The best beaches near Hanoi. The best beaches near Hanoi Popular resort in Vietnam

We describe and compare the best resorts and beaches in Vietnam - well-known and not so well-known. Reviews from tourists and personal experience from traveling around the country. Map of Vietnam in Russian with resorts. Choose where it is better to go on vacation!

What resorts in Vietnam can you have a good rest? Let's try to figure it out by looking at the most popular tourist destinations in the country.

Vietnam resorts:

Nha Trang

When to go. Best place to relax in Nha Trang in the spring And in summer. The rainy season begins in October - strong winds blow and the sea is rough. In winter it can be uncomfortable because of the waves, but they are not always there. We vacationed in winter - this is a great time for excursions and trips around the surrounding area!

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Cam Ranh

Cam Ranh is a small seaside village located in the bay of the same name. The most famous beach is Bai Zai; people often come here from neighboring Nha Trang.

The beach is only 30 meters wide, but very long, with fine sand and a gentle entrance. There are restaurants and hotels on the shore; on the beach you can rent a sun lounger with an umbrella and go water skiing.

When to go. The climate is the same as in Nha Trang, so come in spring and summer.

Phu Quoc

Where is it better to go to Vietnam if you want peace? beach holiday? Phu Quoc Island is a quiet resort, a diving and snorkeling center. , interesting undersea world, clean water and warm climate. The infrastructure is actively developing, but there is no nightlife and few attractions. Although, which will not leave you indifferent.

Mui Ne and Phan Thiet

The narrow 17-kilometer resort area between Phan Thiet and the fishing village of Mui Ne is simply called Mui Ne. This is a jumble of hotels, souvenir shops, bokeh (seafood cafes), travel agencies and pharmacies. Most hotels are located on the first line. Best beaches busy expensive hotels, worse areas - budget ones. We didn't like the beaches of Mui Ne - they were mostly dirty. There are shallow waters and waves everywhere, so you can’t swim. But there are interesting sights in the area: red and white dunes, Fairy Creek.

When to go. There are no strong climatic swings here, as in northern resorts Vietnam. However, it is best to rest during the dry period - from November to April. Strong winds blow most of the time, so kiters and surfers love this place. They prefer to vacation from January to March, when the sea waves are high. From April to the end of autumn the sea becomes a little calmer.


This resort in Vietnam is almost unknown among Russians (everyone goes to Nha Trang, Mui Ne and Phu Quoc), the Vietnamese vacation here. The city is large and modern, with spacious streets and not too dense traffic, so it is convenient to learn to ride a bike.

The best beaches in Da Nang with white sand and a gentle entrance to the sea are Bac My An and My Khe. Admission is free, the infrastructure is quite developed. The shoreline is wide and long, you can collect a lot of beautiful shells.

A small minus is the distance from the center tourist area. There are no large supermarkets on the coast. There are no city buses; you need to go to the center by bike or taxi.

When to go. The high season is short - it’s better to relax from April to June, when it is already quite warm and the waves on the sea are low. It rains from summer until the end of the year, and the winds are fierce in winter. We vacationed in Da Nang in winter: the city and the beach were deserted, but it had its own charm. A strong wind was blowing, they were rising on the sea big waves, a red flag was displayed on the beaches, and sometimes it drizzled. IN low season Almost all cafes in the tourist zone are closed, and sometimes it’s not easy to find inexpensive food: the Vietnamese, seeing lonely tourists, raise prices.

If you are looking for the best place to relax in Vietnam with children, then pay attention to Hoi An - the entrance to the sea is gentle there. The best beach is An Bang (the other, Cua Dai, was destroyed by sea erosion and is being restored). Beaches with fine light sand and in some places developed infrastructure. Parking is paid.

Hoi An has beautiful ancient architecture. It is convenient to visit the Marble Mountains from the city - for example, we went there by bicycle (rental costs only $1 per day).

Of the minuses - Hoi An is located on the river, and you need to drive several kilometers to the nearest beach. Tourists prefer to live near the Old Town, although they can also live by the sea.

When to go. Best time - from February to May. In autumn, hurricanes rage and floods occur.

Ha Long

Beach holidays in Vietnam are also possible in the bay of the same name in Ha Long. The beaches on the islands are mostly made of imported sand, and the water is often muddy, but most tourists come here to admire the wonderful islands.

