What's wrong with the volcano in Kamchatka? Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano in Kamchatka is the highest active volcano in Eurasia

"Ooh, this is strange place Kamchatka"

Kamchatka is majestic with majestic volcanoes, unpredictable weather and cold sea. I found myself in Kamchatka for the second time in my life in October 2013, together with an expedition from the Institute of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Volcanoes are the main attraction of the Kamchatka region; they are impressive, especially active ones. Volcanic activity Kamchatka is now a little more active, so during my month-long “working” visit I was able to see several active and extinct volcanoes. At times, an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers was covered in smoke from the recent eruption, and visibility dropped to tens of meters.

For a whole month, our plane flew over the East Kamchatka volcanic belt and took measurements; in the process, I managed to take some photographs and get out of the plane once to drive the peninsula from south to north and back. All photos can be viewed in the “” section.

The area is very interesting; on one side two ridges converge - the Aleutian and the Kuril, and on the other, Asia creeps in. And between them there is an abyss comparable to the Martian trench. Thus, at a distance of several tens of kilometers rises the five-thousandth Klyuchevskaya Sopka and an ocean crack, 9 thousand meters deep.

To monitor volcanoes in Kamchatka, a monitoring center of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences was created at the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Here, in real time, you can process and collect radiotelemetric, seismic and visual information about volcanoes.

Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Dvoran

Here in this picture you can find where which volcanoes are located.


There are only 350 thousand inhabitants in Kamchatka, and more than half live in administrative center Kamchatka - the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky with a large port.

I went there just for a day, wandered around the city, went to the port, to the market, ate, unsuccessfully searched for fast Internet... continuous hills. The names here are funny - I ate at the Vulcan cafe, drank unfiltered Geyser beer, bought shrimp at the Na Sopka store, and stayed at the Kamchatka hotel. The cars on the roads, by the way, are 90% good Japanese jeeps, so at all checkpoints and gas stations there are separate gates for left- and right-hand drive cars.

The local population is bored, many are trying to escape to " mainland"(They haven’t seen our north yet). People seem to have money, prices in stores are not low. Those who do not have work are given various types addictions, mainly fishing and alcoholism. All the shops are filled with not very tasty draft beer, tasty fish and other seafood delicacies. Tourism is not developed, all private transportation, although I arrived after the season - in the fall.

And in close proximity to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the symbol of the city, Avacha Volcano or Avachinskaya Sopka (2750 m), rises. And nearby, higher than Avachi, is the Koryak Hill (3400 m). There are also active volcanoes, providing excellent and picturesque views of the surrounding area.

And add it to your piggy bank beautiful views Avacha Bay with ships and submarines. The Three Brothers rocks, also depicted on all magnets, are located at the exit from Avachinskaya Bay.

Active volcanoes of Kamchatka.

Among more than 200 volcanoes, there are about 30 active volcanoes in Kamchatka, the rest fell asleep and became overgrown with forest more than a thousand years ago. The most famous currently active volcanoes are Klyuchevskaya Sopka and Tolbachik.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka with a height of 4750 meters is the most high volcano not only in Kamchatka, but throughout Europe and Asia. There you can observe the phenomena of modern volcanism with your own eyes. A hot mixture of gases and lava periodically emerges from the crater of a volcano.

I sat half the night watching the eruption of Klyuchevskaya Sopka, it was mesmerizing.

Tolbachik consists of Ostrogo and Flat and has been chugging at full speed for a year now. The Great Fissure Tolbachik Eruption is currently underway, throwing mountains of ash kilometers up. A volcanic fissure passes through Ploskiy Tolbachik, it is filled with red-hot lava and ash. I saw this volcano only from afar, it’s beautiful.

Extinct volcanoes continue to live their own lives and exhibit only fumarolic activity. Sometimes they release jets of gas or water heated to hundreds of degrees. Around these places there is an active formation of minerals; here you can find deposits of sulfur, arsenic, metals and new elements.

