Route thirty hike. The legendary "thirty", or how we walked through the mountains to the sea

When planning a big walking trip this year, we suddenly turned to the classics of Soviet tourism (wherever the Internet takes a person!) and chose... Adygea. Famous route No. 30: through the Caucasus Mountains to the Black Sea. Why not? What do we even know about Adygea? Offhand I remember something about goats and cheese, and (if you’re lucky) about Maikop. But if you dig deeper... The Lago-Naki plateau, the Oshten, Fisht and Pshekha-Su mountains sound much more tempting! I have already published mine, and then a detailed story and photo report.

What is remarkable about the “thirty”:

  • A popular, well-trodden route from Soviet times;
  • The path lies through the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve with all sorts of relics;
  • Ends with the sea (YES!!!);
  • A film was made about her (“Route” with A. Abdulov, 2008; haven’t seen it yet);
  • It has its own dramatic history: in 1975, a tragedy occurred here on the Armyanka River, which was followed by the entire Union - due to human carelessness and a terrible combination of circumstances, a large group of tourists died (a very instructive story about behavior in a group and human psychology in extreme circumstances) ;
  • In fact (we went to test this hypothesis) - in good weather conditions, this route is “traversed by a group of wounded children in sneakers.” And we - the moose on the tracks - have to go one at a time.

Route information

Route thread: Lago-Naki checkpoint (Maikop district, Adygea) - Abadzeshsky pass - Armenian shelter - Guzeriplsky pass - Fisht shelter - Belorechensky pass - Cherkessky pass - Bobuk-Aul cordon - Bobuk-Aul shelter - Solokh-Aul (Krasnodar region ).

Most of the route passes along the Lago-Naki plateau, at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level, through the passes of the Fisht-Oshtenovsky massif (the three highest peaks of the region - Fisht, Oshten and Pshekha-su).

Travel time in “light” mode: 5 walking days / Length: 80 km / Dates: August 5 - 10, 2012

Exit to the route: air flight St. Petersburg - Krasnodar, taxi from Krasnodar airport to Lago-Naki checkpoint (approx. 200 km) / Exit from the route: bus Solokh-Aul - Dagomys, minibuses Dagomys - Sochi - Adler, plane a/ p Adler - St. Petersburg.

Day 1: Krasnodar - Lago-Naki checkpoint - Abadzeshsky pass - camp on the river. Armenian

On the night of August 3-4, 2012, the already well-established tourist team (or rather, its core of 4 people) left Pulkovo for Krasnodar.

At the airport we were met by a taxi driver of the most ordinary Krasnodar taxi. We were unable to find other ways to get on the route; however, the price tag for transporting four tourists with bulky backpacks to the neighboring Maykop region turned out, in our opinion, not too brutal: less than 4,000 rubles. (you just need to order a taxi in advance; at the airport the prices will be different).

The road to the Lago-Naki checkpoint takes approximately 4 hours. At about 16:00 we reach 1750 m above sea level and hit the barrier. At the same time, it begins to rain.

The checkpoint is a hut with a canopy. We hide under a canopy, fill out documents, pay for passes to the reserve. Our entire route will run through the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, with all the ensuing restrictions. In particular, bonfires, felling of forests, fur trapping and other gatherings of wild plants are prohibited.

“Can we wait with you so as not to go out in the rain? “We’ll have to wait a long time... the cyclone has arrived, for ten days...”- Damn it. Who here dreamed of a sunny walk in the mountains? However, the Hydrometeorological Center warned:

After waiting for the moment when the rain became quieter, we set out. And then someone upstairs turns on the drain. The downpour comes with such force that we walk, overcoming the resistance of a wall of water and wind. The trousers immediately clung to the body, coldly and disgustingly. The boots are full of water that has poured through the top. You can’t raise your eyes to the road - the lashing rain washes your face in torrents. You look strictly at your feet from under your clumped eyelashes. The downpour is replaced by bombardment with medium-caliber hail. The noise accompaniment - thunderclaps in the mountains - inspires respect. Only after making sure that there is not a dry thread left, the elements calm down in the drizzling rain.

We reach the Lago-Naki plateau. The path is in places as wide as a dirt road, and in places it winds and branches in thick grass. When the sun comes out, it’s hot in the jackets; when it disappears, it’s cold. Changing clothes on the go:

The view is 360 degrees, the view is quite monotonous. But, since I am not Prishvin, let the photos tell about this area better:

We're glad to see the sun come out!

We are approaching the Abadzesh Pass. The climb here is not sharp at all; the pass itself is framed by low hills with trail markers.

From here you can see the peak of Oshten for the first time.

Then we go along the level and mostly downhill. But all the same: walking along the path, muddy from the rain and disturbed by horses, is a bit difficult if you’re not used to it. Slippery. Dirty and wet to the waist. On the horizon to the left are the mighty three-thousanders.

By sunset we go out into the valley of the Armenian River (aka Guzeripl). There is already a fairly large tourist camp here with the same type of tents. Apparently, this camp has been here all season, inside and out. The rangers come up and ask to see documents.

The Armenian River is a tiny stream. You can’t even scoop up clean water with a pot everywhere - only on the rifts. And in this thin icy stream (much like a water cutoff in the city!), we wash our bodies and wash ourselves off. The tents were set up on a hillock, away from the others. The night promised to be clear and moonlit.

In the middle of the night we wake up to the heavens literally opening up. Lightning flashes - it feels like it - right behind the awning of the tent. “What the hell am I doing here?..” With each flash, the tent is festively illuminated (thanks for not flashing). “Who came up with all this anyway?”(a significant question that comes up sooner or later on every trip we take). “Great, we’re also on a bald hill!” Rolls of thunder roll across the valley from edge to edge and shake the tent. “It will burn to hell...” In general, every office worker NEEDS such existential revelations. To better understand the value of life in general and a dry bed under a roof in particular. Warm office chair, coffee and cookies, internet - oh, where are you? Is everyone still in the same Universe as me? And no littered ki-pi-ais, no working fakaps can even come close to the adrenaline rush of the immediate threat of being buried in a landslide or hit by lightning here and now. A defenseless and weak little man - in the cocoon of a sleeping bag under a thin tent canvas - on the scale of mountains and the elements! For them, you and that crushed ant over there are just bullshit. And this awareness is somehow especially invigorating.

Day 2. Radial boat to Oshten. Go to the Fisht shelter.

As the subtitle suggests, everyone survived. And to celebrate, immediately after breakfast we went to the morning radial Mount Oshten. We started lightly at 10:00 am, telling Masha, who had a cold and remained in the camp, to wait for us at 14:00.

On the approaches to Oshten, it seems that taking this colossus at once - well, nooooo, without me! However, there are groups that are already descending from the top at that hour. And skipping and with children. So the eyes are afraid, but the legs move.

