Pai Hoi Mountain Range. Polar Urals Average and maximum heights of Pai Hoi

Pai Hoi- an old, heavily destroyed mountain range in the center of the Yugra Peninsula. The rocky ridges and hills that form it stretch for about 200 km from the northern part of the Polar Urals to the Yugorsky Shar Strait, and their continuation can be traced on Vaygach Island, separating the Barents and Kara Seas. Pai Khoi is located in the extreme northeast of the European part of Russia. To the west and southwest of it lies the Pechora Lowland and the Korotaikha River, to the southeast and east are the western slopes of the Polar Urals and the lower reaches of the Kara River, and to the north lies the Kara Sea. The highest point of the ridge is Mount Moreiz (Vesey-Pe) (423 m above sea level), which is the highest point on the surface of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Pai-Khoi is composed of siliceous and clayey shales, limestones, and sandstones. The ridge does not form a continuous mountain chain and consists of a number of isolated hills. At the same time, the western slope of Pai-Khoi is relatively short, and the eastern slope is gentle, descending towards the Kara Sea with wide sea terraces.

UDC 595.423-19(234.82)



Institute of Biology Komi Scientific Center Ural Branch RAS, Syktyvkar [email protected], zinov [email protected]

The research was carried out in the northwestern part of the Yugra Peninsula. For the first time, data on the faunal composition of oribatid mites of the Pai Khoi Ridge has been obtained. 32 species from 19 families of oribatids have been identified. An analysis of the geographical distribution of species is presented, and data on the zoogeographic structure of the fauna is presented. It has been established that the oribatid fauna of the Pai-Khoi ridge has a typically tundra appearance. The basis of the fauna consists of species characteristic of the high latitudes of Eurasia and widespread species. For the European sector of the tundra zone of Russia, the genus Pyroppia, species Hydrozetes thienemanni, Moritzoppia unicarinata clavigera and Pyroppia lanceolata were discovered for the first time.

Key words: oribatid mites, Pai-Khoi ridge, faunal diversity, biogeography, arealogy


Data on faunistic composition of oribatid mites of Pay-Khoy ridge is obtained for the first time. Researches were carried out in the northwest part of Yugor peninsula. 32 species from 19 families of oribatid mites are revealed. The analysis of geographical distribution of species was made, data on zoogeographical structure of oribatids fauna is presented. It is established that the fauna of oribatid mites of Pay-Khoy ridge has typically tundra shape. The fauna basis is made by species, characteristic for Northern latitudes of Eurasia, and widespread species. Genus Pyroppia, species Hydrozetes thienemanni, Moritzoppia unicarinata clavigera, Pyroppia lanceolata were found out for the first time in the European sector of tundra zone of Russia.

Key words: oribatid mites, Pay-Khoy ridge, faunistic diversity, biogeography, areology

Oribatid mites (oribatids) are one of the most numerous groups of soil invertebrates in high latitude ecosystems. Their role in the processes of transformation of organic residues and humus formation, and the biogenic cycle of substances is known. Oribatids are a convenient model group for biogeographical studies due to their high taxonomic diversity (over 10 thousand species in the world fauna) and worldwide distribution.

In the tundra zone of the European part of Russia, studies of the faunal diversity of oribatids were carried out on the Kola Peninsula, in the eastern part of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra, in the Polar Urals, in the mountain tundra of the Northern Urals. Until now, the taxonomic composition of oribatid mites in the tundra of the European Northeast has been poorly studied. There is no information in the literature on the oribatid fauna of the Yugorsk Peninsula.

The Pai-Khoi ridge is a system of rocky ridges and hills crossing the Yugorsky Peninsula from the northern part of the Polar Urals to the Yugorsky Shar Strait, part of the ridge is located on Vaygach Island. To Karsky

towards the sea, the ridge passes into the swampy Prikar lowland. The length of the ridge is over 200 km, the highest height is 423 m above sea level. m. (Moreiz). The climate is subarctic. Winter lasts up to 230 days. The average annual air temperature is -9°C, the average January temperature is -20C, July is +6C. In some years, the air temperature in summer can rise to +30°C, in winter it can drop to -40°C. Annual precipitation reaches 700 mm with a minimum in February and a maximum in August-September. The Pai-Khoi ridge and adjacent territories are located in an area of ​​continuous permafrost, the temperature of which varies from -5° C to -2° C. Tundra soils are gley typical, soils of spots and soils of hillocks are gleyic and gleyic dry-peaty. The soils of the mountain areas are primitive gravelly and humus-gravelly, rock outcrops are noted. The study area belongs to the northern and mountain tundra subzones. The northern tundras are represented by shrub-grass-moss and shrub-lichen associations with the dominance of arctic species with a significant

participation of hypoarctic species. In the valleys of rivers and streams there are willows and meadows with abundant herbs and cereals. Mountain tundras are predominantly represented by sedge-lichen associations and creeping shrubs of willow and dwarf birch.

Material and methods

The material was collected by A.N. Zinovieva in July-August 2010 in the vicinity of the town of Malaya Padeya in the Pai-Khoi ridge. Coordinates: from 69°00"59.0" to 69°03"58.5" N, from 62°08"20.3" to 62°09"49.1" E. (drawing). Samples were collected from seven zonal communities of mountain and lowland tundra and one intrazonal community (Table 1). In each community, five soil samples measuring 100 cm2 were taken.

Three areas of mountain tundra were examined on the southwestern slope of Malaya Padeya in three plant communities at an altitude of 298-320 m. Community I - moss-lichen-forb-shrub. Low growing, plant height reaches 10 cm; up to 25% of the area is occupied by kurumniks. The dominant species are Salix pittinapana Anderss., Festuca ovina L., Dicranum sp., Polytium sp., lichens of the genus

Cladonia. II - moss-lichen-shrub community. Low growing, plant height reaches 20 cm; heaving mounds make up 5%, the rest of the area is dominated by Salix nummullaria Anderss., Carex arctisibirica (Jurtz.) Czer., Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Bruch et al., Racomitrium lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid., Cladonia arbuscula (Wallr.) .) Flot., C. rangiferina (L.) Web. III - cloudberry-sphagium-new community. Closed, found locally, the height of the plant cover with a thick moss cover reaches 20 cm. Rubus ^amaemorus L., Sphagnum sp. dominate.

In the lowland tundra, the material was collected in four plant communities located at an altitude of 189 - 196 m above sea level. m. IV - low-growing horsetail-moss willow. Plant height reaches 50 cm, dominated by Salix glauca L., S. lanata

L., Equisetum arvense L., Hylocomium spleen-dens (Hedw.) Bruch et al., lichens of the genus Peltigera are found sporadically. V - rare-willow-lichen-moss-sedge community. Polydominant, with a small covering of the following species: Salix glauca L., S. nummullaria Anderss., Carex arctisibirica (Jurtz.) Czer., Festuca ovina L., Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Bruch et al., Polytrichum sp. The projective cover of lichens reaches 25%, dominated by Cetraria is-landica (L.) Ach. and species of the genus Cladonia. VI - forb-moss, waterlogged community. Closed, height of vegetation cover 20 cm; dominated by Carex rariflora (Wahl.) Smith., Saxifraga foliolosa R. Br., Eriophorum scheuchzeri Hoppe., Sphagnum sp., Polytrichum sp., Peltigera is abundant among lichens. VII - sedge-moss community. Closed, the height of the plant cover reaches 20 cm. Dominated by Carex arctisibirica (Jurtz.) Czer., Salix reticulata L., S. nummullaria Anderss., Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Bruch et al., Thamnolia vermicularis (Sw.) is abundant among lichens Schaer.

