How to choose ski pole length. Ski poles: how to choose? General information about ski poles

Whether you're skiing down the snowy slopes or traversing the race course, you definitely need ski poles. Of course you know this!

But remember, how many types of ski poles do you know? How many factors influence the choice?

At a minimum, these are 4 varieties according to the type of skiing and 5 characteristics, ranging from the length of the ski pole to the handle with a lanyard. We tried to consider all these points in detail in the article. Read and share your experience in the comments!

At first glance, it is difficult to understand all the variety of types and varieties of ski poles, but there are basic classifications by which you can navigate and choose a model that is truly optimal in terms of price/quality ratio.

We select ski poles depending on the type of riding

There are 4 main categories of ski poles designed for different skiing styles.

Skiing on virgin soil (Powder). The main difference is the enlarged snow rings. They are extremely durable and have a wider diameter shaft to reduce the recoil force during movement.

For racing (Race). Not as massive as Powder or ski poles, but extremely light and thin. Most often, ultra-light composite alloys, carbon or fiberglass are used.

Freestyle poles. They are best suited for riding in specially prepared parks. They are an order of magnitude shorter than other models, or have the length of ski models.

Alpine ski poles. The most popular ski poles on the mass market. They have standard snow rings.

Differences by type of materials

The sport of skiing has been growing continuously over the last decades and you can see a clear trend towards narrow specialization in everything from ski types to materials and pole shapes. Modern ski poles can be made from 12 different metals and alloys, but the most popular are four.

  • Carbon: the lightest, ideal for an experienced skier. The models are in the top price segment. It is worth understanding that very few models made from 100% carbon add impurities in any case, and the price depends on the amount of these impurities. All the best athletes of our time use carbon ski poles.
  • Fiberglass: Designed for fast, experienced skiers, fiberglass poles are thin but durable. Fiberglass ski poles are more expensive than aluminum ones.
  • Composite materials: the result of a combination of various materials, including carbon metals (the same carbon), aluminum, graphite, resin and others. Composite poles are well cushioned, light, but fragile, especially in severe frost. In this material, manufacturers tried to find a balance between cheap and heavy aluminum and expensive but lightweight carbon fiber.
  • Aluminum: not the lightest, but reliable and with the cheapest production. Typically used by beginner and intermediate skiers.
  • Titanium: In Soviet times, a popular metal for making ski equipment. Modern manufacturers do not use titanium; they prefer composite materials and aluminum.
Peculiarities Aluminum Composite material
Weight Aluminum weighs less. Composite ones weigh either the same or more.
Strength It bends more than it breaks. They break much more often than aluminum ones.
Heat conductivity Aluminum allows cold to pass through easily, making the skier's hands colder. The composite has lower thermal conductivity, so the skier's hands, as a rule, remain warm.
Price Aluminum poles are much cheaper. Composite ones are more expensive.
Depreciation Aluminum ones do not absorb shock well and your hands feel every forceful push. They absorb energy better, so they are suitable for dynamic driving, such as freeride or ski slopes.
Attention of third parties (theft) General use, they are rarely stolen. They are often stolen because they are more expensive.

The composition of the material is far from the first place in the importance of attention spent when selecting equipment in the store; much more attention should be paid to the height of the skier and the type of preferred skiing.

How should the stick lie in your hand?

When grasping the handle of a ski pole, whether with your left hand or your right, it should fit comfortably and comfortably in both hands. Plastic, cork or rubber are generally the most popular materials for ski pole handles.

Try holding different sticks in your hands, with different handles and lanyards.

Lanyard- a special belt in the form of a loop, with the help of which the pole is supported by the hand of a skier. It should be easy and quick to put on your hand, without putting pressure.

On this moment Two types of lanyards are popular - a regular loop and a “trap”. The loop is popular among biathletes; it allows you to quickly free your hands for shooting and save precious seconds.

Holding most of the ski poles in the store will help you find the best one for you. After all, it is very difficult to convey in text the sensations that a correct handle with a lanyard should create in your hand. If you choose for skiing, then remember to keep a 90 degree angle at your elbow!

Important! How your ski poles feel in your hand and your level of ergonomics will affect your time on the slopes.

