Divinity original sin 2 walkthrough nameless island. Nameless Island

The Nameless Isle is a main quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2. We have reached the Nameless Isle. The Council of Seven is somewhere around here, and the Key of Ascension is nearby. We need to find him.


After you've mastered the power of the Source in Reaper's Coast, speak with Ailment to travel to the Nameless Isle. Here you need to get into the Council of Seven.

The "standard" way is to pray at the seven altars and find out the sign of the god (Sun or Moon):

  1. Ralik. At the altar there is a fight between the masters and the Black Circle. Choose a side for which you will fight, or kill them all. Then interact with the altar. If your god is not Ralik, ask your god to intervene during the dialogue so you don't get blinded.
  2. Vrogir. See the task "Flooded Temple".
  3. Amadia. See the task "In the clouds".
  4. Zorl-Stissa. Travel to the south of the island and find the altar of Zorl-Stissa. On the way to the altar, you will meet the Prince of Shadows (see the task "Mother Tree").
  5. Dune. See the task "Mercy of the Watcher".
  6. Tyr-Cendelius. The altar of this god is in the elven temple.
  7. Zantezza. See the task "Like a clock".

After you know the sign of each god, head to the Moon Gate.

Interact with the pillars of the gods to indicate the correct sign:

  • Ralik (man) - the Sun.
  • Vrogir (Orc) - The Sun.
  • Amadia (wizard) - Moon.
  • Zorl-Stissa (lizard) - the Sun.
  • Dune (dwarf) - Moon.
  • Tir-Cendelius (elf) - Moon.
  • Zantezza (imp) - Moon.

Enter the Academy - the first part of the Council of Seven. Talk to your companions. Some of them may leave you at this point and become your rivals on the path to divinity (do not choose persuasive answers if you have a good relationship with your companion!).

The third method is the easiest, but you will not be able to complete a large number of tasks and lose a lot of experience. Head to the southeast of the island. With a character with high Perception, find the hidden passage. Dig it up to get to the secret entrance to the Academy.

Job structure

We have reached the Nameless Island. The Council of Seven is somewhere around here, and the Key of Ascension is nearby. We need to find him.

The corpses of paladins and magisters are scattered all over the shore. How did they get here? And what happened to them?

We learned that in order to get into the Council, you need to climb a mountain and perform a certain ritual. How to do this, you can find out somewhere on the island.

The magisters and paladins on the island are loyal to Alexandar. They came here to help him become the next Divine. However, the Black Circle stood in their way.

Aleksandar has offered to help us infiltrate the Council if we kill Whiteface, the leader of the Black Circle forces on the island.

We've learned that the Screamers have been sent to the Nameless Isle, and the magisters are sure to show up nearby as well.

As it turned out, Ralik draws strength from the Sun.

As it turns out, Tyr-Cendelius draws its power from the Moon.

As it turned out, Dune draws strength from the moon.

As it turns out, Vrogir draws power from the Sun.

As it turns out, Zantezza draws its power from the moon.

As it turns out, Amadia draws strength from the moon.

As it turns out, Zorl-Stissa draws its power from the Sun.

We learned that in order to open the doors, we must first apply voltage to the lever that controls them. A device called a phase capacitor should help us with this.

The gates to the bowels of the mountain are open. The Council of Seven awaits...

Alexandar slain:

  • We spoke with the ghost of Alexandar. He told me that I needed to find a magical device on the island that would activate a lever that would open the entrance to the Academy.

We entered the Academy - the first part of the Council of Seven. We are approaching the Key of Ascension... and divinity.

So, the "Nameless Island" ... It's familiar, the path is determined: counterclockwise along the coast. In fact, if you go straight, the group will immediately find itself in the epicenter of hostilities; the possibility that everyone will become enemies is not ruled out. But what about merchants? Those that belong to the Black Circle? Enemies, of course, need to be destroyed - but their goods will disappear into nowhere. So the detachment is obliged to avoid battles for the time being, for the time being.