At first the path lies through a valley. Then the trail goes up to one of the spurs of Oshten.

At the gentle peak we take a break to catch our breath.

Landmarks - tourists. Just before reaching the Oshten ridge, a serious climb up a scree rocky slope awaits us. But it’s generally safe to go: there is a path. This steep climb takes about half an hour with breaks.

After it we no longer walk along the ridge, but skip and skip.

From the ridge you can see the valley near Mount Fisht. We'll be there this evening. I wish I could go straight down there now! ( “Hello, Masha? pack up your camp and head to the Fisht shelter, we’ll meet you right there!” =)

The summit is a fairly flat and vast area. There are suddenly a lot of people here. Someone is preparing tea on a gas burner. Most of them shout excitedly into the phone - there is practically no mobile connection downstairs. Camera shutters crackle here and there.

But the weather begins to deteriorate, and we still have to return and stomp to Fisht. Let's go back. The descent is much more fun than the ascent.

Road from Oshten

At the beginning of two o'clock we are in the camp. We prepare lunch and pack our things to set out immediately after lunch in the direction of the Fisht shelter. There are 10 kilometers to the shelter and three notable points: Instructor's Gap, Guzeriplsky and Armenian passes. But after lunch it starts to rain. We postpone the start, hoping to wait it out. Since the tents have already been assembled, we dump our backpacks in a pile and, together with a pot of tea, cover ourselves with the awning. Drinking tea. We wait. Dozing.

Some time passes, and through my drowsiness I notice with displeasure that I am sitting on something wet. Trying to move doesn't change anything. I'm in a puddle. At the same moment, everyone else finds themselves in the same puddle. Alarm! Our hillock has become muddy and our backpacks are lying in a real swamp! We pick ourselves up and, together with the awning and property, jump in the rain to a small canopy near the Armenian woman.

The canopy is a roof on poles, without a floor or walls. The ground here is just as wet, but at least it’s not pouring from above. The place under the canopy, as the most chocolate place for many kilometers around, is naturally already occupied: a group from Moscow has settled here. Meanwhile, the Armenian woman turned into a stormy muddy stream. Cold.

Half an hour later, two figures appear on the horizon and quickly approach, pulling our canopy towards them like a magnet. By their characteristic antlers, we recognize them as real moose, moving 50 km a day. And now we are already 11 refugees on five relatively dry square meters.

But daylight hours are limited, so we decide to go out in the rain. The rain, fortunately, is gradually subsiding.

After about 15 minutes we reach the Instructor's Gap.

Instructor's slit

The trail is obvious, well marked, and such a walk is a real pleasure. We're going at a good pace.

We pass the Guzeriplsky pass marked by the obelisk and move further to the Armenian pass. Somewhere here there must be a river flowing with the funny name Mutny Teplyak, but we cannot identify it, since even streams are called rivers here, and in the rain streams appear spontaneously and everywhere.

Finally we reached the Armenian Pass. From here you can already see the valley of the Fisht shelter. The houses below look like toys against the backdrop of the giant peak of Fisht. Meanwhile, daylight is melting and disappearing right before our eyes. Here, above, there is much more of it than below, in the valley...

From the pass the trail dives into a beech forest. And then suddenly the light finally turns off. Pitch darkness. The flashlights are packed far into the backpack. Under your feet you can intuitively sense a rocky slope with wet tree roots and chomping mud. Gods! Open a teleport to the valley, please! Now what I want most of all is to lie with my legs stretched out in a dry and warm sleeping bag and spit on the ceiling of the already erected tent (and let me be clean already!) But everything is natural: we are in a fucking beech forest, and there’s nothing to be seen here ! Every now and then losing the path, almost by touch, after another forty minutes we reach the Belaya River. The path leads us straight to the bridge, and on the other side, from the wandering lights in the bushes, we can discern a large camp.

The administrator of the base shows healthy indifference to our group: we were not asked to show documents or pay for accommodation. There are toilets in this direction, garbage cans in that direction, and drinking water in this stream. Here's everything we need to know about the shelter.

Important note: a drinking stream named after the deceased climber flows between the rock massif and the base. The camp administration does not recommend drinking water from the Belaya River (after the incident of mass poisoning several years ago). Previously, everyone chaotically washed themselves, washed clothes and drank from the same reservoir.

With the last effort of will we set up camp, wash in the invigoratingly icy Belaya, do laundry and cook dinner. Suddenly, from the Fisht-Oshten pass on the other side of the river, two lights appear. These are our familiar moose today. We got there, even though we started even later than us, and, apparently, they went around Oshten from the other side, through the Fisht-Oshten pass. Therefore, there is a path there too.

At night, lanterns loom on the ridge leading to the top of Fisht. This means that there, at a breathtaking height, without firewood and, possibly, without water, people nested and spent the night among the rocks. And that's cool.

Day 3. Fisht: summit and shelter

Radial on Fisht. You can climb Fisht only very early in the morning and in very good weather. They say: if there is even a cloud in the sky in the morning, there is no point in getting up. By the time you get there, the weather will deteriorate to the point of “impossible to go.” Sometimes they wait for several days for weather to climb Fisht. But we don’t have that luxury: today it’s either yes or no.

The climb to Fisht is of a more difficult category than to Oshten. And for him you have to get up at five or six in the morning. I am faint-hearted and refuse to go. Masha has a cold and also doesn’t go to Fisht. The delegation to the summit is reduced to two people - Anton and Yura. And Masha and I have a day off. With laundry, drinking cocoa and studying the base.

Here's what the guys from Fisht brought back that day:

Glacier on Fisht

Having set out at six in the morning, they returned somewhere around four in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, Masha and I explored the territory of the Fisht shelter far and wide. Everything here is permeated with the atmosphere of good old Soviet tourism and pioneer camp.

Children play volleyball. The elders sit around the fire pits with a guitar. Rushing through the camp: “The sea is wicked... like a cup of wine...” or “The time is coming! People are losing their heads! And this time is called spring!” The singer's voice is mesmerizing. If only we knew that this voice would haunt us for three more days.

The windows of the barracks houses are wide open and inside you can see simple bunk beds with a truly pioneering mess. Everything is very old, but good quality, lovingly made. Open gazebos with fire pits, a volleyball court with a net, a bathhouse, outdoor washbasins, bridges across a stream, wooden toilets with divisions for men and women... This is such a stronghold of “civilization” among the deserted mountains (although it’s a stretch to call the local mountains deserted). But there are people here, and they live here all season. A safe place where you can take shelter, wait out bad weather, ask for advice and help. There is no waterway or road here, but, as far as we understand, there is some kind of helicopter connection.

