding - boarding an airplane

boarding pass - boarding pass (pass)

check in – register

check-in – registration

baggage check – baggage receipt (claim tag)

be overweight - weigh too much (about luggage)

be underweight - weigh too little

excess weight - excess weight

desk - desk

to register a ticket at the desk - register a ticket at the ticket counter

lounge – 1. waiting room 2. relaxation room; living room 3. sofa

departure lounge – storage

transit lounge – hall for transit passengers

gate - entrance, exit; wicket, gate

waiting room - waiting room

runway - runway

altitude – height (above sea level)

to lose altitude - lose altitude

crash - disaster

speed – speed

hijacking - hijacking an airplane

disembark - 1. disembarkation 2. disembark, unload

landing - airplane landing

take-off - takeoff

to board the plane - to board the plane

cabin – 1. cabin, aircraft cabin 2. hut; booth

cockpit - cockpit

fuselage / body – fuselage

undercarriage - chassis

wing - wing

tail - tail

aisle – passage

window – window

Inscriptions and signs

EMERGENCY EXIT - Emergency exit

FASTEN SEAT BELTS – Fasten your seat belts

FLUSH – Flush water (toilet)

STAFF ONLY – Only for staff

TOILET / LAVATORY OCCUPIED – The toilet is occupied

TOILET / LAVATORY VACANT – Toilet is vacant

ARRIVALS – Arrival

DEPARTURES – Departure

At the airport

At the check-in counter

Hi. I’d like to check in for the flight to Vienna, please.

Hi. Welcome to Italian Airlines. Can I see your ID and your tickets, please?

Sure. Here they are.

Thanks. How much baggage do you have?

I have two bags and one suitcase.

Could you put your bags on the scales, please? …OK. Did you pack the baggage yourself?

Well. Your baggage exceeds the weight limit. It weighs 34 kilograms and I’m afraid you’ll have to pay additional fees for the extra weight, sir. The charge is 15 euros per kilogram.

Never mind. I will pay for that.

Ok. And do you have any hand luggage?

I think I will carry my backpack and a fragile souvenir into the cabin.

Let me have a look at them. OK, they are not heavy. Remember you are not allowed to carry any bottles, electrical goods or sharp things onto the aircraft. They should be placed in your baggage.

No, there aren’t any prohibited items in my hand luggage.

OK then. Here are the security tags for your hand luggage. Please attach them to your items. What kind of seat would you like to take: an aisle seat or a window seat?

I'd rather prefer an aisle seat this time. It makes it easier to move around.

Ok. No problem, sir. So your seat number is 9 F. Here is your boarding pass. When you hear the announcement about your flight departure, move to Gate 6 and your may board your aircraft. You will be boarding in one hour. Enjoy your flight!

At the baggage checking machine

Please put your mobile phones and laptops in the tray. As soon as you are ready, please proceed to the security check.

All right, sir.

Could you empty your pockets and put everything in the tray? And can I see your boarding pass, please? …OK. Now let me inspect you, sir. Please raise your hands. …OK. You may go. Here is your boarding pass. Don’t forget to collect your items from the tray. Thank you.

At the reception

I would like to check in for a flight to Vienna please.

Welcome to Italian Airlines. Can I see your ID and ticket please?

Certainly. Here they are.

Thank you. How much luggage do you have?

I have two bags and one suitcase.

Could you please put the bags on the scale? … OK. Did you pack your luggage yourself?

Well. Your luggage exceeds the weight limit. He weighs 34kg and I'm afraid you will have to pay an extra weight charge, sir. Cost – 15 euros per kg.

It's OK. I will cry.

Fine. Do you have any carry-on baggage?

I think I'll take a backpack and a breakable souvenir with me on board the plane.

Let me take a look at them. Okay, they're not heavy. Please remember that you are not allowed to take bottles, electrical items or sharp objects on the plane. They should be placed in your luggage.

No, there are no prohibited items in my hand luggage.

Good, then. Here are your carry-on baggage tags. Please attach them to your bags. Which seat would you like to take: aisle or window seat?

I would have preferred an aisle seat this time. It's easier to move around this way.

OK. No problem, sir. So, your seat is 9 F. Here is your boarding pass. When you hear your flight departure announcement, proceed to Gate 6 and you will be able to board the aircraft. Boarding time will begin in an hour. Pleasant flight!

Baggage check

Please place your phones and laptops on the tray. Once you're ready, proceed to the checkpoint.

Yes sir.

Could you please take everything out of your pockets and put it on the tray? Can I see your boarding pass please? … OK. Let me check you out. Raise your hands please. … OK. You can go. Here's your boarding pass. And don't forget to pick up your supplies from the tray. Thank you.

The airport is, of course, a great source of joy, but there is an even greater joy: the joy that takes over you on the plane. It reaches its climax when you are sitting by the window and the plane takes off from the ground - Amelie Nothomb.

Airports are a parallel reality. Different energy. Behind the apparent chaos there is a proven scheme. In this reality, hopes soar and land every minute. Airports are noisy anthills of human destinies - Elchin Safarli.