In the city of Halong itself there is not much to do, except stroll along the beautiful embankment with gorgeous views of the bay, watch the inhabitants of the floating villages, admire the sunsets and climb the Bai Tu Mountain of the Poets, from where a panorama of the city and the bay opens.

When to go. The best time for excursions is from December to the end of May when dry and warm, for a beach holiday - in April, May, September and October. The rainy season is from June to September. We lived in Halong in January, and although the sun was often warm, the cold wind did not allow the thought of a beach holiday.


A picturesque green island located in the bay of Ha Long Bay, the largest in the archipelago. The beaches are most often nondescript with yellowish-brown sand, but clean, without trash or algae. The main attractions for tourists at the resort are island cruises and excursions to the local national park.

When to go. Cat Ba is stormy in summer, so it's better to relax in autumn.

This is a small seaside town with a densely built-up coastal strip and oil production enterprises. The city has beaches - narrow, with muddy and foamy water due to the close proximity to the Mekong and strong winds.

The infrastructure is developed: there are restaurants, hotels, entertainment, shops. However, even locals prefer Long Hai or Mui Ne, where the beaches are better. If you just need a good beach holiday, it’s better to go to the popular resorts of Vietnam: Phu Quoc, Nha Trang, Mui Ne or Da Nang.

When to go. From November to April. In winter there are high waves, which are popular with kiters. The rainy season is from May to October.

(Photo © vitieubao /

The island is good for secluded recreation and ecotourism, it is called the best resort in Vietnam for diving. There are unique species of plants and animals here, such as sea cows and green turtles.

Tourist infrastructure is poorly developed, there are no large shopping centers and few hotels. The island itself is rocky, most of the coastline is steep. In the eastern part of the island there are several sandy beaches, all sparsely populated and semi-wild.

When to go. Ideal time for a beach holiday in Con Dao from December to April, for diving - from February to July.

(Photo © khoibinh / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Map of Vietnam resorts in Russian

For your convenience, we have compiled a map of all popular resorts in Vietnam.

Where is the best place to go on holiday in Vietnam?

Each resort in Vietnam is good in its own way. Thirsty for new experiences and active entertainment It's worth going to Nha Trang, Ha Long, Hoi An and Da Nang. The islands are suitable for lovers of natural attractions and diving. For a holiday with children in Vietnam, it is better to choose resorts with good hotels 4-5* and entertainment options are Phu Quoc, Hoi An and Nha Trang.

If you have decided where it is better to go on holiday to Vietnam, we advise you to find out when is the best time to fly there?.

Located on the banks of the Red River. This city is one of the most attractive options for curious tourists who visit Asian countries every year.

Despite the city's location on the river, the beach coast is located at a considerable distance from Hanoi. To relax on the surrounding beaches, you need to travel about 100 kilometers or more.

People visiting Hanoi to swim in the ocean waters and sunbathe on the beach should choose one of the best and most popular beaches in the city's surroundings.

REFERENCE! Each beach has its own characteristics, stands out for its natural scenery and has its own infrastructure.

These include the Do Son beach complex, Thing Long beach, the city of Bai Chay, the islands of Tuan Chau and Cat Ba, the famous Halong Bay, as well as the beach complexes of the cities of Dashon and Sham Son.

Do Son

The length of the beach strip called Do Son is 22.5 km away. In the summer, there are quite a lot of locals and Vietnamese tourists on this beach. Pleasant fine sand and sandalwood trees growing along the river, mountain landscapes and pine hills attract everyone who wants to relax and refresh in the river waters.

IMPORTANT! The salt level in the river at Do Son beach is considered almost ideal: in such water the skin is protected from sunburn, so you can swim in it even on a hot afternoon.

In addition, the beach complex has a rapidly developing infrastructure. Each visitor to “Do Son” can, if desired,:
  • taste fresh seafood at a nearby restaurant;
  • buy delicious food and enjoy a meal right on the coast;
  • visit the casino and test your luck.

Thing Long

Another beach in the vicinity of Hanoi, Thing Long, is not particularly large; its length is only 3 km. However, the soft sand and casuarina trees framing the entrance to the clear waters of the ocean do not leave the area unnoticed by tourists.

It is Thing Long, located in the village of Nha Trang, that is famous for the incomparable scenery of the Vietnamese coast.

