Where is the vat lake. Lake Chany (Novosibirsk region)

Lake Chany lies in the Novosibirsk region. Lake Chany is drainless, it is located in the Baraba lowland. The name Chany comes from the word chan or vessel. Its area is 2000 square kilometers. Depth from 2 to 7 meters. It is connected to channels with lakes Yarakul and Small Chany, the water in which is fresher.

Lake Chany map (click to enlarge).

The shores of Lake Chany are low, reeds, sedges and shrubs grow here. The lake is slightly salty, fed by snow, and by the rivers Kargat and Sulim. The bottom of the lake is sandy, sometimes muddy. Chany freezes in November, opens in May. In summer, the water temperature reaches 28.3 degrees.

Chany has 70 islands. The largest: Bear, Chinyaikha, Amelkina Griva, Cap, Lezhan. Kamyshny, Perekopny, Bekarev, Kalinova, Cheryomushkin Islands are considered natural monuments. Rare species of animals and plants live there. The lake appeared at the end of the ice age, about 10 thousand years ago. The first mention of it appeared in the XVI-XVII centuries, when the development of Siberia began. The lake was first described by the geographer Pallas in 1786. The surveyor Filimonov described this lake more fully in 1803.

On the shores and islands of the lake there are viburnum, bird cherry, aspen, wild rose, hawthorn, fern. Currants and raspberries are harvested here. The places here are just magical. The water is warm and clear in summer. If you dive with your eyes open, you can see the underwater world of the lake.

Chany is a great place for recreation and fishing. There are 16 species of fish in the lake. There are a lot of pike perch, perch, carp, ide, silver carp. Back in 1976, the Uryumsky fish hatchery was opened on Chany. He breeds and grows carp. Thanks to this, a lot of fish of this breed divorced in the lake. Lake Chany is popular among fishermen in the Novosibirsk, Omsk and Kemerovo regions.

The lake is home to a large number of waterfowl. There is good hunting here. On the banks there are recreation centers for tourists. There are very high waves on the lake, so vacationers need to be careful. A large number of animals live in coastal areas. There are muskrats here. Roe deer, hares, foxes, badgers, columns and corsacs live in the forest-steppe lands.

Video: Fishing on Lake Chany

) is a large vessel.

The lake is a system of stretches connected by channels and shallow areas, of which there are three largest: Chinyakhinsky, Tagano-Kazantsevsky and Yarkovsky, differing in water salinity, area, depths, soils, food base.

It freezes in the second half of October - the first half of November, opens in May.

There is local navigation on the lake.

Most of the lake is located in the forest-steppe natural zone.

Physical and geographical characteristics

Lake Chany is located at an altitude of 106 meters above sea level. The lake is 91 kilometers long and 88 kilometers wide. The area of ​​the lake is unstable and currently, according to various estimates, ranges from 1400 to 2000 km². The average depth is about 2 meters. The basin of the lake is flat. The lake is shallow, depths up to 2 meters make up 60% of the total area of ​​the lake. The shores of the lake are quite low and heavily indented, overgrown with reeds, reeds, sedges and shrubs. The bottom soil is sandy and silty. The maximum recorded water temperature in summer is 28.3 °C.


There are about 70 islands on the lake, the largest are Amelkin Griva, Schuldikov, Lezhan, Bear, Cap, Chinyaikha, Cheryomukhovy, Rare. Cheryomushkin, Kobyliy, Perekopny, Bekarev, Kalinova, Chinyaikha, Shipyagin, Krugly, Kolotov, Kamyshny islands are natural monuments of the region, since they have preserved unique landscapes that are a habitat rare species plants and animals.


Among the largest peninsulas are Zelenchak, Kondakov, Golenky, Vaskin, Cape, Drovnikov, Rodyushkin, Kvashnino, Malinikh, Dark, Tyumensky. The islands and peninsulas of the lake have a characteristic feature - most of them are elongated from the southwest to the northeast. Their specific location is explained by the fact that they are semi-submerged manes. The lake is slightly saline, in the southeastern part of the lake salinity is lower. The lake is fed mainly by snow, the lake is fed by the Kargat and Chulym rivers (flows into the Small Chany). Earlier, the Sarayka River flowed into the lake, connecting it with Lake Sartlan. The average annual total flow of the Chulym and Kargat rivers is not very significant and amounts to 0.44 km³, while the flows are highly variable. Lake Chany is a unique body of water in Western Siberia. The maximum value of the total runoff was reached in 1948 - 1.72 km³, the minimum - in 1968, when it was 0.013 km³. The inflow of water tends to be reduced due to the numerous dams built on the rivers. The lake is connected by channels with the fresher lakes Small Chany and Yarkul.


The climate in the Lake Chany area is continental. The average temperature in January is -19.7 °C, in July - +18.3 °C. The frost-free period lasts from 115 to 120 days. The average annual rainfall is 380 mm. The height of the snow cover is 20-30 cm.

History reference

The emergence of the lake is attributed to the end of the ice age, about 10 - 13 thousand years ago. Initially, the lake was located in the steppe area, the first shrub birches appeared on the shore of the lake about 5.5 thousand years ago.

Historically, the lake is characterized by cyclic fluctuations in water levels, which are associated with climatic changes, causing periods of high humidity and drought. In addition to seasonal and annual fluctuations, more significant fluctuations lasting 30-45 years were noted. But even taking into account the fluctuations, it has been established that the area of ​​the lake has been decreasing in the last 200 years. At the end of the 18th century, the largest area of ​​​​the lake in the entire history of observations was recorded - 12,000 km². At the beginning of the 19th century, the area of ​​​​the lake was already 8,000 square kilometers. In the 1840s, the lake was divided into separate reservoirs and reaches. Since then, the area of ​​the lake has rapidly decreased, and at the end of the 19th century it was only 3170 km². In - 1914 there was a rise in the level of the lake by 2 meters. At the beginning of the 20th century, the area of ​​the lake was 3400 km². In 1914 - 1937 there was a drop in the level of 3 meters, but in - 1923 a slight rise of 0.9 meters was noted. The next significant rise in the water level was noted in the 1950s. In the 1960s, the area of ​​the lake was already reduced to 2000 km². The range of seasonal and annual fluctuations in the water level reached 5 meters.

The first mention of the lake in Russian sources dates back to the 16th-17th centuries, that is, by the time the development of Siberia began. The study of the reservoir began in the 18th century with the settlement of the Baraba lowland. The first description of the lake was given by the geographer Pallas , who made a trip to Chany in 1786 . A more complete description of the lake was given in 1803 by surveyor V. Filimonov.

Animal and plant world

There are 16 species of fish in Lake Chany. The most numerous: silver carp, perch, carp, ide, pike perch. Roach, pike, and bream have an average abundance. Small species - golden crucian carp, peled, dace, tench, lake minnow, gudgeon, top. The main wintering place for fish is Yarkovsky reach and Lake Yarkul. The most numerous fish in the Yarkovsky reach is perch. In the summer period, all the main species of the ichthyofauna live in a significant number in the Chinyaikha reach, in the Tagano-Kazantsevsky reach, the mass species are ide, pike perch, carp, crucian carp, the number of roach and perch is somewhat less. In low water conditions, winter kills cause enormous damage to the number of fish, especially valuable commercial species.