The airport topic has always been difficult for me. In general, at airports I always suffer from spatial idiocy and rush like a rabbit from one check-in counter to another and frantically think: Where to go next? Oh God, passport control, oh God customs.

The airport for me is a huge city that opens doors for me to new world. I always worry when I go to the airport. I'm excited when I take off. I also admire the “flying swallows” who work on board and with whom I had the honor of working to improve my English.

So, let's look at a typical airport dialogue.

Agent: What is your final destination?

Dan: Los Angeles.

Agent: May I have your passport, please?

Dan: Here you go.

Agent: Are you checking any bags?

Dan: Just this one.

Agent: OK, please place your bag on the scale.

Dan: I have a stopover in Chicago – do I need to pick up my luggage there?

Agent: No, it’ll go straight through to Los Angeles. Here are your boarding passes - your flight leaves from gate 15A and it’ll begin boarding at 3:20. Your seat number is 26E.

final destination- final destination.

checking- here it means register, put under control.

on the scale- on the scales

stopover- stop, transfer before the final destination.

go straight through- when you are told that luggage “go straight through” it means that it will go to its final destination.

boarding passes- tickets

begin boarding- begin landing

seat number- seat number on the plane

gate - boarding gate.

Conversational phrases.

  • “Where are you flying today?” Where are you flying today?
  • What's your final destination? What is your final destination?
  • C heck your bags - means to check in luggage.
  • Carry-on bags are hand luggage that we take with us and are checked through the rays.
  • Excuse me, where is the American Airlines check-in desk?“Excuse me, where is the American Airlines check-in counter?
  • Where is terminal 4? “Where is terminal 4?
  • Where is gate 36?” Where is passage 36?
  • “How many bags can I check?” How much baggage can I check in?
  • “Will my luggage go straight through, or do I need to pick it up in?” Will my luggage go all the way or will I have to intercept it in Chicago?
  • “How much is the fee?” If your luggage exceeds the limit, you will have to pay a fee depending on the excess weight.
    Please mark this bags “fragile”. Please mark your luggage as "fragile". Marked when fragile items are carried in luggage.
    “Is the flight on time?” Departure on time?
    There’s a 20-minute delay". Delay 20 minutes.
  • Has your luggage been in your possession at all times? Was your luggage with you the whole time? Possession (possession).
  • Are you aware of the regulations regarding liquids in your carry-on? Are you aware of the rules for transporting liquids and hand luggage?
  • Are you carrying any firearms or flammable materials? Are you transporting weapons or explosive materials?
  • Have you left your luggage unattended at any time? Have you left your luggage unattended?
  • Has anyone given you anything to carry on the flight? Has anyone given you anything to take on the plane?

Let's passthroughservicesecurity.

X-ray machine- X-ray machine that checks luggage.

metal detector- metal detector

conveyorbelt - baggage belt .

bins- boxes for transporting things

Conversation at customs.

Agent: Please lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt , and use the bins for small objects.

Dan: Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?

Agent: Yes, you do. Take off your hat and your shoes, too.

take off - take off.

Agent: Please step back. Do you have anything in your pockets – keys, cell phone, loose change?

Dan: I don't think so. Let me try taking off my belt.

Agent: Okay, come on through.

come on through - come through

Agent: You're all set!

Have a nice flight.youreall set

“-everything is fine, come in.

  • Announcements at the gate. T
    here has been a gate change.”
  • « Boarding gate number has been changed. Flight 880 to Miami is now boarding
  • " Flight number 880 to Miami is open for boarding. Please have your boarding pass for boarding
  • “Please have your boarding ticket." We would like to invite first and business class passengers to board.
  • We are now inviting passengers with small children and any passengers requiring special assistance to begin boarding" We are now inviting passengers with small children and passengers who require special assistance to board.
  • We would now like to invite all passengers to board.“We invite all passengers to board.
  • This is the final boarding call for the flight 880 to Miami.”
    Last boarding call for flight 880 to Miami.
  • “Passenger John Smith, please proceed to the gate 12.”
  • Passenger John Smith please take Gate 12

In airplane.

flight attendants.- stewards, flight attendants.

Flight attendant: Chicken or pasta?

Dan: Sorry?

Flight attendant: Would you like chicken or pasta?

Dan: I'll have the chicken.

Flight attendant: Anything to drink?

Dan: What kind of soda do you have?

Flight attendant: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Orange, and Dr. Pepper.

Dan: A Diet Coke, no ice, please.

Flight attendant: Here you go.

Dan: Thanks.

  • “Can I have a pillow?”May I have a pillow?
  • “Can I have a blanket?” May I have a blanket?
  • “Can I have a pair of headphones?”/ “Could I have a headset?”Can I have a pair of headphones?
  • “Could I have some water/coffee/tea?” Can I have water, coffee, tea?
  • “Could I have some extra napkins?” Can I have some more napkins?

My favorite idioms.

Just in caseJust in case. “I don’t know if it will rain today, but I will bring an umbrella just in case.” I don't know if it will rain, but I'll take an umbrella.