The intrazonal community - forb-grass meadow (VIII) - was located on the bank of the stream. The community is closed, the height of the vegetation

Rice. Schematic map of the study area.

Table 1

Species composition of oribatid mites in the surveyed plant communities

Taxon Mountain tundra Lowland tundra Intrazonal


Liochthonius lapponicus + + + + - + - -

Heminothrus punctatus - - + - - + + -

Camisia horrida - + - + + - + -

C. biurus - - - - - - + -

Nothrus borussicus + - - - - - - -

Hermannia reticulata - + - - + - - -

Belba compta + - - - - - - -

Ceratoppia bipilis - + + + + + + -

C. sphaerica - + + + + - + -

Pyroppia lanceolata - + + - - - - -

Adoristes poppei + - - + - - - -

Tectocepheus velatus + + + + + + + +

Carabodes subarcticus + - + - - + - -

C. marginatus + - - - - - - +

Moritzoppia neerlandica + + + + + + + -

M. unicarinata clavigera + - - + + + + -

Oppiella nova - + + + - + - +

Suctobelbella acutidens + - - - - - + -

S. hammeri - - + - + - + -

Quadroppia quadricarinata - + - - + + - -

Banksinoma setosa - - - - - - - +

Hydrozetes thienemanni - - - - - + - -

Scheloribates laevigatus - + - + + + + +

Oribatula exilis - + + + - - - +

O. tibialis + - - - + + - -

Ceratozetes gracilis - + - - - - - -

Edwardzetes edwardsi - + - + - - - -

Melanozetes mollicomus - + + + - + + -

Murcia nova - + + - + - - -

Diapterobates notatus - + + - + - - -

Svalbardia paludicola - - + - - + - -

Minunthozetes pseudofusiger - - - - - - - +

Total species 12 17 15 13 13 14 12 7

Plant communities: I - moss-lichen-forb-shrub, II - moss-lichen-lichen-shrub, III - cloudberry-sphagnum, IV - horsetail-moss low-growing willow, V-rare-willow-lichen-moss-sedge, VI - waterlogged forb-moss meadow, VII - sedge-moss meadow, VIII - forb-grass meadow on the bank of a stream.

The cover reaches 40 cm, dominated by Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. and Poa pratensis L.

The animals were driven out on thermoelectors for seven to ten days, depending on the humidity of the substrate. A total of 8154 specimens of oribatid mites were obtained.

An analysis of the distribution of the discovered species in the Eurasian sector of the Arctic was carried out: in Northern Scandinavia (alpine wastelands of the Kevo station, Finland), on the archipelagos and islands: Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Kolguev, Vaygach, Severnaya Zemlya, Novosibirsk, Wrangel Islands, va Diomeda, in the tundra zone of the Kola Peninsula, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, in the Polar Urals, in the mountain tundra of the Northern Urals, in the north of Siberia and Far East(Yamal, Gydan Peninsula, Taimyr, Chukotka), in the high and low Arctic North America.

The species' longitudinal distribution types are named based on data from L. subias. The types of latitudinal distribution of species were determined using regional catalogs in accordance with the classification of K.B. Gorodkova. The oribatid system is given by L. subias. When characterizing the population structure of oribatid mites, species with a relative abundance of more than 10% were called dominant, and subdominant - 5.0 - 9.9%.

When describing plant communities, the names of vascular plants are given according to S.K. Cherepanov, moss - according to M.S. Ignatov, O.M. Afonina, lichens - according to A.V. Dombrovskaya.

Results and discussion

In the surveyed plant communities of the Pai-Khoi ridge, 32 species of oribatid mites from 19 families were found. The largest number of species was noted for the families Ceratozetidae (four), Camisiidae, Ceratoppiidae, Oppiidae (three species each), other families are represented by one or two species each (Table 2).

According to the type of longitudinal distribution, Holarctic, Palearctic, cosmopolitan and semi-cosmopolitan species were distinguished. Holarctic species predominated in number (75.0%). The leading role of Holarctic species in the structure of the oribatid fauna was noted by us earlier for the tundra zone of the European part of Russia as a whole. Some species widespread in the Holarctic (Quadroppia quadricarinata, Oribatula exilis, Oribatula tibialis) are found in a number of regions outside the Holarctic. Four species (12.5%) are included in the Palearctic group. The share of widespread species - cosmopolitans and semi-cosmopolitans (Tectocepheus velatus, Oppiella nova, Ceratozetes gracilis, Scheloribates laevigatus) was 12.5%.

A significant number of discovered species (20, or 62.5%) are distributed circumpolarly; they are found in high latitudes of both the Palaearctic and Nearctic - in Alaska, Yukon, and Greenland. These include Liochthonius lappo-

nicus, Nothrus borussicus, Camisia horrida, C. biurus, Heminothrus punctatus, Hermannia reticulata, Ceratoppia bipilis, C. sphaerica, Moritzoppia neerlandica, M. unicarinata clavigera, Suctobelbella acutidens, S. ham-meri, Q. quadricarinata, O. tibialis, Melanozetes mollicomus, Diapterobates notatus, Svalbardia paludicola, as well as cosmopolitans T. velatus, O. nova, C. gracilis.

Species with polyzonal, temperate, Arctic-boreal and Arctic types of latitudinal distribution were identified as part of the fauna of oribatid mites of the Paikoi Ridge. The only Arctic species discovered is S. paludicola, whose range covers the mainland tundra and Arctic islands. Previously, we classified this species as belonging to the arctic-boreal group, taking into account finds outside the tundra zone - in Transbaikalia. In the main part of its range, S. paludicola should be considered an Arctic species. It has a circumpolar distribution, present in Greenland, Alaska, Yukon. S. paludicola is the only Arctic species that occurs in the tundra zone of the European part of Russia; it has been recorded on the Kola Peninsula and the Polar Urals.

On Payoi, as well as in the European sector of the tundra zone as a whole, no hypoarctic species have been found, the range of which occupies the subzone of the southern tundra, forest-tundra and extreme northern taiga. The European sector is characterized by a small number of arctic-boreal species complex, which we noted earlier. Seven arcto-boreal species H. punctatus, C. sphaerica, H. reticulata, D. notatus, M. unicarinata clavigera, Pyroppia lanceolata, Banksinoma setosa were found on Paijoi. The species D. notatus is ubiquitous on the Arctic islands and archipelagos, the tundra zone, and widely occupies the taiga zone of Eurasia. The species H. punctatus was also observed quite often in the taiga zone. C. sphaerica and H. reticulata gravitate towards high latitudes; most of the findings of these species were noted in the Arctic; they are less common in the taiga zone. Some arctic-boreal species are present in the mountain systems of the Palaearctic: D. notatus -in Altai, C. sphaerica - in the Tien Shan, M. unicari-nata clavigera and P. lanceolata - in the Caucasus.

The ranges of most species cover several natural zones and belong to the polyzonal and temperamental types. The group with a temperate type of distribution includes seven species (21.9%): L. lapponicus, Edwardzetes edwardsi, Carabodes marginatus, Carabodes subarctisus, M. mollicomus, M. neerlandica, Hydrozetes thienemanni. They are often found in the arctic-boreal region. For most of them, we can talk about the location of the main part of the range in the arctic-boreal (L. lapponicus, E. edwardsi, M. neerlandica) or boreal (M. mollicomus, C. subarctisus) regions.