Since this sandy corner is not influenced by hot Asian winds, the climatic conditions on the beach are especially favorable for relaxation. The summer breeze creates light waves that delight everyone who wants to surf, and also saves from the baking sun.

Thing Long does not have a developed infrastructure, but every beach visitor has the opportunity to spend time usefully. Among the species active rest available:

  • canoe rental, where you can view the rocky coast;
  • fishing, with which tourists will be happy to help local residents from nearby fishing villages.

Bai Chay City

The Bai Chay beach complex, located in the city of the same name, is located near the world famous Ha Long Bay. Hundreds of tourists visit the place every year.

The Bai Chay coast features well-groomed sandy beaches located near rocky mountains and cliffs. Transparent water and picturesque landscapes, practically untouched by human hands, remain forever in the memory of every beach visitor.

Despite the natural beauty of the coast, opportunities for active recreation are provided for everyone thanks to the developed infrastructure of the town:

  • rental of water skis, surfboards, canoes;
  • Hoang Gia Park with scenic attractions;
  • a royal water park equipped with various attractions for adults and children;
  • night market, where you can purchase useful and memorable souvenirs.

Tuan Chau Island

Tuan Chau Beach, like the entire island with the same name, where the sandy strip is located, attracts not only tourists and travelers.

On the coast there are modern equipped villas for a luxurious holiday for residents and guests of Vietnam.

The beach strip of Tuan Chau is quite wide, it has all the conditions for a comfortable stay for visitors.

The resort town has opened a shopping and entertainment complex for tourists who come every year, where visitors have the opportunity to watch marine animals - seals, dolphins - any day.

Laser shows are also regularly held and film screenings are broadcast. Elite restaurants will allow every guest to enjoy exotic cuisine.
Tuan Chau Beach itself will interest all nature lovers, as on its territory there are:

  • Botanical Garden;
  • marine wildlife center;
  • tourist offices providing the opportunity to visit Ha Long Bay.

Cat Ba Island

The Cat Ba beach complex on the island of the same name consists of several strips of sand on the coast of Ha Long Bay, connected by a cliff. Tourists have the opportunity to walk throughout the island and refresh themselves in the cool and clean water.

There are enough places on the island that allow travelers to feel comfortable. Hotels, elite restaurants, cafes and bars have been built near the beaches. In addition, everyone has the opportunity to use cozy chalets and comfortable bungalows, which will make their romantic holiday unforgettable.

Ha Long Bay

The well-known Ha Long Bay itself is also an excellent option for spending time on the sandy beaches. This corner of Vietnam is one of the most beautiful natural places planets.

Clear waters, soft sand, tropical islands and rocky mountains await all travelers and beach lovers.

Each beach complex has new infrastructure, which allows guests to:

  • rent a boat and see pictures created by nature;
  • test yourself in diving;
  • go on excursions to the most famous corners of the planet - Halong Bay, a floating village;
  • try local seafood delicacies.

Coastal zone of Dashon and Shamshon

Among the less popular places on the coast of Vietnam, but also worthy of the attention of beach tourists, it is worth paying attention to the cities of Da Son and Sham Son.

Dashon - resort area, where the beach complexes are equipped with everything necessary: ​​every visitor can take advantage of the rental of umbrellas, sun loungers and various types of river transport. Near the beaches there are bars, restaurants and cafes familiar to residents of megacities.

Shamshon - a small port city, often neglected by travelers. However, visitors to the beaches of Sham Son will forever remember their clear water and picturesque nature. The sand strips are well-groomed and preserved, the level of ecology of the coast is also at a high level.


Enjoy the stunning scenery of Vietnamese beaches:

How to get there?

The beach towns around Hanoi are quite far away, the road to them takes from 2 to 5 hours.

The Do Son beach, famous among Vietnamese residents and tourists, is 105 km from industrial Hanoi. At the same time, 20 km from the coast there is a large city of one million people, Haiphong, through which it is recommended to get to the beach.

ATTENTION! Tourists have the opportunity to use public transport - a bus or a taxi - to get from Hanoi to Haiphong, then rent a vehicle there and go straight to the beach.

Thing Long is located closer - the beach is only 80 km from Hanoi. The best option travel - in a rented car with a driver who knows the way to Nha Trang village. An alternative budget way to travel is to rent a motorcycle or scooter, which you should use to get there yourself, armed with a map or navigator.