At the airport, you may listen to some words: terminal, customs, check-in, tickets, security check, connections, boarding pass, and baggage.
Every airport has two parts. They are arrivals and departures. The arrival part is usually on the first floor and the departure part is on the second floor. There are some elevators (or lifts) and escalators to bring you upstairs and downstairs.

You are departing.

At first, look at the flight announcements to find out is your flight on time or it is delayed. Then you go to the check-in desk to check-in and pass your suitcase to the plane’s cargo. The check-in agent gives you a boarding pass. Then you go to the security check. The security stuff check you and your carry-on baggage. There are some rules, what things you are allowed and what things you are not allowed to carry on board. Then you go to the gate area, where you are waiting for your flight. When the flight is boarding, you go to the flight attendant and show your boarding pass. Then you go to your plane and take your seat. Have a good flight!

In an Aeroport.

At the airport you may hear the words: terminal, customs, check-in, tickets, security check, connections, boarding pass and baggage.
Each airport consists of two parts. Departure and arrival. The arrival area is usually on the first floor and the departure area on the second floor. There are elevators and escalators to take you up and down.

You're flying out.

First, pay attention to the notice board to find out whether your flight will be on time or delayed. After that, you go to the check-in counter and check your suitcase as luggage. The agent gives you your boarding pass. After that you go to the security check. Security staff will check you and your carry-on luggage. There are rules about what items you are allowed to bring on board and what you are not allowed to carry on board. You then go to the boarding area where you await your departure. When boarding, you approach the steward and show your boarding pass. Then you go on the plane and take your seat. Successful flight!

When preparing to fly, passengers are requested to arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure time. They must register their tickets, get a seat assignment, and weigh and check their luggage.

Most airlines have at least 2 classes of travel, first class and economy class. Economy class tickets are much less expensive. Each passenger more than 2 years old gets a free luggage allowance. Generally this weight limit is 20 kg of checked baggage for economy class passengers and 30 kg for first class passengers. If you check excess luggage you’ll have to pay a fee calculated by the number of extra pieces and the extra weight. Every passenger is also allowed one small carry-on bag, for instance a laptop computer or small suitcase.

The rules for passengers who are traveling abroad are similar in most countries but there are, sometimes, slight differences. Here are some things to remember: if, for instance, you need to go through Customs, try to fill in the customs declaration before you talk to the customs officer. He will ask every passenger the same, routine questions about whether he is carrying anything he wants to declare: like tobacco, alcohol, presents, and sums of money.

At the check-in counter, your ticket is looked at, your things are weighed and labeled with their destination. The next formality is filling in the immigration form and going through passport control. Remember to have a black or blue pen with you because the immigration form has to be filled in block letters. You write your name, nationality, permanent address and the purpose of your trip. In most countries there is also a security check when your carry-on-luggage is inspected.

After fulfilling all these formalities you go to the departure lounge where you can have a snack, read a paper or buy something in the duty-free shop and wait for the announcement to board the plane.

When you arrive at your destination, some of these same formalities will undoubtedly be repeated. Often while on board the plane you will be given a customs declaration and immigration form to fill in. At the airport you may be met by a specially trained dog whose job it is to make sure that no passengers are carrying any illegal drugs. In addition, the immigration officer might want to inspect your visa, your invitation and even your return ticket.


When preparing for a flight, passengers are advised to arrive at the airport 2 hours before flight departure. They must check in their tickets, receive a boarding pass, and have their luggage weighed and checked.

Most airlines offer at least 2 classes of travel - first class and economy class. Economy class tickets are significantly cheaper. Every passenger over 2 years old has a free baggage allowance. Generally, the weight limit is 20 kg of checked baggage for economy class passengers and 30 kg for first class passengers. If you are carrying excess baggage, you will have to pay a fee based on the amount of additional excess weight. Each passenger is also entitled to one small piece of carry-on luggage, such as a laptop computer or a small suitcase.

The rules for passengers traveling abroad are similar in most countries, but sometimes there are slight differences. Here are some things to remember: if, for example, you need to go through customs, try to fill out a customs declaration before you speak to a customs officer. It will ask each passenger the usual questions about whether they have goods that must be declared, such as tobacco, alcohol, gifts and sums of money.

At the check-in counter, your ticket is checked and your items are weighed and tagged with their destination. The next formality is filling out immigration forms and going through passport control. Be sure to bring a blue or black pen because immigration forms must be completed in block letters. You write your name, nationality, residential address and the purpose of your trip. In most countries there is also a security check where hand luggage is checked.

After completing all these formalities, you go to the departure lounge, where you can have a snack, read a newspaper or buy something at the duty-free shop and wait for the boarding announcement.

When you arrive at your destination, some of the formalities will undoubtedly be repeated. Often on board the plane you will receive a customs declaration and immigration forms to fill out. At the airport you can be checked with the help of specially trained dogs whose job is to make sure that passengers are not carrying any illegal drugs. In addition, the immigration officer may want to check your visa, invitation and even your return ticket.

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