Snow rings and paws

It is worth immediately dividing this accessory into two camps: paws for cross-country skiing (classic, skating) and classic snow rings for alpine skiing, freeride, walking ski poles.

Modern race tracks don't need rings because they're wasted, the snow is rolled away and it's not deep enough for a stick to go deep into it. On prepared slopes, paws are used instead of rings - they are lighter, more compact, and have an aerodynamic shape.

Video about how modern ski poles are made:

How is effective length measured?

It is customary to take the height of the poles from the snow ring, or paw, to the upper tip of the hand, roughly speaking, to index finger at the moment when you hold the stick with your hand, it is approximately −1 cm from the upper end of the handle. This length will be the effective length for which you need to select ski poles.

But now let's look at two ways to select the size:

The first option is mathematical. The standard formula for choosing a size is to multiply the height by a factor of 0.7 for alpine skiing, 0.83 for classic and 0.88 for skating. For example, my height is 178 cm, for me the ideal pole length would be:

178×0.7 = 125 centimeters.

The International Ski Federation (FIS) has established a single standard for the size of ski poles for the classic move, this is the height of the skier multiplied by a factor of 0.83

We have developed, with its help you can quickly calculate the size for different heights and riding styles.

The second option is to select the length. Turn the stick upside down so that the bottom of the ring is in your hand (see illustration on the right). If in this position the angle between the forearm and the hand is 90 degrees, then you have chosen the right length! When in doubt, choose longer poles as they can be easily shortened.

Table for selecting the length of ski poles:

Skier's height Ski Skating move Classic move
150 105 130-135 120-125
155 108-110 135-140 125-130
160 110-115 140-145 130-135
165 115 145-150 135-140
170 115-120 150-155 140-145
175 120-125 155-160 145-150
180 125 160-165 150-155
185 130 165-170 155-160
190 130-135 170-175 160-165
195 135-140 175 165

Don’t forget that it’s important to get it right, because not only the length of the poles is important, but also the length of the skis themselves!

Popular brands

Knowing a little about a ski brand is very helpful. After all, skiers often like to compare similar models from different manufacturers, compare characteristics and all possible properties.

A brief history and features of each company will make you a worthy interlocutor.


He is a pioneer in ski technology. They make ski poles as well ski bindings and accessories. Atomic was born in Austria in 1955 and has since become part of the Finnish company Amer Sports. Their factory is located in the Salzburg Alps. Atomic uses a lot of recycled materials in its products. They sell poles for alpine skiing, Nordic walking and cross-country skiing.

Fischer (Fischer)

Fischer produces ski poles, skis, bindings, boots and other accessories. The company began its activities in 1924 in Austria. Produces both aluminum and composite poles.


It is a subsidiary of Jarden Corporation and was founded in 1961. They produce ski poles, skis, helmets, clothing and accessories. The American headquarters is located in Seattle, and the manufacturing plant is in China. They produce aluminum and composite ski poles.


Leki started producing poles in 1970. Leki still produces them in its own factory and prides itself on high quality.


This French company was founded in 1907. Rossignol likes to be at a high level of innovation and they continue to experiment with aluminum and composite materials.

Which ski poles are best?

When it comes to choosing ski poles, you first need to decide on your preferred type of riding, so that based on this you can select the length depending on your height (use a calculator or table).

The next step is the budget you can spend on ski poles. Undoubtedly, carbon ones with a cork handle will the best option for most types of skiing. For alpine skiing The material is not so important, although of course, the lighter the better!

The height of an athlete is one of the main factors, which must be taken into account when choosing skis. The ideal length of this sports equipment, as well as ski poles, depends on this parameter.

It is important to take into account that modern models, which are made from new materials, are shorter than those used in previous decades.

Therefore, in the case if you want to buy skis for yourself or your child, you should not rely on figures that were previously considered generally accepted.

  • Ski types
  • For a classic move
  • For skating
  • Mountain
  • Cross-country
  • For a child

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How to choose the right skis and poles according to height

Usually, classic skis must exceed the athlete’s height by 20-30 cm. Skate models much shorter, here the excess is no more than 15 cm.

The ideal ski length for two different skiers of the same height can vary significantly- it depends on the weight, stiffness of the material and riding style.

The higher the weight, the longer and stiffer the skis should be.

