Fishing in October: who, what and how to catch. Fishing in October What is best to fish in October

October is the last month of active “non-winter” fishing. As a rule, in the first ten days of the month it is still warm and fishing features in October do not differ from the previous month. However, starting from mid-October, weather conditions worsen. The autumn slush is replaced by night frosts. Fishing conditions are getting worse. With a decrease in temperature and the death of aquatic vegetation, the transparency of the water increases and the fish go deeper and become more cautious. In addition, October is characterized by a sharp drop in temperature. Ice may appear at the end of the month.

Fishing in October - what to catch

  • October is the time for spinning fishing. Cold weather stimulates predatory fish and, in anticipation of cold weather, they actively feed. The autumn feeding season for pike is in full swing. It is advisable to catch pike in October using oscillating spoons at great depths, as the bite there is much better. During frosts, it becomes more difficult to fish with a spinning rod, the rings become covered with ice, and the line on the reel freezes. Therefore, many people prefer to fish in October using girders or mugs.
  • The activity of peaceful fish generally decreases; they move from shallow places to deeper areas of reservoirs. In this regard, it becomes more effective fishing in October on the feeder, with which you can fish at a great distance from the shore;
  • fishing in October with float rods more effective in places where average or great depths start immediately near the shore. On rivers, such places can be found near concave banks, where the channel comes closer to coastline. Catch on float tackle It is also possible near pools near dams, under steep banks and rocks. On lakes and reservoirs, places where the depth begins not far from the shore are not so clearly expressed, but the special signs given above can be followed.
  • water clarity and reduced fish activity require the use of more delicate equipment. First of all, this relates to the diameter of the leash and the sensitivity of the float. Fishing in October Without taking these nuances into account, it is unlikely to be successful. Replacing the hook with a jig can give good results.

Fishing in October - when to fish

On warm October days, the fish return to their summer camps. But, unlike the summer period, fishing in October does not require the angler to get up early. The bite begins around nine o'clock in the morning and lasts with varying success until sunset.

Fishing in October - what to feed

Feeding the fishing spot increases the fishing efficiency, but it should be taken into account that Summer bait is not suitable for fishing in October. Strong sweet aromas in the fall are more likely to deter fish rather than attract them. Autumn bait should have a faint aroma of “animal” origin. To create such a smell, you can use sprays that are based on an extract from a worm, maggot, mollusks or bloodworms. Good results are obtained by using dried blood, bone or fish meal. To make fishing in October successful, it is useful to add food bloodworms, maggots or chopped worms to the prepared bait.

What fish to catch in October

In October, fishing for predators is most successful - pike or perch bite well. It should be noted that pike perch also bites well in October. In October, catfish can be caught using a donk, but you should not limit yourself to this gear when catching it. Fishing in October with a float rod and live bait can also be successful. Perch can be caught using mugs, a jig, or a float rod with bait in the form of a fry or a worm. Roach and silver bream also take well on float rods. If the weather is good, you can catch silver crucian carp and ruff with a worm or bloodworm. But the bite of chub and ide is gradually stopping. At the end of October it is almost impossible to catch an ide, unless by accident. But the burbot bites excellently at this time. It’s worth trying to catch dace with a float rod.
  • Fishing in October for bream

Speaking of white fish, we cannot ignore fishing for bream in October. At the beginning of the month, it is still successfully caught on riverbed edges and dumps. In summer, it is not uncommon to bite on bait falling to the bottom, but in October this will not happen, the fish will only take the bait lying on the bottom. Therefore, at this time it is advisable to use a plug rod, up to 16 meters long, to hold the bait at the feeding site. The main baits for fishing for bream in October can be considered a worm and bloodworm. As for maggots, in many reservoirs where bream pecked exclusively on this bait in the summer, it has now become inferior in catchability to worms and bloodworms. In reservoirs where there are large colonies of zebra mussels, bream feeds mainly on them. Accordingly, fishing for bream in October is necessary in such places. Starting from mid-October, the bream bite dies down.
  • Fishing in October for silver bream