In the collections, polyzonal species predominated in number (53.1%). Based on the nature of their distribution in the high latitudes of Eurasia, they can be divided into three groups. The first group consists of species that are present in most of the known faunas of both the continental tundra and the Arctic

table 2

Taxonomic composition and distribution of oribatid mites of the Pai Khoi Ridge

Distribution type

Brachichthoniidae Thor, 19E4 Liochthonius (Liochthonius) lap-ponicus (Tragardh, 1910)

Northern Scandinavia, Spitsbergen, Kola Peninsula, Holarctic.

Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Taimyr, Chukotka Temperate.

Camisiidae Oudemans, 1900

2 Heminothrus (Platynothrus) punc-

tatus (L. Koch, 1B79)

3 Camisia (Camisia) horrida (Koch,

4 Camisia (C.) biurus (Koch, 1VE9)

Nothridae Berlese, 1В96

5 Nothrus borussicus Sellnick, 192B

Hermanniidae Sellnick, 192В Hermannia (Heterohermannia) reticulata Thorell, 1В71

Damaeidae Berlese, 1В96 Belba (Belba) compta (Kulczynski, 1902)

Ceratoppiidae Kunst, 1971 Ceratoppia bipilis (Hermann, 1B04)

C. sphaerica (L. Koch, 1B79)

10 Pyroppia lanceolata Hammer, 1955

Liacaridae Sellnick, 192В

11 Adoristes poppei (Oudemans,

Tectocepheidae Grandjean, 1954

12 Tectocepheus velatus (Michael, 1ВВ0)

Carabodidae Koch, 1ВЭ7

13 Carabodes (Carabodes) marginatus (Michael, 1ВВ4)

14 C. (C.) subarcticus Tragardh, 1902

Oppiidae Sellnick, 19E7

15 Moritzoppia (Moritzoppiella) neer-landica (Oudemans, 1900)

17 M. (Moritzoppia) unicarinata clavig-era (Hammer, 1952)

16 Oppiella (Oppiella) nova (Oudemans, 1902)

Suctobelbidae Jacot, 19EV

1B Suctobelbella (Suctobelbella) acu-

tidens (Forsslund, 1941)

19 S. (S.) hammerae (Krivolutsky, 1965)

Quadroppiidae Balogh, 19VE

20 Quadroppia (Quadroppia) quadri-carinata (Michael, 1ВВ5)

Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya, Kolguev, Vaygach, Kola Peninsula, Holarctic.

Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Yamal, Taimyr, Chukotka Spitsbergen, Polar Urals, Northern Urals

Kola Peninsula, Polar Urals, Northern Urals






Northern Scandinavia, Kola Peninsula, Bolshezemelskaya Holarctic. tundra, Polar Urals, Northern Urals, Yamal, Chukotka Polyzonal.

Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach, Kola Peninsula, Chukotka

Kola Peninsula

Spitsbergen, Kola Peninsula, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Polar Urals, Northern Urals, Yamal, Gydan Peninsula, Taimyr, Chukotka

Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya, Vaigach, Wrangel, Diomede Islands, Kola Peninsula, Polar Urals, Yamal, Gydan Peninsula, Taimyr Chukotka

Northern Scandinavia, Kola Peninsula

Northern Scandinavia, Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Kolguev, Vaygach, Novosibirsk, Wrangel, Diomede Islands, Kola Peninsula, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Polar Urals, Northern Urals, Taimyr, Chukotka

Northern Scandinavia, Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya, Kola Peninsula, Bolshezemelskaya tundra Northern Scandinavia, Kola Peninsula, Polar Urals, Northern Urals

Spitsbergen, Kola Peninsula, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Polar Urals, Northern Urals, Yamal, Taimyr, Chukotka Taimyr, Chukotka

Northern Scandinavia, Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach, Wrangel, Kola Peninsula, Polar Urals, Chukotka

Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, Kola Peninsula, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Polar Urals

Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya, Kola Peninsula, Polar Urals

Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach, Severnaya Zemlya, Kola Peninsula, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Polar Urals























Cosmopolitan. Poly-








End of table. 2

Distribution in the Eurasian sector of the Arctic

Distribution type

Thyrisomidae Grandjean, 195E

21 Banksinoma setosa Rjabinin, 1974

Hydrozetidae Grandjean, 1954

22 Hydrozetes (Heloribates) thiene-manni Strenzke, 194E

Scheloribatidae Jacot, 19E5

23 Scheloribates (Scheloribates) laevi-gatus (Koch, 1VE5)

Oribatulidae Thor, 1929

24 Oribatula (Zygoribatula) exilis (Nicolet, 1В55)

25 O. (Oribatula) tibialis (Nicolet, 1B55)

Ceratozetidae Jacot, 1925

26 Ceratozetes (Ceratozetes) gracilis (Michael, 1ВВ4)

27 Edwardzetes (Edwardzetes) ed-wardsi (Nicolet, 1В55)

2B Melanozetes mollicomus (Koch,

29 Murcia nova Sellnick, 192B

Kola Peninsula, Northern Urals

Kola Peninsula, Northern Urals

Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Wrangel, Kola Peninsula, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Polar Urals, Northern Urals, Taimyr Northern Scandinavia, Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach, Kola Peninsula, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Polar Urals, Northern Urals , Yamal, Taimyr, Chukotka

Kola Peninsula

Spitsbergen, Kola Peninsula, Bolshezemelskaya tundra

Northern Scandinavia, Kola Peninsula, Northern Urals, Taimyr

Spitsbergen, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Polar Urals



















Humerobatidae Grandjean, 1970

30 Diapterobates notatus (Thorell, 1В71)

E1 Svalbardia paludicola Thor, 19E0

Punctoribatidae Thor, 19E7

E2 Minunthozetes pseudofusiger (Schweizer, 1922)

Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Kolguev, Vaygach, Severnaya Zemlya, New Siberian Islands, Diomede Islands, Kola Peninsula, Yamal, Gydan Peninsula, Taimyr, Chukotka

Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya, Kola Peninsula, Bolshezemelskaya tundra, Polar Urals, Yamal, Taimyr, Chukotka

Novaya Zemlya, Vaigach, Kola Peninsula







islands, these are C. horrida, S. acutidens, S. hammeri, C. bipilis. These also include the widespread species O. tibialis, O. exilis, Q. quadricarinata and cosmopolitans T. velatus, O. nova. The second includes species that have not been recorded on the Arctic islands, but are quite common in the mainland tundra (C. biurus, N. borussicus). The third group consists of species whose main range is located at lower latitudes. Thus, the main habitat of Adoristes poppei is in the forest zone (boreal and deciduous forests). The distribution of this species in the tundra zone of the Palearctic is limited to the European sector: in addition to Paijoya, the species was recorded on the Kola Peninsula, in the alpine heaths of Finland. The species C. gracilis is classified as cosmopolitan. It occupies the taiga zone of Eurasia everywhere, but is not widespread in the tundra zone; Previously it was found only on the Kola Peninsula.

For the first time, the Holarctic temperate species H. thienemanni was discovered in the European sector of the tundra zone. In the European part of Russia, it is distributed in taiga and coniferous-deciduous forests, and has been recorded in the middle taiga of the Komi Republic. In the tundra zone of Eurasia, H. thienemanni was found earlier, according to L.G. Grishina, in Chukotka. Other sources do not confirm the presence of the species in Chukotka.