Ski types

In order for skiing to be successful, it is important not only to choose the right size skis and poles.

The first thing you need to decide is which skis to choose, what type of sports equipment you need, and for this you need to know where and how are you going to ride?.

For a classic move

Classic skis - the best choice for those who often go skiing. In the middle part of these models there are special notches that provide excellent grip on snow.

For skating

These skis are designed for skating style., when an athlete walks along a wide snowy road, and his movement technique is similar to the movements of a speed skater.

Skating this way is somewhat more difficult than the classic style.

Uludag, Palandoken and others - ski resorts Turkey on the map and their features.


Alpine skis are designed for downhill skiing from the slopes and for alpine skiing. They come in several types, each of which is designed for a specific riding style:

  • carving skis;
  • for freeride;
  • freestyle;
  • ski touring and ski mountaineering.


Cross-country skiing is perfect for country walks and easy hikes over short distances.

It should be borne in mind that they are intended primarily for moving on already trampled snow, while tourist models are better suited for virgin snow.

For a child

If you want to introduce children to skiing, the choice of children's skis and poles needs to be approached even more carefully.

After all, the child doesn’t have much strength, and if the model is chosen incorrectly, he probably won’t like skating.

Choosing ski boots and bindings

For newbies Systems with automatic boot fastening work well. Advanced skiers prefer to use manual fastening.

First you need to find comfortable shoes, and then choose bindings that fit them. In order not to make a mistake with the size, you need to purchase thermal socks for skating in advance and try on your shoes while wearing them.

It should be borne in mind that there are boots for classics, boots for skating and combined shoes that will suit both styles of skating.

Choosing skis is not such an easy task, as it might seem at first glance.

However, if you arm yourself with knowledge in advance and approach the matter with all seriousness, making the right decision will not be difficult.

Zermatt, St. Moritz and other ski resorts in Switzerland: for everyone!

With skis correctly selected by type and length your skating or your children's skating will take place with maximum comfort and safety and will definitely bring a lot of positive emotions.

Surely, while walking in the park, you often met people of different ages who were walking just like you, only in their hands they were holding poles that looked like ski poles. It is clear that they are not ski shoes, and people hold them in their hands for a reason - they play sports. If you like watching such “walkers” and you have decided that this sport is clearly for you, we will tell you what to look for when choosing equipment.

Nordic walking poles: types

There are two types of Nordic walking poles:

  • fixed length or monolithic;
  • sliding or telescopic.

However, even experienced athletes will not be able to clearly answer which type to give preference to, since both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Monolithic poles are characterized by the following:

  • they are light in weight;
  • there is no risk of injury;
  • will last as long as possible;
  • You can walk on sand, wet roads and even mud.

It doesn’t matter whether you are new to this sport or an experienced walker. The monolithic stick suits everyone. Beginners don’t have to worry about the structure accidentally folding and causing injury. And for those who have been doing this kind of walking for a long time, it is important to know that a monolithic pole gives a constant load during training. The most important thing is to choose a stick that suits your height. We will talk about how to do this correctly, but a little lower.

Telescopic poles fold easily. They have a built-in special anti-shock system - a shock-absorbing spring.

Sliding poles are selected according to for the following reasons:

  • length is easily adjustable;
  • they are easy to transport and take with you on any trip;
  • you can easily adjust the intensity of the load;
  • their cost is cheaper than monolithic ones.

Keep in mind that it is better not to use collapsible poles too often. If water, dirt or sand gets into the clamps several times, they can easily break. Also, the stick may begin to constantly make noise due to excessive vibration. Therefore, if you exercise daily, it is better not to buy such poles. They are more suitable for those who train infrequently or, say, go out of town on weekends to actively relax. In this case telescopic poles - perfect option for transportation.

How to choose Scandinavian poles: basic criteria

When you have decided on the type of poles, you need to ensure that the remaining parameters suit you perfectly. It is important that the poles are not too high or too heavy, soft or uncomfortable. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following criteria.

Exact calculation formula optimal weight No. This parameter is strictly individual. The main thing is that you should not feel heavy when holding the sticks in your hands. After all, if they are heavy, then the training will be unbearable and more harmful than useful.