This year our plane circled over the most interesting and unique place in Kamchatka - the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve. The reserve was created in 1934. Here is the Valley of Geysers, the Valley of Death, Kronotskaya Hill with glaciers, the caldera of the Uzon volcano and much more.

Recently, in 1996, the volcanoes and surroundings of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve were included in the List of World Natural and cultural heritage UNESCO.

On the Pacific Ocean side there is the Kronotsky Bay - black deserted lava beaches and gray whales come to visit.

And from the west the reserve is limited East Ridge, in which several volcanoes are located: Kronotsky, Krasheninnikova, Kikhpinych, Komarova, Gamchen, Kizimen, Taunshits, Bolshoi Semyachik,...

The White Mountain is visible from everywhere, the queen of the reserve, three and a half thousand meters high - this is Kronotskaya Sopka.

Behind Kronotskaya Sopka in the distance in the north is Klyuchevskaya Sopka, and even further away is Tolbachik.

Krasheninnikov Volcano, a very interesting stratovolcano, many places are named after this scientist and researcher of Kamchatka. A volcano arose in the depression of an old volcano with a diameter of 12 km. Two volcanic cones 800 meters high grew in the caldera.

At the top of the southern cone there is a vent that goes deep down.

At the top of the northern cone, a small volcano with a height of 100 meters grew, in the crater of which another volcano with a height of only 60 m appeared.

From here, several centuries ago, the last eruption occurred, since then the Krasheninnikov volcano began to be considered active and four-story. The height of the Krasheninnikov volcano is about 1850 m.

Uzon Volcano Caldera

When the Uzon volcano was one of the large volcanoes of Kamchatka, but 40 thousand years ago it exploded, and the basin, after an excessively strong eruption, collapsed, forming a vast valley (caldera), located at a level of 660 meters and surrounded in a circle by walls.

Kamchatka has its own unique microclimate and topography, its own Sannikov Land, where there is never snow. The chemical laboratory of the caldera (cauldron) of the Uzon volcano (its diameter is more than 10 km) is famous throughout the world for the fact that it contains the entire periodic table and new elements constantly appear, but mainly poisons, hydrogen sulfide and acid. In the basin of the Uzon volcano you can see two large lakes with hot “Fumarolnoye” and cold water “Tsentralnoye” and a huge number of geysers, boiling springs, mud geysers, thermal lakes and Narzan springs.

In general, all hydrothermal manifestations of the Kamchatka region are represented.

In this natural chemical laboratory one can see the manifestation of young volcanism and ore formation. The Valley of Geysers is located next to the caldera.

Valley of Geysers.

The Valley of Geysers is the only geyser field in all of Eurasia - unique and amazing place. Near the caldera of the Uzon volcano, geysers work for several thousand years, throwing out fountains of hot water and steam until they become clogged with geyserite. One of the geysers throws tons of hot water high up per second several times a day.

The valley was discovered recently in 1941, and in 2007 the entire valley was filled with a mudflow, some of the geysers were buried, and some were flooded by the overflowing Geysernaya River. Only recently have the geysers begun to recover.

Nearby on the left, the white volcano Taunshitz 2353 meters smokes.

On the right is the canyon formed by the Shumnaya, Geysernaya and Mutnaya rivers and the Valley of Geysers begins. Bol Volcano from the South. Semyachik and from the north the Kikhpinych volcano.

Death Valley

Near the Valley of Geysers there is another unique place- Death Valley, so called because a concentrated cloud of gases and poisons hovers in the air. And in the surrounding areas, corpses are constantly being found of animals that did not breathe.

What to see in Kamchatka?

It so happens that most of the places in the Kamchatka Territory that are worth seeing are difficult to access.

The most interesting things, it seems to me, are the volcanoes, the valley of geysers, the caldera of the Uzon volcano, freeride in winter, bears, fur seals and Pacific Ocean Certainly.