To the small town of Bai Chay, the road from the capital of Vietnam stretches about 100 km in the northeast direction. You can also get there using local transport - bus, taxi, rented car or motorcycle.

Tuan Chau is located 160 km east of Hanoi. The beaches of the resort town can be reached by any land transport, you just need to prepare in advance for a fairly long journey.

IMPORTANT! Halong is regularly served by tourist and public transport from Hanoi, as the bay is one of the world's attractions, visited by thousands of travelers every year. You can visit the Ha Long Islands using the services of travel companies offering excursions to them.

Da Son town is located 3 hours drive (approximately 200 km) from Hanoi, as is Chamshon town. You can get to them using the services of a comfortable public transport, going directly to the cities, or a taxi.

Video review

Look interesting video video about the bay and Halong beach:

Beach holidays are not common in Hanoi, but in its surroundings everyone has a chance to soak up the sun and plunge into clear ocean water. It is important to calculate the time and choose the most convenient travel option, then your vacation on the coast of Vietnam will forever remain in your memory.

Vietnam today is one of the most popular destinations international tourism. Although just a few years ago it did not enjoy such success among domestic tourists. What attracts crowds of travelers to mysterious Vietnam? Descriptions of resorts will help answer this question. Let's consider the most interesting places for recreation, so that you can decide on the direction and time of the trip.

Maritime Vietnam

Descriptions of resorts on the coast will help you make your choice. Beaches are located in almost all parts of this amazing country. Resorts in northern Vietnam are represented by the cities of Traco, Thanh Hoa, Ha Long and Mong Cai. The central part is famous for such places as Da Nang, Phan Thiet, Hoi An, Lang Co, Mui Ne and Sham Son. To the south are Ha Tien, Phu Quoc and Phan Rang. A diverse country - Vietnam. Descriptions of the resorts will be below.

In order to properly plan your vacation, you should consider climatic features Vietnam. Unique natural conditions countries make its resorts accessible to tourists almost all year round. The fact is that in Vietnam, like in any other Asian country, there is a rainy season. But if it rains heavily in one part of the country, it usually shines in another bright sun. In the northern part of Vietnam it rains from May to October. This part of the country is not suitable for winter holiday, since the change in weather is especially noticeable here. In winter, the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees.

In central Vietnam, the rainy season lasts until December. At this time it is better to refrain from traveling in this direction, as central part most prone to typhoons.

Southern Vietnam is considered the most favorable for recreation. Its resorts are the most popular and receive tourists almost all year round. Despite the fact that it also rains here, it is short-lived. Popular resorts in Vietnam are located in the southern part of the country.

Russian-speaking Nha Trang

This is a small town in the south of the country. It is considered the main resort, as it is especially popular among tourists. Here are the best beaches, exciting entertainment, interesting sights and excellent developed infrastructure. Russian tourists especially like this resort. Locals here speak Russian quite well, and some cafes even have menus in Russian. You can often see Russian-language signs on the streets. Almost all local residents are busy serving tourists. The sea in Nha Trang is clean, the beaches are regularly cleaned. The surrounding area of ​​Nha Trang is famous for its islands and coral reefs. Island beaches are strewn with pebbles or coarse sand. This is a great place for those who like to explore the underwater depths, and for those who just like to lie under an umbrella on sea ​​coast.

in Nha Trang

The best resorts in Vietnam offer clear seas, gentle sunshine and excellent beaches. Nha Trang combines all these components.

The most popular beach is the city one. Here you can use sun loungers and umbrellas, enjoy refreshing drinks in the bars and have a snack in the cafe. Local residents sometimes bring various goods and food for sale. To use a sun lounger for free, you must buy something from a bar or cafe. Due to the huge number of visitors, the beach is a bit dirty. In winter there are strong waves here.

No less popular is Tran Pu Beach, located in the southern part of Nha Trang. The beach has good infrastructure. It is surrounded by restaurants, hotels and shops. The beach is divided into three parts with a total length of 6 km. There are several diving clubs here where you can rent equipment for water skiing or scootering.

Bai Dai Beach is located 20 km from Nha Trang. This is one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam. It is not crowded, which allowed it to preserve its pristine beauty. White sand and crystal clear water - business card beach

Nha Trang is famous not only for its beaches. There are many attractions here that tell about the history of these places and ancient culture. Tourists can admire the local natural resources and also explore animal world. South Vietnam is exceptionally good; its resorts are distinguished by picturesque landscapes and excellent climate.