Almost the entire workout depends on the length of the Nordic poles. Poles that are too long can give excessive load, while poles that are too short can, on the contrary, not give it at all. Fortunately, there is a calculation formula that will help you choose the optimal pole height. To do this, you need to multiply your own height by 0.68, and round the resulting result to an even number. Let's say your height is 167, multiply by 0.68 and get 113.6. This means you need a stick approximately 115 centimeters long.


Scandinavian poles must be elastic. This is very important, because hard poles vibrate, and this is harmful to the joints. In addition, you may simply fall while walking if your poles are not elastic. Take a few quick steps, touching the tip as far as it will go. If at the same time you did not feel any vibrations radiating into your hand, then you made the right choice.


  • Aluminum. Scandinavian sticks are rarely made from this material. And it’s better not to buy ones made from it, because aluminum does not cope well with vibrations. This is not so important and noticeable if you are exercising on snow, but if you are exercising on asphalt terrain, discomfort will arise.
  • Carbon. Poles made of this material are much stronger than aluminum ones. Plus, they will last you quite a long time, as they absorb vibrations well and weigh a little.
  • Fiberglass. Scandinavian poles made from this material transmit the least amount of vibration and are practically weightless in the hands. However, they are not very durable and often break.


  • Cork. This handle is considered one of the most comfortable. The material does not cause allergies.
  • Rubber. The material (a mixture of rubber and cork) provides a comfortable grip and fit, so your hand will not slip.
  • Plastic. The most uncomfortable handle. Plastic is not able to absorb sweat, so the hand constantly slips and the person experiences discomfort.


Many Scandinavian walking poles include lanyards. They can be in the form of half gloves or peculiar traps. They are needed to make it comfortable for you to hold the sticks in your hands. Plus, lanyards take stress off your wrists. But to do this, they must fit tightly around your hands and hold your wrist without squeezing them. It is best to choose removable lanyards. Then you can easily drink water or take off your jacket, for example, without removing your hands from the lanyards.

When choosing lanyards, it is also important to look at the circumference of your palm. They should be about half as large. If the girth is 20 cm, then the lanyard should be approximately 9-10 cm. Also look at the material and fabric from which it is made. It should not be too hard so as not to rub your hand.


You need to choose a tip based on where you plan to train. The hard metal tip is considered universal. With it you can train on any road.

Tungsten or carbide tips are suitable for training on loose soil, sandy or dirt roads. There are models of Scandinavian sticks with replaceable tips. Therefore, they can be purchased separately.

Rubber or carbon tips are suitable for walking on hard asphalt, concrete, tiles or cobblestone roads.

Choosing the right equipment is considered an important aspect in skiing, after skill. The length of the skating poles plays an important role. The speed and safety of skiing largely depends on this.

The technique owes its name to the movements of the legs, similar to those during ice skating. While riding, the athlete pushes off the ground at a certain degree.

There are several varieties, depending on the route, the athlete’s level of training and other factors. It differs from skiing by more active movement of the legs. This sport became possible after the advent of new ski models, reliable bindings, and comfortable boots that provide reliable support for the foot.

How to choose ski poles for skating

Before you start choosing for skating, it’s worth considering a few nuances:

  1. For lovers of long rides and slow strides, 20 mm higher than indicated in the table for classic skiing is suitable.
  2. Poles lower than those indicated in the formula are better to choose for high speed riding. In this case, the load on the shoulder girdle should be higher than on the abs.
  3. For a diagonal move, equipment is selected based on height. The lower the height, the higher the length of the poles, and vice versa.

Attention! The athlete's height is measured with boots on.

In order not to make a mistake with the height, it is necessary to take into account the height of the skier, the muscle group that is subject to increased load, and the riding speed.

Length according to FIS rules

The International Ski Federation has introduced rules defining maximum height sticks:

  • classic move – up to 83% of the athlete’s height;
  • skating speed – 100%;
  • classic travel on roller skates – 83%+50 mm.

The height of the skating poles is measured from the place where the lanyard is attached.

