Philippines dangers for tourists. What to see in the Philippines and is it worth flying there: personal experience

More than 6 million foreign tourists visited in 2018. I would like to believe that nothing will overshadow your journey, but is this so?

The Institute for Economics and Peace's Global Peace Index measures the relative safety of 163 countries, representing more than 99% of the population globe. The index is measured based on 22 indicators, including internal and international conflicts, social security, crime rates and militarization. In the 2018 safety rating they are ranked 137th.


Nowadays, unfortunately, the whole world is aware that no place is safe from terrorist attacks, and even countries that have never faced such problems are suffering from it. The Philippines is not left out either: there are Philippine terrorist organizations, both communist and Muslim, associated with ISIS.

Although terrorists can strike at any time and anywhere, these groups are mainly located in the area, where clashes with the military often occur. Because of this, it is not recommended to travel to Central and Southern Mindanao and the Zamboanga Peninsula. You should also be careful when traveling to the southern part, although the remaining parts of this island - Puerto Princesa, and - are considered safe for tourists.


There is a constant risk of kidnapping in the Philippines, both on land and at sea. The security threat is particularly high in the southern Philippines, including central and western Mindanao, the Sulu Archipelago and coastal resort areas. sea ​​islands and places to stay in Sulu (but not limited to).

There is evidence that criminal and terrorist groups have expanded their reach in the southern Philippines in areas visited by tourists - southern Palawan, Central Visayas, southern or . Foreign tourists can be kidnapped in both rural and urban areas. There are also isolated cases of kidnappings on private ships and berths.

Crime in major cities

Large metropolitan areas around the world have higher crime rates than rural areas. and they are no different. The crimes you may encounter in the city are usually minor. If tourists in the Philippines follow the tips below, they will be safe:

  1. Choose in a quiet area. Places in Manila like Makati, Pasay and Taguig are much safer than places like Malate or Ermita.
  2. Theft. This is the most common crime, so never leave your belongings unattended. Suitcases and bags should always be close to you within sight, or even better, touch. Never keep anything in your back pockets, and carry your backpack on the front in busy areas.
  3. Be careful with strangers. Another common practice for robbers in Manila and other cities is to start a conversation on the street and distract the potential victim from committing the theft with accomplices.
  4. Never accept drinks from strangers. This is a notorious practice in the Philippines and the targets are usually single foreign men.
  5. Beware of beggars. They are not bad people, they are just poor, financially and socially. It often happens that if you are not careful, you will be surrounded on all sides and robbed before you realize it.
  6. Street children. Be very careful and don't be tempted to give them money, because they are not asking for themselves, but are giving it to the person who runs this "business". Instead, buy them food or, as difficult as it may be, just ignore the kids. Never go with them or hold their hands, as there have been cases where families subsequently accused tourists of pedophilia and extorted money.
  7. Robbery attacks. They also occur in cities much more often than in the provinces, so avoid dark alleys or walking alone or in small groups.
  8. Urban. For safe travel, use a Grab taxi (an online company similar to Uber, but more successful in the Philippines). Their drivers have very strict discipline and prices are determined by the app itself before the trip. In any case, lock the doors while you are in the car to avoid any robbery attempts.

Safe travel around the province

In areas where there is no danger warning, traveling in the provinces is quite comfortable. People there are simpler than in the city, and usually everyone knows each other. However, in any case, the above rules should be observed here too. Additionally, fake travel agents or tour operators may take your money without providing services. Do not conduct any transactions with non-accredited companies, online or in person.

Always tell a friend or relative where you are going. At all costs, avoid traveling to the following places as suggested by Philippine authorities: Jolo, Bongao, Isabela, Ipil, Pagadian, Tubod, Marawi Mindanao, Kidapawan, Sharif Aguak, Isulan, Koronadal and Alabel.

Drugs in the Philippines

Drugs are a very hot topic in this country. Police are allowed to use weapons on the streets against persons suspected of distributing them. This also applies to foreigners. Therefore, do not under any circumstances try to buy or use any prohibited substances anywhere in the country, and do not handle or carry someone else’s luggage.

Emergency assistance in the Philippines

When traveling, there is always the possibility of getting into accidents or other incidents that require emergency assistance. There are 2 numbers to remember: 911 – National Emergency Hotline and 143 – Red Cross.

Due to the fact that this Island state, many of its areas are remote from civilization, and sometimes the only way to get to the nearest hospital in a reasonable time is by helicopter. Make sure you buy insurance in the Philippines with sufficient coverage because it is always better to be safe than to regret undue savings.

"Hey, I know you!"

IN Lately A common type of scam is when a stranger approaches you and pretends to know you. Such a person may say that he works at your hotel, for example, as a security guard, he has a day off today, and he wants to take you somewhere. They are always very friendly and convincing, but, unfortunately, it always ends in fraud. Don't get in a car or go anywhere with strangers. In this case, it is enough to ask the name of your hotel or details, which the deceiver, of course, will not be able to name. In extreme cases, warn that you will call the police.


