Branded passenger train: category description. What is the difference between a Russian Railways branded train and a regular one - the main differences Numbers of Russian Railways branded trains

A branded train is a train with high-quality service and a wide range of services.

The schedule of such a train is developed taking into account the most convenient time of departure and arrival at the final station or the shortest travel time.

Currently, branded trains transport passengers to various regions of the country and connect the capitals of the republics of the Russian Federation.

The main differences between branded trains:

1. Convenient schedule (compared to alternative passenger trains long distance).

2. Modern carriages no older than 12 years after construction, equipped with air conditioning.

3. Qualified guides who have completed training according to a special program.

4. Bed linen, bedding and sanitary items of improved quality.

5. Before boarding, bed linen is laid on the upper berths, with the exception of the side berths in reserved seat carriages.

6. Comfortable dining car with an expanded range of dishes.

And, of course, a guaranteed range of services: sales of tea and confectionery products, printed publications, souvenirs and other goods for travel.

On a branded train you can choose the type of carriage to suit your taste!

Branded trains include various types of carriages from recent years of construction: with seats, reserved seats, compartments, MIXT, NE And Lux, as well as double-decker cars (with seats and sleeping ones), capable of satisfying the widest range of wishes and preferences of passengers, including passengers with limited mobility who use a wheelchair.

* double-decker carriages.

Polite and friendly staff will help you find accommodation in the carriage and assist in resolving any issues that may arise.

Comfort in everything!

Toilets on branded trains are provided with liquid soap, paper towels, toilet paper, air fresheners, and disposable seat covers.

For gourmets

The branded train includes a dining car. Excellent cuisine, cozy interior, individual for each dining car. If you like privacy and don’t want to leave your compartment, then the carriage conductor will help you call a waiter and order breakfast, lunch, dinner or other products from the dining car with delivery directly to your compartment.

Your safety is guaranteed

The design of the cars includes technical solutions that allow remote monitoring of the condition and operation of the life support systems of the cars.

All-inclusive travel!

In branded trains and luxury carriages, the fare already includes additional services: meals, linen, hygiene kits and newspapers.

List of branded trains of JSC FPC (18.4 kB), in the carriages of which a range of services is not provided.

Classes of service of branded trains and luxury carriages (VPK), in which services* are provided, included in the fare

Lux NE Coupe With seating
Service class 1A, 1I, 1M 1B 1E, 1E, 1T 2E, 2T 2B 1B 2P 3P


Yes 5

Bed sheets

yes, improved quality

yes, improved quality

yes, improved quality

plaid 2

Sanitary and hygiene kit

1 set 2

1 set 1

Printed products

Yes 2

* the cost and composition of the service depend on the class of service.

1 is not provided on the Swift train.

2 is not provided on double-decker trains: No. 5/6, Moscow - St. Petersburg, No. 23/24 Moscow - Kazan.

3 Printed materials are not provided on trains No. 617/618 St. Petersburg - Vologda, No. 5/6 and 25/26 Moscow - St. Petersburg, No. 23/24 Moscow - Kazan.

4 Available only on double-decker trains.

5 Available only on double-decker trains No. 738/737 and 740/739 Moscow - Voronezh via a vending machine.

OJSC Russian Railways (RZD) is a state-owned company, a monopolist in the railway sector. It has many different divisions; passenger transportation on long-distance trains is carried out by DOSS and JSC FPK. In addition, there are suburban companies (“PPK”), organizations in the regions (for example, “Railways of Yakutia”), “Aeroexpress” (a comfortable train from the airport to the railway station) and others.

In the mid-90s, rail transportation in Russia became unprofitable, and the Ministry of Railways became mired in bureaucracy. This became the reason for reforms, and in 2003 Russian Railways was created. The state owns 100% of the company's shares. Russian Railways has about 520 passenger trains on 120 routes, which transport passengers to 21 countries around the world. So it's really tight.

Top floor compartment in double decker train Moscow, Saint Petersburg


JSC Federal Passenger Company (JSC FPK) is a subsidiary of Russian Railways; it owns the majority of passenger traffic on long-distance trains. All new passenger carriages meet high standards of comfort, but many old carriages still run from the days of the USSR. Let's look at several types of trains owned by JSC FPC.