Selection table for skis and poles for skating

Athlete's height (m)Skating ski size (m)Size of poles for skating (m)
1,50 1,65 1,30
1,55 1,70 1,35
1,60 1,75 1,40
1,65 1,80 1,45
1,70 1,85 1,50
1,75 1,90 1,55
1,80 1,90-1,95 1,60
1,85 1,95 1,65
1,90 1,95 1,70
1,95 1,95 1,75

What to look for when choosing

The safety of the athlete depends on the selection of equipment, so purchasing it must be taken with full responsibility. There are a few design features, which are worth paying attention to when going to a sporting goods store.

Manufacturing materials

The service life of a product is affected by the material from which it is made. There are several of them:

  • carbon;
  • fiberglass;
  • carbon fiber;
  • aluminum.

Experienced skiers should opt for carbon or carbon fiber. They are characterized by increased rigidity and will help prevent vibration while running. For children, sticks made of aluminum or fiberglass are the best choice. They are more flexible, but do not suppress vibrations. Aluminum is the strongest of all materials, but it is heavy.

Handles and lanyards

Rubber, cork or plastic are used to produce handles. The hand should fit correctly on the handle, without feeling discomfort.

It's better to try several options.

You can choose a model with adjustable length.

Healthy! must dress quickly, do not rub or put pressure on your hand while walking. Its length should be such that the brush rests on it and not on the handle.


The tip is the sharp end of the product. For many models, this element is removable, so it can be changed over time. Beginning athletes should purchase a model without metal inserts. This will avoid injury. For professionals, there are tips made of hard metal alloys.

When choosing uniforms, it is worth considering some important details:

  1. The shape of the stick can be straight or narrowed. This factor does not affect strength. It’s easier to ride with the first option, so it’s better for your child to choose a straight model.
  2. The less experience you have in skiing, the larger the foot on the product should be.
  3. For the production of handles on expensive models, rubberized plastic is used. Loops can be nylon or belt.

Comfort during skiing and uniform load distribution depend on the correctly selected height of the product. The model should fit securely in your hand, without rubbing or causing discomfort during the race.

Skis are a universal type of sports equipment, suitable for both extreme sports enthusiasts who prefer steep slopes and lovers of quiet walks in the park. In shops sports equipment There is a huge range of models for different purposes. This article will tell you how to choose skis based on height and weight, not get confused when choosing your cherished pair and take into account all the criteria - from riding style to the physical parameters of the skier.

The following areas are distinguished in this sport:

  1. Speed ​​skating on the track (professional sport).
  2. Skiing on prepared slopes (carving).
  3. Skiing on the slopes and all of them (universal).
  4. Skiing on virgin soil and off-piste (freeride).

For each type of skiing, there is certain sports equipment, the rules for choosing which must be studied before going to the store.

First, you need to decide on the type of activity. Will it be cross-country running or mountain riding? Sports equipment is different for each type of skiing. These are mainly classic, walking or skating methods.

Secondly, it is necessary to understand the methodology for correctly selecting equipment according to such body parameters.

How to choose skis according to your height?

When choosing a pair of skis, you must remember: the shorter the product, the easier it is to control. Therefore, it is better for beginners to take a closer look at shorter models that can provide maneuverability and easy control. Experienced skiers who love speed can afford a longer pair, especially since these are the models that provide the greatest glide.

Those who intend to engage in skiing seriously need to pay attention to models and. When purchasing, you should rely on the following rule: they must be 20-30 centimeters longer than a person’s height; for the ridge method - by 10-15 centimeters; for walking - by 15-20 centimeters. Walking or combined options are the most popular.

How to choose a size?

Size is the length of the product. For clarity, when choosing a pair for yourself, it is convenient to use a special table to determine the size and ski equipment. It is advisable to print out this table for determining length by height and take it with you to a sports equipment store. If the skier’s weight exceeds the norm for his height, it is necessary to add an additional 2 or 3 centimeters to the length.

Important! A universal rule when buying a pair of skis is to subtract 10 centimeters from your height.

This way you can choose a product in a sports store that is suitable for almost all types of riding and will provide maneuverability, comfort and safety.

Adult length selection table

Skating moveHeightClassic move
155 150 160
160 155 165
172 160 178
177 165 178
178 170 187
187 175 187
190 180 195
195 185 202
195 190 205
200 195 205
202 200 210
205 205 210
210 210 220
210 215 220

To determine the optimal length of “snowshoes,” women need to subtract 10-18 centimeters from their height. With average training and optimal conditions, a woman 170 centimeters tall will fit a size of 158-160 centimeters.

