Is the lake long enough to swim? Lakes Nerskoye, Krugloye and Dolgoye in the Dmitrovsky district

Today I will tell you about three lakes - Nerskoye, Krugloye and Dolgoye, located 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road in the north of the Moscow region, in the Dmitrovsky district.

They say that in ancient times all these three lakes were one large body of water. But today they are located quite far from each other, so the most convenient way to get here is by your own transport. I’ll tell you how to get to the lakes a little later, but first about which lake is best to go to beach holiday, swimming and fishing.

About lakes Nerskoye, Krugloye and Dolgoye

Lake Nerskoye, the source of the Volgusha River, is located at a distance from lakes Krugloye and Dolgoye, which are even connected by a small channel.

But in fact, the shores of lakes Nerskoye and Dolgoye are good for fishermen rather than for swimming and beach holidays: the shores there are covered with reeds and swampy in places. Therefore, it is quite difficult to approach the water there.

Therefore, we went to relax on Lake Krugloye, on the shores of which there are several sandy beaches, a boat rental station, a small summer cafe, several boarding houses and holiday homes, and even a training base for Russian national teams.

Summer cafe on the lake:

True, the beach itself and the shore available for recreation are quite small, maybe only 200 meters. Limited public beach fences of those same boarding houses and recreation centers. But the western coast is completely covered with forests and the approach to it is difficult. We didn’t look for him, stopping on the beach itself.

Path along the shore:

Lake Shore:

There are even decent changing rooms on the lake, but the toilets are a bit of a hassle (there is only one, but it was in critical condition).

Changing cabin:

How to get to the lakes in the Dmitrovsky district?

On the map I marked the location of these three lakes and added a route to it for travel by car from the Dmitrovskaya metro station along Leningradka.

And next to Lake Nerskoye (2 km) there is a station railway"Pl. 120 km." I think that from there it is quite possible to get to the rest of the lakes, using some kind of local transport or taxi.

You will have to leave the car a few meters from the shore, in an impromptu parking lot, but you won't have to pay for parking!

And here is the path from the parking lot to the lake shore:

And we go on our way! If you know good places for a beach holiday, located near Moscow, where you can not only sunbathe, but also have a good swim, then write to me in the comments. We'll definitely get together and prepare a thorough report!

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See you;)

Our friend Lida Abashina inspected the reservoirs of the Moscow region.

But we don’t stop there, and today our friend Nika Croft will explore the reservoirs of the Moscow region.

Beach 1 - Bay of Joy

There is free spontaneous parking for several cars. It will definitely be busy on weekends, the only thing left is a paid one.

If you leave the car, you will have to walk on foot. Walk for 5-10 minutes in one direction.

You can get to the beach either by car or by tram from the River Station, the stop of which is located not far from the metro station of the same name.

I didn’t like the muddy water; there were boats very close by. Entry into the water is normal, the beach is sandy.

On weekday mornings there is almost no one; on weekends it is rumored to be very crowded. The beach is small and there is nowhere for a stone to fall :)

There are paid sun beds, and there are also paid seats at special tables. But some resourceful vacationers bring with them not only folding chairs, but also tables.

There are changing rooms. All toilets are locked except one.

The cafe is open, there is kebab and shish kebab-flavored chips :) There is also a tent with the shocking name "smoke bitch".

I give it a rating of 5 out of 10.

Beach 2 -

Parking nearby is difficult, you have to walk along the road.

If you want to relax, eat and lie on the grass, play badminton or frisbee, this place is ideal, the prices are reasonable.

The beach is clean, well-groomed, changing rooms, toilets, trash cans - everything is good.

But everything is bad with the reservoir.

None of us dared to swim, there was a strange descent to the water along a slippery staircase, the water was dirty, there were yachts and the Dmitrovskoye Highway overpass nearby.

