The largest proven oil reserves. Proven oil reserves in countries around the world

The main energy resource on a planetary scale is still oil and gas. Even despite the development of technology and the improvement of technical devices, alternative sources cannot yet satisfy humanity’s need for energy. Hundreds of thousands of drilling rigs pump out several million barrels of oil every day.

Scientists monitoring the situation with the world's hydrocarbon reserves are inclined to believe that the explored oil reserves will last for about a century, after which humanity will have to look for new ways to extract “black gold” or switch to other types of energy resources.

Rating of countries by oil reserves

The main suppliers of hydrocarbon energy resources to the world market are ten countries, including Russian Federation. The list of main exporters also includes: Saudi Arabia, UAE, China and USA. The main reserves of raw materials are concentrated in the bowels of the Russian Federation, the USA and the United States. These countries collectively supply the market with up to 2/5 of the total export volume.

Bloomberg experts have compiled a consolidated rating of countries making a significant contribution to the production and sale of hydrocarbon resources. The reserves of these particular states are considered by scientists to determine the period for which the oil in the developed fields will be sufficient:

Reserves in Russia

The state became the leader in oil production in 2017, increasing the figure to 10.5 million barrels. Currently, production has increased to 11.5 million barrels. Up to 90% of all state reserves are concentrated in unexplored and unexploited deposits, and only 10% are reserves that should be sufficient for the next century. In general, we are talking about a volume equal to 11-15 billion tons of hydrocarbon raw materials suitable for processing and available for production.

Reserves in Saudi Arabia

The main exporter of petroleum products and raw materials to Asian and American countries. The sandy “ocean” makes it possible to produce up to 10.4 million barrels daily, and the cost of raw materials is much lower than in other countries. The economy of this country is almost 100% dependent on the sale of oil, and it will last for at least another century.

US stocks

The state is actively producing, purchasing, processing and consuming hydrocarbon raw materials. Unlike Russia, the United States contains mainly light oil, the main volumes of which are concentrated in Texas, Alaska and California. Average daily US production is about 8 million barrels and this figure will increase if the policies of the current administration do not change. In addition to production, the United States is actively purchasing hydrocarbons, creating strategic reserves in underground storage facilities. The accumulated reserves will last the States for several decades.

Reserves in China

Chinese enterprises produce about 4 million barrels per day, which only partially satisfies the country’s internal needs. The state is one of the largest consumers of imported oil, with the largest volume of supplies coming from the Russian Federation.

Reserves in Iraq

The once prosperous oil power, which owned the vast majority of the Middle East's fields, now produces less than 4 million barrels per day. The reason for the decline in oil production is the ongoing conflict. After the fall of Hussein's regime, Iraq's neighbors began to actively develop nearby fields and modernize their own technical resources.

Reserves in Iran

One of the world leaders in hydrocarbon reserves (Iranian oil will last for more than a hundred years). There is a low production rate, only about 3 million barrels. per day, are affected by several decades of export restrictions introduced Western countries. Currently, some restrictions have been lifted and Iran is allowed to trade raw materials. Experts believe that very soon this Middle Eastern country will take its rightful place next to the largest exporters of raw materials.

Reserves in Canada

A country where half of its area is unsuitable or completely unsuitable for life. It should also be noted that there are difficult conditions for the extraction of raw materials, most of which are located in hard-to-reach areas. Canada was one of the first countries to begin searching for alternative mining methods, both on land and at sea. The oldest and largest field is located in the province of Alberta; development here began during the years of the British Dominion. Canadian oil is characterized by high production costs due to the use of complex technologies and expensive equipment; this country is suffering more than others from falling energy prices. But at the same time, there will be enough reserves to provide comfortable life ten generations. About 2.9 million barrels are produced. daily.

Reserves in Kuwait

The country has largely recovered from the destruction of its entire oil-producing infrastructure by Hussein's retreating forces in the 1990s. Kuwait produces about 2.8 million barrels. per day. The “black gold” reserves of this Middle Eastern country will last for many decades. In addition, the extracted raw materials are of light grades, that is, they have a low cost. Development in Kuwait is carried out by both national and international companies; a large percentage of the market belongs to American oil producers.

Reserves in Venezuela

Occupying one of the bottom lines of the list of ten largest oil producers, this Latin American state tops the ranking of countries with the richest oil and gas reserves. In the depths of Venezuela lies up to 46 billion tons of “black gold”; no other region can boast of such volumes. It will take more than a century to exhaust the region’s reserves, especially given the low production rates of only 2.8 million barrels. per day. According to experts, Venezuelan oil is enough to fill all the world's storage facilities several times over. The state's economy is entirely dependent on world prices for hydrocarbon raw materials; the budget is formed from sales revenues of almost 96%.