What to do in Nha Trang?

Those who vacation with children or simply love fun activities should go to Vinpearl Land Park, which occupies an area of ​​200 thousand square meters. km. It consists of a water park, beach, attractions, slot machines, cinema, carousel and aquarium. It is better to purchase a map upon entry, otherwise you may miss something interesting. This is the best place to relax with children. The park is located on the territory of Hon Che Island, and you can get there by cable car 50 meters high. You can also go by boat.

Historical sights of Nha Trang

Connoisseurs of culture and relaxing holiday can visit Long Son Pagoda. The temple was built in late XIX centuries, but a strong storm completely destroyed it. The remains of the pagoda were transported to safety and restored. Monks live on the territory of the pagoda. This is a place of amazing beauty. It is also notable for the fact that at the top of the mountain, to which 150 steps lead, there is a majestic statue of the sleeping Buddha. Visiting the pagoda is free, but local scammers can scam you out of money by selling tickets.

The historical sights of Nha Trang are represented by Po Nagar. Unfortunately, today only 4 of the 8 towers remain. The towers are temple sites, since each of them houses a Buddhist or Hindu deity. Entrance to the temple is inexpensive. You can visit it from 6.00 to 18.00.

There is an unusual island near Nha Trang. It is home to more than 1,500 monkeys. The island has developed infrastructure. There are cafes, shops, and a beach. Tourists can enjoy an unforgettable show with monkeys and bring gorgeous photographs from the island.

Southern resorts are the most hospitable. At this time it is relatively dry and warm here.

Phan Thiet

The best resorts in Vietnam are located in the south of the country. The city of Phan Thiet is rightfully considered one of them. It ranks second in popularity among tourists. This place is very attractive for those who love the warm sea and moderate sun. There are many hotels along the entire coast of Phan Thiet, welcoming guests of different income levels. The city, which is famous for its seafood, has an unusually beautiful river flowing into the sea. A small bridge divides the city into two parts.

Sights of Phan Thiet

Beach holidays in Phan Thiet can be diversified with a cultural program. There are not many attractions here, but there are still a few interesting places.

7 km from the city is temple complex Cham Towers. These places are sacred, since Shiva was worshiped here back in the 18th century. The towers are made in the style of Indian architecture. Inside one of the towers there is an altar to Shiva. This place is popular with locals.

All guests of the city should definitely visit the Red Stream, which is also called the fairy stream. This is unique nature reserve extraordinary beauty. The stream flows through thickets of reeds and bamboo along the canyon. There is a small picturesque waterfall on the territory.

In the vicinity of Phan Thiet, it is worth admiring the red and white dunes. You can not only walk along them, but also ride down the hills on a special sled.

Not far from the resort there is a small island with a lighthouse on the cliff. It was built back in the 19th century by the French. At the top of the lighthouse is Observation deck, offering picturesque views of the coast and sea. This is the most beautiful and largest lighthouse in Vietnam.

Resorts of Vietnam: reviews

Vietnam is very popular among Russian-speaking tourists. This country is considered quite cheap, but at the same time luxurious in terms of service and natural resources. Some people prefer to visit resorts in Vietnam exclusively. The prices here are reasonable, and the quality of relaxation is high. The only drawback that confuses travelers is the rainy season. But if you choose the right time to rest, these inconveniences can be avoided. According to guests of the country, it has everything that is necessary to please holidaymakers. Sea, sun, beautiful beaches, interesting places, and, most importantly, friendly locals who are happy to speak Russian if necessary. Tourists recommend Vietnam to everyone. The description of the country's resorts in the article will help you make a choice.

For domestic tourists, Vietnam still remains unknown and exotic country. Many of us have heard about it, but not everyone knows what to see in Vietnam and how to relax. the site will tell you about the features of this country, we will try to show you the best in Vietnam, starting from cultural heritage and ending with beautiful beaches.

Sights of Vietnam

Like any other tourist country, Vietnam is divided into resort areas. The most popular places include the following cities: cities - Hanoi, Hue, Danang, Hoi An, Nha Trang, Dalat, Phan Thiet, island - Phu Quoc. According to tourists, the best thing about Vietnam is the peaceful hospitality of the local people, who are very warm towards tourists, magnificent beaches and the sea, as well as ancient architectural monuments. Let's consider each resort separately so that you can form your own idea of ​​​​a holiday in Vietnam.

