The most interesting facts and secrets of Mount Kailash. Kailash - the sacred mountain of Tibet Pyramid-shaped mountain

In Asia there is a widespread myth about sacred mountain, the center of the world, on the slopes of which four great rivers originate, giving life to the lands through which they flow. The source of this myth is found in an Indian epic that tells of Mount Meru, the abode of the gods. Its height is immeasurable, the top reaches into the sky, the slopes sparkle with gold, rubies, crystal and lapis lazuli. According to Indian sources, this mountain is located somewhere in the Himalayas, but over time, the legend of the mythical Mount Meru became increasingly associated with Mount Kailash.

According to legends, the territory closed to foreigners until the middle of the last century was once inhabited by saints who had the ability to fly and be in several places at the same time, not to mention clairvoyance, immunity to cold and the ability to materialize objects literally out of thin air.

Somewhere in the mountains of Tibet, invisible forces guard the entrance to Shambhala - a mysterious country where True Knowledge is stored and where the holy Forces of the Earth are concentrated.

Mount Kailash in Western Tibet is called the “navel of the Earth”. For followers of four religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Bonpo and Jainism, which is about half of the planet's population), it is the center of the Earth and the Universe.

In the west of the Tibetan Plateau, 200 km from the border with Nepal, Mount Kailash is located. Neither geographically nor geologically it belongs to the main Himalayan range. According to the official version of geologists, it rose along with the plateau from the ocean floor, and then water and wind sharpened its edges, giving it a pyramidal shape.

Mount Kailash, which is 6,714 meters above sea level, is not the highest in the region, but due to its outstanding shape and location, and the many legends associated with it, it is of great importance in the Tibetan worldview. The four ribs of Mount Kailash correspond almost exactly to the cardinal directions, and the cracks on its southern side are shaped like a swastika, a Buddhist symbol of spiritual power. In Tibetan, Kailash is known as Kang Rinpoche, that is, “Jewel of Snows”.

According to Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, Demchok, the wrathful component of Buddha Shakyamuni, lives on Kailash. Hindus believe that Kailash is a manifestation of the spiritual center of the Universe, around which the world revolves, and that this is the habitat of Shiva the Destroyer (this was written about in the ancient Indian Vedas several thousand years ago). In addition, it is believed that Kailash is one of the 32 main occult places on earth, from where a certain mystical radiation emanates, which accelerates the spiritual development of a person and facilitates the establishment of telepathic communication with higher beings. This energy center of our planet, despite its inaccessibility, has attracted seekers of truth for thousands of years.

None of the people have ever climbed the reserved mountain - the abode of the gods. Pilgrims walk around it in a circle. 4 roads from different sides of the world lead to the most sacred mountain on Earth. The oldest and shortest route to places of amazing beauty and spiritual power was reopened to pilgrims only a few years ago.

The remoteness of Mount Kailash from the populated central part of Tibet, its high altitude and poor roads make Kailash still inaccessible to tourists.

Near Kailash is the sacred lake Manosarovar - the source of the 4 greatest rivers of Asia (Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra and Sutlej). Tibetans believe that it was consecrated by the Buddha himself, so walking around it can not only imbue it with positive energy, but also remove sins from a person literally for several lives to come. Hindus are sure that the lake is the soul of the god Brahma, as well as the place where the god Shiva and his wife Parvati swam. By the way, part of the ashes of the great Indian figure Mahatma Gandhi were scattered on its banks. The lake, more than 70 meters deep, is shaped like an eight-petalled lotus and lies in a valley at an altitude of 4600 m above sea level.

Kora (emphasis on the first syllable) is a Tibetan word meaning pilgrimage, which is expressed in walking clockwise around a holy place, be it a monastery, stupa, temple or mountain.

Unlike Western travelers, Tibetans typically complete the kora in one day. It is said that one bark around Kailash erases the sins accumulated over the course of real life, while 108 rounds provide complete enlightenment.

As for visiting holy places during the passage of the kora, then, perhaps, every centimeter of the path, every element of the surrounding landscape, is sacred and full of philosophical and religious meaning. In general, the route around the mountain itself is a deeply philosophical expression of the Buddhist worldview and personifies the circle of birth, life, death and new rebirth, while each of the above stages of human existence correlates with certain stages of the passage of the kora.