Fishing for silver bream in October very much depends on the weather. Fishing for silver bream in October is most attractive in sunny, warm weather. This fish is caught at a depth of about 4-6 meters throughout almost the entire day. The silver bream is very similar to the white bream, which is why many fishermen often confuse them. This fish lives in deep and quiet places with a clay or silty bottom and warm water. In October, the silver bream needs to look closer to the wintering pits. She has already gathered in large flocks, so when fishing it is important to find a place where the flock is feeding - then success is guaranteed. It is better to start fishing for silver bream in October in the morning. Excellent baits for catching silver bream in October are dung worms, bloodworms, maggots, and insect larvae. Clay balls with the addition of various larvae, small pollen, and worms are used as bait.
  • Fishing in October for crucian carp

The crucian bite becomes unstable in October. However, many anglers consider October a great time to catch crucian carp in the fall. Fishing for crucian carp in October is more effective at a depth of 3 - 5 meters. The crucian carp begins to feed at about eleven o'clock. An effective and proven bait for catching crucian carp in October is bloodworms; you can also use a worm. It is better to use pearl barley as complementary food when fishing for crucian carp in October. But remember that crucian carp begin to eat much less at this time of year, so it is important that the bait does not turn into the main food. Fishing for crucian carp in October is carried out both from a boat and from the shore. In order to fish from the shore, the float rod should be up to 7 meters long, the float should weigh about 2 grams, it is advisable to use a long keel.
  • Fishing in October for roach

During the cold season, roaches gather in large flocks, preparing for the winter. Fishing for roach in October means searching in deep river holes where it lives at that time. It is worth paying attention to the area where smaller rivers and streams flow into the river; there, according to the observations of experienced fishermen, there must be large, fat roach. The baits should consist of an animal base: several maggots, a maggot with a crushed worm - a sandwich. You can also try a vegetable bait - canned corn, pearl barley and peas will not be out of place here. To catch roach in October, you must use bait. In the autumn months, roaches will peck better at dawn. A good bite can be observed until 10-11 am. Then the bite resumes at about 14:00. If the day turns out to be clear, then the bites will delight you until sunset.

Another thing is predatory fish! In October, the long-awaited autumn feeding of pike begins, which reaches its peak by the beginning of the next month. Other predators are also well caught: perch, pike perch, bersh and asp. The only exception is the catfish, which becomes more and more passive, and after a while stops pecking altogether...

  • Fishing for pike in October

Pike fishing in October is lucky not only for trophy fishermen, but also for the most ordinary fishermen. If you want to catch a big trophy, use big baits and you will be successful in pike fishing in October. Cool water and hot water activate the fish, so pike fishing in October becomes especially interesting. With the onset of October, pike, as a rule, stop feeding by the hour and are caught well all day, especially if the day is cloudy. Fishing for pike in October is productive with spoons, wobblers, and live bait. Use spinners for pike fishing in the fall: Norway, Baikal, Cascade, Spoon, Success. Also try catching pike with a silicone fish. Find the secrets in the article.
  • Fishing for perch in October

Perch fishing in October is considered one of the most exciting times. At this time he is quite active, but it is not so easy to find him. Catching perch in October also depends on the time of day. As a rule, you need to catch it from eight in the morning until sixteen in the evening. At this time, this predator is most active. With the onset of cold weather, the preferences of perch also change. Rotating spoons, which this predator caught well in the summer, are not very effective in October. At this time it is necessary to switch to oscillating spoons. In general, starting from October, it is necessary to choose baits that are designed for stepped retrieve. These can be twisters, various foam fish, ejector tails, jigs. The most effective is stepwise retrieving: after casting the bait, you need to wait until it sinks to the bottom, and only after that start retrieving, making a few turns, wait until the spoon sinks to the bottom again. And so on throughout the entire wiring.
  • Fishing for pike perch in October

In October, fishing for pike perch is quite productive and often pleases the angler with good trophies. Pike perch are active in October and eagerly take any bait. In mid-autumn, pike perch moves from shallow water to depth, gathering in small schools. It is better to look for pike perch in October in deep pools, near water structures. The best tackle for catching pike perch in October is a spinning rod. Using a spinning rod with various attachment options gives very good results. Pike perch can be caught in October using a spoon, jig or wobbler. In October, it is best to catch pike perch using jig baits. They are cheap, versatile and, when set correctly, make for very successful fishing. The jig is especially good where the bottom is uneven, snaggy, with many obstacles. Often in the fall, having caught pike perch from one place, you can successfully catch several more trophies.
  • Burbot fishing in October