During periods of low water, a large number of eggs and juveniles die, so fish farming is necessary. The lake is regularly stocked with fish, and commercial fish farming is carried out in it. The first fish - breeding works in the lake were started in - 1927 . Initially carp, carp, bream were acclimatized. Later, acclimatization of pike perch, peled, tench, nelma, muksun, Baikal omul was carried out, when the lake was stocked with fish, Verkhovka was accidentally introduced. The first attempts at acclimatization did not achieve great success, and no increase in catches was noted. Subsequently, the acclimatization of zander was successful, and it reached a large number. The bulk of the bream dies in low water during the onset of freezes, so its numbers have not yet reached the commercial level. Currently, there is no reliable information about the presence of Baikal omul and nelma in the lake. The failure with omul is explained by the fact that the lake for this type of fish is shallow. The acclimatization of peled failed due to the increased salinity of the water; at present, commercial peled rearing is carried out, when the larvae grown in fish farms are released into the lake, and the fish grow to commercial sizes. In addition, a significant part of the larvae of omul, muksun, peled and nelma was eaten away by perch, roach and ide.

Part of the perch population is infested with gill mites. Opisthorchiasis has not yet been recorded in fish from Lake Chany.

The lake plays an important role for the migration of many species of waterfowl : ducks , gulls , geese , waders , swans , terns , coots , shelducks . Of the rare species of birds on the lake, the white-headed goose, red-breasted goose, Asian snipe-tailed godwit, gyrfalcon, avocet, stilt, black-headed gull, greave, steppe tirkushka, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, curly pelican have been noted. There are significant concentrations of waterfowl on the lake during periods of migration and molting. During migration and nesting, up to 220 species of birds are found on the lake, according to other sources - up to 300 species of birds. In the 1970s, according to ornithologists, up to 1.5 million waterfowl visited the lake during the season. During the 20th century, there was a steady decline in the number of waterfowl due to mass destruction. For example, in 1930, 9 million eggs were collected in the Chanovskie Lakes system and many more were killed. At the beginning of the 21st century, the main anthropogenic factors that reduce the number of birds were the destruction of nests during grazing in the coastal part of the lake, the death of birds in fishing nets.

Nearest settlements

At the end of the 19th century, there were 17 settlements on the shores of the lake, of which 15 belonged to the Kainsky district, and 2 - to the Barnaul. Currently, there are 12 villages on the shores of the lake. None of the settlements on the shore of the lake has the status of a city or urban-type settlement. Belovo, Kazantsevo, Kvashnino, Novoyarkovo, Staroyarkovo, Bekhten are located on the territory of the Barabinsky district, Novorozino, Shaitik, Yarkul, Tyumenka are located on the territory of the Kupinsky district, Novoyablonovka and Tagan are located on the territory of the Chanovsky district. The largest villages in terms of population are Kazantsevo, Kvashnino and Yarkul. The reduction in the number of settlements is due to the fact that some villages that were 100 years ago on the shore of the lake are now located at a considerable distance from it, for example, the village of Yudino in the Chistoozerny district, which was previously located on the shore of the dried-up Yudinsky reach. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were ancient settlements on some islands, for example, on Bear Island. In the middle of the 20th century, there were agricultural lands on the island in which watermelons were grown. There were also rural settlements on Tyumensky Island, but now, due to the drying up of the lake, the island has joined the land. Today, there is no permanent population on any of the islands.


The lake is of great fishing importance. The surrounding land is used for haymaking and grazing. Water from the lake is used for technical needs.

Lake Chany is state-owned. A part of the coastal territory is taken by commercial organizations on a long - term lease .

Scientific research

Tourism and rest

Lake Chany is a popular recreational area, including winter and summer fishing. The abundance of waterfowl attracts a large number of hunters. Recreation centers have been built on the shore of the lake, special tours are organized. Lake Chany poses some danger to vacationers, because in bad weather there are very high waves on it, and there have been cases of death of people who went into the lake at such a time on boats.
As a result of human activity, a large amount of pollutants are found in the lake. The concentrations of phenols, oil products, nitrogen compounds and other substances are growing. In terms of water quality in the village of Kvashnino, the water is extremely dirty (class 7), in the village. Tagan - dirty water (grade 5).

Lake Quotes

see also

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  1. Vinogradov V. G., Ogurtsov N. E., Yurlov A. K./ Wetlands International. - 1998.
  2. Vasiliev S. K., Nikolaev S. V., Orlova L. A., Petrin V. T.// Siberian Archaeological Review. Issue 5 / Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - Novosibirsk, 2002.
  3. Shnitnikov A.V. Intra-secular fluctuations in the level of steppe lakes in Western Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan and their dependence on climate // Proceedings. - 1950. - T. 1. - 129 p.
  4. // Soviet Siberia. - 2000. - No. 170.
  5. Savin V./ Science in Siberia. - 2002. - No. 48-49.
  6. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  7. Chany (lake)- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  8. Chany // Dictionary of modern geographical names / Rus. geogr. about. Moscow center; Under total ed. acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. . - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2006.
  9. // Soviet Siberia. - 2000. - No. 170.
  10. // Evening Novosibirsk. - 2002. - August 17.
  11. // Soviet Siberia. - 2000. - No. 170.
  12. // Altai truth. - 2006. - March 30.
  13. Bazylev A.// Soviet Siberia. - 2001. - September 6.
  14. Illustrated atlas "Hunting, fishing, tourism - Novosibirsk region". - Novosibirsk: Arta Publishing House, 2004. - 128 s - ISBN 5-902700-01-9
  15. Sergeev V.// Soviet Siberia. - 2007. - January 10.
  16. Antsupova E.// Gazette of the Novosibirsk Regional Council of Deputies. - 2007. - No. 844.
  17. Yanovsky A.// Soviet Siberia. - 2007. - May 4.
  18. Yurlov A. // Science in Siberia. - 1999. - No. 34.
  19. ISBN 5-86394-104-9
  20. Atlas of the hunter of the Novosibirsk region. - Novosibirsk: FGPU "PO Inzhgeodeziya", 2003. - 68 p.
  21. // Brief geographical encyclopedia. Volume 4 / Chief ed. Grigoriev A. A. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1964. - 448 p.
  22. Ermolaev V.I.// Anthropog. rev. ecosystems are small. lakes: (causes, consequences, possibility of exercise): Mater. Vses. meeting., Leningrad, March 27-29, 1990. - St. Petersburg, 1991. - Book. 2. - S. 229-232. - ISSN 1561-7114
  23. Miseiko G. N., Mikhalina V.V. // Proceedings of the Altai State University. - 2004. - No. 3.
  24. Motherless D. M.// Siberian ecological journal. - 2005. - No. 2. - S. 249-254.
  25. Yanovsky A.// Evening Novosibirsk. - 2007. - May 9.
  26. Neverova A.
  27. // Customs computer service. - 2006. - July 20.
  28. (Russian). Secret Planet (July 8, 2010). Retrieved July 25, 2010. .