A special rite of veneration - nendra - is designed to especially deeply cleanse the karma of the person praying. This ritual includes the recitation of mantras (one circle - 108 times) and prostration - a bow to the ground, at the end of which the person lies down on the ground at full height. By walking around the shrine in this way, the believer measures the path of worship with his body. Some lamas prostrate from Lhasa itself. According to the Tibetans, such a pilgrimage lasts 800 days.

The kora, 53 km long, usually lasts 3 days. Tibetans most often sleep under open air covered with a blanket or yak skin. Pilgrims from other countries and tourists stay in shelters (guest houses), where mattresses are placed directly on the stone floor, or in tents, which, along with other cargo, are transported by yaks. Some Tibetans complete the entire journey in one day, while those who prostrate take 15-20 days. Followers of the pre-Buddhist Bon religion walk around the mountain counterclockwise. According to the Bon lamas, this difference is not fundamental; it all depends on where you look at the process: from the inside or from the outside.

In the morning, after worshiping the snow-white peak in Darchen, pilgrims begin Kora. All points on the route from which a view of Kailash opens are marked with prayer flags and chortens - masonry made of stones and yak skulls with sacred mantras engraved on them.

For tourists, walking around the most sacred mountain on Earth takes 5 days. The trek runs at altitudes from 4500m to 5100m. To complete the route, no special training or climbing equipment is required. All you need is good physical shape and, most importantly, determination. You will meet Indian and Tibetan pilgrims who have walked many hundreds of kilometers to reach their cherished goal here.

Mount Kailash Map

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Tibet is characterized by great differences in the climate of different regions, unique natural phenomena associated with the action of wind, clouds, rain, frost and fog, as well as unusually remarkable sunrises and sunsets.

The special climate of Tibet is due to the peculiarities of its topography and atmospheric circulation. The general trend is a dry, cold climate in the northwestern part of the region and a humid, warm climate in the southeastern part. In addition, the pattern in the change of climatic zones along the height of the relief clearly makes itself felt.

How to get there

The total length of the path to the mountain is 53 km (2-4 days). The trek to Kailash requires preparation and equipment. You can get to Mount Kailash from Lhasa by jeep with experienced guides for a week, visiting monasteries and scenic spots along the way. A trip to Kailash is of a pilgrimage nature, so it is not suitable simply for curiosity, since this place is very strong in energy.

Brief video review

Kailash is located among six majestic mountain ranges, symbolizing the sacred lotus flower. Four large rivers originate from the slopes of the mountain; it is believed that, rushing in different directions, they divide the world into four regions.

Various religions considered Kailash sacred place long before the epic poems Ramayana and Mahabharata were written. Tibetan Buddhists call the mountain "Hangriposh", "Precious Mountain of Glacial Snow", where sacred beings reside. Three hills a little to the side are the place where the bodhisattvas settled: Manyushri, Vajrapani and Avalokiteshvara, who help people achieve enlightenment.

The sacred peak of Kailasa is the oldest place of pilgrimage; it is difficult to get here and even more difficult to perform the ritual. Pilgrims will have to walk a 52-km route around the mountain: clockwise for Buddhists, counterclockwise for bonzes. This is a ritual known as Kora or Parikrama. The journey takes from one day to three weeks, depending on the physical condition of the believers. It is believed that a pilgrim who circles the mountain 108 times is guaranteed to achieve enlightenment.

Most pilgrims arriving at Kailash take a bath in the sacred waters of the nearby Mansarovar Lake at an altitude of 4585 m. It is considered the highest freshwater lake in the world and is known as the “Lake of Consciousness and Enlightenment”, in addition, it is located next to the “Rakas Tal", or "Lake of Demons".

Other name

  • "Kailas" means "crystal" in Sanskrit. The Tibetan name for the mountain is “Khangrimposh” (or “Khangriposh”), which means “Priceless Jewel of the Snows”.
  • "Tize" is another name for the mountain. According to the teachings of the Jains, the mountain is called “Astapada”.


According to religions that revere the mountain, touching its slopes with your foot is an unforgivable sin. It is alleged that many who tried to break this taboo died as soon as they set foot on the mountain.