Prices in the cafe are low, for example, grilled salmon costs 450 rubles, okroshka - 120 rubles, beer - from 80 rubles. I wonder what the word "lacada" means :)

I give 2 points, if we evaluate the beach as a place for swimming, and 8 points, if you evaluate recreation by the water without swimming.

Beach 3 - Bolshoye Ivanovskoye

Entrance to the beach is through a gate, paid only on weekends.

The beach is neat. It is pleasant to swim, first there is bulk sand, then clay. The water is clean.

A strange children's paddock on the water :)

Rentals and cafes are also open on weekends. There are changing rooms and toilets.

I rate it 7 points on a ten-point scale.

Beach 4 - Round Lake

There is paid parking (from the restaurant), and spontaneous parking (on the side of the road).

Swimming is prohibited (people swim, but there is a sign), and there is trash everywhere.

It’s unclear where the garbage came from; this has never happened in this place before.

By the way, trash doesn't really bother people.

The descent to the water is not the most beautiful, and the garbage is already very close to the lake.

You are also not allowed to swim right next to the restaurant, but everyone swims. The garbage was apparently removed by the restaurant.

The area with gazebos, which the restaurant rents out for money, is also in complete order.

We didn’t go swimming, so I don't give a rating.

Beach 5 - City beach on Lake Senezh(Solnechnogorsk)

You can get there even without a car, on foot from the train. There is entertainment for children (all sorts of slides, trampolines) and food.

The beach is large and sandy. There is a pier where you can jump. You can rent a catamaran.

The water is a little murky, but pleasant to swim in, although sometimes there is algae.

There are toilets and changing facilities. There is a Magnit supermarket nearby, hot dogs on the beach cost only 100 rubles.

There are also promenade paths with benches, and these individuals were sitting on one of them.

There are a lot of people on the beach, since it is located within the city limits.

I bet 9 points out of 10.

Beach 6 - beach on the Volga in the city of Konakovo(Tver region)

This beach is the highlight of our trip: grass, pine trees, wonderful access to the water, sand.

There is no infrastructure, we were on the wild side of the beach. The beach is huge, there is always enough space for everyone. It's great here! We saw tapeworm fish on the shore, but this is the scourge of the Volga.

There was some trash, but it was clear that the beach was constantly being cleaned.

I really liked it. There are a lot of shops nearby. The views are wonderful. Sunsets are like on the equator :)

I bet 10 points, maximum rating.

Have a nice hot weekend everyone!

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Lake Krugloye is one of the few remaining glacial lakes in the Moscow region, part of the Muschet lake group. The Meshcherikha River flows into the lake, connecting Lake Krugloye with Lake Dolgoye in the Dmitrov region.

The location in an ecologically clean area attracts not only fishermen, but also many vacationers. There are several health boarding houses in the coastal zone.

Due to the high content of radon, which is typical for lakes of glacial origin, the lake is used as a health facility with its own microclimate.

Also in winter, the lake is used for training and interregional snowkiting competitions due to climatic conditions and freezing of the lake about 2 weeks earlier, which contributes to winter fishing, but this will be described below.


Among the residents of nearby villages, the lake has always been famous for the purity of its water and the openness of most of its shores. Lake Krugloye is of particular interest in the fall, namely in mid-September and until the end of October, for fishing with jigs.

Also, jigs and small spoons in combination with winter float rods give an excellent catch on the ice.

It is no secret that fishing on river waters and fishing on the surface of a lake has a significant difference; this fact can be confirmed by any fishing enthusiast who has tried both fishing in still and running water at least once.

The fact is that the water in the lake has low fluidity, and sometimes even its complete absence, this creates a special climate regime, more clearly delineating the temperature of the water layers and saturating them with oxygen in different ways.

The Meshcherikha River, which flows into Lake Krugloye, allows you to experience the benefits of both lake and river fishing, thanks to the active mixing of waters at the mouth of the river.

The water level in the lake area is not subject to sharp fluctuations and jumps, this is due to the peculiarity of the location of the lake and the landscape.