To catch burbot in October, you can use not only a fishing rod, but also baits and hooks. Zerpitsy are especially popular among experienced fishermen due to their versatility. With their help, during the day you can hunt for other fish, for example, pike, and in the evening or at night, lowering the bait to the bottom, leaving a certain supply of fishing line and a signal flag, you can catch burbot. When catching burbot in October, it is necessary to take into account that after capturing prey, it does not swim away, like many other fish, but remains in place and slowly sucks it in. Then he swims away from this place, swallowing the fishing line, and eventually gets hooked. At the same time, it is quite difficult to catch burbot using live bait, since it practically does not reveal itself until it swallows the bait. That is why for fishing it is best to use not a fishing rod, but baits or hooks.
Fishing in October is varied and productive. Since this month is a time of changes that occur both in nature and in the habits of many species of fish and in fishing. At this time, leaves fall on the trees, and the first frosts occur in the morning. Rain and strong winds are common at this time of year, making fishing difficult. In reservoirs at this time, algae fall to the bottom, the water becomes colder and becomes clearer. The fish gradually begin to slide down to the depths, to their winter resting places. It is worth looking for fish in such places in October.

As you know, spinning fishing is especially productive in mid-autumn. Predatory fish become more active, sometimes in October the pike bite develops into a real autumn feast.

With the arrival of October, the fry moves away from the shore, and after it, pike, perch and pike perch go into the depths. The predator stands in ambush on dumps, edges, and in deep-sea snags. The most the best baits In October, all kinds of jig baits and wobblers with deep depth become available for spinning.

Pike in October

When fishing for pike in October, it is important not to go small with the size of the bait - the fish gains calories before a long winter, and therefore the predator chooses larger prey. By choosing a bait for pike of the appropriate size, you can become the owner of a real trophy in October!

In central Russia, pike is caught well in the fall almost everywhere, for example, in the Moscow region on the Oka River there are often cases of truly trophy specimens being caught in October. Anglers have also noticed that pike can gather in schools in October. And then from one place you can catch up to a dozen or more tails.

No less successful is fishing for pike during this period using live bait gear - float rods and circles. Sometimes on frosty days in the second half of October, fishing with this gear can be more successful than fishing with a spinning rod - during spinning fishing, the rings and braid freeze, which significantly complicates fishing.

Perch in October

Other predatory fish, especially perch and pike perch, are also well caught in October days. Perch responds well to small wobblers, as well as silicone baits on spaced mounting. It is successful to catch perch vertically with a vertical spoon, or to fish with a float rod for fry. For fishing, you should choose coastal dumps and edges, where in October, when the water gets colder, the whitebait, the usual food of perch, rolls down.

Sudak in October

October is the best month for fishing for large pike perch. Pike perch is active at this time and takes wobblers, silicone baits, foam fish, and oscillating spoons. It is no coincidence that in October many fishermen go to the Astrakhan region to get it.

October pike perch are successfully caught in the Lower Volga using both spinning and trolling with deep-sea wobblers. At this time, he hunts in deep holes, as well as near various water structures, such as bridges and crossings. When fishing for pike perch in October, it is imperative to check deep-sea edges and drop-offs into the riverbed, and pay attention to areas with an uneven bottom, snags and other obstacles.

Burbot in October

In central Russia, in the north and in Siberia, October begins to be very successful fishing for burbot. This cold-loving predator awakens from hibernation as the water gets colder and begins to actively feed and peck.

Burbot is caught with bottom fishing rods and hooks, looking for its camp sites and trails - habitats that are located under steep, washed-out banks with snags, on the edges, in quiet deep places bordering the current. To bait burbot in October, use a bunch of worms, live bait (minnows, ruffes, roaches, etc.), as well as pieces of these fish. Sometimes burbot prefers to peck on pieces of chicken liver and lung, chicken giblets. Classic fishing for burbot in October takes place at night; anglers bait and cast gear in the evening in the most promising places.

Som in October

Some fish species slow down their activity at the beginning of October, preparing for a long winter. Chub and ide are caught much worse at this time; they move to the pits and the catfish stop being caught. Although it happens that on quiet, warm October days, catfish show short-term activity and can be caught on the gear of spinners who are catching pike perch and pike in the pits at that time. There have been cases of catching trophy catfish in October on the Lower Volga and Don.

White fish in October

In October, roach, silver bream, rudd, bleak and other peaceful fish are well caught using float and bottom tackle. To search for white fish during this period on rivers and lakes, you should choose areas where the depth begins immediately from the shore. Vegetable baits for white fish in October work worse than a month ago, so to catch silver bream and roach you need to use worms, maggots, bloodworms and other bait of animal origin.