“Strangers have rarely visited this wild land.
In places we could look across the border of Tibet and see Mount Kailash.
Although the height of Kailash is only 6666 meters, Hindus and Buddhists
It is considered the most sacred of all the Himalayan peaks.
Near her is big lake Manasarovar, also sacred, and a famous monastery.
At all times, pilgrims came here from the most remote parts of Asia.”
Tenzing Noghray, conqueror of Everest.

Fact No. 1. Many names

Mount Kailash (Kailash) is one of the most mysterious places on our planet.
She is also known by other names: Europeans call her Kailas, the Chinese call her Gandhisishan (冈底斯山) or Ganrenboqi (冈仁波齐), in the Bon tradition her name is Yundrung Gutseg, in ancient texts in Tibetan she is called Kang Rinpoche ( གངས་རིན་པོ་ཆེ; gangs rin p-che) - “Precious snowy.” A bunch of interesting secrets and the legends about Kailash do not leave people, both pilgrims and researchers, indifferent.

Fact No. 2. Center of 4 religions

Mount Kailash is the sacred center of 4 religions: Hinduism, Jainism, Tibetan Bon religion and Buddhism. The dream of every Hindu is to see Kailash with his own eyes at least once in his life. Related to this desire are serious visa restrictions issued by China for Indians wishing to visit these places. In the Vedas (ancient texts of this religion), Mount Kailash is the favorite place of residence of Shiva (cosmic consciousness, personifying the masculine principle of the Universe).
The Tibetan ancient religion Bon considers Mount Kailash to be the place of origin of life in the Universe and the center of power. According to their legends, this is where the mystical country of Shangshung (Shambhala) is located, and the first Jain master Tongpa Shenrab descended into the world from Kailash.

Buddhists revere this mountain as the abode of Buddha in one of the main incarnations - Samvara. Therefore, every year during the Buddhist festival religious holiday Vesak (other names - Saga Dawa, Visakha Puja, Donchod Khural), dedicated to the enlightenment of Buddha Gautama, thousands of pilgrims and tourists from all over the world gather at the foot of Mount Kailash.

Fact No. 3. Beginning of 4 rivers

According to Hindu mythology, the four main rivers of Tibet, India and Nepal originate on the slopes of Mount Kailash: Indus, Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Karnali. Jains believe that at Mount Kailash their first saint, Jina Mahavira, achieved enlightenment, after which he founded his own teaching - Jainism.

Fact No. 4. Swastika symbol from the shadows

Swastika Mountain- another name for Kailash. The appearance of this name is associated with the pattern formed by two cracks on its southern side. In the evening, the shadow cast by the rock ledges depicts a huge image of a swastika on it. The swastika is a sacred symbol for many peoples of the world. In India, for example, the swastika is considered as a solar sign - a symbol of life, light, generosity and abundance, closely associated with the cult of the god Agni. A wooden tool was made in the shape of a swastika for producing sacred fire. They laid him flat on the ground; the depression in the middle served for a rod, which was rotated until a fire appeared, lit on the altar of the deity. The swastika was carved in many temples, on rocks, and on ancient monuments in India. The swastika is one of the symbols of Jainism.

Fact No. 5. Orientation to cardinal directions

Mount Kailash has a pyramidal shape, strictly oriented to the cardinal points. There is also evidence to suggest the presence of voids both in the mountain itself and at its foot. Some researchers who have studied the mountain and its secrets claim: Kailash is an unnatural artificial formation, erected in ancient times by an unknown person and for what purpose. It is possible that this is some kind of complex, a pyramid.

Fact No. 6. Liberation from sins

In the Bon religion and Hinduism, there is a legend that says: walking around Kailash (kora) allows you to cleanse yourself of all sins committed in a given life. If the kora is performed 13 times, the pilgrim who completes it is guaranteed not to go to Hell; if the kora is performed 108 times, he breaks out of the circle of rebirths and reaches the degree of enlightenment of the Buddha. A kora performed on a full moon counts as two. That is why there are always many pilgrims around the mountain today, making their way to atone for sins.