Fisht in the light of day. Clearing for tents

During the day, volunteers with garbage bags walk around the entire area and collect trash. Apparently, they come here for a long time, if not for the whole summer.

The day passes very slowly and calmly.

In the evening, everyone is attracted to the gazebos with bonfires. Groups gather and play “Crocodile,” which isn’t easy, but it’s tricky. Judging by the accepted system of gestures and concepts, crocodile gurus have gathered here. We also fit into this cheerful midnight delirium. “What is this, what are you showing, explain in human terms? Space? Frying pan? Acceleration? Eat? Eat? Barack Obama?…"

Day 4. Belorechensky and Cherkessky passes.

In the morning after breakfast we leave the shelter. The trail runs across a drinking stream, past rocks with memorial plaques to climbers, tourists and rescuers who died here, and rushes upward into the coniferous forest. We begin to gain altitude.

The trail winds along the Fisht slope. At some point, we overtake a diverse group of 15-20 people, with teenagers and adults, led by yesterday’s guitarist and singer with a beautiful, powerful, deep voice. He gives the command to his men to let us through and they part.

Belorechensky Pass

Just before the Belorechensky pass the climb was steep and we were out of breath. Or what about cows and horses grazing all around? They find it easy to jump up and down slopes...

Belorechensky Pass

From the Belorechensky pass to the Cherkessky pass we follow a path along the slope, almost without losing altitude. On the way we meet a shepherd's base, in the local language - a booth. Located near the town of Mavrikoshka, it is called: “Balagan at Mavrikoshka”.

Approaches to the Cherkessky pass

There is a large tourist group on Cherkessky. That’s why we don’t linger here, but immediately dive down. No more passes are expected, and this is a joy! Ahead is only what in the descriptions of the route is called the “Merry Descent” (or “Sad Ascent” - depending on which direction you go). The trail actually goes down at a noticeable pleasant slope. Nice, wide forest path. There are solid beeches all around (just like in the St. Petersburg metro on Monday morning):

It is in this forest that we get up for lunch. Water is a bit tight here; you don’t come across very small streams very often. But with desire and patience, you can fill a pot of clean water. While we are having lunch, we are overtaken by a group with a loud instructor, with whom we left the Fisht shelter at the same time today.

Traditionally, in the afternoon, clouds roll over the mountains and distant rumbles of thunder begin. Maybe it won't reach us? Maybe we are already close enough to the sea? But no. The rain has long legs, and it reaches us. We stretch the awning across the path. After waiting, we continue our descent. The descent becomes really steep. It's amazing how such powerful trees grow here! The faces of the oncoming groups on their way up inspire us to heroic deeds. However, anticipating the imminent twilight, we are already looking for a place to spend the night.

The ideal place for camp - we overheard this the day before - is a clearing with ferns, or “Stadnik's Glade”. And indeed, we will soon reach it. But the best (and most level) place on it has already been occupied by a loud group. We stand a little lower, on a platform with a slight slope. There is a small stream flowing along the path, from which you can squeeze water for drinking and washing.

A characteristic feature of the clearing is an old withered tree:

It would be a shame to miss this and not use it for a cute vacation photo. Even Yura couldn’t resist:

In the evening (for the first time in the entire time in the reserve!) we light a fire (well, there’s a fireplace, so it’s possible!). Naturally, all sushi is used for firewood. There is no need to talk - in the neighboring camp, a loud leader works as a sound accompaniment for two camps: “Who put his mug in my way here? I’m not a proud guy, I’ll get over it, but I’m just curious...” After valuable instructions for setting up the camp have been distributed, everything has been done and everyone has gathered for dinner, the landing stories begin: “Remember, guys: jump to the forest, to the water and to the mountains - these are three different exercises!..” And finally he picks up the guitar. He definitely sings well.

We fall asleep under the lulling “Green Carriage”: “The little mice, the cubs and the boys are sleeping...”

Day 5. Babuk-aul - Solokh-aul

Lulled by the bear cubs, we fall soundly asleep until the morning. And we wake up to the same voice with a strikingly different intonation: “Assholes!!!” From further development of thought, it is clear that someone launched a wasp into the tent of the paratrooper leader.

The descent ends in the settlement of Babuk-aul. Widowers were called “babuki” in Adygea. Widows are solokhs. Hence the name of the next settlement where we are heading: widow’s village, Solokh-aul.

On the way there is a bridge like this (cross one at a time!)

Beyond the bridge we continue our path along the Shakhe River. The path now looks more like a road. After some time we go to the Babuk-Aul tourist shelter. Stop for lunch.

At the Babuk-Aul shelter we meet for the last time the friendly group of the loud paratrooper Anton Viktorovich (we already know the name of the courageous leader of children and women). They stay overnight on the territory of the shelter, and this is quite a good option. The administration of the base - a lady with a dog - is also trying to convince us of this, claiming that there is still 17 km to Solokh-Aul, and there is no way to camp before it. But we are adamant: today we need to get as close as possible to Solokh-Aul and we move on.

Behind the shelter we enter a picturesque boxwood forest:

Slowly the road is forming into a decent dirt road along the Shakhe River. On one side there is a slope covered with shaggy greenery, on the other there is a cliff, with a river below. Sometimes you come across streams, big and small. For example, you can take a shower under this!

Right next to this waterfall we are overtaken by the traditional afternoon bad weather. Suddenly it becomes dark and the wind begins to hum alarmingly in the treetops. While we were taking out our raincoats and sheathing our backpacks, a huge piece of wood, about five meters long, flew straight to our feet from above. It can kill you like that. Come on - let's go! And we run with redoubled enthusiasm, but it’s too late: the rain is pouring down. After a couple of minutes, in general, it doesn’t matter how long we still have to walk to the nearest roof: we are wet to our underwear. The boots are full of water again. We continue to stomp under the refreshing rain shower. The tall, dry forest crackles ominously all around.

However, after some more time we come to a sudden checkpoint: a hut with a canopy. No one comes out to our knocking and voices and we decide to wait under the canopy. An unfinished bottle of vodka on the table clearly indicates that the trace of a person here has not yet gone cold... We are wondering whether we should spend the night in this booth under the roof. Suddenly, out of nowhere - a car! And now we are already compacted into the UAZ. It’s not sporty, but we comfortably cover the remaining 7 kilometers to the checkpoint when leaving the reserve. Over abysses and across rivers, the road resembles a trophy. Along the way, the driver tells us that the road to Babuk-aul - the one we walked along today - was blocked in one place, and now it’s impossible to pass. Well, this happens here. It's good that we got through.