  • Le Petit Fute: Novosibirsk region / Michel Strogoff & Ass., City-Guides, Country-Guides; Comp. A. Yudin; Rep. ed. V. Petrov. - Paris - Luxembourg - Moscow, 2000. - 192 p. - ISBN 5-86394-104-9
  • Bezmaternykh D. M., Chernyshkova K. V., Marusin K. V. Current state and long-term dynamics of the zoobenthos of Lake Chany // Problems of regional ecology. - 2008. - No. 6. - S. 43-49.


  • Popov P.A., Voskoboynikov V.A., Shchenev V.A.// Siberian ecological journal. - 2005. - No. 2. - S. 279 - 293.

An excerpt characterizing Chany (lake)

Alpatych shook his head and went up the stairs. In the waiting room were merchants, women, officials, silently exchanging glances among themselves. The door to the office opened, everyone got up and moved forward. An official ran out of the door, talked something to the merchant, called behind him a fat official with a cross around his neck, and disappeared again through the door, apparently avoiding all the looks and questions addressed to him. Alpatych moved forward and at the next exit of the official, laying his hand on his buttoned frock coat, turned to the official, giving him two letters.
“To Mr. Baron Ash from the general chief prince Bolkonsky,” he announced so solemnly and significantly that the official turned to him and took his letter. A few minutes later the governor received Alpatych and hurriedly said to him:
- Report to the prince and princess that I didn’t know anything: I acted according to higher orders - that’s ...
He gave the paper to Alpatych.
“And yet, since the prince is unwell, my advice is for them to go to Moscow. I'm on my own now. Report ... - But the governor did not finish: a dusty and sweaty officer ran in the door and began to say something in French. Horror appeared on the Governor's face.
“Go,” he said, nodding his head to Alpatych, and began to ask the officer something. Greedy, frightened, helpless looks turned to Alpatych when he left the governor's office. Involuntarily listening now to the close and ever-increasing shots, Alpatych hurried to the inn. The paper given by Governor Alpatych was as follows:
“I assure you that the city of Smolensk does not yet face the slightest danger, and it is unbelievable that it would be threatened by it. I am on one side, and Prince Bagration on the other side, we are going to unite in front of Smolensk, which will take place on the 22nd, and both armies with combined forces will defend their compatriots in the province entrusted to you, until their efforts remove the enemies of the fatherland from them or until they are exterminated in their brave ranks to the last warrior. You see from this that you have the perfect right to reassure the inhabitants of Smolensk, for whoever defends with two such brave troops can be sure of their victory. (Order of Barclay de Tolly to the civil governor of Smolensk, Baron Ash, 1812.)
People moved restlessly through the streets.
Carts loaded on horseback with household utensils, chairs, cabinets kept leaving the gates of the houses and driving through the streets. In the neighboring house of Ferapontov, wagons stood and, saying goodbye, the women howled and sentenced. The mongrel dog, barking, twirled in front of the pawned horses.
Alpatych, with a more hasty step than he usually walked, entered the yard and went straight under the shed to his horses and wagon. The coachman was asleep; he woke him up, ordered him to lay the bed, and went into the passage. In the master's room one could hear a child's cry, the woman's shattering sobs, and Ferapontov's angry, hoarse cry. The cook, like a frightened chicken, fluttered in the passage as soon as Alpatych entered.
- Killed him to death - he beat the mistress! .. So he beat, so dragged! ..
- For what? Alpatych asked.
- I asked to go. It's a woman's business! Take me away, he says, do not destroy me with small children; the people, they say, all left, what, they say, are we? How to start beating. So beat, so dragged!
Alpatych, as it were, nodded approvingly at these words and, not wanting to know anything else, went to the opposite door - the master's room, in which his purchases remained.
“You are a villain, a destroyer,” a thin, pale woman with a child in her arms and a handkerchief torn from her head shouted at that moment, bursting out of the door and running down the stairs to the courtyard. Ferapontov went out after her and, seeing Alpatych, straightened his waistcoat and hair, yawned and went into the room after Alpatych.
- Do you want to go? - he asked.
Without answering the question and not looking back at the owner, sorting through his purchases, Alpatych asked how long the owner followed the wait.
- Let's count! Well, did the governor have one? Ferapontov asked. - What was the decision?
Alpatych replied that the governor did not say anything decisively to him.
- Shall we go away on our business? Ferapontov said. - Give me seven rubles for a cart to Dorogobuzh. And I say: there is no cross on them! - he said.
- Selivanov, he pleased on Thursday, sold flour to the army at nine rubles per bag. So, are you going to drink tea? he added. While the horses were being laid, Alpatych and Ferapontov drank tea and talked about the price of bread, about the harvest and the favorable weather for harvesting.
“However, it began to calm down,” Ferapontov said, having drunk three cups of tea and getting up, “ours must have taken it.” They said they won't let me. So, strength ... And a mixture, they said, Matvey Ivanovich Platov drove them into the Marina River, drowned eighteen thousand, or something, in one day.
Alpatych collected his purchases, handed them over to the coachman who entered, and paid off with the owner. At the gate sounded the sound of wheels, hooves and bells of a wagon leaving.
It was already well past noon; half of the street was in shade, the other was brightly lit by the sun. Alpatych looked out the window and went to the door. Suddenly, a strange sound of distant whistling and impact was heard, and after that there was a merging rumble of cannon fire, from which the windows trembled.
Alpatych went out into the street; two people ran down the street to the bridge. Whistles, cannonballs and the bursting of grenades falling in the city were heard from different directions. But these sounds were almost inaudible and did not pay the attention of the inhabitants in comparison with the sounds of firing heard outside the city. It was a bombardment, which at the fifth hour Napoleon ordered to open the city, from one hundred and thirty guns. At first, the people did not understand the significance of this bombardment.
The sounds of falling grenades and cannonballs aroused at first only curiosity. Ferapontov's wife, who had not stopped howling under the barn before, fell silent and, with the child in her arms, went out to the gate, silently looking at the people and listening to the sounds.
The cook and the shopkeeper came out to the gate. All with cheerful curiosity tried to see the shells flying over their heads. Several people came out from around the corner, talking animatedly.
- That's power! one said. - And the roof and ceiling were so smashed to pieces.
“It blew up the earth like a pig,” said another. - That's so important, that's so cheered up! he said laughing. - Thank you, jumped back, otherwise she would have smeared you.
The people turned to these people. They paused and told how, near by, their cores had got into the house. Meanwhile, other shells, sometimes with a quick, gloomy whistle - cannonballs, then with a pleasant whistle - grenades, did not stop flying over the heads of the people; but not a single shell fell close, everything endured. Alpatych got into the wagon. The owner was at the gate.
- What did not see! he shouted at the cook, who, with her sleeves rolled up, in a red skirt, swaying with her bare elbows, went to the corner to listen to what was being said.
“What a miracle,” she said, but, hearing the voice of the owner, she returned, tugging at her tucked-up skirt.
Again, but very close this time, something whistled like a bird flying from top to bottom, a fire flashed in the middle of the street, something shot and covered the street with smoke.