New to the European sector of the tundra zone were the genus Pyroppia and the Holarctic species P. lanceolata from the family Ceratoppiidae. ON THE. Ryabinin classifies it as a species with Beringian connections. The species is distributed in Alaska, Yukon, in the tundra soils of Chukotka, and is found in the Caucasus. The family Ceratoppiidae is characteristic of the high latitudes of Eurasia; in the European sector of the tundra zone, species of the genus Ceratoppia are common: C. sphaerica, C. bipilis, C. quadridentata; C. sphaerica and C. bipilis were found on Paijoi.

In the north of the European part of Russia, the Holarctic species M. unica-rinata clavigera was recorded for the first time, which was previously recorded in Finland, the Caucasus, the taiga and forest-tundra of Siberia (Tyumen, Northern Evenkia, Labytnangi), Taimyr, Chukotka, Alaska, Yukon, in Greenland.

The discovery of the Holarctic species B. setosa on the Yugra Peninsula expands our knowledge about the boundaries of the range of this species. According to the data available today, we classify it as an arctic-boreal species. The range of B. setosa in the Palearctic has a significant disjunction in Siberia. In the Far East, this species was recorded in the Khabarovsk Territory, the Kuril Islands, and the Commander Islands. In the European part of Russia it is found in the middle taiga on the territory of the Komi Republic, the mountain-tundra belt of the Northern Urals, the tundra zone of the Kola Peninsula, where it is found in the plumage of birds.

With other faunas of the European sector of the Arctic, the fauna of Paijoy's oribatids is united by both arctic-boreal and polyzonal and temperate species of the “northern” complex. Common with

O. Vaygach and architect. Novaya Zemlya are arctic-boreal H. punctatus, H. reticulata, C. sphaerica, D. notatus, polyzonal Minunthozetes pseudo-fusiger and widespread species Q. quadricarinata, O. tibialis, T. velatus, O. nova. An arctic species found on Pai Khoi, S. paludicola, is also present on Novaya Zemlya. In total, of the 32 species discovered on Pai Khoi, nine were noted on Vaygach Island, for which 25 species of oribatids are known. Common to the fauna of Novaya Zemlya (60 species are known) were 14 species of oribatid mites (43.7%). The arctic and four arcto-boreal species (H. punctatus, H. reticulata, C. sphaerica, D. notatus) found on Pai Khoi are present in the Svalbard fauna.

The fauna of the Pai-Khoi ridge shares 16 species (50%) with the fauna of the Polar Urals. These are the Arctic species S. paludicola, Arctic-boreal C. sphaerica, temperate C. subarcticus, M. neer-landica, polyzonal species C. horrida, C. biurus, N. borussicus, C. bipilis, S. acutidens, S. hammeri , widespread Q. quadricarinata, O. tibialis, O. exilis and cosmopolitans T. velatus, O. nova. Also among the species common to the Polar Urals is Murcia nova, which is present in the Bolshezemel tundra, on Spitsbergen.

Nine oribatid species (28.1%) of those found at Pai Hoi are reported for the Finnish alpine heaths. These are species of the “northern” complex L. lapponicus, N. borussicus, C. subarcticus, C. marginatus, M. mollicomus, widespread T. velatus, O. nova, O. tibialis, as well as A. poppei, which is rarely found in tundra zone.

Thus, the commonality of the fauna of oribatid mites of the Pai Khoi ridge with the fauna of the Arctic islands and archipelagos is largely determined by arctic-boreal species, and with the mainland tundra faunas - polyzonal and temperamental species characteristic of the high latitudes of Eurasia.

Data were obtained on the species composition of oribatid mites in eight plant communities (Table 1). The abundance values ​​of oribatids were 15,000 - 43,840 ind./m2 in the mountain tundra communities, 8,500 - 38,920 in the lowland tundra, and 8,950 in the intrazonal community. The most numerous species in the collections were T. velatus, M. neerlandica, M. unicarinata clavigera, D. notatus, H. punctatus, M. mollicomus, S. laevigatus. In mountain tundra communities, the dominants included: T. velatus (37.5% in the moss-lichen-shrub community), M. neerlandica (33.0% in the cloudberry-sphagnum community), D. notatus (20 .9% in the cloudberry-sphagnum community), M. mollicomus (11.7% in the moss-lichen-shrub community); subdominants - H. punctatus and L. lap-ponicus (9.1 and 7.3%, respectively, in the cloudberry-sphagnum community). In the lowland tundras, M. unicarinata clavigera (from 35.5 to 84.5%), H. punctatus (39.4% in the forb-moss waterlogged community), S. laevigatus (14.6% in the horsetail-moss community) dominated low-growing willow); subdominant were H. reticulata (9.8% in the sparse willow-lichen-moss-sedge community

ve) and T. velatus (from 6.7 to 9.9%). In the intrazonal community, the eu-ribiont species T. velatus, O. nova, and S. laevigatus were most abundant.

Some species of dominant and subdominant complexes were numerous in other faunas of the tundra zone. Thus, the species T. velatus and M. neerlandica belonged to the group of subdominants in collections from the Polar Urals. A high abundance of T. velatus (about 50%) was noted in the shrub-lichen and stony-lichen tundras of the Northern Urals. In the alpine heaths of Finland, along with other, the most numerous species were T. velatus and M. mollicomus. In the dwarf birch and shrub-lichen mountain tundras of the Northern Urals, the core of the dominant species included C. subarcticus, which was not particularly abundant in collections from Pai-Khoi.

Only in the mountain tundra (moss-lichen-forb-shrub) were N. borussicus and Belba compta found in small numbers. The species H. thienemanni was found only in a waterlogged forb-moss community located in a depression of the relief. This is an aquatic species; in the middle taiga of the Komi Republic it was an inhabitant of raised swamps. Most H. reticulata individuals were found in the sparse willow-lichen-moss-sedge community of the lowland tundra. This species was also found in the moss-lichen-shrub community of the mountain tundra. A larger number of individuals of C. sphaerica and C. bipilis were found in mountain tundras. B. setosa was found only in the intrazonal community in small numbers. In the European North, this species prefers waterlogged habitats: in the Northern Urals it lived in swampy grass-moss tundra, where it was part of the subdominant group; in the middle taiga subzone it was found in raised bogs. The species H. punctatus was confined to the cloudberry-sphagnum community of the mountain tundra.


The presence of an indicator complex of species characteristic of the tundra zone of Eurasia: arctic S. paludicola, arctic-boreal D. notatus, C. sphaerica, H. reticulata, H. punctatus, temperate L. lapponicus, M. neerlandica, E. edwardsi, polyzonal nykh C. horrida, S. hammeri, C. eipilis, allows us to determine the fauna of oribatid mites of the Pai Khoi Ridge as typically tundra. The data obtained expand knowledge about the boundaries of the ranges of some species. For the first time, the genus Pyroppia, species H. thiene-manni, M. unicarinata clavigera, and P. lanceolata were discovered in the European sector of the tundra zone. The dominant species in the collections were T. velatus, M. neerlandica, M. clavigera, D. notatus, H. punctatus, M. mollicomus, S. laevigatus. The faunal list of oribatid mites of the Pai Khoi Range discussed in this work cannot be considered complete. Further research in this region is needed.

The authors express their sincere gratitude to the staff of the Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. HER. Kulyugina for geobotanical characteristics of plant communities, E.G. Madi for assistance in preparing the map, Ph.D. A.G. Tatarinov for valuable consultations.