At the checkpoint we are asked to present documents and given precise instructions on where we can stop for the night. In principle, the place on a flat but gloomy clearing near the rocky river bed suits us. One bad thing: they didn’t take care of the backpacks; the contents got wet. Let me tell you, sleeping in a wet sleeping bag is not a pleasant experience. We somehow dry ourselves out, as far as the post-rain evening air allows, and go to bed - our last night on the route.

Day 6. Solokh-Aul - Morko!

In the morning we only have a short march to Solokh-Aul, which takes us about 2 hours along a good, compacted road, in places reminiscent of a tunnel to a wonderland.

In Solokh-aul I say goodbye to my LOWA combat tracks, which served me faithfully in summer and winter, in Altai, on Baikal, in the Khibiny Mountains and many other places. The Caucasus finished them off, but they lived a decent life!

At the entrance to Solokh-aul, we, in our last dry and clean T-shirts, worn on the occasion of the end of the route and access to the sea, are doused with rain for the last time. We run straight to the bus stop. Solokh-aul is considered the birthplace of the Krasnodar variety of tea, there is even something like a museum with a tasting room, but we reject the option of a cultural program. Only to the sea! We are waiting for the bus to Dagomys.

This dog met us at the entrance to Solokh-aul and accompanied us to the stop, for which he was rewarded with sausage and bread.

By the evening of the same day it was waiting for us. Morko!!! Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed in the distant mountains. And we enjoyed the warm (and dry!) ​​Adler evening. And only out of the corner of my mind I thought about tourists getting wet in the mountains. Well, in any case, they still have the sea ahead of them! And we honestly deserve our sea happiness)

Additional information about the route traveled

Route descriptions from other groups:

  • - route description
  • - similar route
  • - detailed report from a group from Moscow
  • Region: Western Caucasus
  • Duration: 9 days
  • Complexity:
    • 75 km.
    • 25 km.
    • 2804 m. Oshten
  • Other dates
  • The legendary Thirty is the most famous hiking trip in the Western Caucasus since the times of the Soviet Union, passing through the picturesque mountains of Adygea. This route is unique in that it passes through all climatic zones and landscapes - from the Kuban steppes to high-altitude permafrost, from humid subtropics to glaciers. The Thirty hike is very variable. The option described below is just one of many possible paths that can be taken. Each instructor has his own favorite trails and his own vision of what is most beautiful on this route. Therefore, the thread may change depending on the weather, the condition of the group and requests and suggestions. But in any case, no matter what path you take, an unforgettable experience awaits you, and every hiking day will contain a little life!

    Route plan:

    1 day

    Krasnodar - Khadzhokh - Rufabgo Waterfalls - Khadzhokh Gorge

    We meet at the southern wing of the Krasnodar-1 railway station at about 11 am. We make a transfer (4 hours) to the small town of Khadzhokh, where our Thirty starts. Its picturesque brick houses and green foothills give it a resemblance to some towns in the Swiss Alps. Under the USSR, Khadzhokh was called Kamennomostsky, because from ancient times industrial stonemasons lived here. We set up camp in a cozy place and go to explore the main local attractions - the Rufabgo waterfalls and the Khadzhokh Gorge (the canyon of the Belaya River). The Khadzhokh Gorge is a very narrow and deep canyon, which the stormy and noisy Belaya River carved into these stones over hundreds of years. Let's walk along the river to the Rufabgo waterfalls, of which there are 7 here. By evening we will return to camp. Bonfire, dinner, getting to know each other.

    Day 2

    Transfer to the Lagonaki checkpoint - Instructor's gap

    In the morning we will be transferred to the Lagonaki checkpoint. A short delay for formalities at the entrance, and now we are already in the Lagonaki Biosphere Reserve. Today we have a short and easy transition to the Instructor's Gap - the place of our overnight stay. However, if you are unaccustomed to it and with heavy backpacks, the path may seem difficult. No problem, everyone will adapt tomorrow. And the beauty of the Lagonaki Nature Reserve will be a well-deserved reward for our endurance. In the reserve you can only cook on a burner, so, unfortunately, there will be no long cozy gatherings around the fire. If anyone has any strength left, they can walk along the Rublenoye stream along the rifts down and back.

    Day 3

    Radialka to Oshten (2804 m)

    We will devote this day to a radial (light, without backpacks) ascent to Mount Oshten. We leave our things in the same camp and go to storm the peak. Let's leave as early as possible, because in the Caucasus it is such a peculiarity that in the afternoon it often rains, and the snow-capped peaks are also covered with clouds and fog. To avoid getting lost, you need to get up at dawn. After the beautiful views of Lagonaki opening from the top of Oshten, you don’t want to go back down at all. We spend the night in the same camp - swim in waterfalls, admire the stars, and relax.

    4 day

    Crossing the Guzeripl and Armenian passes - radial to the Small Fisht Glacier

    Today we are moving to the Fisht camp site. Along the way we will need to overcome two simple passes - Guzeriplsky and Armenian. We arrive at the parking lot around 15:00, leave our things and follow a narrow trampled forest path to the radial path to the Small Fisht Glacier - one of the lowest non-melting glaciers in the Caucasus and throughout the world. We spend the night at the Fisht camp site.

    5 day

    Radials to the Fisht-Oshten pass and Lake Psenodakh

    We stay at the Fisht camp site and climb radially today to the Fisht-Oshten pass. It is very windy here, but this will not stop us from admiring the monument to the defenders of the Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War. Also from here we can see our entire route to the camp site. After the pass we will go to the famous mountain lake Psenodakh, located at an altitude of 1952 m in the shape of a crescent. The surrounding views are worthy of an artist's brush! And the water temperature in the lake is only +4 degrees. The bravest ones will swim in its icy waters. In the evening we will return to the camp site.

    Day 6

    Belorechensky and Cherkessky passes

    Today we leave the hospitable Fisht camp site and move on. Our path will lie through the simple Belorechesky pass (1782 m), after overcoming which we will reach the next one - the Circassian pass (1800 m). The view from here of the green valleys and sharp rocky peaks is simply incredible! We will go to the parking lot to the booths of Armenian shepherds, and spend the night in one of the authentic booths.

    Day 7

    Moonlight Glade - 200-meter waterfall

    We are moving towards Vodopadisty. On the way we pass Putin's dacha on Lunnaya Polyana. They say that when the owner is here, helicopters circle over the dacha day and night, dispersing the clouds. We will soon come to a stunning 200-meter waterfall, where we will rest and take a swim, refreshing ourselves from the road. Our trekking is almost complete, there is nowhere to rush and it’s quite possible to relax. We will spend the night near a strange river, which by August practically dries up during the daytime, and appears again in the evenings for several hours. This phenomenon can be explained simply - the river is filled with the waters of a glacier that melts during the day, and during the cold night the water freezes and by morning disappears completely. We will see such a natural metamorphosis with our own eyes.