Unbranded trains

They are distinguished by a lower level of service and “Soviet” cars. The shelves are covered in burgundy faux leather. Toilets are closed at stations. Very few outlets. Often there is no air conditioning. Once upon a time they could run as part of branded trains, but now, due to long use, something in them may not work or be dirty. There are no additional services. The main advantage of such trains is the cheapness of tickets.

Branded trains

These are trains with new carriages and a wide range of services. They travel faster than other trains and are assigned convenient departure and arrival times. Tickets on a branded train are always more expensive than on a non-branded train. Features of such compositions:

  • new cars - there is air conditioning, two dry closets, explanatory electronic displays, a microwave and a refrigerator at the conductor's;
  • in each compartment (in luxury and compartment cars) there is a soft backrest at the bottom bunk, an electronic lock on the door, a button to call the conductor, a socket, and an individual night lamp;
  • There are free services: food, newspapers, traveler's kit, etc.

First branded train appeared in the USSR in 1931. It was called "Red Arrow" and sailed from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Today there are already 92 branded trains.

Dry toilet in a double-decker train Moscow - St. Petersburg

Premium trains

"Premium" are positioned as luxury trains. They differ from other branded trains in their higher speed (which means less travel time) and the presence of additional services (for example, there is a TV in the compartment car).

Premium formulations appeared in 2009. They operated in several directions, but some of the trains were later canceled due to low load or renamed. Now Premium trains run from Moscow in three directions: Adler, Kazan, Novorossiysk.

Double decker trains

These are trains with double-decker compartment and luxury (SV) carriages. The dining car is also two-story: there is a bar on the first floor, and a dining room on the second.

A double-decker train can carry twice as many passengers, so its ticket price is usually lower than a similar single-decker train. They provide the comfort of a compartment car at the price of a reserved seat. But such carriages are also more cramped: you cannot sit on the top bunk, there is less space for luggage. Double-decker carriages it is planned to replace all reserved seat seats in 10 years.

Russia's first double-decker train began operating on the Moscow-Sochi route in 2013. In 2016, there were already several such trains; they travel to St. Petersburg, Samara, Voronezh, and Kazan. More about double-decker trains

The upper floor corridor in a double-decker train Moscow - St. Petersburg


The Directorate of High-Speed ​​Transport (“DOSS”) is responsible for the new generation of high-speed trains. The first was, which in 2009 connected Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. It accelerates to 250 km/h and covers the distance between two capitals in 4 hours, which regular train need more than 8 hours. And already in 2010, the second electric train was launched - running from the northern capital to Helsinki (Finland). In 2015, on the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod, Sapsan replaced high-speed train, reducing travel time by 20 minutes. Tickets for many high-speed trains are more expensive than others on the same route.

The seated train reaches speeds of up to 160 km/h. It is used as high-speed train on flights lasting up to 5.5 hours. Lastochka operates on many routes in the European part of Russia. Depending on the flight, some of the trains belong to the carrier DOSS, and some belong to JSC FPK. Tickets for Lastochka are inexpensive, cheaper than all other trains on these routes.

Most high-speed trains operate with only comfortable seated carriages. Each train has its own set of additional services: wi-fi, leather seats with footrests, seats that can be turned in the direction of travel, a dining car, and so on.

Six-seater compartment in the high-speed seated train "Nevsky Express"

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on the topic: Branded trains on Russian railways

discipline: Transport services for tourists

Eagle 2010

1.History of branded trains

2.Characteristics of the branded train

3. Distinctive features of the branded train

4. Requirements for branded trains

5.Service on branded trains

6. Routes and schedules of branded trains of JSC Russian Railways

7. Premium class trains

8.List of Russian Railways premium trains

9. Tourism with Russian Railways

List of sources used

1. History of branded trains

History of branded trains on Russian railways dates back more than 70 years: on May 10, 1931, the first branded train “Strela” set off.

A branded train means modern carriage equipment and a unique design, high-quality service and a wide range of services. Each branded train has a unique name associated with its route.

On June 1, 2009, 6 branded trains of JSC Russian Railways were transferred to the Premium class. Premium class trains are distinguished by the maximum level of comfort and reliability.