Field research was carried out within the framework of the project “Development of the concept of creating an Atlas of the Natural Heritage of the Urals” No. 09-M-45-2002.


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Pai-Khoi is an old, heavily destroyed mountain range in the center of the Yugorsky Peninsula, stretching about 200 km from the northern part of the Polar Urals to the Yugorsky Shar Strait. Part of the ridge is located on Vaygach Island, separating the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea.

The highest point of the ridge is Mount More-Iz, its height above sea level is 423 m. The mountain is located approximately 40 km southeast of the village. Amderma. The mountain itself is flat, the rounded shapes of the hill consist of a remnant of a glacier - a moraine. In the Nenets language the mountain is called Vesey-Pe - “Old Man’s Mountain”. Pai Khoi is composed of crystalline shales and sedimentary sandstone rocks, marls and limestones.

For the first time, the Pai-Khoi ridge was discovered for Europeans and its first geological and biological description was compiled by a research expedition led by Hoffman Ernst Karlovich (1847-1853). She also described the ethnography of the region. The Yugorsky Peninsula is a large peninsula in the extreme northeast of Europe, between the Barents and Kara Seas, in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Arkhangelsk Region of Russia.

Physiographically, Pai-Khoi occupies the left bank of the Kara River and the Yugorsk Peninsula; administratively, it is located on the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Arkhangelsk Region. A lengthy discussion about whether Pai-Khoi is an independent ridge, a continuation of the Urals, its lateral branch, or even related in origin to the Timan Ridge, ended only in the middle of this century. After the geological structure of Pai-Khoi and the Polar Urals was carefully studied, it turned out that these geographical areas are directly connected and Pai-Khoi should be considered a northwestern continuation of the Urals, a link in the single Ural-Novaya Zemlya folded region.

In terms of its orographic structure, Pai Khoi is a rather complex mountainous country, consisting of several parallel mountain ranges and adjacent plateaus. This entire territory belongs to the tundra zone, among which there are gently sloping peaks with rocky scatterings and sometimes cliffs. The dismemberment of Pai-Khoi and the erasure of its forms have been repeatedly emphasized by researchers. E. K. Hoffman wrote that Pai Khoi “is a series of unconnected, rounded and turf-covered mountains, on which rocky caps are visible only in some places...”.

Pai-Khoi is described in approximately the same way by S.V. Kertselli, who pointed out that this ridge “does not represent a continuous mountain range,” but is a series of “individual narrow, elongated low hillocks along the strike line of the entire ridge.” The local population is well aware of the orographic dissection of Pai-Khoi. So, according to Kertselli, “deer hunters” distinguish between the Big Stone - central part ridge, Maly Kamen (among the Komi - Dzola-Iz) - its extreme southern ridge, the Sea Ridge - part of Pai-Khoi from Mount Morepai to Yugorsky Shar.

The geographical name Pai-Khoi should have been written Pe-Khoi, but the traditional form was established, coming from A.I. Shrenk and E.K. Hoffman. For the first time this name was apparently witnessed by Schrenk during his famous trip to the Polar Urals in 1837.

He writes that the western continuation of the Urals is called by the Samoyeds (Nenets) Paigoy, that is, the “Rocky Ridge”, and the western Samoyeds (obviously the Kanin and Malozemelsky Nenets) by the Samoyeds (Nenets) by Khabiygoy, that is, the “Ostyak Ridge”, because the Ostyaks (Khanty) roam around it. . Somewhat later, the name Pai-Khoi, translating it as “Stone Ridge,” was repeatedly cited by Hoffman, the leader of the North Ural expedition of 1847-1850, who, like Shrenk, personally visited these places and received information first-hand - from his Nenets and Komi-Zyryans (Izhemtsev).

How to get there
You can get to Mount More-Iz on foot or on ATVs in summer, in winter - on snowmobiles from the village. Amderms. The journey around the base of the hill takes one day.

Orography and hypsometry. Elongated in the submeridional direction, the Urals are divided into the Pai-Khoi hill (average heights 200-400 m, maximum in the city of More-Iz - 467 m), Polar Urals (500-1000 m, Payer - 1472 m), Subpolar Urals (500- 1500 m, Narodnaya - 1895 m), Northern Urals (500-1000 m, Konzhakovsky Kamen - 1569 m), Middle Urals (300 - 500 m), Southern Urals (500 - 1000 m, Yamantau - 1640 m), Mugodzhary (200-500 m, Bolshoi Boktybay – 657 m). With a small width of the mountain belt (50-150 km, up to 15 parallel ridges), the Cis-Urals are distinguished with a number of hills that smooth out the transition from the Russian Plain to the Urals; the Urals proper, consisting of axial (usually nameless) ridges, western and eastern macroslopes; Trans-Urals (narrow - no more than 200 km strip of plains 200-300 m high, sharp orographic boundary).

Geological development and structure. By fixist ideas The Urals is a Hercynian folded structure within the huge Ural-Tyanshan (or Ural-Mongolian) fold belt. Its development began in the Precambrian, when the accumulation of the most ancient (Archaean, Proterozoic, Lower Cambrian) took place. pre-Ural strata that later underwent metamorphism and are currently represented by gneisses, crystalline schists, quartzites, and amphibolites. Particularly prominent are the strata named by N.S. Shatsky Riphean group (Ancient researchers called the Urals Riphean). In its composition, in addition to metamorphic ones, terrigenous (conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones) and carbonate (limestones, dolomites, marbles) rocks are widespread. The development of the pre-uralids ended with the Baikal folding. The pre-uralid folds extended from northwest to southeast. This orientation has been preserved to this day in the Timan Ridge and a number of other structures.

Starting from the Ordovician, the formation and development of the Ural geosyncline, oriented submeridionally, and the accumulation of uralid . In the western part of the Urals, Caledonian folding appeared within the miogeosyncline (non-volcanogenic zone of the geosyncline). The Hercynian folding covered the eastern part and reworked the Caledonian structures of the western Urals. Within the eastern part there was a eugeosyncline, in which magmatic processes and rocks play a significant role.

Currently dominate mobilist ideas about the development of the Urals. The geosynclinal process is considered as a result of the “subduction” of the oceanic crust of the West Siberian paleoocean under the East European continental plate (subduction). As a result of tectonic clustering, the thickness of the earth's crust increased many times over. The processes caused by the subsidence of the oceanic crust into zones of metamorphism and melting contributed to the emergence of a granite-metamorphic layer. As a result, the oceanic type crust degenerated into continental one. Quite often, the subduction of an oceanic block was replaced by obduction, that is, its thrusting onto the hard edge of the East European Plate. As a result, numerous fragments of the ancient ocean floor are observed on the peaks of the Urals. A significant range of horizontal movement of tectonic nappes and overhangs is revealed. The roots of the structures are located on the eastern slope of the Urals, and they themselves are often moved to the axial zone, and sometimes to the western slopes. The ancient bottom of the paleoocean consisted of basalt and sedimentary layers. The remains of the first are blocks) consisting of ultrabasic and basic rocks (ophiolite plates), the second are blocks of carbonate rocks (originally carbonate oceanic silts), which are called olistoliths and olistostromes.