Holidays in Hanoi

We started our story from the city of Hanoi, as it is the capital of Vietnam. It is the second largest industrial city in the country. As in many megacities (the population in Hanoi is 6.5 million people), a tourist will be faced with the bustle of the city, an abundance of cars and a frantic rhythm. This place is not intended for a beach holiday, so Hanoi is rarely recommended for a long stay. In fact, there are not that many attractions here. A couple of days will be enough to get around the entire city.

In Hanoi you will encounter a struggle between two cultures - West and East. It is not surprising to see chic areas with skyscrapers in Hanoi and narrow and poor neighborhoods nearby. But the local flavor is enough to make you remember Vietnam for a very long time. Of course, this feature cannot but amaze. Holidays in Hanoi include visiting temples, museums, opera, theaters and parks.

The most famous attractions of this city: Quan Thanh Temple, pottery village, Snake and Silk villages, Hanoi Museum, the dam on Tran Quang Khai Street, the remains of an ancient defensive system.

architectural sights of Hanoi

Holidays in Hue

Hue is also one of the most significant cities in Vietnam in every sense. From 1802-1945, Hue was the capital of the country, ruled by the Nguyen dynasty of emperors. The city is located in the very center of Vietnam. But again, you won’t find a beach holiday here. Your stay in Hue is educational and excursion in nature. Rest in the city involves visiting the following places: the Royal fortress and palace, the Arena for tiger fights, the Imperial tombs, National Park Bach Ma (Bachma), of the Forbidden Purple City.

Thien Mu Pagoda in Hue

Holidays in Da Nang

For lovers of sun, air and beach holidays, Da Nang will become a cherished paradise. It is in this city that the best sea in Vietnam and the famous China Beach, loved by vacationers for its delicate and fine sand, are located. Da Nang is the fourth largest city in the country, here you will find everything for both luxury and budget holiday. International surfing competitions are held annually at China Beach.

In addition to the sea and sand, you should also see the cultural attractions of Da Nang, namely: Hai Van Pass, Marble Mountains and nearby villages.

bridge in Da Nang

Holidays in Hoi An

25 kilometers north of Da Nang is the museum city of Hoi An. It is here, and nowhere else, that the atmosphere has been preserved as it was during the reign of the last dynasty of Vietnam. Since those times, little has changed and local residents are making every effort to keep it that way. UNESCO has included Hoi An in its list of protected architectural sites in the world. This city is one of the most favorite destinations for tourists who want to fully immerse themselves in the country's culture. In a word, Hoi An is an open-air museum.

Another important advantage of this place is that the most picturesque and beautiful beaches Vietnam. The beaches of Hoi An are very close to the city center, so many tourists can easily get there by rented bicycles or motorcycles. In addition, a free city bus goes to the beaches. The beaches are very uncrowded, but their quality is excellent. There are fashionable hotels along the coastline.

Paradise Island Hoi An

Holidays in Nha Trang

Nha Trang is one of the most ancient resorts in Vietnam. Not only visiting tourists, but also the residents of the country themselves love to relax here. Nha Trang is a fishing town with a large port. This is where you can enjoy a beach holiday; the length of Nha Trang beaches is 6 kilometers. The entire coastal area is strewn with white sand and coconut palms. Sea lovers will certainly like this resort, as there are small but picturesque coral reefs here. Most often, vacationers combine swimming in the sea and sunbathing with visiting cafes and restaurants, of which there are a large number.

Nha Trang embankment

Holidays in Dalat

Dalat is a very interesting and unique place in Vietnam. There are no beaches or attractions here. But every tourist who has visited here cannot forget the atmosphere of this place. Dalat is very different from other parts of the country: it is very clean, there is no fuss and no annoying merchants and taxi drivers. Vacationers are treated with reverent respect. But the nature of Dalat amazes with its beauty and primitiveness. Most often, tourists rent bicycles and take walks along mountain trails. For lovers of walking and a relaxing holiday, this place will be just right.