"Villain, why are you doing this?" shouted the host, running up to the cook.
At the same instant, women wailed plaintively from different directions, a child began to cry in fright, and people silently crowded around the cook with pale faces. From this crowd, the groans and sentences of the cook were heard most audibly:
- Oh, oh, my darlings! My doves are white! Don't let die! My doves are white! ..
Five minutes later there was no one left on the street. The cook, with her thigh shattered by a grenade fragment, was carried into the kitchen. Alpatych, his coachman, Ferapontov's wife with children, the janitor were sitting in the basement, listening. The rumble of guns, the whistle of shells, and the pitiful groan of the cook, which prevailed over all sounds, did not stop for a moment. The hostess now rocked and persuaded the child, then in a pitiful whisper asked everyone who entered the basement where her master was, who remained on the street. The shopkeeper, who entered the basement, told her that the owner had gone with the people to the cathedral, where they were raising the miraculous Smolensk icon.
By dusk, the cannonade began to subside. Alpatych came out of the basement and stopped at the door. Before a clear evening, the sky was all covered with smoke. And through this smoke a young, high-standing sickle of the moon shone strangely. After the former terrible rumble of guns had fallen silent over the city, silence seemed to be interrupted only by the rustle of steps, groans, distant screams and the crackle of fires, as it were spread throughout the city. The groans of the cook are now quiet. From both sides, black clouds of smoke from fires rose and dispersed. On the street, not in rows, but like ants from a ruined tussock, in different uniforms and in different directions, soldiers passed and ran through. In the eyes of Alpatych, several of them ran into Ferapontov's yard. Alpatych went to the gate. Some regiment, crowding and hurrying, blocked the street, going back.
“The city is being surrendered, leave, leave,” the officer who noticed his figure said to him and immediately turned to the soldiers with a cry:
- I'll let you run around the yards! he shouted.
Alpatych returned to the hut and, calling the coachman, ordered him to leave. Following Alpatych and the coachman, all Ferapontov's household went out. Seeing the smoke and even the lights of the fires, which were now visible in the beginning twilight, the women, who had been silent until then, suddenly began to wail, looking at the fires. As if echoing them, similar cries were heard at the other ends of the street. Alpatych with a coachman, with trembling hands, straightened the tangled reins and horses' lines under a canopy.
When Alpatych was leaving the gate, he saw ten soldiers in the open shop of Ferapontov pouring sacks and knapsacks with wheat flour and sunflowers with a loud voice. At the same time, returning from the street to the shop, Ferapontov entered. Seeing the soldiers, he wanted to shout something, but suddenly stopped and, clutching his hair, burst out laughing with sobbing laughter.
- Get it all, guys! Don't get the devils! he shouted, grabbing the sacks himself and throwing them out into the street. Some soldiers, frightened, ran out, some continued to pour. Seeing Alpatych, Ferapontov turned to him.
- Decided! Russia! he shouted. - Alpatych! decided! I'll burn it myself. I made up my mind ... - Ferapontov ran into the yard.
Soldiers were constantly walking along the street, filling it all up, so that Alpatych could not pass and had to wait. The hostess Ferapontova was also sitting on the cart with the children, waiting to be able to leave.
It was already quite night. There were stars in the sky and a young moon shone from time to time, shrouded in smoke. On the descent to the Dnieper, the carts of Alpatych and the hostess, slowly moving in the ranks of soldiers and other crews, had to stop. Not far from the crossroads where the carts stopped, in an alley, a house and shops were on fire. The fire has already burned out. The flame either died away and was lost in black smoke, then it suddenly flashed brightly, strangely clearly illuminating the faces of the crowded people standing at the crossroads. In front of the fire, black figures of people flashed by, and from behind the incessant crackle of the fire, voices and screams were heard. Alpatych, who got down from the wagon, seeing that they would not let his wagon through soon, turned to the alley to look at the fire. The soldiers darted incessantly back and forth past the fire, and Alpatych saw how two soldiers and with them a man in a frieze overcoat dragged burning logs from the fire across the street to the neighboring yard; others carried armfuls of hay.
Alpatych approached a large crowd of people standing in front of a high barn burning with full fire. The walls were all on fire, the back collapsed, the boarded roof collapsed, the beams were on fire. Obviously, the crowd was waiting for the moment when the roof would collapse. Alpatych expected the same.
- Alpatych! Suddenly a familiar voice called out to the old man.
“Father, your excellency,” answered Alpatych, instantly recognizing the voice of his young prince.
Prince Andrei, in a raincoat, riding a black horse, stood behind the crowd and looked at Alpatych.
– How are you here? - he asked.
- Your ... your Excellency, - Alpatych said and sobbed ... - Yours, yours ... or have we already disappeared? Father…
– How are you here? repeated Prince Andrew.
The flame flared brightly at that moment and illuminated Alpatych's pale and exhausted face of his young master. Alpatych told how he was sent and how he could have left by force.
“Well, Your Excellency, or are we lost?” he asked again.
Prince Andrei, without answering, took out a notebook and, raising his knee, began to write with a pencil on a torn sheet. He wrote to his sister:
“Smolensk is being surrendered,” he wrote, “the Bald Mountains will be occupied by the enemy in a week. Leave now for Moscow. Answer me as soon as you leave, sending a courier to Usvyazh.
Having written and handed over the sheet to Alpatych, he verbally told him how to arrange the departure of the prince, princess and son with the teacher and how and where to answer him immediately. He had not yet had time to complete these orders, when the chief of staff on horseback, accompanied by his retinue, galloped up to him.
- Are you a colonel? shouted the chief of staff, with a German accent, in a voice familiar to Prince Andrei. - Houses are lit in your presence, and you are standing? What does this mean? You will answer, - shouted Berg, who was now assistant chief of staff of the left flank of the infantry troops of the first army, - the place is very pleasant and in sight, as Berg said.
Prince Andrei looked at him and, without answering, continued, turning to Alpatych:
“So tell me that I’m waiting for an answer by the tenth, and if I don’t get the news on the tenth that everyone has left, I myself will have to drop everything and go to the Bald Mountains.
“I, prince, only say so,” said Berg, recognizing Prince Andrei, “that I must obey orders, because I always fulfill them exactly ... Please excuse me,” Berg justified himself in some way.
Something crackled in the fire. The fire subsided for a moment; black puffs of smoke poured from under the roof. Something else crackled terribly in the fire, and something huge collapsed.
– Urruru! - Echoing the collapsed ceiling of the barn, from which there was a smell of cakes from burnt bread, the crowd roared. The flame flared up and illuminated the animatedly joyful and exhausted faces of the people standing around the fire.
A man in a frieze overcoat, raising his hand, shouted:
- Important! go fight! Guys, it's important!
“This is the master himself,” voices said.
“So, so,” said Prince Andrei, turning to Alpatych, “tell everything as I told you.” And, without answering a word to Berg, who fell silent beside him, he touched the horse and rode into the alley.