    Day 8

    Transfer to Dagomys

    In the morning we walk another 3 km to a picturesque observation deck, admire the mountains again, and then leave for Dagomys in a custom car. We put up tents in a convenient place by the sea, swim, sunbathe, and relax.

    Day 9

    Op. Way home.

    All we have to do is get to the bus or train station in Sochi, and then go home. Our "Legendary Thirty" hike is completed. See you again in the mountains.

    Route map "Legendary Thirty"

    The cost of the trip includes:

    • Instructor-guide services
    • 3 meals a day
    • Registration of the group with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
    • Boilers, gas, burner, fire equipment
    • Group medical kit (at the conductor)

    The cost of the trip does not include:

    • Personal equipment rental
    • Medical insurance
    • Transfers, nature reserve, attractions, etc.

    Approximate price of the tour: 9000 RUB tour + 3000 RUB additional. expenses + train tickets

    helpful information

    This is a real hike. We carry food, equipment and personal belongings in backpacks on our backs. We spend the night in tents and cook over a fire (sometimes on a burner).

    The instructor has the right to change the route depending on the weather, the condition of the group and other factors.

    Payment in cash at the beginning of the hike to the instructor. When leaving the route, the money is not recalculated and not returned.

    Groups usually have from 10 to 15 participants.

    The improvement of the camp (installation of tents, collection of firewood, cooking) is carried out by all participants of the hike. Working together is more pleasant and fun :).


    Zakalichnaya Olga
    • 09.01.2015
    Belokonev Roman
    • (34 years old) Yartsevo
    • 06.01.2015

    Unforgettable Route Thirtieth

    Legendary Thirty from September 23 to October 1, 2013

    The idea to go hiking arose quite spontaneously. The main catalyst was a report on a travel website about the Lycian Way.

    So, everything was so beautifully described there and there were such amazing photos and such enthusiastic reviews that I set myself the goal of definitely going there. Having given it some thought, I came to the conclusion: you should initially gain experience of serious hiking, so that during a voyage abroad you can be completely immersed in the contemplation of nature, and not be distracted by all sorts of nonsense - like adjusting the straps of a backpack(.

    The famous "Thirty" - the legendary route 30 through the mountains to the sea
    Overnight stays at camp sites and in stationaryshelters, movement Withlight backpack, cook cooks

    The route was restored by the company SV-Astur in 2001, certified instructors work with the group. Joining a group fromone person

    Route 30 passes through the famous Fisht. Fisht is one of the most grandiose and significant natural monuments of Russia, the highest mountains closest to Moscow. Tourists travel lightly through all the landscape and climatic zones of the country from the foothills to the subtropics, spending the night in shelters.

    Arrivals in 2019 year The restored Thirty is 19 years old
    June: 10.06 – 16.06; 17.06 – 23.06; 24.06 - 30.06
    July: 01.07 – 07.07; 08.07 – 14.07; 15.07 – 21.07; 22.07 - 28.07; 29.07 - 04.08
    August: 05.08 – 11.08; 12.08 – 18.08; 19.08 - 25.08; 26.08 - 01.09
    September: 02.09 - 08.09; 09.09 - 15.09

    Valid on arrival days transfer from Krasnodar railway station at 06.30, from the airport at 07.00, 500 rubles per person

    1 day. Check-in or to a hotel with similar conditions during the day, accommodation in rooms with amenities on site, meeting with the instructor. Walk to the Through Cave.Lunch at the camp site. Eexcursion to an unequipped part of the Belaya River canyon. The canyon displays amazing, unique, talented works of stone art created by nature. Getting to know the area. (See website pages - Canyon, Khadzhokh Mountain Resort After dinner, an evening of dating, gatherings around the fire.

    Day 2. Hiking to the Rufabgo gorge (the main natural monument of this area). On the route you will see five picturesque waterfalls, see the website page - Rufabgo Falls, examine the grotto - the site of a primitive man and the surrounding rocks covered with lush vegetation. Lunch in the gorge near a tourist fire. Return to the camp site through observation platforms. In the evening, songs with a guitar on the fire pit.

    Day 3. Training hike to the Meshoko gorge. The gorge is located away from popular tourist trails, but also has picturesque waterfalls, beautiful grottoes, and caves. All around are chestnut and beech forests. These are the sites of Neanderthal settlements, which are 120 - 130 thousand years old. A huge accumulation of burial mounds from the Zikh, Kasozh, Meotosarmatian and Scythian periods keep the secret of the peoples who existed here. The path runs along a clean rocky stream bed polished with water, lunch in the gorge. In the evening we hand over things not needed on the main hike to be sent to Dagomys. Preparing for the main hike, see the website pages: Meshoko Gorge

    4 day. Bus transfer Khadzhokh - Lago-Naki plateau. Hiking to the Fisht shelter. On this day you will pass the Stone Sea ridge, four easy passes, and visit the subalpine and alpine zones. Lunch in the alpine near the karst lake. In the first half of summer, part of the route passes through snowfields. This is the most interesting and eventful day of the route. In the evening, flag raising and gatherings around the fire.

    Day 5Shelter "Fisht" - radial access to the Small Glacier of Mount Fisht. On this day you will visit the classic nival zone (a zone of bare rocks, eternal ice and snow). There will be mountain gorges at your feet. See the site page: Mountains of Russia, Mountain Legends, Fisht. Lunch at the shelter. For those who want to climb the huge boulder Fishtenok. Bonfire in the evening.

    Day 6Shelter "Fisht" - lane. Belorechensky - shelter "Babuk-aul". On this day, you will find two easy passes (where there is a telephone connection) and a long, “Merry” descent into the subtropical zone through beech forests of the Colchis type.In the evening, presentation of the state award -iconand IDRussian tourist, see Photos from the route.

    Day 7 Shelter"Babuk-aul" - the village of Solokh-aul - Dagomys. We will spend this day in the humid subtropics, walk through a boxwood grove, see lush and lush vegetation, several waterfalls, and many rare and beautiful rock forms. Lunch at the Bzych River.

    bus transfer to the village. Dagomys, after 17.00 arrival in Dagomys. In Dagomys, receiving personal belongings handed over in Khadzhokh.

    Those interested can independently book a hotel on the coast

    search for cheap hotels

    The cost of the tour is 17,900 rubles.

    Children over 10 years old have a 10% discount.Children over 14 years old and students have a 5% discount.We recommend taking children from 12 years old, sports children from 10 years old. Children are not allowed on the first run.

    The cost of the program includes:accommodation at a camp site and tourist shelters,3 meals a day, cook services at the camp site and shelters,instructor services,internal shuttle transport,transportation of things (resort) from Khadzhokh to Dagomys,delivery of almost all food and gas to shelters,rental of group equipment, satellite communication in case of emergency,entrance fees (except for the Khadzhokhskaya Gorge entertainment center), group first aid kit,fee for staying in the reserve.