Available statistics provide the corresponding figures. Most pairs bought by men are 167-177 centimeters long, while for women this figure is 152-158 centimeters.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that for children there are separate conditions for selecting a ski pair. Don't rush to buy it for. If it is quite small, it means it is growing quickly, and it is better to rent equipment for skating. There is also no point in buying equipment just for one trip to the mountains. If such trips are regular or the child plans to engage in skiing, the purchase should be taken very seriously. When purchasing, you should rely on the child’s physical fitness, height and weight, as well as the type of skiing (or). The main difference between products and adults is their lightness and size.

Inexperienced little skiers should buy models 5-10 centimeters less than the height indicator, approximately up to the child’s chin. As you gain experience, skis can lengthen by 5-10 centimeters.

How to choose skis by weight?

To purchase ski equipment by weight, it is enough to know your weight and use the table below for selecting skis by weight:

Selecting length depending on weight

Note! An important factor when selecting skis is their stiffness.

There is a direct relationship between the stiffness of skis and the weight of their owner: the heavier it is, the higher the stiffness index of the product should be. To measure stiffness, you can squeeze the product in your hands or use a flex tester. A flex tester is a device with which, when placing skis on a flat surface or a special board, you can determine their stiffness.

As for determining this indicator in children, it is necessary to focus only on the child’s weight if he weighs less than 40 kilograms:

Weight, kg10-20 20-30 30-40
Size, cm70-80 90 100

For skating, they are selected taking into account the child’s height and, as a rule, are 25-30 centimeters smaller than him.

How to choose the right poles for your skis and height?

Above are given by height and weight. But when buying ski equipment it is also very important to buy it correctly. Approximate - shoulder level. The better a skier is, the longer the poles he can afford. It is also worth remembering the following rules:

  • poles must strictly correspond to height; you cannot purchase equipment “for growth”;
  • The support on the poles must be appropriate in size and length.

What else do you need to know when choosing a ski pair?

When purchasing, it is not always possible to limit yourself to such characteristics as a person’s height and weight. A successful purchase will also depend on the subsequent riding conditions. For non-professional use there are:

  1. Carving skis (convenient for maneuvering and making sharp turns on prepared slopes).
  2. Freeride skis (designed for experienced cross-country skiing).
  3. Universal (the most popular due to their widespread use on any slope, regardless of the skier’s training and physical characteristics).

Another important parameter that should be taken into account when choosing skis is the presence of notches. Notches are applied to prevent strong sliding, in particular, sliding back. Models with notches do not require lubrication, but at the same time they do not allow high speeds and are inconvenient to use on icy surfaces. Notches are convenient when you have no riding experience.

If there are no notches, the skis must be lubricated with a special product - lubricant. This lubrication allows you to increase sliding speed and reduce recoil. It must be applied along the entire length, periodically removing and renewing the application.

Which ski hardness is better to choose?

Rigidity can be easily determined by the gap between the block and the floor surface. If the gap is 0.5 millimeters (the thickness of a sheet of paper), it is a medium-hard ski. Such skating. When skating, skis of increased rigidity are preferable. When checked, the gap between the floor and the skis is about 2 millimeters.

Skis of medium hardness are more universal, that is, they are models for recreation. In any case, it is better to determine the hardness using flex testers in specialized stores.

How to choose skis for professional skiing?

This information will be of interest not only to professionals, but also to those who, like athletes, want to try themselves on the slalom course. Skis for professional use are regulated by strict rules:

  • ski size (for men - 163-167 centimeters; for women - 154-158 centimeters);
  • size for giant slalom: 182-190 centimeters for men; 175-182 centimeters for women. In this case, you should focus on the skier’s preparedness, his physical parameters and skiing conditions.

Studying the available range of ski equipment, we can conclude that the majority of manufacturers produce a model range of 4 pairs of skis of different lengths. For the highest accuracy, before purchasing skis, you need to calculate the size based on your weight and height. For the highest accuracy, before purchasing skis, you need to calculate the size based on your weight and height. It is preferable to purchase your first pair of skis with the help of a specialist or an experienced skier.