A branded passenger train is one of the categories of comfortable passenger trains. Branded trains appeared in the USSR and exist in several countries of the post-Soviet space. All requirements for branded trains of the CIS and Baltic countries are set out in the regulation “On branded passenger train" All branded trains in Russia periodically undergo re-certification in the FPD.

The first branded train in the USSR, the Red Arrow, began running between Leningrad and Moscow in 1931. During the blockade of Leningrad, its service was interrupted, but immediately after the blockade was lifted, the service of this train was resumed.

2. Characteristics of the branded train

Each signature train has a distinct style, reflected in both the exterior and interior design, and has an individual name (usually related to the region the railway serves, its history and traditions).

Branded trains are formed from passenger cars that have been in operation for no more than 12 years after construction or major restoration. The train must include luxury cars with special service, the cost of which is included in the fare. Depending on the range of services provided, luxury cars are divided into economy, business class and luxury.

Several branded trains run luxury luxury cars (the car has 4 compartments, heated floors, separate showers and toilets). The inclusion of a luxury class carriage in the train for a one-time trip is possible upon request legal entity to the Federal Passenger Directorate. The execution time depends on the complexity of the proposed trip route.

According to the requirements for a branded train, the temperature in the carriage in the winter and transitional seasons should be 18-22 degrees, in the summer - 22-26 degrees. Today, most trains are equipped with air conditioning and electric heating systems, televisions, some have Internet access and cable television.

The branded crew includes the best conductors who have been certified for the right to work on a branded train.

3. Distinctive features of a branded train

1. The presence of a train’s own name (for example, “Russia” on the Moscow-Vladivostok route, “Smena” on the Moscow-St. Petersburg route, “Tomich” on the Tomsk-Moscow route, “Gilyuy” on the Tynda-Blagoveshchensk route), which is indicated on route boards, side walls of cars, used when decorating the interior of the car;

2. As a rule, the train is in circulation all year round;

3. Typically, the train route is between big city(usually the regional center) and Moscow (for example, “Vologda Dawns” Vologda - Moscow, or between the regional center and the resort (for example, “Ilmen” Chelyabinsk - Anapa);

4. Tickets for branded trains more expensive than tickets for regular ones by 20-50%.

4. Requirements for branded trains

1. Formation from cars that have been in operation for no more than 12 years after construction or overhaul;

2. Interior design of all train cars in a single corporate style;

3. Availability of sets of new bed linen or bed linen with a short service life;

4. The uniform of the conductors is the same for the entire train, individually cut and designed in the corporate style.

5. Service on branded trains

Guaranteed minimum of services provided on branded trains:

1. serving tea or coffee at least 3 times a day and at any time of the day at the request of the passenger;

2. providing passengers with chilled boiled water;

3. making and cleaning beds;

4. providing information along the route;

5. issuance of seat belts.

Each branded train has additional list paid services.

JSC Russian Railways continues to introduce new services on branded trains:

1. watching video programs;

2. musical congratulations at the request of passengers;

3. computer games;

4. children's playrooms;

5. Internet coupe;

6. meeting rooms;

7. household compartments in which passengers can take a shower, iron clothes, etc. The company train always runs a dining car. The menu includes signature (or National dishes) and set lunches, and during the period of fasting - also lenten dishes. Children's and dietary meals can be prepared upon request from passengers. Passengers with children and people with disabilities can call a waiter through the conductor and order breakfast, lunch, dinner and other products from the dining car with delivery to the compartment. To serve these passengers, special tables are allocated in the dining car. Services included in the price of travel in luxury carriages.

