Lake in Algeria with ink. Ink Lake

Not far from the Algerian town of Sidi Bel Abbes there is an unusual lake, which has many names, the most famous of which are “Ink Lake”, “Inkwell”, “Black Lake” and even “Eye of the Devil”.
The phenomenon of the ink lake is that instead of water, the reservoir is filled with real ink. The liquid is so toxic that no plants grow in the lake and no fish live.

Scientists have been studying the nature of the Black Lake for a long time and still could not determine the cause. However, thanks to the development of modern technology, this inexplicable mystery of nature has been solved.
It turned out that the reason for the unique phenomenon is quite simple - two rivers flow into the reservoir, the water of one of them contains a high level of iron salts, and the water of the other river contains a high concentration of various organic compounds that are washed out of the surrounding peat bogs. Streams of water flowing into the lake enter into chemical reactions with each other, due to which ink liquid is formed. Since this process occurs constantly, the amount of ink never decreases and, moreover, even increases.

There are legends among local residents about the unusual ink lake. Some say that the lake is nothing more than the creation of the devil himself, while others see in it only a source of income and actively benefit from it.

It is worth noting that the ink from the Eye of the Devil is actually used to fill pens and refills, which can be found not only on the shelves of stationery stores in Algeria, but also in some other countries.

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There are various amazing places and natural attractions all over the planet that amaze people. That alone is worth it in Africa! Its beauty and unusualness attract tourists from all over the world, as well as workers from many parts of Africa.

However, the Dark Continent never ceases to amaze; its wonders seem to never end. No less unusual and spectacular is the Ink Lake in Algeria, which also surprises with the color and composition of the water, if it is appropriate to call it that.

This body of water got its name for a reason, because ink is found on its banks. However, this did not happen due to man-made accidents or disruptions in the operation of a special plant, but naturally. That is, the Ink Lake is real and created by nature.

This phenomenal facility is located near the large city of Sidi Bel Abbes in the northwestern province of the same name. This metropolis is quite developed, like the whole country, and other countries at the international level. However, it is not the standard of living and the development of technology that attract foreigners to these parts, but rather the unusual lake, which in the local language is called Sidi Moame Benali.

Ink Lake in Algeria

Someone comes to Algeria to see with their own eyes local attractions, which are mainly related to religion and culture, for example:

However, on the territory of the country there are many such amazing places that were created by nature, for example:

  • Shrea National Park;
  • Teniet El Had National Park;
  • Schott-Melgir;
  • Belezma National Park;
  • Gurey;
  • Ink Lake.

The last place has various names among residents besides the main one:

  • Black Lake;
  • Inkwell;
  • Devil's eye.

All this is due to the unusual color of the reservoir and its immediate contents. And although this phenomenon was absolutely mystical for a long time, scientists finally figured out the origin of this effect.

Ink Lake in Algeria was formed as a result of the fact that two rivers flow into it at the same time, which differ in their chemical compositions:

  • the first has a lot of iron salts in its water;
  • the second is saturated with various organic compounds, as it flows through a valley covered with peat bogs.

Coming together in a lake, these two rivers bring waters that enter into banal chemical reactions. The result of such processes was the formation of ink.

Naturally, there is nothing living in such an Ink Lake - no traces of either flora or fauna, because such a substance is poisonous. In this regard, it is forbidden to swim in it in order to preserve your health; besides, the ink is very corrosive and difficult to wash out.

If for visitors it is a wonder and an exotic corner among them, then the locals are afraid of the lake, as they consider it devilish. This is also reflected in the local popular legend, which describes the emergence of the lake.

In accordance with it, evil spirits once walked through the local lands, inciting residents to commit sinful acts. Then you are the Devil bathed the souls that followed him, only in order to sign such an agreement, it was necessary to use special witchcraft ink. This substance sucked out all the strength and health from everyone who sold their soul, and the girls also lost their beauty.

One day, the Unclean One used up all the ink, so he had to turn the water of the local clean lake into this witchcraft substance in order to replenish his jar. After this, it was believed that visiting the Ink Lake in Algeria promised a curse and lack of health.

And although this legend is widespread among the Algerian population, there are other variations and other legends that explain the natural phenomenon:

  • the Devil's curse;
  • the machinations of aliens;
  • remnants of a lost civilization.

It is worth noting that it is not for nothing that Africans are afraid of this dark body of water, since not only the liquid in it is poisonous, but also unpleasant-smelling fumes if you constantly stay there. That's why no one lives next to him.

Still, ink from the lake is in great demand in the area, as its quality is very good. In this regard, this material is used for:

  • making pens;
  • drawing ink;
  • creating souvenirs.

Moreover, such products are distributed not only to local retail outlets, but also much further:

  • Mediterranean;
  • Near East;
  • Middle East.

So this unusual natural object, which, by the way, many consider fictitious, brings fame and profit to its surroundings, because the ink mined there is always in demand and is available in unlimited quantities.

In Algeria, near the town of Sidi Bel Abbes, is located. This reservoir has many names, but the most famous are " Ink Lake", "Devil's Eye", "Black Lake", "Inkwell".