As a result of the Hercynian folding and uplift of a large territory, the marine regime was replaced by a continental one, and the Ural Mountains appeared. According to the laws of isostasy (equilibrium), the land to the west of the emerging mountains subsided. The resulting Cis-Ural trough was flooded by the waters of lagoons, at the bottom of which in the Late Carboniferous - Permian, and in sections - in the Triassic, the products of mountain destruction accumulated and molasse deposits were formed. All geostructures of the Urals and the deep faults separating them are oriented submeridionally. The geostructures have the form of stripes in plan, successively replacing each other in space as they move to the east. On the border with the Russian plate there is the Pre-Ural foredeep. Its section reveals an asymmetry: the eastern wing is deep and steep, the western wing is much less bent. In the process of its development, the trough constantly moved westward, to the eastern edge of the Russian Plate. To the east of the trough, there is an alternation of anticlinoriums (Central Ural, East Ural, Trans-Ural) and synclinoriums (Magnitogorsk-Tagil, East Ural), and in the eastern part these structures come to the surface only in the south, and in the north they are covered by a younger cover of the West Siberian plate.

Minerals. The specific geological structure determines the wide variety of minerals in the Urals. Over short distances, the composition of rocks containing various mineral complexes changes dramatically. Magmatic and metamorphogenic deposits are confined to the East Ural anticlinorium, rich in intrusions of various compositions. Associated with granitoid intrusions are deposits of magnetites (skarn deposits of the Magnitnaya, Vysokaya, and Blagodati mountains), gold in quartz veins, copper, and base metals. Deposits of chromium, platinum, nickel, cobalt, asbestos, talc, and diamonds are associated with mafic and ultramafic intrusions. Aluminum deposits are responsible for alkaline intrusions. In Bashkiria, in the Riphean strata, there are numerous deposits of siderite, magnetite ores and brown iron ores.

Deposits of sedimentary origin gravitate towards the Cis-Ural trough. Among them are Solikamskoye (potassium and magnesium salts), Krasnokamskoye and Sol-Iletskoye (rock salt), Vorkutinskoye, Kizelovskoye (hard coal), oil and gas fields on the border with the Russian plate. Bauxite (“Little Red Riding Hood”) is mined in ancient weathering crusts. Placer deposits of gold, emeralds and other precious stones have long been known. Rich deposits of building stone are widespread.

Geomorphology. The Hercynian Urals were soon destroyed by denudation. The peneplanation of the relief lasted during the Mesozoic and Paleogene. Leveling surfaces with weathering crusts formed. This surface has practically not changed to this day in Pai-Khoi, Mugodzhary, the Trans-Ural Plain of the Southern Urals and the Middle Urals. At the end of the Oligocene-Neogene, the Urals were covered by new tectonic uplifts. It was divided into many blocks by an orthogonal fault system. Along weakened fault zones there are chains of lake basins, which is especially typical for the eastern macroslope; lake basins and river valleys have acquired a knee-shaped plan. The uplifts were differentiated and varied greatly in intensity, but were not intense everywhere. As already noted, almost no uplifts appeared in the Middle Urals, in Pai-Khoi and Mugodzhary. They manifested themselves somewhat more strongly in the Northern and Polar Urals. Moderate uplifts covered only the Subpolar and Southern Urals. As a result, the morphostructure of block and block-folded mountains developed in these territories. Their appearance is characterized by a table shape, steep stepped slopes and a plateau-like or slightly convex surface of the peaks. In areas of weak movements, denudation elevated plains and small hills have developed.

In the Pleistocene, the Subpolar Urals were part of the Ural-Novaya Zemlya glaciation center, cover glaciers covered the entire Urals located north of the 60th parallel, and to the south there were often pockets of mountain glaciation and snowfields. Under such conditions, the relict glacial and cryogenic morphosculpture of the upper mountain belt was developed. Modern glaciation has survived only in the Subpolar Urals, where modern glacial landforms are limitedly developed. But at altitudes above 500 m, modern cryogenic (char) morphosculpture is widespread. The lower belt is dominated by fluvial morphosculpture with ridge-like watersheds and sharply incised valleys. Due to the wide distribution of carbonate rocks, gypsum and easily soluble salts in many parts of the Urals, especially in the southern Cis-Urals, karst is highly developed. Kapova, Kungurskaya and other caves are especially large in size. Mugodzhary has arid landforms.

Climate. On climatic zoning schemes, the Urals do not form single region. Its axial zone plays the role of a clear climatic divide between the Russian and West Siberian plains. The gradual transformation of the Atlantic air arriving with the westerly transport is replaced here by an abrupt change in its characteristics. In the temperate zone, the climate divide separates the Atlantic-continental forest region of the Russian Plain from the continental forest region of the West Siberian Plain. A noticeable increase in the degree of continentality east of the Urals is due to: a. an increase in air temperature amplitudes due to increased severity of winters; b. a decrease in precipitation due to a decrease in the absolute moisture content of the Atlantic air; V. a clearer expression of the continental precipitation regime (summer maximum and winter minimum precipitation are more clearly expressed in the Urals than on the Russian Plain).

Throughout the year, cyclonic weather prevails over the northern regions of the Urals, and anticyclonic weather prevails over the southern regions. This is due to the best conditions for overcoming the orographic barrier by Atlantic cyclones traveling along western trajectories (with a northern component) in its lowest part - the Pai Khoi Hill. This is especially pronounced in winter in the conditions of the Kara depression of the Icelandic low. The dominance of anticyclonic weather over the south of the Urals is associated in winter with the formation of the western spur of the Siberian High, and in summer with the stationary anticyclones east of the edge of the Azores High. Significant differences in tropospheric circulation conditions also cause differences in weather conditions. Cyclonic weather is characterized by increased cloudiness, prolonged, often drizzling precipitation, increased wind, and milder temperatures (in the summer the heat decreases, in the winter – frost). Anticyclonic weather is associated with the dominance of downward air movement in the central part of anticyclones, leading to erosion of clouds and intensification of radiation processes in the troposphere (abnormally frosty weather occurs in winter, and abnormally hot weather in summer). They are characterized by a lack of precipitation and calm wind. Sharply different weather is observed in the peripheral areas of anticyclones, where prolonged and strong winds are common under the influence of a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure, accompanied in winter by blizzards and snowstorms with a simultaneous softening of frosts.

Along with the western transfer of air masses in spring and autumn, the meridional component of the transfer intensifies, and occurrences of AVs to the extreme south of the region are not uncommon; This determines the instability of the weather, unexpected frequent returns of cold weather and frosts in the spring and even (in the subpolar and polar regions) in the summer. In the warm part of the year, heat advection from neighboring areas of the Kazakh hillocks and the Turan Plain intensifies.

Like any mountainous country, the Urals are characterized by a varied distribution of climatic indicators across the territory: they differ noticeably on slopes of different exposures, in basins, on slopes or peaks, etc. Due to the abundance of orographic basins and the increased severity of winters, they typically manifest Siberian weather patterns, in particular, temperature inversions. On certain days of December in Zlatoust, located at the bottom of the basin, temperatures from -19 to -22 degrees were recorded, at the same time in the Ivanovsky mine located 400 m higher they ranged from -0.4 to -5.2 degrees; the average December temperature in Zlatoust is 2 degrees lower than in the Ivanovsky mine. In summer, with normal stratification of the troposphere with a rise of 500 m, the temperature decreases by an average of 4 degrees. Widespread temperature inversions have led to inversions in the distribution of vegetation (see the corresponding section).

The change in weather between seasons, caused by seasonal changes in radiation, is clearly expressed, as in the entire temperate zone.