The troops continued to retreat from Smolensk. The enemy was following them. On August 10, the regiment, commanded by Prince Andrei, passed along the high road, past the avenue leading to the Bald Mountains. The heat and drought lasted for more than three weeks. Curly clouds moved across the sky every day, occasionally obscuring the sun; but towards evening it cleared again, and the sun set in a brownish-red mist. Only heavy dew at night refreshed the earth. The bread remaining on the root burned and spilled out. The swamps have dried up. The cattle roared from hunger, not finding food in the meadows burned by the sun. Only at night and in the forests the dew still held, it was cool. But along the road, along the high road along which the troops marched, even at night, even through the forests, there was no such coolness. The dew was not noticeable on the sandy dust of the road, which was pushed up more than a quarter of an arshin. As soon as it dawned, the movement began. Convoys, artillery silently walked along the hub, and the infantry up to their ankles in soft, stuffy, hot dust that had not cooled down during the night. One part of this sandy dust was kneaded by feet and wheels, the other rose and stood like a cloud over the army, sticking to the eyes, hair, ears, nostrils and, most importantly, the lungs of people and animals moving along this road. The higher the sun rose, the higher the cloud of dust rose, and through this thin, hot dust it was possible to look at the sun, not covered by clouds, with a simple eye. The sun was a big crimson ball. There was no wind, and people were suffocating in this still atmosphere. People walked with handkerchiefs around their noses and mouths. Coming to the village, everything rushed to the wells. They fought for water and drank it to the dirt.
Prince Andrei commanded the regiment, and the structure of the regiment, the well-being of its people, the need to receive and give orders occupied him. The fire of Smolensk and its abandonment were an epoch for Prince Andrei. A new feeling of bitterness against the enemy made him forget his grief. He was completely devoted to the affairs of his regiment, he was caring for his people and officers and affectionate with them. In the regiment they called him our prince, they were proud of him and loved him. But he was kind and meek only with his regimental officers, with Timokhin, etc., with completely new people and in a foreign environment, with people who could not know and understand his past; but as soon as he ran into one of his former staff members, he immediately bristled again; became malicious, mocking and contemptuous. Everything that connected his memory with the past repulsed him, and therefore he tried in the relations of this former world only not to be unjust and to fulfill his duty.
True, everything was presented in a dark, gloomy light to Prince Andrei - especially after they left Smolensk (which, according to his concepts, could and should have been defended) on August 6, and after his father, who was sick, had to flee to Moscow and throw away the Bald Mountains, so beloved, built up and inhabited by him, for plunder; but, despite the fact, thanks to the regiment, Prince Andrei could think about another subject, completely independent of general questions - about his regiment. On August 10, the column, in which his regiment was, caught up with the Bald Mountains. Prince Andrey two days ago received the news that his father, son and sister had left for Moscow. Although Prince Andrei had nothing to do in the Bald Mountains, he, with his characteristic desire to inflame his grief, decided that he should call in the Bald Mountains.
He ordered his horse to be saddled and from the crossing rode on horseback to his father's village, in which he was born and spent his childhood. Passing by a pond, where dozens of women, talking to each other, beat with rollers and rinsed their clothes, Prince Andrei noticed that there was no one on the pond, and a torn-off raft, half flooded with water, floated sideways in the middle of the pond. Prince Andrei drove up to the gatehouse. There was no one at the stone entrance gate, and the door was unlocked. The garden paths were already overgrown, and the calves and horses were walking through the English park. Prince Andrei drove up to the greenhouse; the windows were broken, and the trees in tubs, some felled, some withered. He called Taras the gardener. Nobody responded. Going around the greenhouse to the exhibition, he saw that the carved board fence was all broken and the plum fruits were plucked with branches. An old peasant (Prince Andrei had seen him at the gate in his childhood) was sitting and weaving bast shoes on a green bench.
He was deaf and did not hear the entrance of Prince Andrei. He was sitting on a bench, on which the old prince liked to sit, and beside him was hung a bast on the knots of a broken and withered magnolia.
Prince Andrei drove up to the house. Several lindens in the old garden were cut down, one piebald horse with a foal walked in front of the house between the roses. The house was boarded up with shutters. One window downstairs was open. The yard boy, seeing Prince Andrei, ran into the house.
Alpatych, having sent his family, remained alone in the Bald Mountains; he sat at home and read the Lives. Upon learning of the arrival of Prince Andrei, he, with glasses on his nose, buttoning up, left the house, hurriedly approached the prince and, without saying anything, wept, kissing Prince Andrei on the knee.
Then he turned away with a heart to his weakness and began to report to him on the state of affairs. Everything valuable and expensive was taken to Bogucharovo. Bread, up to a hundred quarters, was also exported; hay and spring, unusual, as Alpatych said, this year's green harvest was taken and mowed - by the troops. The peasants are ruined, some have also gone to Bogucharovo, a small part remains.
Prince Andrei, without listening to the end, asked when his father and sister left, meaning when they left for Moscow. Alpatych answered, believing that they were asking about leaving for Bogucharovo, that they had left on the seventh, and again spread about the farm's shares, asking for permission.
- Will you order the oats to be released on receipt to the teams? We still have six hundred quarters left,” Alpatych asked.
“What to answer him? - thought Prince Andrei, looking at the old man's bald head shining in the sun and reading in his expression the consciousness that he himself understands the untimeliness of these questions, but asks only in such a way as to drown out his grief.
“Yes, let go,” he said.
“If they deigned to notice the unrest in the garden,” Alpatych said, “then it was impossible to prevent: three regiments passed and spent the night, especially dragoons. I wrote out the rank and rank of commander for filing a petition.
- Well, what are you going to do? Will you stay if the enemy takes? Prince Andrew asked him.
Alpatych, turning his face to Prince Andrei, looked at him; and suddenly raised his hand in a solemn gesture.
“He is my patron, may his will be done!” he said.
A crowd of peasants and servants walked across the meadow, with open heads, approaching Prince Andrei.
- Well, goodbye! - said Prince Andrei, bending over to Alpatych. - Leave yourself, take away what you can, and the people were told to leave for Ryazanskaya or Moscow Region. - Alpatych clung to his leg and sobbed. Prince Andrei carefully pushed him aside and, touching his horse, galloped down the alley.
At the exhibition, just as indifferent as a fly on the face of a dear dead man, the old man sat and tapped on a block of bast shoes, and two girls with plums in their skirts, which they picked from greenhouse trees, fled from there and stumbled upon Prince Andrei. Seeing the young master, the older girl, with fright expressed on her face, grabbed her smaller companion by the hand and hid behind a birch together with her, not having time to pick up the scattered green plums.
Prince Andrei hastily turned away from them in fright, afraid to let them notice that he had seen them. He felt sorry for this pretty, frightened girl. He was afraid to look at her, but at the same time he had an irresistible desire to do so. A new, gratifying and reassuring feeling came over him when, looking at these girls, he realized the existence of other, completely alien to him and just as legitimate human interests as those that occupied him. These girls, obviously, passionately desired one thing - to carry away and finish eating these green plums and not be caught, and Prince Andrei together with them wished the success of their enterprise. He couldn't help but look at them again. Considering themselves to be safe, they jumped out of the ambush and, holding their hemlines in thin voices, ran merrily and quickly across the grass of the meadow with their tanned bare legs.
Prince Andrei refreshed himself a little, having left the dusty area of ​​​​the high road along which the troops were moving. But not far beyond the Bald Mountains, he again drove onto the road and caught up with his regiment at a halt, by the dam of a small pond. It was the second hour after noon. The sun, a red ball in the dust, was unbearably hot and burned his back through his black coat. The dust, still the same, stood motionless over the voice of the humming, halted troops. There was no wind. In the passage along the dam, Prince Andrei smelled of the mud and freshness of the pond. He wanted to get into the water, no matter how dirty it was. He looked back at the pond, from which cries and laughter were coming. A small muddy pond with greenery, apparently, rose a quarter by two, flooding the dam, because it was full of human, soldier, naked white bodies floundering in it, with brick-red hands, faces and necks. All this naked, white human meat, with laughter and a boom, floundered in this dirty puddle, like crucian carp stuffed into a watering can. This floundering echoed with merriment, and therefore it was especially sad.
One young blond soldier - even Prince Andrei knew him - of the third company, with a strap under the calf, crossed himself, stepped back to take a good run and flounder into the water; the other, a black, always shaggy non-commissioned officer, waist-deep in water, twitching his muscular frame, snorted joyfully, watering his head with his black hands. There was slapping and screeching and hooting.
On the banks, on the dam, in the pond, everywhere there was white, healthy, muscular meat. Officer Timokhin, with a red nose, wiped himself on the dam and felt ashamed when he saw the prince, but decided to turn to him:
- That's good, your Excellency, you would please! - he said.
“Dirty,” said Prince Andrei, grimacing.
We'll clean it up for you. - And Timokhin, not yet dressed, ran to clean.
The prince wants.
- Which? Our prince? - voices began to speak, and everyone hurried so that Prince Andrei managed to calm them down. He thought it better to pour himself in the barn.
“Meat, body, chair a canon [cannon fodder]! - he thought, looking at his naked body, and shuddering not so much from the cold, but from disgust and horror, incomprehensible to him, at the sight of this huge number of bodies rinsing in a dirty pond.
On August 7, Prince Bagration wrote the following in his camp at Mikhailovka on the Smolensk road:
“Dear sir, Count Alexei Andreevich.
(He wrote to Arakcheev, but he knew that his letter would be read by the sovereign, and therefore, as far as he was capable of doing so, he considered his every word.)
I think that the Minister has already reported on leaving Smolensk to the enemy. It hurts, sadly, and the whole army is in despair that the most important place was abandoned in vain. I, for my part, asked him personally in the most convincing way, and finally wrote; but nothing agreed with him. I swear to you on my honor that Napoleon was in such a bag as never before, and he could lose half the army, but not take Smolensk. Our troops have fought and are fighting like never before. I held on with 15,000 for over 35 hours and beat them; but he did not want to stay even 14 hours. It's a shame and a stain on our army; and he himself, it seems to me, should not live in the world. If he conveys that the loss is great, it is not true; maybe about 4 thousand, no more, but not even that. At least ten, how to be, war! But the enemy lost the abyss ...