    The program price does not include: travel, sleeping bag rental - 400 rubles per trip,backpack - 700 rubles, rug 100 rubles.

    Required personal equipment:backpack (50 - 70 liters),personal sleeping bag and mat,rain cover,hiking shoes - sneakers or hiking boots,replacement shoes,shower slippers,warm tracksuit and sweater,nylon wind suit,long-sleeve shirt,wide brim hat, flashlight, bottle for water, personal utensils, seat

    Book this tour

    Payment for the tour is possible at the company’s representative office in Khadzhokh, booking in Moscow by phone, email: through the application form. Please provide the following information to the Moscow office: full name, date of birth with day and month, your city, mobile. telephone. After purchasing a train or plane ticket, send a copy by email.

    Photos from the routedifferent years and months, displayed chronologically.

    10500 in a group 7-8 people
    12500 in a group 4-6 people

    12500 in a group 7-8 people
    14500 in a group 4-6 people

    15500 in a group 7-8 people
    17500 in a group 4-6 people

    Lagonaki is a unique mountainous region of the North-West Caucasus. The name “Lagonaki” denotes a highland that unites into one orographic unit a number of mountain ranges and flat-topped ridges in the area between the Belaya and Pshekha rivers: the Nagoy-Chuk ridge, the Lagonaki ridge, the Montenegro, Messo, Murzikao and Abadzesh massifs, the Azish-Tau ridge, the Stone Sea ridge and Fisht-Oshtenovsky mountain range. Along the periphery, the highland is clearly outlined by steep, sometimes steep slopes. The highlands are composed of a thick layer of Upper Jurassic limestone, in which karst relief forms are widely developed: caves, sinkholes and wells, karst valleys.

    In the scientific literature, as well as in local history publications, one can find different definitions of Lagonaki, its area and borders. Sometimes only ridges with mountain-meadow vegetation located north of the Pshekha-Su and Oshten peaks are combined under this name. There is even a statement that the Lagonaki plateau is a basin between the Murzikao massif and the Stone Sea ridge.

    A number of tourist routes are laid through the Lagonaki highlands, the most famous of which is, perhaps, the Thirtieth route or “thirty”.

    Features of the route

    The Lagonaki Highlands can be visited from the end of May, but the best time to walk the Thirtieth Route is the second half of June, July, August and September, when the alpine meadows are free of snow, the subalpine tall grasses do not interfere with walking, overnight stays at altitude are not so cold and you can even swim in the mountains lakes At the end of September, the first snowfalls are already possible in these places, which briefly decorate the shores of the lakes and trees in the valley, only to melt later. The beginning of October is the time of golden autumn in these places, but at the same time in the highlands you can find yourself at the beginning of the real winter.

    Hiking along Route Thirty can take four days or more. But it is better to plan 4-5 days for this trip: during this time you can visit all the most interesting sights of Lagonaki and the surrounding area.

    “Route Thirty” is not technically difficult and is accessible to almost any traveler.

    For travel Need the following camping equipment:

    • backpack (volume not less than 60 l)
    • rug
    • sleeping bag (preferably with a comfort temperature no higher than +5°)
    • tent
    • trekking poles
    • flashlight
    • set of utensils (mug, spoon, bowl, knife).

    At the end of September and beginning of October, frosts are possible at night, so you will need warm clothes.

    When packing your backpack, don't forget leave some space in it for food (which the guide will buy and distribute to you)!

    additional information




    Suitable for beginners, but minimal physical fitness required


    Trekking for 3 days, cost per person:

    10500 in a group 7-8 people
    12500 in a group 4-6 people

    Hiking for 4 days, cost per person:

    12500 in a group 7-8 people
    14500 in a group 4-6 people

    Hiking for 5 days, cost per person:
    15500 in a group 7-8 people
    17500 in a group 4-6 people

    (For a group of less than 4 people, the price is negotiable)

    Included in the price

    • pass to a specially protected natural area (reserve, sanctuary, national park)
    • food on the route
    • guide services
    • first aid kit
    • gas equipment
    • photo report from the trip

    Not included in price

    • equipment rental
    • medical insurance
    • transfer from the airport/station to the beginning of the route (to the beginning of transfer by off-road transport)

    Equipment rental

    • the cost of renting a basic set of equipment (tent, mat, sleeping bag, dishes, flashlight, trekking poles) is 1200 rubles. per day per person.
    • The cost of renting additional equipment (backpack, gaiters, etc.) can be found in the section.

    additional information

    • Participants carry tents, personal equipment (sleeping bag, mat, flashlight, dishes) and food themselves in backpacks. Setting up the camp and preparing food is carried out in turn by all participants in the hike.
    • Depending on weather conditions and the physical condition of the group, the guide may make changes to the route.
    • The optimal group size is from 4 to 10 people.

    Trekking with accommodation in the field.
    Duration - 7 days.
    It takes place on the territory of the Republic of Adygea.
    Designed for beginners and experienced tourists.

    Order number: 002308

    Dates: weekly, see arrival schedule available for individual order.

    Race schedule, 2019
    02.06 — 08.06 07.07 — 13.07

    28.07 — 03.08

    04.08 — 10.08 01.09 — 07.09

    The All-Union Thirty is the most unique route in our collection. On the walking trail of the route you will overcome all the natural and climatic zones that can be found on the territory of Russia. From the temperate climate zone of the foothills you will rise to the high-mountain protected meadows. Here, under the slopes of Mount Oshten, the unique microclimate and nature contribute to the modern formation of new species, and the alpine meadows of the plateau amaze with the height of the grass cover. The maximum recorded grass height here is 2.5 meters.

    The path takes us further and further, to the very thing in the world. Along the way you will see the lowest glacier in Europe - you will visit the zone of eternal snow and crossing Main Caucasus Range you will find yourself in the land of eternal summer - the northernmost subtropics in the world - .

    ATTENTION!!! Since 2018, you can visit the All-Union Route Thirty in the traditional version - a backpack on your shoulders and in the lite version - heavy equipment, cargo, food are carried by horses, and you go with a small backpack and enjoy the nature of the Lago-Nak Highlands. The cost of the lightweight version with horses can be seen at the top of the page.

    The history of the All-Union Thirty goes back to the distant 30s of the twentieth century.