unusual nature of Vietnam

Holidays in Phan Thiet

Phan Thiet is located in the very south of the country. The best in Vietnam for a family holiday can be found here. A stay in the resort of Phan Thiet, in particular the town of Mui Ne, involves a beach holiday with beautiful snow-white beaches. Mui Ne Beach is considered the most popular among Russian tourists. Even local restaurants and bars already have menus in Russian. Throughout the entire length of the Mui Ne resort there are hotels of different levels. Therefore, Phan Thiet is one of the most comfortable and family-friendly cities.

one of the most famous resorts Vietnam

Holidays on Phu Kok Island

Phu Coc Island is the largest in all of Vietnam. People come here in search of a relaxing beach holiday, but the resort areas are equipped a little differently than in Fañete. The nature here is also distinguished by its primitiveness, little has been touched, so you have the opportunity to admire the island’s beauty, untouched human hand. Most often, in addition to staying near the Gulf of Thailand, tourists like to go hiking in the jungle under the supervision of a local guide. Few people know that Phu Kok also has a second name - “Pearl Island”, and it received it due to the fact that the largest pearl farm in the country is located here. You can buy pearls for mere pennies right on the beach.

Phu Kok Island

Divers will especially love this resort. The rich underwater world and picturesque corals are the best attractions in Vietnam for connoisseurs of living marine nature.

Do Son Beach

Do Son is one of the popular beaches among local tourists in northern Vietnam, 20 km southwest of Haiphong city and 105 km east of Hanoi. The Do Son Peninsula, located on ancient continent, stretches 22.5 km along the coast from the mouth of the Cam River to the mouth of the Van Uc River.

Do Son Beach is often crowded in summer local tourists. From September to April next year, Do Son returns to its original beauty, with coastline 2,450 meters long, filled with fine sand, shaded by thousands of sandalwood trees, surrounded by mountains and pine hills. Do Son Beach seems ideal for visitors. Interestingly, the water here has the right level of salt to protect your skin from sunburn when you swim, even at midday.

At Do Son Beach, in addition to swimming and water sports, don't miss the fresh seafood. Near the beach there is good restaurants. IN Lately More resorts and casinos are opening to meet tourist demand.

Thin Long Beach

Thin Long - new beach in Hai Hau, Nam Dinh Province, which has only recently become popular. The beach features 3km of soft sandbanks and a casuarina forest that lines the entrance to the sparkling blue ocean.

The scenery at Thinh Long is unmatched by other beaches along the northern Vietnam coast, thanks to its unspoiled beauty and clear waters. Thinh Long is lucky in that it is not affected by the notoriously hot winds from Laos, so the weather is cooler, with a light but pleasant breeze providing relief from the scorching sun. The beach also has large but soft waves that make Thinh Long great place in order to learn to surf.

If you're not into just sunbathing, you can rent a canoe to paddle along the shore and explore the rocky islands off the coast. There are professional fishing villages on each side of the beach where the locals will be happy to show you their way of life.

The best way to get to Thinh Long Beach is to rent a car with an experienced driver. You can also go by motorcycle. From Hanoi, take National Highway 1A and then Highway 21 to reach Nam Dinh, 80 km from Hanoi.

Bai Chay Beach

Bai Chay is a coastal town located about 100 km northeast of Hanoi, attracting huge crowds in the summer. It is also the closest beach to the famous Ha Long Bay. There are many resorts, seafood restaurants and beach activities such as jet skiing, surfing and canoeing.

For those who want to not only sunbathe on the beach, but also see the sights, Bai Chay Beach has Hoang Gia Park, Royal Water Park and Halong Night Market.

Tuan Chau Beach

Tuan Chau Beach on the island of the same name boasts modern villas, stylish upscale restaurants and options for travelers looking to enjoy a luxury holiday outside of Hanoi.

In that resort town, located 160 km east of the Vietnamese capital, is also home to one of the largest entertainment complexes in Southeast Asia, where visitors can watch dolphins and seals, laser light shows and films daily. Tuan Chau Beach also has a huge botanical garden and marine wildlife center, and tour companies offering day trips to the famous Ha Long Bay.

Cat Ba Island

Cat Ba Island is one of the many islets in the UNESCO-listed Ha Long Bay, and almost every tour company offers boat trips there. Although it's full of ordinary tourist places(such as hotels, restaurants and bars), you can still find several sandy beaches along east coast city ​​Cat Ba.

Cat Co One and Cat Co Three beaches are connected by a cliff, which is great for day walks, and Cat Co Two Beach has a variety of bungalows and chalets that are ideal for a romantic getaway.