Reserves in the UAE

The Arab state serves almost 4% of the world market, with daily production of no more than 200 thousand barrels. Such low volumes, compared to the leaders of the rating, fully satisfy domestic needs and make it possible to build a prosperous state. The main consumers of Arab oil are Asian countries, in particular Japan and India. At the current rate of oil production in the UAE, there will be enough oil for more than a century. According to company reports, the main production capacities are concentrated in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, which supplies 95% of the market segment served. It should be noted that the raw materials mined in the region are of light grades.


This rating is periodically updated; countries reduce or increase volumes depending on various factors, be it price, the emergence of new technologies, or the aggravation of geopolitical conflicts. Regardless of the composition and location of the countries, the list will be relevant for a very long time. It is enough to add up the existing indicators of global hydrocarbon reserves and subtract the amount of extracted raw materials from the resulting value to see that it will be enough for more than one generation of people, or even ten.

Skeptics who talk about the depletion of world reserves do not take into account the volumes of raw materials that are located in hard-to-reach regions of Russia, Canada and South America. If necessary, humanity will find a way to gain access to these deposits located in undeveloped deposits. It is possible that before then, markets will see significant fluctuations in the price of raw materials, caused by shortages or surpluses (in different time). But as for today, there is no need to fear a sudden depletion of sources.

Recent scientific research allows us to classify oil as a renewable resource. Of course, its volume is not restored as quickly as trees grow, but the fact of regeneration of deposits has already been proven.

[:RU]Politicians and activists love to talk about renewable energy, but in today's world, fossil fuels are still king. With the help of the company's Statistical Review of World Energy Data British Petroleum For 2013, we counted the countries with the largest reserves of fossil fuels - oil, coal and natural gas.

It is possible that some of the data may not be accurate enough, but the ranking still shows which countries control the majority of the Earth's energy reserves.

12.2 billion barrels of proven oil reserves

4.4 trillion cubic meters meters of proven natural gas reserves.

Algeria is Africa's largest producer of natural gas and second largest oil producer. Oil production has remained stagnant in recent years, while natural gas production has declined. In recent years, the Algerian parliament has introduced tax incentives to attract foreign companies, particularly in offshore exploration and shale gas production.

48 billion barrels of proven oil reserves.

1.53 trillion cubic meters meters of proven natural gas reserves.

Libya has the largest proven oil reserves and the fourth largest proven natural gas reserves in Africa. Civil War in 2011 significantly affected oil production and exports. Oil and natural gas account for about 96% of total government revenue.

5.7 billion barrels of proven oil reserves.

1.3 trillion cubic meters feet of proven natural gas reserves.

60.600 million tons of proven coal reserves

India is the world's fourth largest energy consumer, behind only the United States, China and Russia. India is currently unable to sustainably meet domestic energy demand, making energy resource protection a top priority for the Indian economy.

15. Kazakhstan

30 billion barrels of proven oil reserves

1.28 trillion cubic meters meters of proven natural gas reserves.

33.600 million tons of proven coal reserves.

Kazakhstan produces about 1.64 million barrels of oil per day. In recent years, production has continued to grow due to the development of the Tengiz, Karachaganak and Kashagan fields. Since Kazakhstan gained independence in 1991, there has been an influx of foreign investment.

14. Nigeria

37.2 billion barrels of proven oil reserves

5.1 trillion cubic meters meters of proven natural gas reserves

Nigeria is Africa's largest oil producer and the world's fourth largest exporter of liquefied natural gas. It also has the largest natural gas reserves in Africa.

13. Australia

3.9 billion barrels of proven oil reserves

3.7 trillion cubic meters meters of proven natural gas reserves

76400 million tons of proven coal reserves

Australia is rich in lucrative resources such as fossil fuels and uranium. Australia's political stability, as well as its proximity to Asia, makes it very attractive to foreign companies. Foreign investment will contribute to the development of energy infrastructure and create more efficient energy production.

12. Turkmenistan

10600000000 barrels of proven oil reserves.

17306800000000 cubic meters of proven gas reserves

Despite Turkmenistan's large natural gas reserves, its development has been limited due to insufficient pipeline infrastructure.

11. Kuwait

101500000000 barrels of proven oil reserves

1764000000000 cubic meters of proven gas reserves

17300000000 barrels of proven oil reserves

3060000000000 cubic meters of proven gas reserves

11.4500 million tons of proven coal reserves

Most populous country in the world and the world's rapidly developing economy. China is the world's largest energy consumer and producer. The country's natural gas production is growing, but coal remains China's main source of energy. China currently accounts for almost half of global coal consumption.