Table 1

6. Routes and schedules of branded trains of JSC Russian Railways

Train number Train name Train message Schedule
159A/160A Aurora Saint Petersburg - Moscow
012V/011V Alexander Nevskiy Moscow, Saint Petersburg
036Н/036М Altai Barnaul - Moscow
099С/100С Ataman Platov Rostov-on-Don - Moscow
009I/010I Baikal Irkutsk - Moscow
039Y/040Y Bashkortostan Ufa - Moscow
072B/071B Belogorye Belgorod - Moscow
617Я/618Я White Nights Vologda - St. Petersburg
061Zh/062V Burevestnik-1 Nizhny Novgorod - Moscow
119G/120G Burevestnik-2 Nizhny Novgorod - Moscow
059G/059A Volga Nizhny Novgorod - St. Petersburg
025В/025Я Voronezh Voronezh - Moscow
650H/649H Dauria Chita - Zabaikalsk
063A/064A Two capitals Saint Petersburg - Moscow
071E/072E Demidov Express Ekaterinburg - St. Petersburg
345Н/345Ц Friendship Omsk - Karaganda
213B/214B Ekaterinburg Ekaterinburg - Brest
055Н/056ы Yenisei Krasnoyarsk - Moscow
009Y/010Y Zhiguli Samara - Moscow
089U/090U Trans-Urals Kurgan - Moscow
100H/099H Ivan Paristy Bryansk - Moscow
213U/213S Ilmen Chelyabinsk - Anapa
087Н/088Н Irtysh Novosibirsk - Omsk
003С/004С Caucasus Kislovodsk - Moscow
017E/018E Kama Perm - Moscow
147I/148I Kostroma Kostroma - Moscow
002A/001A Red Arrow Moscow, Saint Petersburg
029Н/030Н Kuzbass Kemerovo - Moscow
029B/029M Lipetsk Lipetsk - Moscow
005ZH/005G Lotus Astrakhan - Moscow
093U/094U Magnitogorsk Magnitogorsk - Moscow
049E/050E Malachite Nizhny Tagil - Moscow
041Y/042Y Mordovia Saransk - Moscow
104M/104S Muscovy Moscow - Adler
165A/166A Nevsky Express Saint Petersburg - Moscow
013Н/014А Novokuznetsk Novokuznetsk - St. Petersburg
363N/363E Ob Novosibirsk - Novy Urengoy
005E/006Y Ocean Vladivostok - Khabarovsk
395N/395E Omich Omsk - Nizhnevartovsk
031U/032U Orenburg region Orenburg - Moscow
022Я/021Н polar arrow Moscow - Labytnangi
019С/020С Premium Rostov-on-Don - Moscow
030Y/030S Premium Novorossiysk - Moscow
015E/016E Premium Ekaterinburg - Moscow
001G/002Y Premium Kazan - Moscow

7. Premium branded trains

The most popular transport in our country is railway. Anyone who regularly uses it, of course, knows that there are different categories of trains according to the level of service.

What is a branded train?

Its main difference is that in terms of comfort, this composition is one step higher than usual. It has a wide range of services and more high level service.

The foreign branded "Orient Express" became widely known thanks to the literary work.

The first such train in the Soviet Union appeared back in June 1931 and was called “Strela”. To this day, completely updated and renamed “Red Arrow,” it continues to comfortably carry passengers.

All compositions of this level certainly have their own name. They are distinguished by a specific individual design. All carriages of branded trains are designed in the same style inside and outside. Uniforms for service personnel are sewn in the same colors and with the corresponding logos.

Offered service

A branded train is formed from cars with a service life not exceeding twelve years from the date of manufacture or overhaul.

The presence of a restaurant and highly comfortable carriages is mandatory. Services are immediately included in the ticket price.

Bed linen is used for a short period of time and is quickly replaced with fresh ones.

The branded train has dry closets, heating systems, and air conditioning.

The formation of a service team of such trains is carried out from highly qualified conductors who have passed special certification for this purpose.

Services provided to passengers

The minimum range of services offered includes:
⦁ provision of cool boiled water;
⦁ bed cleaning and making service;
⦁ three times a day offer of tea or coffee;
⦁ provision of heated food, and in economy class they offer 3 or more meal options, in business class - 4 or more, in luxury class - 5 or more;
⦁ provision of drinks (in economy class - a half-liter bottle of mineral water, in business class - at least two types of juices or soft drinks and four types of alcohol);
⦁ supply of newspapers (in economy class: three or more titles, in business class - four, in luxury class - five).