The lake got its name due to the fact that instead of water, the lake is filled with real ink. Since the ink is poisonous, there are no fish or plants in the reservoir.

For a long time, scientists could not understand the nature of the occurrence Ink Lake, but thanks to the development of new technologies, this mystery of nature has been solved. The reason for the appearance of such an unusual substance for a reservoir was two rivers that flow into the lake. One river has a high concentration of iron salts. The other contains large amounts of various organic compounds that are washed out of peat bogs.

Flowing together into the lake, the streams enter into chemical reactions with each other, and thanks to constantly occurring interactions, the amount of ink does not decrease, but increases more and more.

Aborigines have different attitudes towards the strange body of water. Some believe that the lake is the creation of the devil, others believe that it is a source of income. Ink from the Black Lake can be found on the shelves of supply stores not only in Algeria, but also in other countries.

Unique ink lake in Algeria

There is a body of water on the planet that is a unique natural phenomenon - instead of water, this lake is filled with real ink created by nature. This place is the only one of its kind in the whole world!

The mysterious inkwell is located in Algeria, near the city of Sidi Bel Abbes. You will never see fish or plants here, because the ink that fills the lake instead of water is poisonous to all living organisms and, by the way, is suitable for writing.

For a long time, the phenomenon of the ink lake remained an inexplicable mystery for all scientists in the world. And only recently have researchers been able to find an explanation for how the lake can be filled with such an unusual substance.

As it turns out, two rivers flow into this body of water. One of them contains in its water many iron salts in dissolved form, and the second contains various organic compounds borrowed from peat bogs. As a result of the chemical reactions that occur when the waters of these two rivers interact, real ink is formed, the likes of which we buy in stores to refill printers, etc.

It is not surprising that such an oddity could not but give rise to “other” explanations, not supported by a scientific point of view. Among local residents, legends about this lake are passed down from generation to generation. Many consider him the spawn of the devil and bypass the tenth road. Among the people, the lake has many names, including the Eye of the Devil, the Inkwell and the Black Lake. However, not everyone believes the legends; for them, the lake is pure profit. Ink taken from this lake is actively sold in bottles in office supply stores, both in Algeria and other countries.

What to believe and how to perceive this lake is a personal matter for everyone, however, when you are in Algeria, do not miss the opportunity to see this natural phenomenon.

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Ink Lake.

IN Algeria, near the city Sidi Bel Abbes has a natural lake filled with ink. There are no fish or plants in the lake, since the poisonous dark blue ink is only suitable for writing with! Until recently, people could not understand how such an unusual substance ended up in the reservoir. Scientists, having carried out relevant research and analysis, came to the conclusion: it’s all about the composition of the water of two small rivers flowing into this mysterious lake. One of them contains simply a huge amount of dissolved iron salts, the other contains all kinds of organic compounds from peat bogs located in the river valley. Merging together into a lake basin, the streams interact with each other, replenishing the amount of wonderful ink. Local residents view this miracle differently: some consider it a devilish obsession; others, on the contrary, benefit from it.

The ink is sold not only in stores in Algeria, but also in Africa, the Mediterranean countries, and the Near and Middle East.

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acid lake But still the most “dead” sea on planet earth

considered the ill-fated Lake of Death - a large body of water located in Sicily. Its shores and waters are devoid of any vegetation and living creatures; even birds do not fly over the lead-gray water. Swimming in it is deadly. Any living creature that falls into the water of this terrible lake dies instantly. A person who dips his hand into the water for a second watches in horror as it turns red, becomes covered in blisters, the skin peels off, revealing bloody bones, bursting veins and blood vessels. But the fact is that water contains... sulfuric acid in huge concentrations. Very dangerous studies conducted by scientists in 1999 led to a stunning conclusion: concentrated sulfuric acid is released into the lake from two sources located at its bottom. It is not surprising that from time immemorial the Sicilian mafia hid their victims in these deadly waters: an hour - and a person does not even have teeth left.

empty lake But here is the secret of the Russian has not yet been revealed. All the reservoirs around are teeming with fish and lake game, but in Pustoy there is not a blade of grass, not a fry, not a bird on the shore, and this despite the fact that rivers flow from the fish lakes and flow into Pustoy. Researchers have tried dozens of times to populate the mysterious lake with local aquatic fauna and flora, giving preference to the most unpretentious species.
However, all the experiments ended the same way: the fish and other living creatures, after a day or two, died, the vegetation rotted. The empty remained empty. But what is most surprising is that chemists, who have repeatedly analyzed water for the content of toxic substances, have proven that the water is absolutely non-toxic, suitable for consumption, and even... resembles champagne thanks to the smallest bubbles of harmless natural gas.

The water of the lake was studied by experts from Germany, the USA, Belgium and Britain, and no one until now could explain or at least offer a plausible hypothesis about the phenomenon of this amazing reservoir. Will this mystery be solved in the foreseeable future? Alas, the experts shrug their shoulders vaguely.