9. United United Arab Emirates

97800000000 barrels of proven oil reserves

6000000000000 cubic meters of proven gas reserves

The United Arab Emirates currently produces an average of 2.8 million barrels of crude oil per day. The UAE is making progress in diversifying its economy into tourism and manufacturing, but the energy sector still dominates the economy.

23900000000 barrels of proven oil reserves

24800000000000 cubic meters of proven gas reserves

Qatar has prospered in recent years thanks to its reliable energy sector. How largest exporter liquefied natural gas and the world's fourth largest supplier of dry natural gas, Qatar earned $55 billion from oil exports in 2012, or about 60% of the state's total revenue.

150000000000 barrels of proven oil reserves

3550000000000 cubic meters of proven gas reserves

173900000000 barrels of proven oil reserves

1960000000000 cubic meters of proven gas reserves

6582 million tons of proven coal reserves

Canada is one of the world's five largest energy producers. Canada is a major energy supplier to the United States.

35000000000 barrels of proven oil reserves

8400000000000 cubic meters of proven gas reserves

237295 million tons of proven coal reserves

The United States is the world's second largest energy consumer. The country consumes 25% of the world's oil consumption, while producing only 6% of the world's annual oil supply.

4. Saudi Arabia

265900000000 barrels of proven oil reserves

8140000000000 cubic meters of natural gas

Saudi Arabia has almost a fifth of the world's proven oil reserves and is also the largest oil producer and exporter. Saudi Arabia also has large natural gas reserves that remain relatively untapped.

3. Venezuela

297600000000 barrels of proven oil reserves

5500000000000 cubic meters of proven gas reserves

479,000,000 tons of proven coal reserves

Venezuela is currently the 8th largest oil exporter and has the largest number of proven oil reserves in the world.

157000000000 barrels of proven oil reserves

0.03 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves

87000000000 barrels of proven oil reserves

32.5 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves

157 million tons of proven coal reserves

Russia is currently the second largest producer of dry natural gas and is second only to the United States and Saudi Arabia in oil production. Economic growth in Russia relies heavily on energy exports, and oil and gas revenues account for 52% of the federal budget.

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Gasoline fuel, which is created as a result of oil refining, continues to occupy a dominant position, despite active attempts to use alternative energy sources.

Gasoline is the main product of oil refining. Understanding the strategic importance of hydrocarbons for economic development, experts regularly monitor oil reserves in the world.

World oil reserves

Currently, the assessment of the amount of oil is determined in accordance with the technical capabilities of its production.

There are several classifications for assessing oil reserves. The most common is the SPE-PRMS classification, which allows one to determine not only the state of deposits, but also makes it possible to calculate the efficiency of its extraction.

If the presence of oil in the field is confirmed, then the probability of its production is 90%, if “probable” - 50%, and with reserves defined as “possible” - only 10%.

In 1997, the UN proposed its classification of resource assessment - UNFC-2009, which is based on the following criteria:

  • economic and social viability of the project;

  • status and validity of the field development project;

  • geological exploration.

In Russia, there is a classification according to which oil and gas reserves are divided into categories based on the knowledge of the degree of industrial development. It is important to emphasize that global oil reserves are constantly changing due to the discovery of new fields and the depletion of existing fields. As of the beginning of 2017, total world oil reserves amounted to 1,706.8 billion barrels.

Shale oil reserves in the world

In recent years, shale oil has been actively entering the market around the world. Total volumes of oil shale are about 345 billion barrels. But the development of shale oil is economically feasible only where the formation thickness does not exceed 30 meters and the oil content is 90 liters per ton of shale.

The greatest concentration of territories suitable for shale oil production is observed in the United States, which is actively promoting the idea of ​​a “shale revolution,” but in terms of total reserves, Russia ranks first.

The development of shale deposits creates serious problems for the ecology of the production area, which is a limiting factor for development. The decline in traditional oil reserves and the development of technology suggest that this area has great prospects.

Oil reserves by country of the world

According to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy, in 2016, the ten main oil-producing countries extracted more than 3 billion tons of oil from the ground. Our country is in the top ten - Russia accounted for 554.3 million tons or 12.6% of global production, and Saudi Arabia became the main producer with 585.7 million tons, which in share terms amounted to 13.4%.

The US figures were 543 million tons, including shale oil, and in shares - 12.4%. According to this source, the ranking of countries in terms of proven oil reserves does not coincide with the indicators of its production volumes. The largest resources - 17.6% or 300.9 billion barrels, including heavy oil from the Orinoco belt, are concentrated in Venezuela. Next, with 266.5 billion barrels (15.6%) follows Saudi Arabia, Canada with 171.5 billion (10%), Iran - 158.4 billion (9.3%), Iraq - 153 billion. (9%), Russia – 109.5 billion (6.4%), Kuwait – 101.5 billion (5.9%), UAE – 97.8 (5.7%).