But first: the Lady Vengeance has a new passenger - Gareth! The same Gareth who disappeared from nowhere after sailing from the Reaper's Coast (jumped overboard?) and appeared from nowhere in the final battle.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

So, so, the patch made another change - for good? Let's wait and see, but for now - forward, to the shore.

We rise to heaven, to the temple of Amadia; nothing complicated here awaits the group. It’s a pity that you can’t see the whole island from above – it would be great.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

And what if - "Tornado"? Happened!!! Wow, spell!

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

The Red Prince, not without timidity, jumped onto the thin frozen crust and emptied the “treasury”.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

The most "interesting" thing is that on this island there is another similar, "inaccessible" reliquary. We went to him - the lava does not want to solidify completely; teleportation still doesn't work.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Just "The Fox and the Grapes" ... However, Olaf still managed to open the box, seriously frightening the person sitting at the monitor.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Here is the temple of the lizards, there will be a meeting with the "owner" of Sebilla - the Prince of Shadows. By the way, the Red Prince also has an affair with him.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Either he or Olaf start a conversation with the enemy, Sebilla sneaks up from behind and frees him (Prince of Shadows) from useful items. (By the way, that’s why the fight doesn’t take place next to the tent in the intro screenshot: the prince left his place in search of the thief.)

It is important!

You should not separate the squad, Sebilla must approach the "owner" accompanied by the main character, otherwise you will lose her.

Alternatively, you can try to interrupt Sebilla's dangerous conversation with the Prince of Shadows: after the first phrase, one of the companions calls "Rain", enemies hidden in the shadows will appear, and the battle will begin.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Another option is to leave Sebilla on the sidelines and deal with her enemy together; which greatly contributes to the terrain. (Ordinary heroes are incomparably weaker than Lone Wolves, you have to look for battle options.) One of the squad climbs a pillar, the second jumps over a gorge and climbs a rock, extinguishing the flames with the help of Tornado. The first teleports the Prince of Shadows to the ledge with the reliquary, the second immediately lifts the enemy even higher. (You can clearly see where the enemy is being transferred to on the mini-map of the screenshot.)

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Moreover, the retinue of the “owner” Sebilla does not take a direct part in the battle, skipping moves. Then Sebilla joins the squad, and the remaining opponents are teleported to the rock one by one.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Of course, this plan implies that each of the three fighters has the "Teleportation" spell, the "Tactical Withdrawal", "Cloak and Dagger" abilities. (Adrenaline, Crushing Blow, Ramming, Inexplicable Evasion, Chameleon Shroud are also welcome for every fighter.)

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Having finished with the Prince of Shadows, we move on to the Black Circle camp - to trade. (A dreamer lizard should be spoken to by a character with the highest level of persuasion!) However, no gold will be enough to buy everything you need - we need books to make compound spells. And stealing in conditions when three future enemies walk back and forth across the camp at once is problematic. However, one of them, Silent, from time to time sits down on a stool: just what you need!

This is interesting!

This time I overdid it: I threw the stool so far that the battle near the Ralik temple fell into the field of view of her mistress - and she immediately joined him. Great! It is a pity that the stool burns in lava ... :-)

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

The quartermaster sits on a stool all the time, it is necessary to “pull out” him from under the w ... ass carefully, from the maximum distance, so as not to provoke a fight. It turned out that the quartermaster was left without books.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Blocking two walkers is much easier; everything needed went into Sebilla's backpack.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

This is interesting!

On the Nameless Island, books can be stolen from eight merchants - a huge library! With any luck, when they are combined, something really useful will come across. I managed to get "Mass Cryotherapy", "Clean Wounds", "Mass Cleansing Wounds", "Evasion Aura". How? I don’t know, I still haven’t figured out the principles of combining books. Last time I managed to get Evaporate, this time I didn't get any. Perhaps one of you will figure it out - or figured it out - one of you?