The mysterious reservoir on the territory of the Baraba lowland is known for numerous incidents related to the disappearance of people.

Locals blame the Siberian Nessie - a monster akin to Loch Ness. Skeptics smile about this and do not believe, and eyewitnesses tell chilling stories one after another.

The largest lake in Western Siberia in photographs from space looks like a cluster of round containers connected by channels. Apparently, this is why such a name arose - Chany, translated from Turkic - vessels of large diameter.

The lake was first described by the famous geographer-traveler P.S. Pallas in 1786, but mentions of it are found in documents of the 16th-17th centuries. V. Filimonov fundamentally characterized the reservoir in his works in 1803, and A. S. Skorikov was thoroughly engaged in the study of the ichthyofauna of Lake Chany in the early twentieth century.

The reservoir is located on the territory of five districts of the Novosibirsk region, but there are no populated areas near its shores. Of the 12 villages that are located on the coast of Chanov, Kazantsevo, Yarkul and Kvashnino are the largest in terms of the number of inhabitants. Some villages, for example, Yudino, turned out to be remote from the lake as a result of the reduction in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir due to the drying up of the stretch - a serious problem that has accompanied Chany for the last century and a half.

The water in the lake is slightly salty, replenished mainly by melting snow. The rivers Kargat and Chulym, flowing into the Chany and Small Chany, also feed the lake; earlier, the river Sarayka carried its waters to the Chany from the nearest reservoir of Sartlan.

With a total length of the lake over 90 km and a width of about 88 km, the area of ​​the water area has fluctuated in the last few decades in the range from 1400 to 2000 sq. km. The depths of the reservoir are small, 60% of the stretch does not exceed 2 m, the maximum distance from the water surface to the bottom is fixed at 7 m. The largest land areas protruding into the water area of ​​​​the reservoir are Kondakov, Zelenchak, Golenky, Cape, Vaskin, Kvashnino, Dark, Malinikh and others.

Some of the 70 islands with unique species of flora and fauna have been declared natural monuments of the Novosibirsk Region - Chinyaikha, Cheryomushkin, Kamyshny, Kobyliy and others. Even the most major islands Lakes Chany - Amelkin's Griva, Medvezhiy, Lezhan, Kolpachok - are not inhabited by a permanent population.

In the region of the reservoir there is a continental climate, the average summer temperatures reach above 18 degrees Celsius, winter - almost 20 degrees below zero. By the beginning of the third decade of October, the Chany are covered with ice, many areas freeze to the bottom, creating disastrous conditions for the existence of underwater inhabitants. The Chany are freed from the ice in May, at which time local navigation begins in the water area of ​​the lake, connected mainly with fishing, and partly with recreation. In summer, the water warms up to a maximum of 28 degrees, and the swimming season opens for beachgoers.

Vegetation and fauna of the coasts

Around Lake Chany, forest-steppe species of flora are observed. Initially, the reservoir, which arose almost 13 thousand years ago, was surrounded by endless steppes. The first shrub species of trees appeared on the banks of the Chans about 5.5 thousand years ago.

Now on the coast and islands of the reservoir there are bushy thickets of bird cherry, viburnum, currant, wild rose and hawthorn, extensive clumps of raspberries and ferns, aspen and birch from tree species, in recent years pines and oaks planted in the last century have taken root. Endless pastures and hay meadows stretch along the coast, and on some islands whole fields of wild peonies grow.

At the end of the last century, there were over 400 species of algae in Lake Chany, which make up the bulk of the phytoplankton of the reservoir.

Among mammals, roe deer, hares, foxes, badgers live near the lake, and muskrats live near the shores.

Lake Chany is a place of nesting and migration of almost 300 species of waterfowl, during the season they gather in the water area of ​​the lake and on the islands up to one and a half million individuals. There are many rare varieties - the snipe-shaped Asian godwit, the Dalmatian pelican, the avocet, the black-headed gull, the gyrfalcon, the greave and others.

Zoobenthos is represented by molluscs, oligochaetes, caddisflies, gammarids, mayflies, several species of dragonflies.

Ichthyofauna of the reservoir: does Nessie live in Lake Chany?

Lake stretches have always attracted fishermen who get good catches in Chany, which is dominated by silver carp, which once replaced goldfish, now very few in number, as well as pike perch, perch, ide, pike, and carp. Minnows, lake minnows, molts, tops, dace and peled come across less often.