The Urals are characterized by a regular change in climatic indicators both as they move from west to east and in the meridional direction, but the reasons and patterns of changes are different. Given the great extent of the Urals, zonal differences are large. In the north-south direction: a. the values ​​of total radiation and radiation balance increase; b. heat supply conditions are improved; V. precipitation first increases from less than 450 mm at Pai-Khoi to over 800 mm, and then decreases to less than 400 mm at Mugodzhary; d. moisture conditions naturally worsen (from a sharp excess of moisture to excessive, optimal and insufficient moisture); d. The degree of continental climate naturally increases from temperate continental to continental and even sharply continental. Changes in indicators are gradual and similar to their changes on neighboring plains. Zonal changes depend on the seasons. Thus, average temperatures in January change relatively little - from -22 degrees in the north to -16 degrees in Mugodzhary, but in July they increase from 7 to 25 degrees.

In the west–east direction, changes are discontinuous, caused by the influence of relief and tropospheric circulation, and also change throughout the year. In this direction they differ sharply: a. precipitation amount and snow cover characteristics b. temperature conditions of the cold period of the year; V. degree of continental climate. On the plains of the Cis-Ural region, on average, 500 - 800 mm of precipitation falls per year, and the height of the snow cover is up to 60 - 70 cm. Due to the activation and stagnation of Atlantic (all year round) and Mediterranean (in winter in the southern half of the mountain structure) cyclones, orographic precipitation falls when overcoming barrier of the Urals by air masses, the amount of precipitation increases with height and reaches a maximum in summer in the axial zone, and in winter - on the western macroslope and the slopes of the Cis-Ural uplands (in the axial zone and in the basins of the slopes, precipitation conditions worsen under the influence of inversions). On the eastern macroslope and especially in the Trans-Urals, the amount of precipitation decreases (by 100–200 mm compared to the west), and the snow cover accumulates three times less water than in the Cis-Urals.

Temperature contrasts between the west and east of the Urals are absent in the summer, but are sharply expressed in the cold season. This is largely determined by the mechanism by which air masses overcome the mountain structure. The relatively warm and therefore lighter air that has reached the passes cannot subsequently descend to the surface of the Trans-Ural plains, since this is prevented by the local cold and heavy air. Under the influence of a sharp increase in the severity of winters and a decrease in precipitation and moisture availability, the degree of continental climate also changes abruptly.

Inland waters. The Urals is a watershed between the basins of the Arctic Ocean (and in it - between the basins of the Kara and Laptev seas) and internal drainage (mainly flowing into the Caspian Lake). Within the Urals, the hydrological characteristics of the rivers are similar: they are fed predominantly by snow, and the flow regime is close to that of Eastern Europe. The main difference comes down to the significantly larger volume of the total annual flow of the rivers of the Urals compared to the Trans-Urals (in a ratio of 3: 1). Reflecting the lattice system of surface dissection, valleys and river beds bend in a knee-like manner in plan.

The region stands out as a single Ural mountain-fold groundwater basin. It is characterized by the gravity of the feeding area towards the axial zone of the Urals and the presence of centrifugal movement of water. Along the periphery of the basin there is a smooth transition into the hydrogeological basins of the neighboring plains: in the west - the Eastern European, in the east - the Western Siberian, playing, especially in winter, a significant role in feeding their rivers.

The Urals are one of the lake regions of Russia. Numerous lakes of the eastern macroslope of the Middle and Southern Urals predominate, the basins of which gravitate towards zones of tectonic faults and form up to three submeridionally oriented chains, as well as tarn lakes in the high-altitude belt of the glacial relief of the northern part of the region.

Altitudinal zone. The biogenic components of the nature of the extended and low Urals are subject to the combined influence of latitudinal zonality, altitudinal zonality, and longitudinal provincialism. Since the Urals crosses a number of latitudinal zones found on neighboring plains, there is a natural change in types altitudinal zone: tundra-forest-tundra in Pai-Khoi and the Polar Urals, taiga in the Subpolar, Northern and Middle Urals, deciduous forest - forest-steppe - steppe in the Southern Urals and semi-desert in Mugodzhary. At the same time, the mountain analogues of the lowland zones are shifted much further south in the mountains compared to the plains. For example, mountain tundras are widespread in the Urals, 100 km south of the southern border of lowland forest-tundras, and fragments of mountain tundras extend all the way to the Southern Urals; The mountain belt of the Urals shifts 200 km south of the southern border of the taiga on the plains. This peculiar “hybrid” of zonality and altitudinal zonation received a special name: mountain latitudinal zonation. The barrier role of the Urals has led to different variants of altitudinal belts on the western and eastern macroslopes, which should be regarded as a manifestation of longitudinal provincialism.

The most primitive structure of altitudinal zonation is revealed in Pai-Khoi and the Polar Urals. Plain tundra and forest-tundra are replaced at low (about 200 m or less) absolute altitudes by mountain tundras on mountain-tundra soils. A number of authors identify a belt of cold alpine deserts at altitudes above 500 m, the main characteristics of which, according to A.A. Makunina /1985/, are the following. A. The leading role of cryogenic processes of relief formation (frost weathering and gravitational processes), forming very dynamic mountain terraces and rocky covers (kurums). b. Complete absence of vegetation, except crustose lichens. V. The aggressiveness of char landscapes is caused by the year-round accumulation of snow and moisture (precipitation and condensate) on colluvium and the leakage of water at the lower border of the kurums, which contributes to the growth of char. Based on another interpretation of the term “chars” as mountain peaks devoid of forest vegetation /CHESTFG, 1980/, it is better to combine mountain tundras and chars as part of a single char belt. In the southern part of the Polar Urals, a subalpine belt can be traced (spruce-birch sparse and crooked forests, dwarf birches and willows), turning on the plains into larch sparse forests (west) or dark coniferous taiga (west).

The taiga type of altitudinal zone is most common in the Urals. The structure of the altitudinal zone is complicated by the dominant mountain-taiga belt. On the western macroslope it is entirely represented by the dark coniferous variant. In the east, as they move south, dark conifers occupy the gradually narrowing upper part of the mountain taiga belt. In the lower part of this belt in the southern direction, the width of the strip of light-coniferous, mainly pine forests increases accordingly. The sub-goltsy (larch open forests and oppressed crooked forests with alder, shrubby birches, willows) and goltsy (mountain tundra and goltsy deserts) belts are most developed in the Subpolar Northern Urals. At low altitudes of the Middle Urals, mountain tundras and alpine meadows are represented only by small fragments. In connection with the widespread manifestation of temperature inversions in the Middle and Southern Urals, an inversion of altitudinal zones occurs: mountain taiga grows on the bottoms of the basins, higher up either an admixture of broad-leaved or broad-leaved forests (oak, linden higher up the slope, an admixture of maple and elm) appear on the western macroslope, or light coniferous forests with broad-leaved undergrowth - on the eastern macroslope.

The largest number of altitudinal zones is represented in the Southern Urals. Below the narrow strip of dark coniferous (spruce, fir) and relatively wide, developed mainly along the eastern macroslope - light coniferous (pine, larch) mountain taiga belt successively replace each other: a belt of sparse oak crooked forests (on the western macroslope), broad-leaved oak and linden (on western macroslope) or birch (eastern) forests, mountain forest-steppe, mountainous West Siberian steppe along the eastern macroslope. Above the mountain taiga belt, the subalpine zone (forest meadow with rare spruce and fir) and the alpine or goltsy zone (rare fragments of alpine meadows and mountain tundras) are fragmentarily expressed.

