French Guiana. School encyclopedia Population of French Guiana

Cayenne is the capital of French Guiana, which is an overseas department of France. About fifty thousand residents live here.

The year of foundation is considered to be 1664. Cayenne is famous place export of cayenne pepper.

From the 18th to the 20th centuries it served as a place of political exile.

It was believed that here the exile had the least chance of survival due to the tropical climate and various diseases.

But today this place is very popular among a large number of tourists from almost all over the world.


The city is located on the banks of the Cayenne River, as well as right on the coast Atlantic Ocean. The distance from Paris to Cayenne is 7,100 km.

The city is the main port of the country of Guiana, playing an important role in international trade with South and North America, as well as Europe. The area of ​​the capital Collery is industrial.

It houses all the most important processing and manufacturing enterprises in key sectors of the country's economy.
For example, here is produced:

  • leather and wood are processed,
  • shrimp production and fishing are developed, etc.

In the central areas of the capital there are a large number of service enterprises, a couple of markets, cafes, shops, hotels, restaurants.

Also located here are the offices of large banking institutions and international companies, for example, an airline Air France, BNP Paribas bank.

Other important objects are concentrated in Cayenne, including the Regional Assembly of French Guiana, the Prefecture of French Guiana, and the Regional Council of French Guiana.

The President also lives and works in the capital.

Six cantons include Cayenne. The agglomeration is divided into several districts, including the City Center, Northern Suburbs, Southern Suburbs, Northern Periphery, Southwestern Quarters, and Southern Periphery.

The municipal council and the mayor govern the capital, and the councilor general is the first person in the cantons.

Cayenne has a tropical monsoon climate. It is characterized by very insignificant temperature changes throughout the year.

The average temperature is plus 26 degrees.

In the city, the dry season lasts very short - only a couple of months (September and October), and The rainy season is very long.

Located in Cayenne international Airport them. Felix Eboue, which serves the capital. It is located 13 km southwest of it.

There are regular flights to:

  • the French capital,
  • Belen,
  • Pointe-à-Pitre,
  • Fort-de-France,
  • Santo Domingo,

as well as some other cities.


Cayenne has quite a lot of attractions.

Hates Beach

For example, Hates Beach is a very a nice place, located on the Marconi River.

This area is home to giant leatherback turtles, which are on the endangered species list.

Their population has been rapidly declining recently.

Tourists from almost all over the world come to Hates Beach to see the incredible turtles in person, take pictures with them and simply enjoy the beauty of the area, swim in clean river water, and relax on clean beaches.

If you're lucky, you'll even be able to swim with turtles.

Gabriel Bay

Gabriel Bay is located near the city of Cayenne, about half an hour's walk.

The bay is located in a very picturesque place. It represents part of the Gabriel River.

There are many tropical plants growing there, which formed a green labyrinth displayed on the mirror surface of the water.

It is unlikely that you will find a more suitable place for family walks than this bay.

There you can find the remains of old plantations, look at a large variety of bright butterflies, fluttering literally over the heads of tourists and thus putting on a real show.

Regional air monitoring center in Cayenne

The regional air monitoring center in Cayenne is something special.

There are various stations for monitoring air quality, Many presentations and seminars are organized that are devoted to environmental issues.

This place attracts many tourists because here you can find out a lot of useful and interesting information.

Forgasier Falls are incredibly beautiful cascading waterfalls located near the capital.

They represent mountain streams rushing over rocks.

This place is ideal for relaxation and picnics. You can get there by boat on the Orape River.

Tourists have the opportunity to spend the night in the jungle, for example, in a tent or hut.

Very beautiful scenery attracts many tourists.

Guiana Amazon National Park

The Guiana Amazon National Park is the largest national park in French Guiana.

You can get there by water or air transport.

The park territory is located in the tropical forest zone. There are about 5,800 different plant species there.

The park's fauna is also diverse.

It includes about 180 species of mammals, 480 species freshwater fish, 300 species of amphibians and reptiles, as well as about 720 species of birds.

Tourists definitely have something to see in this place.

Departmental Franconi Museum

The Departmental Franconi Museum is a local history museum. There are a large number of interesting exhibits collected there.