Not far from the camp of the Black Circle, I stumbled upon a couple of wolves, took away a ruby ​​from them - and the detachment ended up in the temple of Zantezza. Nothing unusual happens, except perhaps a dialogue with an overly incredulous scientist.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

It would be nice now to get into the temple of the elves, but the way is blocked by the Bilingual with his detachment; moreover, the “boss” is equipped with a permanent “Reflection Aura”; that's where you need to start. Again, teleporting the enemy away from the squad, destroying physical protection, knocking down - ready.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Killing his retinue is just a matter of time.

As usual, in the corner of the elven temple stands Bishop Alexander, surrounded by guards, and in front of him is Gareth. He sneaked in invisible, intending to talk to the bishop and receive a task to destroy the White Face - but Alexander does not want to talk! What kind of nonsense?! The only one we managed to talk to was Gareth; and this time managed to convince him to abandon the fight. (I remind you that before the duel was inevitable, the hero was only given the opportunity to choose the side on which to fight.)

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

In general, I did not like this option too much; I'd rather take Alexander's quest (and magical headgear) and then side with Gareth; now it has become impossible. (Unless you attack the bishop yourself, just like that.) At this moment, I made another tactical mistake: the heroes lacked some experience to level up and update the assortment of merchants, and I led them to the "back entrance" to the temple. Completely forgetting that the bishop would immediately lead his group to the main entrance...

There is nothing to do, it is necessary to clean up the rest of the island. Another funny dialogue with the captain, whose group floods the orc temple with water.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

The scheme is the same - teleportation, removal of physical protection, knocking down, finishing off. (Bored, right? But effective! I don’t like “pure” magicians! To each his own.) The cave with the sword of the ancients: he went down, pulled out the sword - and autobo ... ugh! .. automatons quickly proved to the detachment that it was not good to take someone else's. With four, surrounded - it's not easy to fight. He went upstairs and applied the tried-and-tested scheme with the separation of enemies by teleportation.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Now - to the White-faced. It is extremely beneficial to be above the enemy: we immediately pull him towards us, without waiting for the rest to gather.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

True, White-faced intervened very quickly in the battle - and was immediately teleported to hell. Unfortunately, this helped for a couple of rounds: it turned out that he can jump.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Well, he's not the first to do it. (Maybe you could drive his entire entourage onto that ledge and throw knives from above - bonus damage! Next time.)

There are no more things to do on the surface, it's time to go to the temple. As usual, the messenger of darkness was destroyed, regardless of the status of the diplomat. But the Great Guardian was treated differently this time... Lone wolves simply drew their blades and went into battle, ordinary warriors had to cheat. First, the "small" automatons were destroyed - to the right and left of the center of the hall. Then the invisible Red Prince crept behind the keeper and installed a capacitor in the socket; Olaf and Sebilla turned the mirrors, and the guardian was paralyzed.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

The beaten "boss" tried to call for help, but there was no one to help ...

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

This time we managed to get into the library in the usual way, through the door: Sebilla simply broke the lock (I still don’t know how to solve the riddle with the lock). It seems that everything that is possible has been done ... (Although, Almira did not react in any way to the fragments of the Redeemer delivered to her - a bug? Will she take part in the final battle? We'll see.) It's time to start the final test!

But first, the heroes decided to try to save the one who was saved once - Master Delorus. (If you leave him in place, he will die along with the island; if you attach him to the detachment, he will be killed in battles: too little health and protection. Therefore, he was attached just before the finale.) Alas ... Delorus entered with the detachment at the door of the temple, but did not appear inside.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

However, this, unfortunately, has already happened - even in Baldur's Gate! - for a short time, an ally joins the squad, later disappearing to no one knows where. It's a pity.