All carriage categories have their own set of sanitary and hygienic products:
⦁ for economy class it consists of napkins, comb, brush and toothpaste, toothpick;
⦁ for business class, the listed set is expanded with soap, a handkerchief, and a shoe horn;
⦁ in the suite, this includes the addition of a bottle of shampoo, shower gel, washing sponge, in addition, there are slippers, a terry robe, hand cream, and shoe polish.

Premium ingredients

The year 2009 was marked by the appearance of premium class trains, in which the comfort is the highest. They are distinguished by a monotonous design style - gray and silver color, interior design, and the obligatory presence of the Russian Railways logo.

The train formation scheme is also the same: it is mandatory to have a luxury car, three SV cars, up to a dozen compartment cars, a couple of reserved seats, and a restaurant.

The carriages are new, they have magnetic locks, heating systems, air conditioners, dry closets, LCD TVs, network adapters, and devices where passengers can plug in headphones.

The train has cable TV, Internet access, and computer games.

If necessary, you can order hot dishes from the waiter in your compartment.

Signature double-decker train

The appearance of the Russian Railways in the system made it possible to increase passenger traffic on the most popular routes.

In February last year, such a train was launched on the route between the capital and St. Petersburg under number 5/6. It was called the "Two-Decker Train".

The schedule of branded trains is always prepared taking into account the convenience of passengers. Departure from both ends is at 22.50, respectively, arrival at the final destination is around 6.45.

Taking into account the increase in the total number of seats, it became possible to reduce the fare. The price of a compartment ticket on this train starts at 1,299 rubles.

The latest technologies and environmentally friendly materials are used in the production of its cars.

The restaurant has a dining room for 48 passengers.

The compartment car has 16 compartments on two floors, each of which has four places to sleep, a table, a ladder for climbing to the second shelf, two sockets where electric shavers, mobile phones and other gadgets are connected.
Magnetic key cards are issued for access to compartments.

Carriage equipment consists of:
⦁ heating system and air conditioning to create favorable climatic conditions;
⦁ three dry closets that are also operational when the train stops;
⦁ sealed inter-car passage;
⦁ video systems for surveillance and security.

The staff car has a compartment with a device for lifting wheelchairs, where people with limited mobility can travel comfortably. In the same carriage there is GLONASS satellite equipment.

Tickets for the branded train are sold under the “Dynamic Pricing” program, that is, a passenger can buy a ticket at the lowest cost for a specific date.
As available seats on the train decrease and there is increased demand for a certain date, the cost of a ticket may increase.

Branded trains are more comfortable. The ticket costs a little more than a regular fast train, but it is more convenient to travel on them. In addition to the usual ones, there are double-decker branded trains. They may include compartment cars (for example, train 103/104 Moscow - Adler, train 23/24 Moscow - Kazan, etc.) with sleeping berths and additional amenities, or cars with seats (for example, train 738/737 Moscow - Voronezh) .

  • Branded trains are scheduled at the most convenient time (and on some routes only they run at convenient times). At the same time, the train travels faster than a regular express train.
  • All carriages, regardless of their class, have air conditioning, if climatic conditions allow it to be used. The temperature is regulated in the entire carriage at once (with the exception of soft carriages, where the air conditioner is individual for each compartment).
  • All branded trains are equipped with modern dry toilets with disposable seat covers, liquid soap, paper towels, air fresheners, etc. - 2 toilets per carriage (in soft carriages shower and toilet are in each compartment).
  • Passengers are provided with a traveler's kit. Its composition depends on the class of carriage and may vary from train to train.
  • Bed linen and sanitary products are of better quality than regular fast trains. On the upper shelves the linen is laid out before the train departs.
  • Each train has a dining car or a buffet with an expanded menu. Breakfast, lunch and dinner can also be ordered and delivered to your compartment - the conductor will help you call a waiter.
  • From the conductor you can purchase drinks and confectionery, souvenirs, slippers, hygiene items, etc.

This is only the mandatory minimum that you can count on when buying any ticket on a Russian Railways branded train. Further, depending on the specific train and car class, the list of services can be expanded. For example, some tickets already include hot or cold meals, drinks, snacks, newspapers, etc.

In branded trains of private companies and foreign trains, conditions may differ slightly; there are other types of cars. In any case, traveling will be comfortable.