    Then the young Soviet republic set the task of improving the health of the nation. Budget tourist routes have become a priority. Promoting a healthy lifestyle at the government level has brought amazing results. Tourism has become a global activity for workers and a very popular hobby in our country. Every year, thousands and thousands of people went on hiking trips, spent their vacation listening to the crackling fire and singing with a guitar. The leading minds of that time: members of the geographical society, geographers and historians, local historians are developing tourist routes throughout the country filled with historical and ethnographic monuments, unique in their natural component. One of these routes was the route passing through the high mountain plateau of Lago-Naki to the Black Sea. He received classifier number 30 (thirty).

    According to the national project, the city of Sochi in the 30s of the twentieth century became an all-Union health resort. It is here that sanatorium palaces are being built, the resort is being reconstructed and a modernized transport network is being laid. The Komsomol construction project of the thirties transformed the small suburb of Sochi and turned it into a garden city for working people. Therefore, the All-Union Thirty, leading tourists to the Black Sea, was a very relevant route. While visiting the Black Sea coast, tourists could continue their vacation on its shore.

    In Soviet times, about 100 (one hundred) thousand people walked along the Thirty Trail during the season. The period of restructuring did not bring any positive aspects to the route. The route was undeservedly forgotten. The paths under the slopes of Mount Oshten are overgrown. The All-Union Thirty received a rebirth in the late 90s. The tourist infrastructure of the route was restored: the trail was marked, the Fisht shelter was reborn. Tourists again went on a trip to the Black Sea.

    All tourists who have completed the All-Union Thirtieth Route are awarded the “Tourist of Russia” badge and an identification document


    Maykop - Khadzhokh village - Lago-Naki plateau - lane. Guzeriplsky (now, 1965) - Armenian lane (now, 1980) - Fisht shelter - Small Fishtinsky Glacier, radially - Fisht-Oshtenovsky lane, radially - Belorechensky lane (now, 1782) - lane. Circassian (n/k, 1832) - Babuk-aul village - Solokh-Aul village - Dagomys village

    Tour program

    First day

    Group gathering in Krasnodar. Lenin monument. Central entrance Lom Culture of railway workers - 9.00.

    Transfer to the camp site in the village of Khadzhokh.

    Accommodation at the camp site. Meeting the instructor staff. Receiving group equipment for the hike, food and all sorts of delicacies. After lunch we explore the unique canyon of the Belaya River or Mishoko Gorge.

    Dinner takes place in a friendly atmosphere at the camp site. The participants of the hike get to know each other in an informal setting.

    Second day

    Breakfast at the camp site. Let's refresh ourselves, fill up with calories - today we have a whole day of hiking ahead of us.

    The hike takes place with a light backpack, we gradually get used to tourist life and atmosphere. The weight of the backpack will not be significant. We take with us only warm sweaters and swimwear, as well as food for lunch.

    We set off on an acclimatization trek to the famous Rufabgo waterfalls. The beauty of mountain waterfalls and extreme swimming in icy water awaits us for the most daring tourists.
    We have lunch in the forest under the crackle of firewood and the warmth of a hot fire. We capture happy moments. Campfires are prohibited on the territory of the Caucasus Nature Reserve. Therefore, today we have a unique opportunity to enjoy the romance of a hike - sit by the fire and bake potatoes in the ashes.

    We return to the camp site along the forest road. Tall beeches surround us. The forest sings and chirps. Ecology!

    Dinner at the camp site. In the evening we pack our backpacks and prepare for the main hike.

    The third day

    Our multi-day route - the All-Union Thirty passes through the territory. Special rules of behavior apply here. Making fires, collecting plants and throwing garbage is prohibited. Today we will finally go to the world of the reserve. Early rise. Transfer from to the Lago-Naki plateau. The last safety briefing from the rangers and... we are entering the protected area.

    Today we will have the most delicious breakfast in the world. We will eat on the Lago-Naki plateau among the dew and flowers, under the breeze of a light breeze with a panoramic view of the mountains of Adygea .

    Have you refreshed yourself?! Then go ahead! Let's hit the road! First along the Lago-Naki plateau, and then traversing the slopes of the beautiful Mount Oshten. Along the way, we admire the panoramas and magnificent views of the Main Caucasus Range, the sparkling shine of crystal streams and the crystalline ringing air. We swim in the triangular lake. Eagles soar above us, and if we're lucky, we'll meet representatives of the reserve's fauna on the trail. There are foxes, hares, chamois and... wild horses. A carpet of mountain flowers spreads along the path. It sparkles in the sun and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

    Lunch in the mountains near a mountain stream.

    The most beautiful view opens from the saddle of the Armenian Pass.

    appears to you in all its splendor. He beckons and calls. Makes you dream of a gray-haired peak. Here, on the saddle of the Armenian Pass, we will see the place of our radial exit tomorrow - the Small Fishtinsky glacier.

    Descending from the Armenian Pass to the slopes of Fisht. Here in the clearing stands the famous Fisht shelter. Hurray! It's almost civilization here. Last year, the reserve staff renovated the shelter and now it delights tourists with its updated appearance. As soon as we cross the Belaya River, we find ourselves in the city of Sochi. Yes Yes! You heard right. Administratively, the territory of the Fisht shelter belongs to the Khostinsky district of the city of Sochi.

    Campfires are permitted at the refuge. We set up camp. We cook a delicious dinner and go to a hot tourist bathhouse to relieve physical stress.

    Attention! In the month of August, when the shelter is most visited by tourists, you can meet near the shelter. There is no need to be afraid of him, the Caucasian bear is kind, but it is not recommended to pester the animal. Do not offend animals - you are on the territory of the Caucasus Nature Reserve.

    Fourth day

    Let's get some sleep. Late rise.

    We prepare breakfast and admire the surrounding peaks. The Fisht shelter is an incredibly beautiful place - the rocks create a unique atmosphere of romance and turn beautifully golden in the rays of the rising sun.

    Today we have a mini-hike to the Maly Fishtinsky glacier - the lowest glacier in Europe and the North Caucasus. Moreover! The Small Fishtinsky Glacier is the first glacier that appears in the Main Caucasus Range as this rock mass rises above the earth's surface. This glacier is so unique. The glacier is more than 10,000 (ten thousand) million years old. He remained a silent witness to how the glaciation of the Caucasus took place during the Ice Age. Here, among the stones, you can sometimes find an ammonite - a fossilized shell.

    Our path will pass under the streams of a beautiful waterfall flowing from the top of the mountain. Today we will visit an altitude of 2300 (two thousand three hundred) meters above sea level - this is the maximum altitude of our trip.

    Descent to the shelter. Dinner.

    After lunch, those interested can relax in the tents or play volleyball. And the most courageous will go swimming in the river.

    We prepare firewood for the evening. Dinner. Evening of songs with guitar.