Of course have public transport, where you can go to the hot springs in Paratunka, go fishing,... but if you want volcanoes and beauty, then when planning a trip, you should budget for a helicopter or jeep and several days of walking.

A month flew by amid daily flights, and only before returning to Moscow did I manage to drive north, through the villages of Klyuchi and Ust-Kamchatsk, to the town of Kruto Beregovo, to pick up the equipment.

Finally, I looked at nature and volcanoes from the ground, and not through a porthole window, how people live, watched the Klyuchevskaya eruption half the night, went fishing and, tired but happy, returned right before the typhoons.

All that remained was the persistent feeling that the tiniest part of the mysterious Kamchatka region had been revealed to me and the desire to return there.

The Kamchatka volcanoes are located in the Kamchatka Territory and are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire - an area in the ocean where most active volcanoes are located and many earthquakes occur. It is difficult to say exactly how many volcanoes are located on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Various sources mention from several hundred to more than a thousand volcanoes, and they are included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. The volcanoes of Kamchatka are characterized by a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Currently, there are about 28 active volcanoes among them, others last erupted about 1000 or even 4000 years ago. Let's go to short trip by helicopter over the volcanoes of Kamchatka.

Karymskaya Sopka (Karymsky)

One of the most active volcanoes in Kamchatka. Refers to stratovolcanoes. The absolute height is 1536 m, the top is a regular truncated cone. The crater constantly releases hot gases. The volcano is located in the caldera of an ancient volcano (diameter up to 5 km), formed in the early Holocene:
Over the past 10 years, the volcano has erupted 2 times. The first eruption was in 2005. The ash from the eruption traveled several hundred meters towards the Pirog hill to the northeast, and then rose upward. Second eruption - 2010. This was the last eruption of the Karymsky volcano.
The volcano is very restless. Volcanoes erupt at the same time: Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Bezymianny, Shiveluch.

Maly Semyachik

Active stratovolcano in Kamchatka. It is a short ridge about 3 km long at the top, consisting of three fused cones - the northern ancient one, which is the highest (1560 m), the middle one - with a half-filled crater, and the southwestern one - with a nest of craters, including the active Troitsky crater. The latter is named after the surname of V.D. Troitsky, a participant in many Kamchatka expeditions, who carried out a survey of Maly Semyachik.
The crater looks like a deep funnel with a diameter of about 700 meters, slightly oval in shape. A wonderful addition to this interesting crater in itself is the light green lake. This color is caused by tiny sulfur particles floating in the water column, carried out by underwater fumaroles.
The temperature of the lake is 30-40 degrees Celsius, its average diameter is about 500 m, depth is up to 140 m. Descent to the lake is possible only from the northern side along living talus, interrupted by a rocky stepped cliff about 20 m high. The last eruption occurred in 1952. Then Lake Troitskoye was formed in the Troitsky crater. The lake doesn't freeze. Powered by snow and rain. Fumaroles are currently active on the volcano.
In 1994, a helicopter collided with the tip of the northern cone. However, the volcanologists who flew on it survived the collision.

Kronotskaya Sopka

Active volcano on east coast Kamchatka. Refers to stratovolcanoes. Height - 3528 m, the top is a regular ribbed cone. The crater is filled with an extrusive plug, and there are fumaroles (especially active activity was noted in 1923).
At the foot of the western slope of the volcano there is Kronotskoye Lake, which is the largest freshwater lake in Kamchatka: its area is about 242 sq. km. It has the shape of an isosceles triangle. Average depth - 51 meters, maximum depth- 148 meters. For a long time it was believed that the lake was of caldera origin, but today it has been proven that the lake was formed about 10,000 years ago as a result of the damming of the Kronotskaya River valley with the products of a lava eruption.
The lake is home to 2 species of fish: char and the freshwater form of sockeye salmon - kokanee.
Kronotskaya Sopka is probably one of the most picturesque volcanoes in Kamchatka. Near the volcano there is the Valley of Geysers.