He is in historical center city ​​of Cayenne, in the Franconi building. The house is of great value. The museum was opened in 1901.

It has several halls that are dedicated to ethnology, local history, natural history, fine arts, as well as archaeology.

Each room recreates the unique atmosphere of a particular historical era in Guiana.

The museum is definitely worth a visit if you happen to visit Cayenne.

Place de Grenoble

Place de Grenoble is located in the central part of Cayenne, where the city's main attractions are located.

It is from this square that an excellent view of the city hall opens, and Not far from this place there is a museum of Guiana culture and a botanical garden.

Also from here you can easily get to Plaza de Palmistes, located next door, with many cozy cafes and restaurants.

The beautiful landscapes of the city are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Fort Seperu

Fort Seperu is the ancient ruins of an old defensive complex that operated in the city back in the 17th century.

The fortress was named after the Indian leader. It was designed by the famous architect Vauban.

Seperu Fort is located in the northern part of the capital.

It is one of the most picturesque places in the city because from there you can enjoy an unforgettable view of the vast expanses of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the entire city.

Thanks to its large number of interesting attractions, the city of Cayenne is of particular value to tourists.

It is for this reason that many people come here on vacation, which, by the way, can be quite varied.

You can just relax on the local beaches, or you can enjoy beautiful nature and visit historical places and nature reserves.

On the shores of the Atlantic Ocean there are several sandy beaches, for example, Montjoli and Montabeau.

You can sunbathe on them, splash in the ocean and have a great time.

In general, tourism here is not yet very well developed, but nevertheless it’s worth coming here.

And it is better to do this in the dry season, when there is no rain.

There are not many hotels here, but finding a place to stay overnight is quite possible.

    • On the ocean shores You can go surfing, windsurfing, as well as swimming.
    • The local rivers offer good conditions for rafting and canoeing.
    • There are several excellent hiking routes.
    • River and sea ​​fishing are another interesting type of recreation. You can hunt predators, such as sharks.
  • Sport fishing for tarpon is also well developed.

Thus, we can say that Cayenne is more suitable for outdoor activities.

Video tour of French Guiana

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The history of the country has been studied rather superficially. However, we can say with complete confidence that the Arawak and Carib tribes who settled these lands were able to form the strongest tribal conglomeration that covers the Lesser Antilles. It has developed its own culture and complex social hierarchy.

The smallest country located in the territory South America, is rightfully considered French Guiana. The population in this country is only about 220 thousand people. Located at the equator, it touches Brazil on the eastern and southern sides, and on the western side it borders on Suriname. The inhabitants of French Guiana have significant access to the Atlantic Ocean.

Today, French Guiana is under the control of the French mission and is its overseas department. The city of Cayenne plays an important role as the administrative center of French Guiana, where the French mission is located. Naturally, the official language here is French. As official currency stands for the euro.

Only about one tenth of the entire country is cleared of equatorial forest. But such a forest is not at all attractive for creating settlements. So, it stretches from the coastal strip to the immediate border with Brazil, to Tumak-Tumak, a mountain range. Mangrove swamps can be found along the entire coast, occasionally exposing small sandy shores containing bright yellow and sometimes white sand.

The best time for everyone who wants to visit French Guiana is the period from July to December. This is when the least amount of precipitation falls. However, those ladies who love pleasant warm rains and air temperatures, which here never drop below 25 degrees Celsius, will be able to truly enjoy a real tropical shower!

The country will be an unexpected revelation for Russians. This is a whole new world, which is difficult for a European to understand, with its own culture and history. Select cruises to see how you can more countries and cultures, and you will have the opportunity to compare different cultures.

Unfortunately, such wealth as numerous architectural monuments, historical and cultural heritage, French Guiana has nothing to boast about. After all, since the time immemorial of colonial rule, criminals have often been expelled to this country. To study colonial history local population, you should definitely go to the Departmental Museum.

Cayenne, the capital of Guiana, is endowed with luxurious tropical vegetation. Even despite the fact that Cayenne is the most important port of the country, this city is especially charming due to its soft tropical appearance. Place de Palmistes is deservedly the most crowded part of the capital.