Weak fluctuations in combination with a constant level affect the calm movement of fish, without frequent changes in position.

Weak mixing of water levels at cold lower levels contributes to the rapid consumption of oxygen by the inhabitants of the layer, vegetation and oxidation processes occurring in the soil.

Active release of hydrogen sulfide and lack of oxygen forces the fish to occupy the upper level.

A feature of the Northwestern side of the lake is the constant mixing of water due to springs, which provides oxygen to the lower levels and gives excellent results in deep fishing; all bites occur at a depth of five to six meters from the surface of the lake.

Standing waters are noticed by those who like fishing with gear, using live bait or fry; experienced fishermen advise lowering the bait to a sufficient depth.

The fish bite mainly during subsequent casts, when the tackle moves between layers.

Experienced old-timer fishermen of the lake advise: if you observe the presence of a temperature limit, start fishing with live bait or fry, do not use any sinkers - live bait instinctively moves to the most favorable depth.

What's the best way to fish?

As for bait, fishermen most often use bloodworms, worms and artificial baits of bright colors in combination with a bottom fishing rod.

Winter fishing on Lake Krugloye begins much earlier due to the shallow depth and rapid strengthening of the ice layer, which allows you to get the maximum benefit from winter fishing and extend it up to six months.

Pond fish

As for fishing, the lake is known among fishermen as a habitat for carp. The health boarding house is located at a sufficient distance from the lake and does not affect the quality of fishing at all.

The lake is also home to pike, burbot, crucian carp, roach, and perch. There are carp, tench, and bream. It is worth noting that the western part of the coast is quite swampy and marshy, but the bottom is mostly sandy, no more than 6 meters deep.

The northwestern part of the lake is occupied by springs. Most fishing enthusiasts prefer this lake due to the possibility of renting beds and boats.

These services are provided by a fishing and sports base belonging to the Moscow Military District.

Fishing reports

During the summer, the behavior of fish in Lake Krugloe big influence the climate of a given area has a peculiarity, this affects the stability of the bite; at the mouth of the river the changes are less pronounced.

A few hours before the weather conditions change, regardless of the time of day, the fish begins to actively feed; experienced fishermen often receive large trophies during such periods.

The most remarkable and repeatedly noted local residents, the fact that during light precipitation the intensity of the bite does not stop, especially after a series of hot days.

The wind rose on the territory of the lake with a predominant north-east wind, in the summer, this circumstance is the best way to promote the bite of all species of fish present in the lake.

Unfortunately, sharp changes in wind direction in autumn significantly worsen the bite of crucian carp, carp, tench and other heat-loving lake inhabitants.

Small fish are less susceptible to changes in weather conditions.

Behaves actively predatory fish during the period of cooling of the upper layer at the end of autumn and the first freeze-up.

What’s noteworthy is that pike on Lake Krugloye are excellently caught during the feeding period using spoons, especially in places with a lot of snags on west bank with a depth of about 4 meters.

Regarding pike perch, it can be noted that it bites better on a jig in places with a large number of holes.

Perch, by nature, loves depth in winter, especially in the dead of winter, and goes to the middle of the lake where it is especially deep. The perch bite does not lose its intensity throughout the winter season.

How to get there?

It is possible to get to the lake with your own Krugloye transport by driving along the Dmitrovskoye highway for about 40 km to the nearest traffic police post, then turning towards the city of Lobnya, through the crossing onto the Rogachevskoye highway leading to the village of Ozeretskoye.

Lake Krugloye is located within walking distance from the village of Ozeretskoye, and the villages of Myshetskoye and Rybaki are also nearby.

From Savelovsky station you can take a train to Lobnya station, then take route No. 3 or No. 23 directly to Ozero Krugloye station.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that fishing leaves pleasant memories for lovers of fishing and outdoor activities. It is recommended to pay attention to Lake Krugloe.

Unfortunately, leisure The vast majority of modern people leave behind irreparable harm to nature. The large amount of trash from summer camping reminds us of this.