    Fifth day

    Today is a “tricky” day for us. This means that you can lie in tents and just relax - this is for those who are tired of increased activity. And for those who are full of energy, we suggest going on a trip to the Fisht-Oshtenovsky Pass - the site of fierce battles for the defenders of the Caucasus. At the pass we will find memorial plaques and monuments. Let us pay memory and silent respect to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

    Here you will see huge piles of stones. The Fishta massif is famous for its karst cavities. We will have the opportunity to look into one of them. The funnel seems to have no bottom.

    Lunch (snack) on the hike.

    Return to the camp site. Dinner. An evening of scary stories about the Black Climber around a friendly fire. Romance…

    Sixth day

    Early rise. Hearty breakfast. For those who resist breakfast - extra rations!

    “For tourists!” - the backpacks cried out and were placed on the shoulders of nature lovers.

    Let's hit the road! We climb among the most beautiful beeches and rhododendrons to the Belorechensky pass, 1776 m. Here the warm air of the Black Sea fights the cold rose of the winds of the northern slope. Right on the ridge you feel a dramatic change in climate - here we enter the humid subtropical zone.

    We traverse the southern slope of Fisht. Here are emerald alpine meadows, where herds of cows with lyre-shaped horns graze - the descendants of the famous Sochi buffalos on which the first settlers of the Black Sea region transported their belongings. Do you know what alpine meadows smell like? - you have to reveal this secret... Behind us, the stone dumps of the giant rocks of Mount Fisht are an extraordinary sight.

    Lunch at shepherd's booths. Here in the stream there is the most delicious water on our route.

    We take another pass - Cherkessk. The trail enters the forest area. Lower and lower we descend from the pass. We are surrounded by lush subtropical vegetation: cherry laurel and bay laurel exude a delicate aroma, at the end of August the blueberry bushes are densely strewn with berries - delicious! On the ispalin beeches there are inscriptions from the 30s and 40s of the 20th century.

    The “Merry Descent” begins - this is how tourists dubbed the sharp seven-kilometer descent down to the village of Babuk-aul.

    In the evening we descend into the valley of the Shahe River. Shahe is the second largest river in the city of Sochi. I haven’t worked with tourist shelters in Babuk-aul for a long time. Therefore, we set up camp in a hospitable clearing not far from the spring. There is a river nearby. The water in the river is not as icy as on the northern slope of the ridge, and therefore you can swim and splash in it as much as you like.

    Evening fire and dinner. Overnight in tents.

    Seventh day

    Early rise, breakfast.

    We return to civilization. The mountain path widens and turns into a forest road. The road leads us to the sea along the bed of the Shahe River. This road is picturesque. Waterfalls; stone walls overgrown with moss; relict boxwoods - an iron tree that has been preserved in Sochi since the time of dinosaurs. Ancient trees up to 15 (fifteen) meters high are up to 1000 (thousands of years) old. Below, the Shakhe River seethes and gurgles.

    The highlight of the Inca today is the suspension bridge over the Bzych River. The border of the Caucasian Nature Reserve runs here.

    We cook lunch on the sandy stretch. We swim in Bzych and bask in the sun. There is very little left - just a little before civilization.

    On the left, two beautiful waterfalls await us on the tributaries of the Shakhe River, their turquoise waters beckon us to swim, but we don’t stop. A photo for memory and we hurry to the village of Solokh-aul. Another couple of kilometers and we are in Solokha.

    Our walking journey ends in the village of Solokh-Aul near the house of I.A. Koshman, the first Russian tea grower. You can go to the estate and drink Krasnodar tea - the northernmost in the world.

    Recently it has been wildly popular among tourists. You get to the village as part of our All-Union Thirty tour - this is an additional bonus of our program.

    A car is waiting for us near Koshman’s house, which will take the group to the village of Dagomys. If you wish, you can go on vacation to Adler. Modern Adler is the most fashionable vacation spot on the Black Sea coast. The site of the 2014 Winter Games is located here in the Imiritinskaya Lowland; concerts and shows are held in the evenings.


    weekly during the opening period of the route (Tuesday - Saturday)

    First day

    Departure from Krasnodar without stops at Lago-Naki. Distribution of group equipment and food for the hike. Early start on the route, we go through the Lago-Naki plateau, the instructor's gap, we arrive at the Fisht shelter, we set up camp. Dinner, walks around the area.

    Second day

    Hiking without heavy backpacks to the Maly Fishtinsky glacier. Day, rest.

    The third day

    Hiking without heavy backpacks to the Fishtinsky-Oshtenovsky pass. Day, rest.

    Fourth day Traverse of the Main Caucasus Range. Transition Fisht shelter - Babuk Aul shelter. We set up camp and swim in the river


    Fifth day We go to Solokh-Aul. A visit to the village, if desired, to Koshman’s house and the tea museum.

    We invite you to continue your holiday in Sochi with our company
    Race schedule - short program, 2019
    04.06 — 08.06 02.07 — 06.07

    30.07 — 03.08

    06.08 — 10.08 03.09 — 07.09

    Route technical characteristics

    ♦ The total length of the route is 80 km
    ♦ Total elevation gain - 1000 m
    ♦ Marking the beginning of the route - 1850 m
    ♦ Route end mark – 0 m

    List of services included in the price of the tour

    Transfer from the Krasnodar train station to the village of Kamenomostsky (Khadzhokh); from Solokh-Aul village to Dagomys village. Accommodation in a hotel in the village of Kamenomostsky. Transfer to the Lago-Naki plateau. Three meals a day. Group equipment rental. Stay in a nature reserve, national park. Guide services. Accident insurance for the duration of the tour.

    Public equipment

    Tents, main ropes, communications equipment, gas cylinders, burners, honey. a first aid kit, cooking utensils, etc. are provided by the host.

    Mandatory personal equipment

    Warm jacket; ski cap; fleece gloves; shoe covers for feet; waterproof windproof jacket and trousers; sports suit; sleeping bag; polyurethane foam mat; trekking shoes; replacement shoes for fording and camping (sneakers); backpack 80-100l; seat; trekking poles; rain cover for yourself and your backpack; sun protection: bucket hat, cream, glasses; work gloves; mug, spoon, bowl, knife (KLMN); thermos and water flask with a total volume of 2 liters; headlamp (spare batteries); individual first aid kit.

    Requirements for tour participants

    • To participate in the tour, you must be in average physical shape and have no medical contraindications for mountain tourism.
    • Group size from 4 to 12 people
    • Minimum age of participants 8 years
    • Children are allowed on the route only if accompanied by adults.

    additional information

    • The receiving party has the right to change the route according to weather conditions and the condition of the group
    • The price of the tour does not include: additional excursions, transfers outside the program, environmental fees, etc.
    • It is possible to provide additional services by prior arrangement: transfer: airport (train station) – hotel; rental of personal equipment; hotel reservation; organization of holidays on the Black Sea