Fishing for white fish in October will be much more effective using bait. Only it should be lower in calories and must contain animal components. In October, you should not add a lot of odorous flavors to your bait, since in cold water strong odors can scare away the fish. It is much better to add small portions of food bloodworms, maggots, caster (pupated maggots), as well as cut worms to the bait.

Bream in October

Fishing for bream on a feeder can be very interesting in October. To do this, the fisherman needs to know the places where these fish gather, gathering for the winter. These are entrances and exits from pits, as well as dumps into the river bed.

When fishing on a feeder, you can attract bream to the fishing spot at this time of autumn only with bait with the addition of animal components, and for successful fishing you need to use the thinnest and most delicate gear possible. Since October bream, when fishing on a feeder, very carefully takes the bait on the hook, it is very difficult to see a careful bite.

Crucian carp, carp and carp in October

Every day in October the catch of crucian carp and crucian carp in ponds and lakes is getting worse. In the southern regions, on warm, sunny and windless October days, these fish can still be active, delighting fishermen with a good bite, for example, in Kuban, Rostov and Astrakhan regions. But in central Russia, and even more so in the North and Siberia, the colder the weather becomes in October, the less chance there is of catching crucian carp, carp and carp.

But there are also exceptions. Thus, in overpopulated reservoirs, small crucian carp can be successfully caught even in October. It remains active throughout the month until the onset of freeze-up. And if in October the reservoirs are covered with ice early, but the frosts are not severe, you can catch crucian carp using winter fishing rods.

First ice in October

In the northern regions and in Siberia, by the end of October, ice cover may be established on lakes and small rivers, and fishing from under the ice begins. The main objects of ice fishing in October are perch, pike, and roach. In stagnant bodies of water, immediately after freeze-up, a good rotan bite is observed. And a few days later

In general, fishermen consider October a good month for fishing, despite the peculiarities of autumn fishing, which may vary depending on the region where the reservoir is located. During this period, on warm days, some species of fish become active, for example catfish, white fish, carp, tench. As the weather gets colder, pike perch, asp, pike and other types of predatory fish become active.

With a decrease in temperature and the death of aquatic vegetation, the transparency of the water increases and the fish go deeper and become more cautious. In addition, October is characterized by a sharp drop in temperature. Ice may appear at the end of the month.

Fishing in October: what time of day to fish

On warm October days, the fish return to their summer camps. But, unlike the summer period, fishing in October does not require the angler to get up early. The bite begins around nine o'clock in the morning and lasts with varying success until sunset.

Fishing in October: what to feed the fish

Feeding the fishing spot increases the fishing efficiency, but it should be taken into account that summer bait is not suitable for fishing in October. Strong sweet aromas in the fall are more likely to deter fish rather than attract them. Autumn bait should have a faint aroma of “animal” origin. To create such a smell, you can use sprays that are based on an extract from a worm, maggot, mollusks or bloodworms. Good results are obtained by using dried blood, bone or fish meal. To make fishing in October successful, it is useful to add food bloodworms, maggots or chopped worms to the prepared bait.

Fishing in October: what fish are biting

In October, fishing for predators is most successful - pike or perch bite well. It should be noted that pike perch also bites well in October. In October, catfish can be caught using a donk, but you should not limit yourself to this gear when catching it. Fishing in October with a float rod and live bait can also be successful. Perch can be caught using mugs, a jig, or a float rod with bait in the form of a fry or a worm. Roach and silver bream also take well on float rods. If the weather is good, you can catch silver crucian carp and ruff with a worm or bloodworm. But the bite of chub and ide is gradually stopping. At the end of October it is almost impossible to catch an ide, unless by accident. But the burbot bites excellently at this time. It’s worth trying to catch dace with a float rod.

Fishing in October: catching bream

Speaking of white fish, we cannot ignore fishing for bream in October. At the beginning of the month, it is still successfully caught on riverbed edges and dumps. In summer, it is not uncommon to bite on bait falling to the bottom, but in October this will not happen, the fish will only take the bait lying on the bottom. Therefore, at this time it is advisable to use a plug rod, up to 16 meters long, to hold the bait at the feeding site. The main baits for fishing for bream in October can be considered a worm and bloodworm. As for maggots, in many reservoirs where bream pecked exclusively on this bait in the summer, it has now become inferior in catchability to worms and bloodworms. In reservoirs where there are large colonies of zebra mussels, bream feeds mainly on them. Accordingly, fishing for bream in October is necessary in such places. Starting from mid-October, the bream bite dies down.