The area is particularly interesting and attractive small town Kuru. And it became famous thanks to the cosmodrome built here. Due to the annual launch of the Ariane rocket, thousands of tourists flock to Kourou.

Like other regions of America, the history of French Guiana is quite complex, rich and impressive. The country, or rather the overseas department of France, has gone through a lot in its lifetime. Various diseases, slavery, and internecine disputes endangered the territory, but it survived and showed its power.

How the history of French Guiana developed

The Spaniards were the first to discover this territory in 1499. After 105 years, the first colonists of France appeared here. In the 17th-18th centuries, the land was attacked by the Dutch and British. But she herself history of French Guiana began in 1817, when the territory came under national rule. Slavery was introduced here to work on the plantations, but was later abolished. Due to labor shortages, Chinese and Indians were recruited. Local residents at this time were seized by the “gold rush”. Story mentions that many of them died from diseases, snake and rodent bites, but still did not leave their occupation.

Only in 1946 officially French Guiana became a department of France. In addition, due to its close location to the equator, in 1964 the construction of a space launch complex, in other words, the Kourou cosmodrome, began here.

As such capital of French Guiana absent. All administrative buildings, main attractions and power of the department are concentrated in the city of Cayenne.

The interior of the earth is practically deserted, and the main population of French Guiana concentrated on the coastal strip. In total, 237,549 people live here. These are mostly blacks, mulattoes, there is a small part of Europeans and Brazilians. Since the population is quite diverse, then French Guiana culture will be mixed.

All State of French Guiana is divided into 2 large districts (the small Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni and the slightly larger Cayenne), which in turn are divided into 22 communes.

Actually politics of French Guiana depends on France. The President of a European state elects a prefect, who actually governs the territory. The Prefect is also assisted by the Regional Council and the General. The residents themselves elect a senator, as well as the French parliament, in local elections.

Language of French Guiana

Officially recognized is, of course, French. But local residents They speak different dialects (Maroon, Hmong Njua, Amerindian), as well as other languages ​​(English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Haitian Creole).

French Guiana or Guiana- the largest overseas region of France, located in the northeast of South America. It borders on the west with Suriname (border length 510 km), on the south and east with Brazil (673 km), and on the north and northeast by the Atlantic Ocean. Administrative center- city of Cayenne. Area 86,504 km².

Official name- simply Guiana, the clarification “French” dates back to the times when there were three colonies called Guiana: British (now Guyana), Dutch (now Suriname) and French.

The coastline of Guiana is 378 km. The coast is low-lying and marshy, stretches in a strip approximately 20 km wide along the entire coast of the Atlantic Ocean, occupying about 6% of the territory. The rest of Guiana is a wooded plateau, with altitudes reaching 850 m. Highest point countries: Bellevue de l'Inini - 851 m.

Climate in French Guiana

Climate in French Guiana- tropical, humid and hot, with almost constant temperatures, from +25 to +28°C. Precipitation falls about 2500-4000 mm per year, mainly from January to May-June.

Air humidity is extremely high all year round, even during the dry period from July-August to December it can reach 100%. On the Atlantic coast of Guiana, the humidity is not as oppressive as in the interior regions, but is still quite difficult for a European to bear.

The most optimal period to visit is from July-August to December.

Last changes: 28.04.2013


The population of French Guiana is 209,000 people (2007). More than half of the population are mulattoes (Creoles). They are followed in number by whites (about 12% - mostly French), then Indians, Chinese, blacks and Indians.

The population is concentrated in a narrow coastal strip; the interior areas are almost deserted.

About 48% of the country's population are Catholics, 15% are Protestants, 1.3% are Jews and 4.5% are Muslims. Indians practice their own religious cults.

Official language: French, several varieties of Creole are widely used in oral communication. Official language: French, several varieties of Creole are widely used in oral communication.

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Currency unit French Guiana- euro (€ or EUR), 1 euro is 100 cents. There are banknotes in circulation in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros, as well as coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents.