Kizimen (Schapinskaya Sopka)

Another active volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula. On November 11, 2010, a new eruption began, which was accompanied by the outpouring of a powerful lava flow. Known eruptions: 1928-1929, 2010.
Located on the western slope of the southern tip of the Tumrok ridge, 265 km from the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. It is a stratovolcano of regular conical shape. Height - 2485 meters. The slopes are covered with various volcanic emissions and cut by barrancos. There are small snowfields and glaciers. The volcano is located in the Kizimen-Gamchen group of volcanoes.
The formation of the Kizimen volcano occurred in 3 stages. At the first stage, andesitic rocks were squeezed out, at the second and third (Holocene) - first ash fell and lava eruptions took place, and then a basalt cover formed.
The volcanic eruption was observed only in 1928-1929. The rest of the time, the volcano exhibits exclusively fumarole-solfatar activity, leading to the accumulation of sulfur crusts. In the vicinity of the volcano there are known hot springs (Schapinskie thermal springs). The crater of the volcano is filled with lava blocks and stones. Vulcan was born 12,000 years ago.
Tourist routes to the Tumroki springs pass through Kizimen.
The Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes is the largest group of volcanoes in Russia. Included in the eastern volcanic belt. Located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The total area of ​​the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes is 6500 sq. km.


Volcanic massif in Kamchatka, in the southwestern part of the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. The height is 3682 meters, it consists of Ostry Tolbachik (3682 m) and the Plosky Tolbachik merged with it (current, height - 3140 m). There are more than 120 cinder cones located on the slopes of Plosky Tolbachik and in the adjacent Tolbachinsky valley.
Ostry Tolbachik is an extinct stratovolcano with a destroyed peak. Flat Tolbachik is a stratovolcano, the top of which is cut off by two calderas nested inside each other. The larger one, 3 km in diameter, is almost filled with eruption products and glacier, forming a characteristic flat top. Inside it there is a young caldera with a diameter of 1.8 km and a depth of about 400 meters, which was formed during last eruption volcano in 1975-1976. Tolbachik is a Hawaiian-type volcano. A caldera is a depression with steep walls and a more or less flat bottom, formed as a result of the collapse of the top of a volcano.
Volcanoes Klyuchevskaya Sopka - the highest volcano in Russia (left) and Kamen:

Stone - extinct stratovolcano

It is located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula and is part of the eastern volcanic belt. Located in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. The second highest volcano in Kamchatka (after Klyuchevskaya Sopka). Volcano Kamen was once a conical, slender volcano, but 1200 years ago colossal explosions destroyed it eastern part and scattered around the surrounding area. Height - 4579 m above sea level. The last eruption dates back to 808 BC. Climbing to the top of the Kamen volcano is done from the western side and, due to the steepness of the slopes, is a purely mountaineering event:

Klyuchevskaya Sopka (Klyuchevskoy volcano)

An active stratovolcano in eastern Kamchatka. With a height of 4850 m, it is the highest active volcano on the Eurasian continent. The age of the volcano is approximately 7,000 years:
Klyuchevskaya Sopka is a regular cone with 70 side cones, domes and craters. Despite the high altitude of the volcano, there is no snow or glaciers on it. This is caused by active volcanic activity. Klyuchevskaya Sopka is an active volcano: over 270 years, more than 50 strong eruptions have occurred. Explosions with ash emissions often occur in the crater. During the 2004-2005 eruption, the ash column reached a record height of 8,000 meters. The last eruption occurred in 2009 - before the height of the volcano was 4850 m, now it is approaching 5000 meters as the volcano continues to erupt. From the end of the 17th century until 1932, the volcano was formed only through terminal (summit) eruptions. In close proximity to the volcano there is an extinct volcano Kamen with a height of 4579 m. The saddle between Klyuchevskaya Sopka and Kamen:
Currently, the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano is the second most active volcano, after Kilauea in Hawaii. The modern eruption actually began in 1983, intensified in 2009 and is still ongoing. About the eruption of 1737 we find in S.P. Krasheninnikov: “This terrible fire began on September 25th and lasted for a week, with such ferocity that the residents who were fishing near the mountain were hourly preparing for death, expecting death. The flame, which was visible inside it through the crevices, sometimes rushed down like a river of fire, with a terrible noise. In the mountain one could hear thunder, a crash, and, as if by strong bellows, swelling, from which all nearby places trembled. Residents were especially afraid at night, because in the darkness everything could be heard and seen more clearly. The end of the fire was ordinary, that is, the eruption of a lot of ashes, of which, however, a little fell to the ground, so that the whole cloud was carried into the sea.”