Fishing in October: catching silver bream

Fishing for silver bream in October very much depends on the weather. Fishing for silver bream in October is most attractive in sunny, warm weather. This fish is caught at a depth of about 4-6 meters throughout almost the entire day. The silver bream is very similar to the white bream, which is why many fishermen often confuse them. This fish lives in deep and quiet places with a clay or silty bottom and warm water. In October, the silver bream needs to look closer to the wintering pits. It has already gathered in large flocks, so when fishing it is important to find a place where the flock is feeding - then success is guaranteed. It is better to start fishing for silver bream in October in the morning. Excellent baits for catching silver bream in October are dung worms, bloodworms, maggots, and insect larvae. Clay balls with the addition of various larvae, small pollen, and worms are used as bait.

Fishing in October: catching crucian carp

The crucian bite becomes unstable in October. However, many anglers consider October a great time to catch crucian carp in the fall. Fishing for crucian carp in October is more effective at a depth of 3 - 5 meters. The crucian carp begins to feed at about eleven o'clock. An effective and proven bait for catching crucian carp in October is bloodworms; you can also use a worm. It is better to use pearl barley as complementary food when fishing for crucian carp in October. But remember that crucian carp begin to eat much less at this time of year, so it is important that the bait does not turn into the main food. Fishing for crucian carp in October is carried out both from a boat and from the shore. In order to fish from the shore, the float rod should be up to 7 meters long, the float should weigh about 2 grams, it is advisable to use a long keel.

Fishing in October: catching roach

During the cold season, roaches gather in large flocks, preparing for the winter. Fishing for roach in October means searching in deep river holes where it lives at that time. It is worth paying attention to the area where smaller rivers and streams flow into the river; there, according to the observations of experienced fishermen, there must be large, fat roach. The baits should consist of an animal base: several maggots, a maggot with a crushed worm - a sandwich. You can also try a vegetable bait - canned corn, pearl barley and peas will not be out of place here. To catch roach in October, you must use bait. In the autumn months, roaches will peck better at dawn. A good bite can be observed until 10-11 am. Then the bite resumes at about 14:00. If the day turns out to be clear, then the bites will delight you until sunset.

Fishing in October: about predatory fish

Another thing is predatory fish! In October, the long-awaited autumn feeding of pike begins, which reaches its peak by the beginning of the next month. Other predators are also well caught: perch, pike perch, bersh and asp. The only exception is the catfish, which becomes more and more passive, and after a while stops pecking altogether...

Fishing in October: catching pike

Pike fishing in October is lucky not only for trophy fishermen, but also for the most ordinary fishermen. If you want to catch a big trophy, use big baits and you will be successful in pike fishing in October. Cool water and hot water activate the fish, so pike fishing in October becomes especially interesting. With the onset of October, pike, as a rule, stop feeding by the hour and are caught well all day, especially if the day is cloudy. Fishing for pike in October is productive with spoons, wobblers, and live bait. Use spinners for pike fishing in the fall: Norway, Baikal, Cascade, Spoon, Success. Also try catching pike with a silicone fish. For secrets on how to catch pike in October, when pike bite in October, what spinners and wobblers to use for catching pike in October, look in the articles in.

Fishing in October: catching perch

Perch fishing in October is considered one of the most exciting times. At this time he is quite active, but it is not so easy to find him. Catching perch in October also depends on the time of day. As a rule, you need to catch it from eight in the morning until sixteen in the evening. At this time, this predator is most active. With the onset of cold weather, the preferences of perch also change. Rotating spoons, which this predator caught well in the summer, are not very effective in October. At this time it is necessary to switch to oscillating spoons. In general, starting from October, it is necessary to choose baits that are designed for stepped retrieve. These can be twisters, various foam fish, ejector tails, and jigs. The most effective is step-by-step retrieving: after throwing the bait, you need to wait until it sinks to the bottom, and only after that start retrieving, making a few turns, wait until the spoon sinks to the bottom again. And so on throughout the entire wiring.