Fact No. 6. Climbing Kailash is impossible

Mount Kailash is closed to climbers: not a single person has yet visited its peak. This is due not only to the fact that climbing it is officially prohibited. There are legends that Kailash is able to incomprehensibly change the desire of climbers to climb, thereby not allowing anyone to approach him. Those who get too close to it, and those who intend to climb to its top, are suddenly instructed to go in the opposite direction.
Whether this is true or not, the top of the mountain still remains unconquered. In 1985, the famous mountaineer Reinhold Messner received permission to climb from the Chinese authorities, but refused at the last moment.
In 2000, a Spanish expedition for a fairly significant amount purchased permission to conquer Kailash from the Chinese authorities. The team set up a base camp at the foot, but were never able to set foot on the mountain. Thousands of pilgrims blocked the expedition's path. Dalai Lama, UN, a number of major international organizations, millions of believers around the world protested the conquest of Kailash and the Spaniards had to retreat.

Fact No. 7. Mirrors of Time on the surface of Kailash

Another mystery of Kailash, around which there are numerous disputes and judgments, is the mirror of time. They mean many rocks located near Kailash, having a smooth or concave surface. Whether these surfaces were created artificially in ancient times or are a play of nature is still not known.

There is an assumption that these formations are a kind of “Kozyrev mirrors” - concave mirrors, at the focus of which the speed of time can change. A person who comes into the focus of such a mirror may experience various abnormal and psychophysical sensations. According to Muldashev, the mirrors around Kailash are placed in a certain system in relation to each other, which creates something like a “time machine” capable of transporting the initiate not only to different time periods, but also to other worlds.

Fact No. 8. Lakes Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal - so close, but so different

Two lakes located at the foot of Mount Rakshas Tal and Manasarovar are located nearby and are separated from each other by only a small isthmus. However, both these lakes are strikingly different from each other, which represents another mystery of Kailash.

The waters of Lake Manasarovar, revered by Tibetans as sacred, are fresh. According to legend, Lake Manasarovar was the first object created in the consciousness of Brahma. This is where its name comes from: in Sanskrit “Manas sarovara” means “Lake of Consciousness” from the words manas (consciousness) and sarovara (lake). According to one of the Buddhist legends, this lake is the very legendary lake Anavatapta, where Queen Maya conceived Buddha. Manasarovar, like Kailash, is a place of pilgrimage, around which a ritual circumambulation - kora - is also performed in order to cleanse karma. Pilgrims come here to take ceremonial baths in the purifying waters of Manasarovar. It is believed that this lake is a place where “purity” lives; in its bottom layer, near the northwestern shore, the water is alive. The one who touches sacred ground Manasarovara or bathing in this lake will definitely go to heaven. Anyone who drinks water from the lake will ascend to heaven to God Shiva and be cleansed of his sins. Therefore, Manasarovar is considered the most sacred, revered and famous lake in all of Asia. The area around the sacred lake is 100 km.

Lake Manasarovar

Lake Rakshas

Near Manasarovar there is a salty dead lake Rakshas tal (also Langak, Rakas, Langa Tso (Chinese: 拉昂错, pinyin: Lā’áng Cuò). In Hindu mythology, this lake was created by the lord of the Rakshasas, the demon Ravana, and on this lake there was special island, where Ravana sacrificed one of his heads to Shiva every day. On the tenth day, Shiva gave Ravana superpowers. Lake Langa Tso is contrasted with Lake Manasarovar, created by the gods. Manasarovar is round in shape and Langa Tso is elongated in the shape of a month, symbolizing light and darkness respectively. Touch the water dead lake According to local customs, it is prohibited, because it can bring bad luck.
The number of legends, stories and various traditions associated with this place is simply enormous: it is unlikely that any other place on our planet can boast of so many secrets and mysteries.

Mount Kailash is one of the mysteries unsolved by mankind. Many secrets and legends surround this mountain complex of incredible beauty and power. In this article we will dive into the world of Tibet, study the facts and learn a lot of interesting things related to Mount Kailash and its hidden power.

Mount Kailash - unconquered pyramid

Mount Kailash, or Kailash (depending on the pronunciation, this is the name for this queen of all mountains), is located in Tibet. In order to climb it, a special permit is required from the authorities of this region. And yet, not a single mortal has yet been able to climb to the top of Kailash, and yet it is not the most high mountain on the ground.

It is known that in 1985, Reinhold Messner, who conquered several eight-thousanders, also tried to climb to the top of Mount Kailash, but someone or something prevented him from carrying out his plans. If we consider objective reasons, there is information that during the ascent the weather conditions sharply worsened, which made further progress to the top impossible. Moreover, this reason is cited by many who tried to get to the peak of Mount Kailash. According to another version, it is believed that Reinhold, on the day before the ascent, received some kind of message in the form of a vision and he himself abandoned the idea.