Big and Small Udina

Bolshaya Udina is a stratovolcano with a two-tier structure. It is located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. Included in the eastern volcanic belt. The crater of the volcano has a diameter of 400 m and is filled with glacier. Height - 2923 meters above sea level. Malaya Udina is a stratovolcano. It is located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula near the Bolshaya Udina volcano. It is located in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes and is part of the eastern volcanic belt. The top of the volcano has been destroyed. Height - 1945 meters above sea level. The Bolshaya Udina and Malaya Udina volcanoes are the southernmost in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. The volcano is extinct, the date of the last eruption is not precisely determined.
Today, the journey through the volcanoes of Kamchatka has come to an end.

The land of volcanoes is the name given to the mysterious Kamchatka. The name was given for a reason: in a limited area there are 30 active and 300 extinct volcanoes. There are few places on our planet where they would be so diverse and beautiful.

Numerous scientific works, popular and scientific books have been written about them. For hundreds of years, these places have attracted scientists, travelers, and nature lovers. Many eruptions in Kamchatka have forever entered the history of world manifestations of volcanic activity.

Coordinates on the map of Klyuchevskaya Sopka: 56°04?00? With. w. 160°38?00? V. d.

One of the most famous attractions of this region is the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano. 4750 meters above sea level - the highest active volcano in Eurasia. But he is interesting not only for this. In terms of the level of its unusual activity, Kamchatka Mountain ranks one of the first places among the volcanoes of the world.

Many legends are associated with these places. Kamchadals believe that the volcano is the home of the dead, and smoke appears when the deceased drown their yurts. The natives believe that they feed on whale oil, and that whales are found in the underground sea.

Legends are legends, but those who managed to witness the eruptions remain forever fascinated by the powerful elements of fire and fireworks of flaming stones. Just imagine: during the strongest eruption in 2005, the ash column on Klyuchevaya Sopka rose to a record height of 8 kilometers.

Video: Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes.

The age of the volcano is approximately 7000 years. 54 times - this is how many times this old-timer has erupted since the first observation, since 1697. The ashes reach the Kamchatka River valley, covering the city of Klyuchi. At the foot of Klyuchevskaya Sopka there is an active Kamchatka volcanological station. From there, constant observations have been carried out since 1935. The last, quite powerful eruption was in 2010. And in 2012, a glow was recorded, indicating lava flowing.

Without exception, all travelers and scientists talk about Klyuchevskoye miracle of nature with admiration. F. Guillermar, a round-the-world traveler who visited Kamchatka in the 19th century, wrote that Klyuchevsky Volcano in its sheer beauty surpasses such famous volcanoes of our planet as Fuji and Etna.

Eruption of Klyuchevskaya Sopka:

This report is available in high definition.

The Kamchatka volcanoes are located in the Kamchatka Territory and are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire - an area in the ocean where most active volcanoes are located and many earthquakes occur.

It is difficult to say exactly how many volcanoes are located on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Various sources mention from several hundred to more than a thousand volcanoes, and they are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The volcanoes of Kamchatka are characterized by a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Currently, there are about 28 active volcanoes among them, others last erupted about 1,000 or even 4,000 years ago.