Fishing in October: catching pike perch

In October, fishing for pike perch is quite productive and often pleases the angler with good trophies. Pike perch are active in October and eagerly take any bait. In mid-autumn, pike perch moves from shallow water to depth, gathering in small schools. It is better to look for pike perch in October in deep pools, near water structures. The best tackle for catching pike perch in October is a spinning rod. Using a spinning rod with various attachment options gives very good results. Pike perch can be caught in October using a spoon, jig or wobbler. In October, it is best to catch pike perch using jig baits. They are cheap, versatile and, when set correctly, make for very successful fishing. The jig is especially good where the bottom is uneven, snaggy, with many obstacles. Often in the fall, having caught pike perch from one place, you can successfully catch several more trophies.

Fishing in October: catching burbot

To catch burbot in October, you can use not only a fishing rod, but also baits and hooks. Zerpitsy are especially popular among experienced fishermen due to their versatility. With their help, during the day you can hunt for other fish, for example, pike, and in the evening or at night, lowering the bait to the bottom, leaving a certain supply of fishing line and a signal flag, you can catch burbot. When catching burbot in October, it is necessary to take into account that after capturing prey, it does not swim away, like many other fish, but remains in place and slowly sucks it in. Then he swims away from this place, swallowing the fishing line, and eventually gets hooked. At the same time, it is quite difficult to catch burbot using live bait, since it practically does not reveal itself until it swallows the bait. That is why for fishing it is best to use not a fishing rod, but baits or hooks.

2 thoughts about “ Fishing in October: autumn fishing

    Fishing in October on the Volga
    Regardless of the time of year, the Volga delta has always been and remains the best for fishing. This is a huge expanse of water, replete with channels and small rivers, on which many buildings are built. fishing bases. It is here that a large fishing army flocks in the autumn to enjoy fishing before the end of the season. The lower reaches of the river are no less attractive for the fishing fraternity, especially the confluence of the Kama and the small reservoirs of the Akhtuba floodplain. The shallow waters of the Volga, which stretch for kilometers, are also famous for excellent fishing. Here, in areas overgrown with aquatic vegetation, you can successfully catch such common predators as pike and perch, and on the river spits there are always bream and other white fish, ready to pounce on the delicious bait.


    Fishing in October on Akhtuba
    This month - best time for catching pike perch. His zhor grows, becoming especially active towards the end of the period. You need to look for fish at depth, along riverbed edges, and in deep snags. Effective method fishing - trolling, it is on the “track” that there is a greater chance of catching a truly large specimen. Deep-sea large wobblers are used as bait. In “snagging” places, jig baits with non-snacking mounting are more profitable.

October is a wonderful time of the year. Sometimes it’s warm, sometimes it’s freezing at night, sometimes it’s raining and slushing. Nature is preparing for winter, and even aquatic plants cease their vital activity. And this immediately affects the fishing conditions.

It would seem that it makes no difference: the autumn zhor continues and it is not difficult to catch, but again this treacherous weather can make its own adjustments - either the fishing line will freeze, or the rings will ice over. But still, fishing in October is a wonderful thing.

Who and how is best to catch at this time?

Pike should be caught using oscillating spoons at great depths. You can also switch to circles or girdles. Fishing with a float rod and live bait also shows good results.

Having started fattening at the end of September, he is not going to stop in October. Therefore, it can be perfectly caught with a jig, mugs or float tackle - with a worm or fry.

Roach and silver bream also go well with worms, and in good weather you can even catch silver crucian carp or ruff. Doesn't work on a worm - try on a bloodworm. also bites, checked

Unlike other fish, burbot, as a good predator, is just beginning to be active. And if you can only catch an ide or chub in October by chance, then armed with a donkey and bait in the form of chicken giblets or gudgeon, you can secure a good catch of burbot. One of the bait options for this predator is frog or fish meat. By the way, a good catch will be at night in the depths, so it’s worth going fishing with a boat (for example,). walking fishing at the end of October, get ready for the fact that ice may already appear on the water, which means that the fish will go to depth.

At the end of October predators are perfectly caught using almost any bait for predatory fish. or perch will be perfectly caught on a donk, but you may not be able to pull it out with a donk, so you shouldn’t limit yourself to just this tackle, take it with you. At the end of October you can try to catch dace using a float rod. Just look, and the rudd bites - you won’t be left without a catch. A forest lake is ideal as a fishing spot, but small lakes or quiet rivers are also perfect. Well, if you decide

October is not the best time for fishing. And this is related to the weather: thick morning fogs do not allow you to see far, trees that have thrown off their leaves no longer hide the angler from the eyes of the fish at a time when the water has become as clear as possible. Cold, the presence of many cloudy days, rain - all this leads to despondency. And according to the fishing calendar for 2014, two events are expected this month that will significantly worsen the bite: a partial solar eclipse, as well as a lunar eclipse. What can an angler expect in October?