In 2000, a group of Spanish climbers received long-awaited permission to travel to Tibet, and Mount Kailash was also their goal. But already at the very beginning of the ascent, pilgrims, who can often be seen in these places, blocked the path of the Spanish conquistadors of the sacred Mount Kailash. The obstacles along the way were that both the Dalai Lama himself and even the UN expressed protest. Consequently, the Spaniards had to return home empty-handed.

Thus, not a single mortal has yet appeared who has reached the top of this temple complex, this great pyramid mountain Kailash. But there are legends that Tonpa Shenrab, the founder of the Bon religion, descended from heaven to the top of Kailash to convey knowledge to people. And the greatest poet Milarepa, revered by yogis, managed to climb to the top of Mount Shiva and grab hold of the “rays of the Sun.”

The sacred mountain in Tibet is Kailash. Racial theory

The sacred Mount Kailash in Tibet has long attracted the attention of not only idle travelers, professional climbers, pilgrims, yogis, followers of the Bon religion, admirers of Shaivism (and many other religions), but also esotericists, on whom this mountain literally acts magnetically.

Ernst Muldashev’s ascents to this mountain also tell us a lot. Muldashev believes not only that this sacred complex is the energy center of the Earth, but also that a new race of those who will inherit the Earth after us is being born within it. There is an opinion that inside Mount Kailash there is a cavity, which, in fact, is a temple, a palace, the cradle of the development of new races on Earth.

According to Blavatsky, the first race was the angelic race, after which came the water people. Then - the so-called civilization of the Lemurians, and after it - the Atlanteans, well known to many, whose heirs we are. If you follow this theory, then now a new, sixth race is emerging inside Mount Kailash, but its time will not come soon. And perhaps by that time humanity will have revealed the mysteries of the sacred mountain of Tibet, which has given rise to so many questions, the answers to which are still unknown or carefully hidden. Perhaps it is no coincidence that even the arrival to this place and the number of pilgrims is strictly regulated by the authorities. Do you really have something to hide? And most importantly: does someone really know much more about the secrets associated with the mountain than can be revealed to us, and therefore limits the study of these places and the rise of climbers up the mountain?

Tibet and Mount Kailash: secrets and mysteries of the sacred mountain

They tried to find out the secrets and mysteries of Mount Kailash for a long time, but in the 20th century, the organization created on the orders of Hitler may have come closest to discovering the secrets. The Ahnenerbe, an organization that existed in Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1945, sent several expeditions to Tibet, including to study Mount Kailash. The Germans tried to establish the origin and history of the race that now lives on Earth. And the name of this race is Aryans. The Germans tried to prove that only their people, the Germans, were of Aryan origin. In fact, those people who now inhabit the Earth are precisely called Aryans, the heirs of the Atlanteans.

There is also a belief that not far from the Kailash mountain complex there is a sarcophagus of Nandi, in which the great teachers of mankind: Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and others are still in a state of samadhi. They also say that the entrance to this sarcophagus is connected by a tunnel to Kailash. In order not to go deeply into the description of the state of samadhi, which is considered one of the signs of achieving enlightenment in the yoga tradition, and what types of samadhi there are, we can only point to an example of a person of our era who is in such a state. This is Lama Itigelov, who came into the physical body in 1852, and it is still incorruptible. Many also believe that the Kailash mountain complex is nothing more than temple complex, inside of which, at an altitude of about 6000 meters, there is a city of gods, created by higher civilizations. It’s not hard to believe if you look at least externally at the central mountain of this complex - it has the shape of a pyramid.

If you try to explain this form by ordinary weathering, the action of the elements on the creation of its edges, then although it would seem that it looks scientific, it is in fact deeply unscientific. It's hard to imagine that alone natural phenomena create the shape of an almost ideal pyramid, especially if you take into account the fact of the location of the central mountain.