Bishop Alexander is full of confidence in his chosenness, but Olaf managed to convince him: another temporary ally? A battle of all against all ensued, Olaf's detachment won. For the sake of interest, Alexander is sent to the Key of Ascension - nothing happens. But as soon as the heroes approached there, Dallis Kuvalda appeared and a conversation began; ended as usual.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

And now the simplest thing was to get to the lighthouse. Suddenly… Three, three incarnations of the Gods at once. And fiery rains, gradually turning into lava puddles. The incarnation of Ralik is destroyed - and the incarnation of Tir-Cendelius throws Olaf into the lava. Instant death loading game.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

We need to climb higher, where there are fewer lava lakes. Second battle: Ralik and Tir-Tsendelius destroyed; the fight with Zorl-Stissa dragged on. Incarnations have a huge arsenal of spells, they make several moves in a row. The matter ended with the fact that a puddle of lava formed under the Red Prince and Olaf; Sabilla had just been resurrected, thanks to an idol. Loading game...

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

This will not work, you have to fight where at least there is no lava. Where? As close as possible to the point of the lighthouse (by the way, it is visible on the mini-map, despite the fact that it has not yet been activated). That's when the ability to jump came in handy! An attempt to send one of the divine incarnations into the lava did not lead to anything: it would be strange to expect "contact" death from those who can soar. I had to hand to hand.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

The weakest of the enemies is Tir-Cendelius, he is destroyed first. Then - Ralik. No sooner had Zorl-Stissa's health halved than he turned into a Source Titan; with monstrous damage.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

If all the heroes did not have the ability to knock down, it is not known how the battle would have ended.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

For all the time since the beginning of the journey, this was the most difficult battle ...

Then the beacon was activated and the heroes were extracted from the fiery hell - at the last moment.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

The joint experience of mortal danger made us most fully and keenly feel the taste for life; to all the beautiful and wonderful that is in it ...

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Eight, "Nameless Island")

To be continued…

Your first goal is to get into the Academy and solve your companions' personal quests.

Examine the bodies and you will find out that on this island there is a war between representatives of the Black Ring and the Magisters. Some corpses will have a Purging Wand on them - take it with you.

If you rescued Delorus at Fort Joy, here he will join your party and give information about the Black Ring and Bishop Alexander.

  • In the Flooded Temple (to enter, kill the Master of the Black Ring), interact with the altar to learn information about Vrogir.
  • In the Temple of Ralich, interact with the altar to see a vision of Ralich.
  • There will be screamers at the entrance to the Temple of the Elves - use the Cleansing Stick to kill them.

    Alexander will be at the top of the Elven temple (if you agreed to help him by killing the Pale Man). He will help you get into the Council.

    In the east direction to the temple of Ralich there will be a cave guarded by a troll:

    Enter the cave and use the Stone of True Sight that Alexander gave you right after the altar to see the false wall. This will open the path to the Sallow Man.

    Kill him and report this to Alexander, for which he will teach you how to enter the Council. (Note: Inside the chest in the Pale Man's war room is the Shaft of Swornbreaker.)

    If you chose the side of the Black Ring, you need to kill Alexander and bring his head to the altar. The pale man will help you enter the Council.

    There are a total of seven temples on the Nameless Isle, but you don't need to explore each of them to complete the main quest. However, you can research them for equipment and items.

    Two temples that are easy to miss:

  • Temple of Xantezz
    To enter this temple, you need to kill two wargs playing with a ruby ​​near the Moon Gate travel point. Use the ruby ​​to enter the temple.

  • Temple of Amadia (floating temple above the clouds)
    To get to this temple, you need to use the teleportation skill and get to the southwest of the island (near the Temple of Amadia) and then climb up the vine.

    In addition, there are two secret caves on the Nameless Island. Before you enter the Academy, you must study them.

    First cave:

    (This cave is located in the south of the island, next to the shadow prince).

    Second cave:

    (This cave is in the north of the island - you can teleport there from the platforms of the elven temple. Inside the cave there will be some guards guarding a good sword. Make sure your character has enough strength to pick it up.)

    Now head to the Moon Gate where you need to solve a puzzle.