Let's go on a short helicopter trip around.

One of the most active volcanoes in Kamchatka. Refers to stratovolcanoes. The absolute height is 1,536 m, the top is a regular truncated cone. The crater constantly releases hot gases. The volcano is located in the caldera of an ancient volcano (diameter up to 5 km), formed in the early Holocene:

Over the past 10 years, the volcano has erupted 2 times: The first eruption was in 2005. Ash from the eruption traveled several hundred meters towards the hill. Pie to the northeast and then rose upward. Second eruption - 2010. This was the last eruption of the Karymsky volcano.

The volcano is very restless. Volcanoes erupt at the same time: Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Bezymianny, Shiveluch.

Active stratovolcano in Kamchatka. It is a short ridge about 3 km long at the top, consisting of three fused cones - the northern ancient one, which is the highest (1,560 m), the middle one - with a half-filled crater, and the southwestern one - with a nest of craters, including the active Troitsky crater. The latter is named after the surname of V.D. Troitsky, a participant in many Kamchatka expeditions, who carried out a survey of Maly Semyachik.

The crater looks like a deep funnel with a diameter of about 700 meters, slightly oval in shape. A wonderful addition to this interesting crater in itself is the light green lake. This color is caused by tiny sulfur particles floating in the water column, carried out by underwater fumaroles.

The temperature of the lake is 30-40 Celsius, its average diameter is about 500 m, depth is up to 140 m. Descent to the lake is possible only from the northern side along living talus, interrupted by a rocky, stepped cliff about 20 m high. The last eruption occurred in 1952. Then Lake Troitskoye was formed in the Troitsky crater. The lake doesn't freeze. Powered by snow and rain. Fumaroles are currently active on the volcano.

In 1994, a helicopter collided with the tip of the northern cone. However, the volcanologists who flew on it survived the collision.

An active volcano on the eastern coast of Kamchatka. Refers to stratovolcanoes. Height is 3,528 m, the top is a regular ribbed cone. The crater is filled with an extrusive plug; there are fumaroles (their especially active activity was noted in 1923).

At the foot of the western slope of the volcano there is Kronotskoye Lake, which is the largest freshwater lake in Kamchatka: its area is about 242 sq. km. It has the shape of an isosceles triangle. The average depth is 51 meters, the maximum depth is 148 meters. For a long time it was believed that the lake was of caldera origin, but today it has been proven that the lake was formed about 10,000 years ago as a result of the damming of the Kronotskaya River valley with the products of a lava eruption.

The lake is home to 2 species of fish: the freshwater form of sockeye salmon, kokanee, and char.

Kronotskaya Sopka is probably one of the most picturesque volcanoes in Kamchatka. The Valley of Geysers is located near the volcano.

Another active volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula. On November 11, 2010, a new eruption began, which was accompanied by the outpouring of a powerful lava flow. Known eruptions: 1928-1929, 2010.

Located on the western slope of the southern tip of the Tumrok ridge, 265 km from the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. It is a stratovolcano of regular conical shape. Height 2,485 meters. The slopes are covered with various volcanic emissions and cut by barrancos. There are small snowfields and glaciers. The volcano is located in the Kizimen-Gamchen group of volcanoes.

The formation of the Kizimen volcano occurred in 3 stages. At the first stage, andesitic rocks were squeezed out, at the second and third (Holocene) - first ash fell and lava eruptions took place, and then a basalt cover formed.

The volcanic eruption was observed only in 1928-1929. The rest of the time, the volcano exhibits exclusively fumarole-solfatar activity, leading to the accumulation of sulfur crusts. In the vicinity of the volcano there are known hot springs (Shchapinsky thermal springs). The crater of the volcano is filled with lava blocks and stones. Vulcan was born 12,000 years ago.

Tourist routes to the Tumroki springs pass through Kizimen.