Compared to the last century, the number of fish in Lake Chany has decreased significantly. The Uryumsky fish hatchery built on the Chulym River is partly stocked with fish, but many fish die in frosty winters and dry periods in shallow waters. Chany is one of the few bodies of water in which fishing with nets is allowed after obtaining a license. Poachers also cause significant damage to fish stocks.

The legend that an unknown creature lives in the depths of the lake, overturning boats and destroying fishermen, has been retold on the coast for a long time. There are many eyewitnesses who claim to have seen something huge in the water, raising waves. However, no one has yet been able to properly examine the unknown beast, although the research base of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been working on the shore for many years. Scientists admit the existence in the lake of some kind of relic animal, miraculously preserved in a tectonic fault found at the bottom of the lake. A large Japanese salamander can also live in the reservoir, carried by migratory birds with eggs, an aggressive amphibian, extremely cautious and secretive. Among the versions about the unknown animal, there is also the possibility of a mutation as a result of volcanic activity in the bowels of the lake - this has already happened in nature, in the Antilles. Whoever the animal unknown to science in the depths of Lake Chany turned out to be, scientists have yet to unravel the mystery of its existence, and it seems that it is of interest not only to Russian science - ten years ago, employees of Tohok University from Japan were detained at the Novosibirsk airport with smuggled samples of soil and water from Lake Chany.

Rest on Lake Chany: fishing and hunting

There are many rest houses and fishing bases on the coast, ready to accept those who wish to spend their holidays or weekends on Lake Chany. Especially in winter, many fans of ice fishing tend to get there, although summer fishing is no less popular. At some bases, fishing is paid - up to 100 rubles per person, and the time and number of fish caught is not limited, as long as only fishing rods or spinning are used.

At certain times of the year, when the shooting of waterfowl is allowed, hunters come to Lake Chany.

The ripening season of raspberries, stone fruits, currants, wild strawberries is distinguished by the arrival of berry pickers on the coast, those who also wish to stock up mushrooms, hawthorn and wild roses come here for the winter.

Many bases offer walks on the lake on a boat, catamaran or jet ski, and in winter - on snowmobiles. There are many people who want to go skiing around the lake - the nature here is beautiful. Those who came to the coast with corporate events are always satisfied: the recreation centers offer a barbecue, a sauna or a bathhouse, and excellent food from organic products, and, of course, dishes from freshly caught fish. Activities include scooter rides, banana boat rides, windsurfing and beach sports.

Attractions near the reservoir

Of course, Chany is the main contender for the succession of the ancient Baraba Sea, but after it there were many other picturesque reservoirs near Lake Chany, for example, Sartlan, Small Chany, Tandovo, Uryum and others, smaller area, and Lake Karachi is also famous for its healing properties of brine, known since the end of the 19th century.

Among interesting places On the way to Lake Chany, you should pay attention to visiting the small towns of Kuibyshev and Barabinsk, where there are many interesting objects for inspection. In Barabinsk, the very building of the railway station, built on a 150-year-old building, erected at a once small station of the Trans-Siberian Railway, attracts. The ancient architectural buildings of Kuibyshev - the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the Russian-Byzantine style and the Temple of John the Baptist, the House of the merchant Maslov with openwork lace carving - delight travelers with their low-key solemn grandeur.

The southern border of the nature reserve of federal importance "Kirzinsky" with an area of ​​almost 120 thousand hectares passes through the waters of Lake Chany. Fishing and hunting are prohibited on its territory. Many species of the animal world that live in the wooded areas of the nature protection zone are classified as "Red Book" - golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, snowy owl, peregrine falcon, black-headed gull and others.

To the east of Lake Malyye Chany are the lands of the Chanovsky State Landscape and Biological Reserve, created to protect waterfowl of the Chanovsky lake system, but they also pay attention to other representatives of the animal world - they feed roe deer in harsh winters, keep records of the population of badgers, foxes, hares and muskrats.

Where to stay

Around Lake Chany there are rest houses, fishing camp sites, cottages and tent camps, which accommodate tourists who have arrived on vacation, depending on their financial capabilities and preferences.

All year round they invite vacationers to the recreation centers "Azure Bay" and "Chany" near the village of Kvashnino with accommodation prices of 2000 rubles on weekdays and 3000 rubles per day on weekends, "White Swan" in the village of Malkovo with accommodation prices from 1800 to 4500 rubles per day . Housing is also actively offered in the private sector of the villages spread out on the coast - a rest room can be rented for 300-400 rubles per day.

How to get to Lake Chany

Russia, Novosibirsk region, Baraba lowland, villages of Kvashnino, Tagan, Belovo

It is more rational to get from the capital by plane through Omsk, although you can fly to Novosibirsk, but it will turn out to be more expensive and you will have to return in a westerly direction.

Using air communication, the way over 2 thousand kilometers to Omsk is overcome in a little more than 3 hours, and the cost of tickets is from 4400 rubles. By train through Omsk, directly to the station Tatarsk or Barabinsk, more than a day follows, and the fare will cost from 2600-2700 rubles for 1 person, of which from 500-600 rubles is the cost of a railway ticket from Omsk.

An air ticket from the capital to Novosibirsk costs from 5300 rubles. Novosibirsk people get to Barabinsk by train and pay from 500-600 rubles, by train - about 100 rubles.

Regular buses run from the bus stations of Barabinsk and Tatarsk to the villages of Kvashnino, Tagan, Belovo, located on the coast of Lake Chany.

They drive their car along the M51 highway, there is also a road through Zdvinsk, which goes around Lake Chany, but motorists speak of its poor condition.

Lake Chany is a large drainless reservoir, which is a system of reaches, interconnected by numerous channels. Its name comes from the Turkic language and is translated as "big vessel".

Many legends and tales are associated with this place, the most popular of which is the belief about a mythical monster living in the depths of the reservoir. Many locals they say that they saw either a lizard, or a huge fish, creating huge waves and overturning fishing boats. There is no scientific explanation for this phenomenon yet: none of the expeditions on the Chans have seen anything like it.

Today, the lake is a favorite vacation spot for many Russians.

Geography and origin

The largest body of water in Western Siberia is located in the Chanovsky district of the Novosibirsk region. The area where Lake Chany is located is called the Baraba lowland. Most of it is surrounded by forest-steppes, and only from the south you can observe the endless steppe landscape.

Experts date the formation of the basin to the end of the last ice age. The lake appeared about 10-13 thousand years ago. For hundreds and thousands of years, steppe vegetation prevailed here, and only 5.5 millennia ago dwarf birches and similar shrubs began to grow along the banks.

Features of Lake Chany

The vats are located at an altitude of 106 m above sea level. The lake is 91 km long and 88 km wide. The surface of the water mirror today is approximately 2000 km². The absolute maximum was recorded at the end of the 18th century, when the area of ​​Lake Chany exceeded 12,000 km². Based on long-term observations, scientists concluded that recently this reservoir has noticeably shredded.

The lake is fed mainly by melt water. Two rivers flow into it - Chulym and Kargat, but they account for only a small part of the total flow.