    1. First, install all seven gods correctly:

  • man with the sun
  • Elf with moon
  • Gnome with moon
  • Orc with Sun
  • To hell with the moon
  • Master with the Moon
  • lizard with sun

    2. After positioning the gods correctly, use the Lightning skill to hit the Eternal Conduit (if you don't have this skill, you can place a phase capacitor on the conduit), then use the switch to open the gate.

    If you don't want to choose either side (Bishop Alexander or the Pale Man), you won't be able to use your teleportation skills to get through the ruined areas in the south of the gnome temple. In this case, in the easternmost area, dig a hole to enter the Council.

    (Through this opening, you will be able to enter the academy unaided.)

    Before you enter the Council, your companions will temporarily leave the party. You must convince them to agree that you must go to the Deity. Other than your love interest, you don't have to convince him.

    Regardless of which method you choose, you will eventually enter the Academy.

    The key to the vault can be found in the Library.

    If you use "Spiritual Vision" in the teacher's room, you will be able to see the spirits of the teachers. Each of them can increase one of your attributes.

    To raise the barrier, you need to activate all three lightning squares in front of it. Like this:

    First place the capacitor on the square in the teacher's room. (Capacitors can be found in the Pale Man's camp and in the rooms of the academy: one in the western room (vault) inside the academy, one on the corpse of the master in the library, and one in the office in the library.)

    Correctly position the supports

    After you have electrified all three squares in front of the barrier, use the switch to raise it. (Note, if you don't have enough capacitors, you can create a water surface and cast spells on it to activate both squares.)

    Behind the barrier are Alexander and the rest of the gods (no companions in your party). When you're ready, speak to the Eternal Arbitrary to enter the Arena of the One. (Before you continue, you can teleport one of your teammates to the Forbidden Library, for the Science Endeavor side quest.) In the Arena, you will need to get to the end faster than others.

    If Alexander is still alive, he will be here, along with other companions. You can focus on them and then go to the end.

    When you're ready to absorb the power, Dallis will suddenly appear and get ahead of you. Her actions will destroy the Arena and you will have to flee the ruins before it's too late.

    Angry at your failure, the gods attack you. Once you've killed them all, use Maladi's beacon to escape.

    Back on the ship, you can spend the night with your companion. When you feel ready, speak to the statue to summon Malady, after which you will travel to Arx.

  • Detailed walkthrough of side quests in Divinity: Original Sin 2 on the Nameless Island and inside the Academy

    Other guides:

    • Divinity: Original Sin 2: walkthrough of side quests of the first act (part 1)
    • Divinity: Original Sin 2: walkthrough of side quests of the first act (part 2)
    • Divinity: Original Sin 2 Reaper's Coast Side Quest Walkthrough
    • Divinity: Original Sin 2: Reaper's Coast side quest walkthrough (graveyard/graveyard)
    • Divinity: Original Sin 2: Reaper's Coast Side Quest Walkthrough (Part 2/Sawmill)
    • Divinity: Original Sin 2: Blood Moon Island Side Quest Walkthrough
    • Divinity: Original Sin 2 Companion Personal Quest Walkthrough - The Red Prince and Sebilla
    • Divinity: Original Sin 2: side quests in the city of Arx

    Familiar face

    If you rescued Delorus in the Fort Joy prison, then here he will join your team and tell you more about the Black Ring and Bishop Alexander. Escort Delorus to the elven temple where his comrades are hiding.

    Looking for revenge

    At the top of the elven temple is Gareth, who confronts Bishop Alexander. if you convince him to calm down, he will return to the "Lady Vengeance" and will be waiting for you in the galley. The easiest will be persuasion by intellect, since the requirements for choosing strength or memory are much higher. Also, if you stopped Gareth in the Bury the Past quest where he wanted you to kill the Silent Monks, that would also play a role here.

    If you killed Alexander, you can give his head to the leader of the Black Ring, who will tell you how to get to the Academy. Or you can go there directly through the south entrance.

    If you let Alexander live, then a little later he will fight against you in the arena.