In Mugodzhary, the wormwood-cereal semi-deserts of the foothills are replaced with height by mountain ones and, on rare peaks, by fragments of cereal steppes.

Physico-geographical zoning. In all regional (azonal) schemes of physical-geographical zoning of the USSR and Russia proposed by many authors, the boundaries of the Urals are drawn in the same way. Moreover, its eastern border coincides with the border of those identified by some authors subcontinents/Sochava V . B. , Timofeev D.A., 1968, 3 – 19 pp./, which are part of the largely autonomous Asian and European lithospheric plates of the second order (together they make up the Eurasian plate of the first order). No less clearly expressed western border Urals with the East European Plain. All these facts testify in favor of a high degree of objectivity in identifying the Urals as an independent physical-geographical country. The criteria for its isolation are as follows.

A. The geostructural uniqueness of the Urals (the area of ​​epi-Paleozoic, mainly epi-Hercynian folding, from the point of view of neomobilism - a zone of interaction between two lithospheric plates) and its significant differences from the geostructures of neighboring territories (ancient and young platforms).

B. Morphostructural specificity of the Urals (predominance of block and block-folded mountains) and its differences from the Eastern European (predominance of stratified plains) and Western Siberian (predominance of accumulative plains) physical and geographical countries.

B. Macroclimatic criterion: climate reflecting the impact of an orographic barrier on the nature of climate formation in the temperate zone.

D. The predominance of altitudinal zonation in the formation of biogenic components (instead of the latitudinal patterns of neighboring plains).

To identify units of physical-geographical zoning of the second rank - physical and geographical areas - in mountainous areas, analysis of altitudinal zonation types is used. In the Urals, the types of altitudinal zonation are clearly consistent with the morphosculptural differences in the relief. The latter are perfectly expressed on the ground, which allows them to be used as indicators identifying physical and geographical areas. To identify units of the third rank, a genetic criterion is used. Previously, the issues of identifying the unique features of the origin of a particular territory have already been considered (see general review). The initiating role of recent tectonics was emphasized, as well as the importance of the interconnections of components in the genesis of the nature of the regions.

The physical-geographical division scheme within the Urals is as follows.

I. An area of ​​glacial-cryogenic relief with the development of tundra, forest-tundra, northern and middle taiga in the foothills. It identifies the provinces: a. Polarno-Uralskaya (with Pai-Khoy), b. Subpolar-Uralskaya, c. North Ural.

II. An area of ​​fluvial relief with the development of southern taiga and deciduous forests in the foothills. Provinces: Sredneuralskaya city and Yuzhnouralskaya village.

Sh. Region of fluvial-arid relief forms with the presence of forest-steppe, steppe and semi-desert in the foothills. Provinces: f. Trans-Ural peneplain and g. Mugodzhary.

An area of ​​glacial-cryogenic relief with a change in the foothills of zones from the tundra to the southern taiga was exposed to the influence of highly differentiated new block uplifts - from very weak (Pai-Khoi) to moderate (Subpolar Urals), which led to the emergence of various high-altitude stages - elevated plain (Pai-Khoi), low mountains (the predominant part of the region) and middle mountains (Subpolar Urals) . The rejuvenation of mountain relief was most pronounced in the axial zone of the Subpolar Urals and almost did not affect Pai-Khoi and the foothills, in which the surface of the pre-Neogene peneplain is still expressed. The sculptural processing of the relief took place and is being carried out in historical times under harsh climate conditions, causing the influence of ancient (Ural-Novaya Zemlya center of the Pleistocene glacier) and modern (Subpolar Urals) glaciation and cryogenic factors.

Extended from the coast of Yugorsky Shar (almost 70 degrees N) to the sources of the river. Kosva (59 degrees N) the territory in its northern third is crossed by the Arctic Circle and is located in polar and subpolar latitudes. The consequence of this is the relatively harsh climate of the subarctic zone, the Atlantic-Arctic and Atlantic-continental regions of the temperate zone. Noticeable climate changes as one rises into the mountains create an altitudinal zonation of landscapes, characterized by a primitive structure (the dominance of the alpine and subalpine belts and the development of the mountain taiga belt only in the Northern Urals). Landscape differences in the physical and geographical provinces of the region are thus determined by the combined influence of lithogenic and climatic factors within a linearly elongated territory.

An area of ​​fluvial relief with the development of southern taiga and deciduous forests in the foothills has been subjected to particularly strong anthropogenic influence. There is a need to restore primary landscapes and use its data in the interests of physical and geographical zoning. Under the influence of the relatively mild climate of the temperate zone, flowing waters become the main factor in the detailing of the relief. The significant contrast of neotectonic uplifts, which noticeably rejuvenated the mountainous relief of the Southern Urals and did not affect the surface of the Pre-Neogene peneplain in the rest of the region, allows us to clearly contrast the landscape characteristics of the provinces of the Middle and Southern Urals. The altitudinal zone is characterized by: the dominance of mountain taiga landscapes, noticeable differences in exposure and a rather complex structure (in the Southern Urals).

An area of ​​fluvial-arid morphosculpture with the development of forest-steppe, steppe and semi-desert in the foothills. On the Trans-Ural peneplain and Mugodzhary, the latest uplifts did not appear; the pre-Neogene peneplain was preserved. The climate is characterized by the best (within the Urals) heat supply conditions and a noticeable lack of moisture. Fluvial morphosculpture is represented by modern and relict forms. Arid forms are typical for Mugojar. The structure of altitudinal zones is primitive, it is dominated by steppe and semi-desert landscapes.

Pai Hoi

(in Samoyed "Stone Ridge") - the ridge of the Arkhangelsk province, Mezensky district, begins to the east of the Bolshoi. Iodneya, stretches in the direction of the WNW, parallel to the shore of the Kara Sea, having reached the Yugorsky ball, it passes to Vaygach Island. P.-Khoy appears to be a rise completely independent of the Ural ridge, from which it is separated by 50 versts by a continuous, swampy plain covered with lakes. The appearance of the ridge is a series of unconnected, rounded and turf-covered mountains, on which only in some places are visible rock caps, rising only in places in two per 1000 feet. over the tundra adjacent to the mountains. Pai-Khoi, like the Urals, consists of uplifted Paleozoic strata, which is why the appearance of their rocks is similar to each other. The greatest width of the ridge is between Yumbo-Pai and Pai-dai (between 69° and 70° north latitude). Highest points P.-Khoy consists of the following mountains: Vozay-Pai (1312 ft.), Pense-Pai (1045 ft.), Big Iodney (1073 ft.) and Small Iodney (1005 ft.). P.-Khoy, approaching the Yugorsky Shar, gradually decreases and the last rocks, falling into the Shar with steep walls, barely reach 100 feet. height. Snow occurs here only occasionally in August. Through P.-Khoi you can go to the tundra anywhere. Wed. "Northern Urals and the P.-Khoi coastal ridge. Research of the Ural expedition (St. Petersburg, 1853-56).

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb.: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

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  • Northern Urals and the Pai-Khoi coastal ridge
  • Northern Urals and the Pai-Khoi coastal ridge. Volume 1, . Northern Urals and the Pai-Khoi coastal ridge: Research. Expeditions, equipment. Imp. Rus. geogr. island in 1847, 1848 and 1850. T. 1F 15/14: St. Petersburg: typ. imp. Academician Sciences, 1853-1856:...