Features of October fishing

For the first one and a half to two weeks in October, the weather is still relatively warm, so the fishing process is not much different from September fishing. But mid-autumn is fraught with surprises: the temperature outside will drop sharply, frosts will begin in the morning, heavy and cold rains will begin, alternating with cloudy gloomy days. The colder it is outside, the clearer the water becomes due to the fact that single-celled algae that color the water green die. Together with them, underwater vegetation begins to fade and fall away.

The weather has a strong influence on the behavior of fish: during this period, the activity of peaceful representatives of the ichthyofauna begins to fade away completely: they can no longer be found on the shallows. They rush deeper into the wintering pits. Therefore, in October, oddly enough, the efficiency of fishing using feeder gear increases: with it you can make long and even ultra-long casts. But on warm days the fish still rise to the shallows. At the same time, the fisherman does not need to rush early in the morning to go fishing, since the bite begins later, and it lasts until sunset, albeit with varying success.

What fish and what to catch in September?

In mid-autumn, the fish begin to gather in schools, in which they travel to the wintering pits. At this time, bleak and gudgeon prefer to stay on the bottom covered with sand, bream and carp - on any hard bottom, and tench - on a muddy bottom, with a slight flow of water. In October you can count on a good catch of minnows, which you need to look for in shallow water. It bites on a worm or bloodworm, and it is best to catch it on a float rod with a small hook and a thin rod. As soon as the first frosts arrived, it was useless to look for gudgeons in the shallows - they sank to the bottom.

October is considered one of the best periods for fishing for pike perch in open waters. It loves a hard bottom, and it is better to look for it near underwater cliffs, in deep places in river channels. The peak of the bite occurs in the morning, but if the wind blows slightly, the bite is not bad in the daytime. For pike perch, take a spinning rod and fry with you. Of course, the folk fishing calendar states that pike perch can be caught using ordinary float gear, but it cannot be called catchy.

According to the fishing calendar, pike still continues to fatten, but it fattens exclusively at depth. During frosts, pike are excellently caught with a rod and circles using dead fish as bait: the fact is that in such weather the fishing line freezes on the spinning tackle, and the rings are covered with a small layer of ice. As for the chub, its bite is getting worse and worse, and the ide completely ceases to please with regular bites. Using a float rod for fry in mid-autumn, you can catch a perch using a vertical lure, and in warm weather in ponds and lakes, silver crucian carp or roach can bite on maggots and bloodworms. It is convenient to catch dace in the wiring.

Fishing gives excellent results if you change the hook to a jig. Feeding fish will help you increase your chances of a good catch. But it shouldn't be summer. In autumn, representatives of the ichthyofauna may be frightened by sweet aromas, since during this period they are only interested in food of animal origin. To give the bait the desired smell, it is enough to use special sprays made from extracts of bloodworms, maggots, mollusks and worms. To complementary foods allow you to get a rich catch, add fish or bone meal and dried blood to it.

Fishing October 1–7

The beginning of October, according to the lunar fishing calendar, promises to be quite a good time for going fishing. But along with the waning of the moon, the intensity of the bite decreases by the end of the first week of October. Predatory representatives of the ichthyofauna continue to feed the masses due to the attack of such peaceful fish species as bleak, ide and others that have not yet gone to winter in deep holes.

Thus, the fisherman can count on the following:

  • There will be no complete lack of biting during the period from October 1 to October 7;
  • A weak bite will be observed only at the end of the week: October 5–7;
  • A good bite will be observed for a little more than half of the week: from October 1 to October 4;
  • The moon does not allow the ichthyofauna to fatten in early October.
  • Pike;
  • Bleak.

The following will have a good bite:

  • Chub;
  • Yelets;
  • Ruff;
  • Burbot;
  • Pike perch;
  • Minnow;
  • Young bream.

The bite deteriorates in the following representatives of the ichthyofauna:

  • Guster;
  • Adult bream;
  • Asp;
  • Perch;
  • Roach.

If you believe the fishing calendar, then fishing for:

  • Carp;
  • Rudd;
  • Crucian carp.