The largest group of volcanoes in Russia. Included in the eastern volcanic belt. Located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The total area of ​​the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes is 6,500 sq. km.

In the southwestern part of the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. The height is 3682 meters, it consists of Ostry Tolbachik (3,682 m) and the Plosky Tolbachik merged with it (current, height 3140 m). There are more than 120 cinder cones located on the slopes of Plosky Tolbachik and in the adjacent Tolbachinsky valley.

An extinct stratovolcano with a destroyed peak. Flat Tolbachik is a stratovolcano, the top of which is cut off by two calderas nested inside each other. The largest of them, 3 km in diameter, is almost filled with eruption products and glacier, forming a characteristic flat top. Inside it there is a young caldera with a diameter of 1.8 km and a depth of about 400 meters, which was formed during the last volcanic eruption in 1975-1976. Tolbachik is a Hawaiian-type volcano.

A caldera is a depression with steep walls and a more or less flat bottom, formed as a result of the collapse of the top of a volcano.

Volcanoes Klyuchevskaya Sopka - the highest volcano in Russia(left) and Stone:

It is located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula and is part of the eastern volcanic belt. Located in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. The second highest volcano in Kamchatka (after Klyuchevskaya Sopka). Volcano Kamen was once a conical, slender volcano, but 1,200 years ago colossal explosions destroyed its eastern part and scattered it throughout the surrounding area. Height - 4,579 m above sea level. The last eruption dates back to 808 BC.

Climbing to the top of the Kamen volcano is done from the western side and, due to the steepness of the slopes, is a purely mountaineering event:

(Klyuchevskoy volcano) is an active stratovolcano in the east of Kamchatka. With a height of 4,850 m, it is the highest active volcano on the Eurasian continent. The volcano is approximately 7,000 years old:

Klyuchevskaya Sopka is a regular cone with 70 side cones, domes and craters. Despite the high altitude of the volcano, there is no snow or glaciers on it. This is caused by active volcanic activity.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka is an active volcano: over 270 years, more than 50 strong eruptions have occurred. Explosions with ash emissions often occur in the crater. During the 2004-2005 eruption, the ash column reached a record height of 8,000 meters. The last eruption occurred in 2009 - before the height of the volcano was 4,850 m, now it is approaching 5,000 meters as the volcano continues to erupt. From the end of the 17th century until 1932, Klyuchevskoy volcano was formed only due to terminal (summit) eruptions.

In close proximity to the volcano there is an extinct volcano called Kamen with a height of 4,579 m:

Currently, Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano is the second most active volcano, after Kilauea in Hawaii. The modern eruption actually began in 1983, intensified in 2009 and is still ongoing.

About the eruption of 1737 we find in S.P. Krasheninnikov: “This terrible fire began on September 25th and lasted for a week, with such ferocity that the residents who were fishing near the mountain were hourly preparing for death, expecting death. The flame, which was visible inside it through the crevices, sometimes rushed down like a river of fire, with a terrible noise. In the mountain one could hear thunder, a crash, and, as if by strong bellows, swelling, from which all nearby places trembled. Residents were especially afraid at night, because in the darkness everything could be heard and seen more clearly. The end of the fire was ordinary, that is, the eruption of a lot of ashes, of which, however, a little fell to the ground, so that the whole cloud was carried into the sea.”

Bolshaya Udina is a stratovolcano with a two-tier structure. It is located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. Included in the eastern volcanic belt. The crater of the volcano has a diameter of 400 m and is filled with glacier. Height - 2,923 meters above sea level.

Malaya Udina is a stratovolcano. It is located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula near the Bolshaya Udina volcano. It is located in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes and is part of the eastern volcanic belt. The top of the volcano has been destroyed. Height - 1,945 meters above sea level. The Bolshaya Udina and Malaya Udina volcanoes are the southernmost in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. The volcano is extinct, the date of the last eruption is not precisely determined.

Today, the journey through the volcanoes of Kamchatka has come to an end.