    If you decide to fight on the side of the Black Ring, then you will have to kill Alexander one way or another. Therefore, it is best to do it here and now, along with Gareth, for which you will receive the highest possible reward. You can then search his body and give the head to Alexander, the leader of the Black Ring, to learn how to get to the Academy through the story quest.

    If you plan to fight for the Magisters against the Black Ring, then you can let Alexander survive and fulfill his request to kill the leader of the Black Ring. However, remember that in any case, you will have to fight and kill Alexander, but a little later.


    70,225 XP for convincing Gareth not to attack Alexander. 200,625 XP (+100 XP if Delorus is alive) and choosing divine loot for killing Alexander and his buddies along with Gareth. 40,125 XP for defending Alexander against Gareth , resulting in the latter having to be killed.


    There are a huge number of members of the Black Ring on the island. You can convince them that lone wolves are with you so that the enemies remain actually neutral. You can also trade with them. If you can't convince them, you'll have to bypass the Black Ring camps or fight them.

    Help the leader of the Black Ring in the quests "An Unexpected Patron" and "Reduction of the Herd".

    Unexpected patron

    In the temple of Ralik, you will meet several masters fighting the Black Ring at once. If you help the magisters, the survivors will inform you that Bishop Alexander has hidden on top of the elven temple. Meet Alexander at the top of the elven temple. If you agree to help him deal with the leader of the Black Ring, then he will give you a hood that dispels the illusions of this enemy.

    To the east of Ralik's temple is a troll cave:

    Cave guarded by trolls

    Go inside the cave, use the stone of true vision that Alexander gave you right after the altar to remove the illusory wall. So you unlock the passage to the leader of the Black Ring.

    Black Ring Camp

    Kill the Heavenly Man (approximate translation) and report this to Alexander. He will tell you how to get to the Academy.

    Note. In the war room, in the chest of the leader of the Black Ring, there is a part of the weapon needed for the Red Prince's personal quest.

    herd reduction

    This quest will become available if you side with the leader of the Black Ring and want to get into the Academy with the help of this brotherhood. you need to kill your companions, cleanse their bodies or make them swear allegiance to the god king. In this case, the leader of the Black Ring will tell you how to get to the Academy and give you the necessary capacitor.

    Mother Tree

    In the temple of the elves, you can chat with the priestess, who will ask you to find an elven descendant. go to the top of the Tree.

    Note. Alternatively, the quest can be given to you by the Prince of Shadows, who you can meet in the area with lava to the south of the island.

    After you kill the Prince of Shadows, the Mother Tree will want to talk to Sebilla. Approach the heart of the Mother Tree (use the flower to teleport), talk and find out that it wants Sebilla to become the next Mother Tree. If you do not agree with this, then the elves will become hostile and attack you, but Sebilla will live.

    Heart of the Mother Tree

    When you leave the room with the heart of the Mother Tree, Saheila will approach you (if she is still alive, she will approach you as an elf, otherwise in the form of a Tree). She will ask you to kill the Mother Tree, after which all the elves will live freely. Return to the heart to kill the Mother Tree (use Sebille to interact with the heart). The quest will be completed, but the elves that are left in the temple will become hostile.

    Guardian's Mercy

    Meet the Guardian south of the Moongate Travel Altar. She will ask you to free the spirit of Knight Dong from his body.

    Doon Knight is inside the Dwarf Temple. To get to it, you need to get past many traps and a defender. It is best to let one of the satellites get to him, and then regroup with the rest using the teleportation pyramids.

    As soon as the knight is killed, then the defender will be automatically destroyed. You can use ghostly vision to find out what happened here. Before reporting the completion of the task to the guard, chat with the altar in the temple to learn about Dun.

    Soaring in the clouds

    The Temple of Amadia floats in the clouds. To get there, you need to use the teleportation skill in the southwestern part of the island, near the temple of Amadia, and then climb up the vines.

    How to get to the Temple of Amadia

    How to get to the Temple of Amadia

    Right next to the point where you will find yourself in the temple of Amadia, there is a statue. Pray near her for a random buff.