Thus, the beginning of October is a fairly successful period for catching large predators. However, this does not apply to the perch, as it has become less active. And such peaceful fish as crucian carp, carp and rudd have already found wintering holes and are preparing for a long winter. But burbot activity is nearing its peak.

Fishing October 8–15

The second week of October is perhaps the best of all. Look at the lunar fishing calendar: The Moon already has little influence on the ichthyofauna, and its representatives awaken an appetite that reaches its climax, starting in the second half of the week and continuing until its end. However, the first days will be a real test for anglers: the bite will be sluggish, and the catch will not be rich. Thus:

  • There are no days when there is no bite at all;
  • A bad bite awaits you from the 8th to the 10th;
  • A good bite starts on the 11th;
  • From October 12 to 15, the fishing calendar encourages fishermen to enjoy their favorite pastime, because it’s time for the feast!

Zhor will be observed in:

  • Pike;
  • Bleak.

The following will take bait very well:

  • Chub;
  • Dace;
  • Burbot;
  • Zander;
  • Gudgeon;
  • Young bream.

But the bite decreases significantly along with the activity of:

  • Gusters;
  • Adult bream;
  • Asp;
  • Perch;
  • Roaches.

Well, just like during the first week, you shouldn’t try to catch:

  • Carp;
  • Rudd;
  • Crucian carp.

Mid-autumn, despite unfavorable weather, can please anglers with real trophies of pike, burbot and pike perch. The fishing calendar suggests that these are the last weeks when predators continue to lead an active lifestyle. Soon they will go to wintering pits, and it will be much more difficult to fish them out. And the gear will require completely different ones.

Fishing October 16–23

According to the lunar fishing calendar, this period for fishing in October is one of the most unfavorable. Although the beginning of the week may be quite successful, since the new moon is not so close yet. But at the end of the week, and especially on the eve of the new moon itself, no bite is expected. Therefore, you should not waste this time in vain searching for promising places and the fishing process itself: during this period the fish are not looking for something to eat. Thus:

  • According to the fishing calendar, complete lack of bite will be observed for three days: 21, 22 and 23;
  • A bad bite is expected on the 19th and 20th;
  • October 18 may offer a good bite;
  • October 16 and 17 are the time of zhora.

In mid-October, fishing is successful for:

  • Bleak.

A fairly good bite will differ from:

  • Burbot;
  • Dace;
  • Young bream.

And the following representatives of the ichthyofauna will have a bad bite:

  • Roach;
  • Guster;
  • Chub.

And the bite completely died down:

  • Pike;
  • Pike perch;
  • Carp;
  • Rudds;
  • crucian carp;
  • Asp;
  • Perch;
  • Line;
  • Bream.

Despite the fact that mid-October is an excellent time for fishing, very limited species of fish will bite. Predators such as pike perch and pike cease to be active, and their bites at this time can be purely random. And due to the new moon, which takes place on October 24, all fish stop biting, starting on the 21st.

Fishing October 24–31

The last days of October are not the best period for fishing, but not the worst either compared to the previous week. According to the lunar fishing calendar, on the day of the new moon, as well as for the next 24 hours, the fish will still be under the strong influence of the Moon. Therefore, the week begins sadly for fishermen. But after that, the fish regains a strong appetite. Thus, the fisherman's lunar calendar states that:

  • The fish will not bite only on the 24th and 25th;
  • There will be no days with a bad bite;
  • A good bite begins in the second half of the week: from October 27, and it ends only on the 31st;
  • Zhor will come only on October 26th.

At the end of the month, peak activity is observed in the following fish:

  • Bleak.

Less activity is observed in:

  • Ruff;
  • Burbot;
  • Yelets;
  • Young bream.

The following will take the bait poorly:

  • Chub;
  • Roach;
  • Guster.

And the following representatives of the ichthyofauna have already accumulated enough fat reserves to successfully endure the harsh and long winter:

  • Pike;
  • Zander;
  • Carp;
  • Rudd;
  • crucian carp;
  • Asp;
  • Perch;
  • Tench;

In October there are both successful and unsuccessful fishing days. However, it is always worth considering individual biting factors together to get a more complete picture. So, according to signs, compare the fishing calendar with lunar calendar, as well as with a local fish-biting calendar compiled by a local and experienced fisherman. When you choose the time to go fishing, do not forget to pay attention to your clothes: they should be warm and dry. After all, in October there can be many unpleasant surprises regarding the weather.