Where is Mount Kailash

Mount Kailash, where, according to the texts of the Vedas, he resides, is located on the same meridian with Egyptian pyramids, stone idols of Easter Island and Inca pyramids in Mexico. Also incredibly interesting is the fact of the geographical distance of Kailash from these points. So, from Kailash to Stonehenge - 6666 km; to the North Pole - the same 6666 km; if you calculate the distance from Kailash to Easter Island, then it is again the same 6666 km; and if we go even further, then the distance from Kailash to South Pole equal to a distance of 6666 km multiplied by two. To top off these truly strange coincidences, it must be said that the height of Mount Kailash itself is 6666 m. What is it? Did there really exist such technologically more advanced civilizations that left such a legacy?

Perhaps the information that we are given in the Vedas that Shiva resides on the top of the sacred Mount Kailash, dancing the eternal Tandava, forcing the whole world to constantly remain in motion and develop without stopping, is the great truth of the creation of the world. And only when he stops dancing will the world be destroyed so that a new one can be created in its place. Could this mean the fact that the end of Tandava leads to changes in civilizations on Earth: the previous one is destroyed, and the next one begins to exist. And this will continue forever.

There is so much talk about the passage of time in this Tibetan region. We know that the mountain temples of Kailash, as they are often called, are arranged in a spiral and at the top, in the center of the spiral, is Mount Kailash. Why the flow of time changes at this place can be explained as follows. The mountain slopes are like giant mirrors, some of them are concave, like those created by the Soviet scientist Nikolai Kozyrev. And with the help of them it was possible to change the course of time, which could send a person to the past or the future.

Through the looking glass of Mount Kailash

Likewise, in the Tibetan mountain complex, the presence of a mirror effect affects the energy component of the place, and consequently, the people nearby. Therefore, there are cases when the passage of time accelerated so much that in one day people grew a beard and their nails grew quickly. There is also evidence of the opposite effect of staying in those places on the body: people, on the contrary, became younger and recharged with energy.

There is official information about how a group of foreign climbers managed to get into the Kailash complex, but in the area just above 5800 meters, in the “Valley of Death”, they left the usual path to follow. When these people returned from the expedition, they quickly aged and died a year later, and doctors were unable to determine the reason for such rapid aging of the body.

Most likely, this can really be explained by the influence of “mirrors”. And what causes sacred awe among believers can be understood as the influence of physical laws. After all, if Kozyrev managed to create a time machine and there was even documented evidence that with the help of his design it was possible to travel both into the past and into the future, then why can’t there be a “natural” prototype of an engineering design? Although who said that the origin of the Kailash complex is natural?

A short continuation about the discovery of Nikolai Kozyrev and his time machine

For some time, experiments continued, and the results exceeded all expectations, but subsequently the Soviet authorities suspended the development of research with no further plans for its resumption. However, who knows, perhaps the information is presented to a wide audience in this way, but in reality things are different. And, perhaps, the work of transitioning into different dimensions, going through the “looking glass” has been going on all these years, and its results are available to a strictly limited circle of people initiated into the research.

Be that as it may, Mount Kailash still continues to attract many tourists. And you shouldn’t be afraid and avoid the action of giant mirrors, because if you don’t plan to rise too high - to the area of ​​5000 meters and above - then nothing threatens you. You can be at the foot to contemplate this majestic creation of nature or ancient civilizations, admiring the monumental view of the Kailas mountain pyramid.

In the west of the Tibetan Plateau, 200 km from the border with Nepal, there is a mountain Kailash (Kailash). Neither geographically nor geologically it belongs to the main Himalayan range. According to the official version of geologists, it rose along with the plateau from the ocean floor, and then water and wind sharpened its edges, giving it a pyramidal shape.

This mountain has been considered sacred for many millennia by all nationalities living in nearby countries. In India, every Hindu considers it a great happiness to see her once in his life. In the ancient books - the Vedas - it is written that all the Himalayas are sacred and are considered the abode of the Gods, but Kailash- This is Shiva’s favorite place to stay. And Shiva, according to Hindu belief, is the master of burning bad karma and destroying illusions. Streams of invisible heavenly fire rush to the ground from his trident, and the dirt turns into a crystal clear stream of energy. Many yogis and sincere seekers of truth have spent many years here in meditation and prayer. And today here you can sometimes meet people from whose eyes, like a mountain river from a glacier, a stream of love and grace continuously flows.

According to Buddhist belief, if you walk around this mountain with the right thoughts and motivation, it is possible to clear the karma accumulated over several past lives. Tibetan Buddhists revere this mountain as the abode of the deity Chakrasamvara.