    Note. In the sky temple area, after using the first teleport to the north, you can find a small floating island, on which there is a small stone. You will need this stone to open the door with the face.

    Use teleportation skills to explore the temple and overcome magical barriers. The Knight of Amadia will require you to activate three runes, allowing him to free himself. By activating one rune, you remove the barrier blocking the path to another, but you may still need to teleport to get to it. Once you free the Amadia Knight, talk to her to get Amadia's Glove.

    Scientific pursuit (striving)

    In the library of the Academy, use a ghostly vision and talk to the spirit of Taryan. The spirit of Taryan's mistress can be found in the forbidden library. you can teleport your companion there from the source puddle behind the barrier. After you tell Rayalad about your soulmate, then return to Taryan and collect the reward.

    test site

    The teacher's office at the Academy has a door that can be opened with a lockpick. Behind it is a portal leading to a hidden arena. Go through the portal, activate the ghostly vision and talk to the spirit of the bird, and then agree to complete the task. The arena contains a giant guardian and several smaller constructs. When you destroy the guard, the rest of the enemies will be defeated.

    Hidden Arena Portal

    There are mirrors that can be moved, as well as a beam behind the guard that you can activate with a placed capacitor. By directing the beam at the boss, you will stun him. As long as the beam is focused on him, his magic armor is "0". You can use an invisibility potion to do all of this and go unnoticed.

    Search the corpse of the guard and take the second part of the dagger, necessary for the personal quest of the Red Prince or to free Vindego. Turn in the quest to the spirit of the bird, use the teleportation skills to get to the upper room and find a good rune.

    Your first goal is to get into the Academy and solve your personal companions.

    Examine the bodies and you will find out that Black Ring and Masters are on this island. Some corpses will have a Purging Wand on them - take it with you.

    If you rescued Delorus at Fort Joy, here he will join your party and give information about the Black Ring and Bishop Alexander.

  • In (to enter, kill the Master of the Black Ring), interact with the altar to learn information about Vrogir.
  • In the Temple of Ralich, interact with the altar to see a vision of Ralich.
  • At the entrance to the Temple of the Elves, a wand to kill them.

    Alexander will be at the top of the Elven temple (if you agreed to help him by killing the Pale Man). He will help you get into the Council.

    In the east direction to the temple of Ralich there will be a cave guarded by a troll:

    Enter the cave and use the Stone of True Sight that Alexander gave you right after the altar to see the false wall. This will open the path to the Sallow Man.

    Kill him and report this to Alexander, for which he will teach you how to enter the Council. (Note: Inside the chest in the Pale Man's war room is the Shaft of Swornbreaker.)

    If you chose the side of the Black Ring, you need to kill Alexander and bring him to the altar. The pale man will help you enter the Council.

    There are a total of seven temples on the Nameless Island, but you don't need to explore each of them to complete the main one. However, you can research them for equipment and items.

    Two temples that are easy to miss:

  • Temple of Xantezz

    In order to enter this temple, you need to kill two wargs playing with a ruby ​​next to the Moon Gate point. Use the ruby ​​to enter the temple.

  • Temple of Amadia (floating temple above the clouds)

    To get to this temple, you need to use the teleportation skill and get to the southwest of the island (near the Temple of Amadia) and then climb up the vine.

    1. First, install all seven gods correctly:

  • man with the sun
  • Elf with moon
  • Gnome with moon
  • Orc with Sun
  • To hell with the moon
  • Master with the Moon
  • lizard with sun

    2. After placing the gods correctly, use the Lightning skill to hit the Eternal Conduit (if you do not have this skill, you can place a phase capacitor on the conduit), then use the switch to open the gate.

    If you don't want to choose either side (Bishop Alexander or the Pale Man), you won't be able to use your teleportation skills to get through the ruined areas in the south of the gnome temple. In this case, dig a hole in the easternmost one to enter the Council.

    (Through this opening, you will be able to enter the academy unaided.)