Banks are open from Monday to Friday, from 7.30 to 12.00 and from 14.30 to 17.30. Saturday, Sunday and holidays are usually not working. Currency exchange offices are open daily, except Saturdays, from 9.00 to 18.00.

You can exchange currency at banks and exchange offices, but in many of them the US dollar exchange rate is noticeably lower than the official one, so it is better to bring euros with you. It is not recommended to change currency on the street (there is a high risk of fraud), as well as in hotels, where the rate is usually much lower than in exchange offices or banks.

Credit cards are accepted in most restaurants, almost all hotels and many shops. ATMs are widespread.

Travel checks can be cashed in Cayenne and Kourou, where they are accepted in most hotels and large stores. In other cities their use is somewhat difficult. To avoid additional costs due to exchange rate fluctuations, it is recommended to take checks in euros with you.

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Calling code: 594

Internet domain: .gf

Telephone city codes

No area codes are used, all numbers are six-digit.

How to call

To call from Russia to French Guiana, you need to dial: 8 - dial tone - 10 - 594 - subscriber number.

To call from French Guiana to Russia, you need to dial: 00 - 7 - area code - subscriber number.

Landline communications

Payphones operate using telephone cards, which are sold at post offices, newspaper shops and tobacco kiosks. Many telephones in the capital and Kuru receive credit cards to pay for international calls.

mobile connection

Cellular communication standard GSM 900/1800. The local operator is Digicel (

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Shops are usually open from Monday to Saturday, from 08.00 to 13.00 and from 16.00 to 18.30, on Sundays from 09.00 to 12.30. On Wednesdays and Fridays, many stores have reduced opening hours, and during Carnival and other national holidays, almost all stores are closed.

The most popular souvenirs are local rum and wood crafts.

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History of French Guiana

Guiana was discovered by the Spaniards in 1499, but did not attract their interest. In 1604, the first French colonists settled in Guiana. In the 17th-18th centuries, the Dutch and the British repeatedly tried to take possession of this territory. French power over Guiana was finally established in 1817.

WITH late XVII centuries, the French have been developing plantation farming in Guiana. Since the Indians refused to work on the plantations, the French began to import black slaves from Africa.

The mid-19th century was marked by three important events for French Guiana: the abolition of slavery (in 1848), the transformation of the territory into a place of exile (from 1852), and the discovery of gold deposits (in 1855).

The abolition of slavery led to an acute labor shortage in the plantation economy, which forced the French authorities to resort to a policy of encouraging immigration. In the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, the population of the colony increased mainly due to the immigration of Creoles from the French Antilles and Indians and Chinese recruited to work on the plantations.

The discovery of gold deposits in French Guiana attracted thousands of people there. At the height of the gold rush, up to 40 thousand miners worked in the jungles of French Guiana, most of whom died from disease, snakes, wild animals and other difficulties.

By government decree, in 1852, French Guiana became a place of exile for “undesirable political elements.” The first exiles were participants in the French Revolution of 1848. In total, about 70 thousand were exiled from 1852 to 1939. After World War II, French Guiana ceased to be a place of exile.

In 1964, Guiana, due to its proximity to the equator, was chosen by France as the site for the construction of a space launch complex (Kourou spaceport). To protect it, the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the Foreign Legion is stationed there.

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Tap water in major cities usually chlorinated and safe to drink, but bottled water is recommended. Drinking water outside the main settlements mostly contaminated and not recommended for consumption.

Typical local hazards include very high level solar radiation (protective creams, wide-brimmed hats and light clothing made from natural fabrics are recommended).

French Guiana is home to a large number of dangerous animals and insects, so hiking through the forests and jungles is strongly recommended with an experienced guide.

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How to get to French Guiana

There are no direct flights between and. The most convenient way to get here from Russia is through.

Airlines flying from Paris to French Guiana include:

Flight duration: Moscow (Sheremetyevo) - Paris (Charles de Gaulle) - about 4 hours.

Flight duration: Paris (Orly) - Cayenne (Rochambeau) - about 9 hours.

The cost of a flight on the route “Moscow - Paris - Cayenne” is on average about 1200-1400 euros (in both directions).

Last changes: 04/28/2013