From the point of view of Eastern cosmology, Mt. Kailash– this is the center of our world system, through which the axis of the universe passes. Ancient eastern cosmogonies provide a largely uniform picture of the creation of the world. Both Shklovsky’s theory of the plurality of worlds and astrophysicist Zeldovich’s “pancake” theory of the structure of the Universe look only like a special case against the background of the general picture of the universe of the ancient East. Their abstract thinking, not burdened with tons of specific private knowledge, easily operates with images and analogies, building a grandiose picture of the Universe.

Here is one of the cosmogonic myths ancient india: The world consists of seven islands, the main one is called “Jambudvipa”. In the middle of the islands stands the golden Mount Meru. It rises 84,000 yojanas above the ground and extends 16,000 yojanas underground, its diameter at the top is 16,000 yojanas, at the base 32,000 yojanas, so its shape resembles a lotus flower. At its top is the city of Brahma, and around are the gardens of Indra (according to Buddhist cosmology, at the top there is a world of forms and without forms, around the mountain there is a great ocean). Under Mount Meru there are 28 hell worlds. Above the mountain are the world of the sages (Ursa Major), and above the polar star - the center of the system, are the worlds of saints and gods, above all - the World of Eternal Truth. All worlds are surrounded by a divine shell, around which the spheres of water, fire, air, mind are located, and the world ends with a substance that is the source of all things. All worlds rotate around an axis passing through Measure and the polar star.

Meru, as the main axis of the universe, is also reflected in the texts of Indian tantra. According to the correspondence of the structure of the microcosm to the macrocosm, there is a main axis of the human body, and it passes through the spine. Worlds - chakras - are strung on the central energy channel, gradually filling each one with energy, rising from lower energies to higher ones, a person moves towards spiritual awakening, the state of consciousness of saints and gods. And according to the theory of reincarnation, he will be reborn in the next life in a world corresponding to the level of consciousness and energy (i.e. chakra) that the person achieved during his earthly life. Thus, the mythological Mount Meru is a symbol of the axis of the world and contains all levels of existence: from the lowest to the highest.

The ancient religion of Tibet - Bon, also believes Kailash sacred, place of origin of life and location mystical country Shang-Shung. On the steep slopes of the mountain, the Bon people distinguish sacred signs - the swastika, a symbol that is interpreted differently in different teachings, but everywhere a special meaning is attributed to it.

In all local traditions it carries the meaning of cleansing from all sins that are the cause of birth in the hellish worlds. And the Drolma-La pass symbolizes death and birth in new life. It is believed that anyone who has even performed parikrama (Sanskrit “circumnavigation around a shrine”) is saved for centuries and the worst that can await him is incarnation in the human world. Around Kailash there are several small Buddhist temples where pilgrims come during the kora (Tib. “circumnavigation of a shrine”). They are built on places of power where Great Teachers meditated. To this day, we can see the imprints of their hands and feet in stone, which they left to demonstrate the power of their realization and inspire people to take the spiritual path.

For thousands of years this area has been considered the holiest place. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims: Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, Bonpos make kora around the shrine every year. They are not hindered by hundreds of kilometers, nor by the vicissitudes of the weather, nor by the political confrontation between China and India.

A piercing silence, like an invisible thinnest string stretched by the hand of the heavenly Lord, rings in the air. And its sound calls to merge with the divine qualities of the Absolute.

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Tibet: upcoming tours

Shrines of Tibet. Traditional expedition to Mount Kailash 89 K (via Guangzhou)

Departure: August 21, 2020; 18 days / 17 nights
Guangzhou – Samye – Lhasa – Gyandse – Shigatse – Sakya – Manasarovar – Garuda Valley – Rakshas – Kailash – Peiku Tso – Base camp Everest – Shigatse – Guangzhou
In this program you will find a 4-day kora around Kailash with access to the North Face on the day of the full moon, the sacred lakes Yamdrok Tso, Manasarovar, Rakshasa and Peiku Tso, the hot geyser Tagyal Chutse, a trek to the Everest base camp and a visit to the abandoned ancient capital state of Shangshung - Garuda Valley!
Making the kora and going to the North Wall of Kailash on a full moon!
Guide and author of the program – .
From 2889 USD + a/b.