The rest of the countries, including the USA and Libya, have 347.7 billion barrels of oil (20.5%).

Venezuela oil reserves

As noted above, Venezuela has the largest oil reserves, about 300.9 billion barrels. But due to the fact that Venezuela placed its main emphasis on the export of hydrocarbons, in the context of a global drop in oil prices, the country found itself in a deep economic crisis.

Extraction is carried out from deposits in the basins:

  • Maracaibo;
  • Apure;
  • Falcon;
  • Orienta.

Production is also carried out in the Orinoco belt, where oil classified as heavy and super-heavy is concentrated, which makes its production unprofitable given the current economic climate.

Proven oil reserves in Russia

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the increase in liquid hydrocarbon reserves in Russia in 2016 amounted to 575 million tons and further growth is predicted due to the discovery of new oil territories. Russia's total proven reserves amount to over 14 billion tons.

For their effective development, it is imperative to use the latest achievements of science and technology, which can significantly reduce costs. This is due to the fact that the country also has significant reserves of hard-to-recover oil (over 60% of the total number of fields in Russia).

Oil companies from all over the world at the exhibition

Of great importance for companies associated with the oil business is the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest trends in the development of the industry, express themselves and present their products. To this end, leading oil-producing countries hold specialized exhibitions, which to a certain extent become a platform for solving these problems.

In Moscow, with the support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Expocentre Fairgrounds has been holding international exhibition equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex "Neftegaz".

At the exhibition leading enterprises from different countries samples of special equipment, innovative developments, scientific and technical achievements are presented around the world.

In addition, an important part of the exhibition is the National Oil and Gas Forum, within which the most significant and controversial issues existing in the industry will be discussed.

Hydraulic fracturing—injecting water, specialty chemicals and sand into tight shale to create a network of cracks, releasing the oil and gas they contain—has changed the landscape of the U.S. energy landscape beyond recognition. After a steady decline for 25 years. The growth over the last five years from 2008 to 2013 was 47 percent. The Energy Department projects that the United States, which imported 6 percent of its gas consumption as recently as 2012, will become a net exporter of hydrocarbons by 2018.

Shale boom

Despite fears of groundwater contamination and numerous protests, energy companies are competing to gain access to giant shale deposits in China, Russia, India, South Africa, Australia, Argentina and other countries.

Royal Dutch Shell joined forces with Chinese petrochemical corporation Sinopec to exploit the world's largest shale gas formation, spread across central and southern China.

Chevron agreed to invest at least $16 billion in partnership with YPF, an Argentine state-owned oil production company, to drill the formation Vaca Muerta near the Andes. This formation alone can increase eight times oil reserves South America, and also make it a prominent player in the gas field.

Since Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto opened his country to foreign investment in oil production, American oil and gas explorers, who started the shale boom, are ready for a new breakthrough. The obvious target is a gas-rich formation. Eagle Ford, which stretches from Texas to the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. “These are the most active shale plays in Texas, but when you get into Mexico, there's no activity,” says Chris Wright, CEO Liberty Resources, a hydraulic fracturing company in North Dakota.

Even relatively small Britain sits on huge gas reserves. Formation Bowland-Hodder- a shale belt that stretches across the middle of England - contains more than 37 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, according to calculations by the British Geological Survey.

Around the world, countries are increasingly aware of the need for their energy independence. Therefore, it is difficult to expect that all these huge hydrocarbon reserves will remain untouched for a long time.

Oil is the world's most important source of energy, accounting for 33% of global energy consumption. It has high energy intensity and is convenient for transportation, which makes it an almost irreplaceable energy resource.

Oil is very important for the prosperity of a nation as it provides energy for development transport system and industry. It is also important for the survival of a nation as it greatly influences the country's defense capability. After all, many military vehicles use it and its processed products as fuel. Therefore, it is not surprising that oil is at the center of many political and military conflicts.

Oil production by the largest oil-producing countries, million tons:
A country 2015 2016 2017 % of world production
USA 565,3 543,1 571,0 13,0%
567,9 586,6 561,7 12,8%
Russia 541,9 555,9 554,4 12,6%
Canada 215,6 218,6 236,3 5,4%
Iran 180,5 216,8 234,2 5,3%
Iraq 195,6 217,6 221,5 5,0%
China 214,6 199,7 191,5 4,4%
UAE 175,0 181,6 176,3 4,0%
Kuwait 148,1 152,6 146,0 3,3%
Venezuela 135,4 123,1 108,3 2,5%