Therefore, each of us should remember, no matter what lake you choose for fishing or recreation, always be careful and leave cleanliness and order behind you.

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, homemade bait does not always work well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

Find out more about the bait!

Lake Krugloye in Lobnya is a unique body of water. This is one of the few glacial water reservoirs that has survived in the Moscow region. The Meshcherikha River flows into this reservoir, which connects it with, located in the Dmitrovsky district. The features of Krugloye and types of recreation on it will be discussed in this article.


Lake Krugloye in Lobnya is located in an ecologically clean zone and belongs to the Myshetsk lake group. The water contains a large amount of radon, which is typical for reservoirs of glacial origin. Thanks to this, this facility is used as a health resort, which has its own unique microclimate. Due to the healing properties of the water, several health centers have been built nearby.

People who prefer ecotourism love to relax in these places, especially many of them can be found here in the summer, when they escape the heat by the pleasant coolness of the reservoir. You can also often meet fishing enthusiasts on Lake Krugloye in Lobnya.

IN winter time Every year, the frozen surface of the reservoir is used by athletes who engage in snowkiting and train here; competitions in this sport are also held here. You can often meet winter fishing enthusiasts on Lake Krugloye in Lobnya, fishing on the ice.

Features of the reservoir

The water in this natural water reservoir is distinguished by its purity and transparency. In addition to radon, the water contains hydrogen sulfide, and the soil is saturated with minerals and trace elements. It, like water, is used for health purposes in boarding houses.

Thanks to the clean water, there is a large amount of fish here. You can often find such types as:

  • Burbot.
  • Pike.
  • Crucian carp.
  • Perch.
  • Carp.

Fish in Lake Krugloye in Lobnya is excellent at any time of the year. In summer, regional sport fishing competitions are held here. The peculiarity of this place for fishermen is that the bottom of the reservoir has a different landscape. For example, the bottom in some areas is sandy, in others it is muddy, and in others it has mixed soil with vegetation.

Lake Krugloye in Lobnya: how to get there

There are several ways to get there from the center of Moscow. To travel by car from the city center you need to use Leningradsky Prospekt. After passing the Sokol metro station, you should turn right onto Leningradskoye Shosse. Having reached the Moscow Ring Road, you need to turn right again, and then left, onto the M-11 road. Having reached Sheremetyevskoye Highway, you need to turn left along the ring, and then right again, onto the M-10 road. After that, follow the road signs and drive to the water feature.

Many people ask how to get to Lake Krugloye in Lobnya by a different route. It is not recommended to build another route to get to this reservoir, as the road will take longer. For example, following the described route, you will spend about 1 hour 10 minutes, while others will take from one and a half hours or more, plus traffic jams.

If you don’t want to travel by car, you can get to Lake Krugloye in Lobnya by bus. From Belorussky railway station A bus leaves to Lobnya station every half hour. After you arrive in Lobnya, you will have to take bus number 23, which goes to Krugloy.

Lake Krugloye in Lobnya: reviews

According to reviews from tourists who visited the water body in question, these places are excellent for eco-tourism. Local beauty, clean air and water are perfectly combined here. It is possible to relax on your own with a tent, or to stay in one of the health centers that operate hotels.

Holidays on Lake Krugloye attract many fishing enthusiasts. Here they are pleased with both the large amount of catch and the variety of fish. Also, this reservoir attracts connoisseurs of this type of recreation with the opportunity to fish absolutely at any time of the year.

Tourists who prefer to combine business with pleasure, namely relax and improve their health, recommend these places. Here you have the opportunity not only to enjoy the beauty of nature, but also to receive treatment in one of the health centers located next to the water body.

We can clearly conclude that Lake Krugloye in Lobnya is a unique place for recreation. Here you can relax with the whole family, enjoying amazing beauty these places. It will be possible to do fishing or use the services of one of the wellness centers. Having once visited these wonderful places, you will definitely want to come back here again.