The water of Lake Chany is slightly salty, and the concentration in different parts of the reservoir varies. Salinity indicators in the southeastern part are somewhat lower. The lake itself is shallow: the average depth is only 2 meters, the maximum is 7 m. The bottom is flat, muddy or sandy. The shores are gently sloping, heavily indented, for the most part covered with thickets of sedge, reeds, and reeds.

Lake Chany is characterized not only by fluctuations in the water level associated with seasonality, but also by longer ones, lasting, as a rule, about 40 years.


The lake area is dominated by a continental climate. In winter - crackling frosts, in summer - warm, but not hot. The period when the thermometer rises above zero is only about 4 months. Freezing on the lake occurs in early November, the final melting occurs in May.

The territory on which Lake Chany is located is the Novosibirsk Region. Nature here is quite severe, as in all of Siberia. In autumn, cold and strong winds blow from the west and northwest. The waves on the lake rise more than a meter, there have been cases of deaths of people who went sailing in stormy weather.

Islands of Lake Chany

There are 70 islands in the water area of ​​Chanov. The largest are Amelka's mane, Bear, Cap. Some are considered natural monuments because they have preserved unique relic species of plants and animals.

Not only Lake Chany itself is distinguished by a strange name, the name of the islands is also enough interesting story. So, the island of Chinyaikha is named after a noble woman who was captured by robbers along with her husband. She liked the ataman, but there was no reciprocity on her part. The leader of the thugs suggested that the husband put his wife on the line, but while the game was going on, Chinyaya went down to the lake and drowned herself. They say that her ghost still walks among the white-trunked birches of the island and protects the fishermen.

Nearest settlements

There are 12 villages in the immediate vicinity of Lake Chany. Two centuries ago, there were 17 settlements, but due to shallowing, several of them were abandoned and abandoned. At the beginning of the 20th century, people also lived on the islands. For example, melons and gourds, in particular watermelons, were even grown on Medvezhye.

To date, the largest are Yarkul, Kvashnino and Kazantsevo. Slightly smaller in size are Shaitik and Malkovo.

Lake nature

The diversity of the ichthyofauna is represented by 16 species of fish. The most numerous are silver carp, ide, perch, pike perch, carp. Less common are pike, roach, and bream. Among the rare species are golden carp, dace, tench, gudgeon, verkhovka, peled, lake minnow.

The main refuge for fish in winter is the Yarkovsky reach. This is the only non-marginal place of the lake. In the rest of the water area, due to a lack of oxygen in the water during the cold season, as well as complete freezing to the very bottom, a huge amount of fish simply die.

The number is also affected by sudden changes in water level, low water and, of course, destructive human activities. Since 1926, fish farming has been carried out on the lake. Every year, fry of carp, peled and other commercial fish are released into Chany.

The body of water is of great importance for many migratory birds. Here you can often meet ducks, gulls, swans, geese, terns. A large number of rare and endangered species live in the vicinity of the lake, such as the white-tailed eagle, red-throated goose, greave, Dalmatian pelican. According to many years of research by naturalists, there are more than 220 species of birds in these places. Ornithologists claim that more than 1.5 million individuals of various birds visit the lake every year.

Of the mammals in Chany, there is a muskrat, in the surrounding areas - hares, foxes, badgers, roe deer.

There are 404 species of algae in the lake. The most overgrown is the Chinyakhinsky reach. Along the banks, in addition to reeds and reeds, birch, bird cherry, aspen, hawthorn, wild rose, and raspberry grow. On one of the many islets (Uzkoredkom) you can admire whole thickets of wild peonies.

Part of the water area belongs to Kirzinsky nature reserve where hunting and fishing are prohibited. Poachers face a hefty fine.

Recreation and fishing

Fishing on Lake Chany is a favorite form of recreation for residents of the Novosibirsk, Omsk and Kemerovo regions. There are several recreation centers on the coast, but most tourists single out "Azure Bay".

The houses are located in close proximity to the water, among trees and almonds specially brought for landscaping. The territory is stylized as a pioneer camp.

The number of rooms is presented quite widely: there are trailers, a summer building with rooms for 4-8 guests, several family houses, as well as a well-appointed building for year-round use.

On the territory there are 2 baths, a barbecue area, a sports ground, a children's play area, a banquet hall, a cafe. In the summer, you can have a good rest on the beach near the base and swim in the crystal clear water of Chanov.

Other popular bases are "White Swan" and "Vats". If you want to save money, you can stay in the private sector - local residents are willing to rent out rooms, especially during the high season.

Ice fishing is especially popular in Chany, it is during the winter months that the peak of tourist attendance falls. At some bases, fishing is paid, but the prices are very democratic. At the same time, there is no time limit and the number of fish caught, the main thing is to use only fishing rods and spinning rods.

Yarkovsky reach is considered the best place for fishing. Fishing near the bottom dumps will be successful. Locals feed fish in certain places, if you find out from them where they are located, a good bite is guaranteed.

How to get there

If you have a desire to visit Lake Chany, then it will not be difficult. From the nearest railway station in Barabinsk, buses run to settlements and tourist bases located on the coast. By car, you should move along the federal highway M51. Turn after 325 km, if driving from Novosibirsk, and after 301 km, if from Omsk.

A sea of ​​positive emotions, unforgettable impressions and new acquaintances are provided to every tourist who has chosen Lake Chany as a place of rest. Russia is vast and diverse, and it is foolish to go abroad without first seeing the beauty and grandeur of your own country.

Once I had a chance to make a unique fishing trip with friends. We visited several seas and lakes, including Lake Chany. It was remembered by the fact that it was there that I caught silver carp. It is curious that almost all types of fish here have silvery scales.

Fresh or salty

So, Chany is a salt lake that has no drains. It is located in the Novosibirsk region in the Baraba lowland. The reservoir is a complex of 3 parts: Big and Small Chanov and Yarkul. Each of these lakes has its own salinity. The most salty - Small Chany, Big Chany have slightly salty water. And Yarkul is completely insipid.

This is the largest lake in all of Western Siberia. The name of the lake comes from the word "chan" (Turkic language), which means "large vessel". Once it was really huge: more than 10 thousand square meters. km. Unfortunately, today the lake is becoming very shallow, and its area is only 1.5-2 thousand square meters. km. And the greatest depth reaches 7 meters (average ~ 2.1 meters).

At the same time, most of the lake lies in the forest-steppe zone, and local navigation is present here.

The lake contains almost 70 islets. The largest of them are:

  • Lejean;
  • Amelkin's Mane;
  • Chinyaikha;
  • Shuldikov;
  • Cheryomukhovy.

Some of the islands are classified as natural monuments of the region. They managed to preserve unique natural landscapes that serve as a habitat for rare animals and plants.

The climate of Lake Chany and its inhabitants

As for the local climate, it can be called continental. In January it is usually -20°С, and in July - +19°С. The total frost-free period lasts about 120 days. And the annual rainfall is 380 mm.

In Chany you can find 16 varieties of fish. The most frequent are:

  • groupers,
  • carp;
  • ide;
  • carp;
  • zander.

Beautiful birches, aspens, viburnums grow on the shores of the lake. You can find many berries here. And wild-growing peonies bloom on Uzkoredky Island.

The vats are now actively stocked with fish. Commercial cultivation of many fish species is also carried out here.