Tourists must take all necessary precautions. You should be wary of pickpocketing and fraud. It is not recommended to visit establishments with a dubious reputation, or to carry large sums of money or expensive jewelry with you. It is safer to store valuables in hotel safes. The best way to get around the city is by taxi. The import, possession and use of firearms and drugs is strictly prohibited.


Because the infrastructure is underdeveloped, disease epidemics often occur. Since the beginning of 2010 in the country at a fast pace Dengue fever is spreading, for which there is no vaccine or cure. There are also cases of rabies, schistosomiasis, and hepatitis groups A, B, and E. To protect themselves, travelers must receive appropriate preventive vaccinations before arriving.


Nature is very beautiful, but also fraught with many dangers. The islands are located in the so-called Pacific “typhoon belt”. Every year they are hit by 20 to 27 tropical storms and hurricanes. The sad consequences of frequent cyclones and seasonal heavy rains are floods and landslides. Entire provinces find themselves under water, and roads turn into wild rivers depth up to 1.5 meters. In addition, the Philippine archipelago is a place of increased seismic activity. Very often, the epicenters of underwater earthquakes are very close. This leads to frequent tsunamis. When heading to dangerous areas, tourists should pay attention to possible warnings, and not try to capture the volcano as closely as possible on camera.

Not all places in the Philippines are suitable for a beach holiday and are safe for foreign tourists.

In this article I will talk about places that are best avoided.

Military zones in the Philippines

Following an ISIS attack on government targets in the city Marawi On May 23, 2017, the President of the Philippines declared martial law for 60 days.

Due to the high risk of terrorism, military forces are always present in the Philippines. Be prepared for the fact that even if a cessation of hostilities is declared, conflict may break out without warning.

Therefore, despite the current state of affairs, it is better to try to avoid such areas in the Philippines.

Terrorism in the Philippines

Terrorism is an ongoing problem in the Philippines and poses the greatest threat to the safety of tourists today.

The restricted zone for tourism is the far south, which includes the following areas:

  • Mindanao,
  • Sulu archipelago,
  • Zamboanga Peninsula.

Here you can suffer from the terrorist group Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which is accused of violence and kidnappings.

The Abu Sayyaf and Jemanah Islamiyah groups pose a particular danger. They are credited with numerous explosions that caused not only injuries and property damage, but also loss of life.

In these places in recent years, terrorist attacks have occurred that resulted in the death of 41 people and injured 100 more:

  • North Cotabato Province;
  • Basilan;
  • Isabela;
  • Jolo;
  • Cotabato;
  • Makati;
  • Zamboanga Airport.

The main danger of terrorist attacks is unpredictability. Therefore, when traveling to the Philippines, try to avoid such potentially dangerous places.

Can I be kidnapped in the Philippines?

The risk of kidnapping is increased for tourists due to the possibility of receiving a large ransom. But it is worth noting that there are not many cases of kidnapping in the Philippines.

To stay safe, avoid the following areas:

  • Sarangani;
  • North Cotabato Province;
  • South Cotabato Province;
  • General Santos;
  • Sultan Kudarat;
  • Southern Lanao;
  • Iligan;
  • Pangaturan.

In addition, in recent years there have been cases of people being captured in places such as Zamboanga, Pagadian, Patikul and Jolo.

Cebu Island

Don't worry, this island is safe for tourists.

I spent several days driving around the island with a taxi driver in search of good, comfortable beaches to relax. But I didn't find anything.

I'm on one of best beaches in Cebu (it's paid, there are no guesthouses nearby and it's Filipino :)))

There are many articles on the Internet that tell the opposite in order to attract tourists because... it benefits them. But apart from 1-2 attractions there is nothing special on the island.

There are islands near Cebu Island for a great beach holiday. Better pay attention to them.


Palawan, in particular the El Nido Islands, is one of the most visited places in the Philippines. This is a safe place for tourists.

But without going into details of the places, you can miss one point - in Palawan there are sand fleas on the beaches that can infect cutaneous leishmaniasis.

My friend Daria returned from there, bitten and with unpleasant impressions of beach holiday in El Nido.

It would seem - nonsense, some kind of midges on the beach. But there are hundreds of bites all over the body that itch and won’t go away. I think this could ruin the holiday for many who dreamed of a comfortable beach holiday in the Philippines.

Yes to excursions! No beach holidays.

Is the Philippines dangerous?

In November 2016, the US government warned its citizens and other travelers about the dangers of kidnapping for ransom in the Philippines.

The danger was posed by the Abu Sayyaf group, which threatened tourists heading to the southern part of the island of Cebu, as well as Dalaguete, Santander and Sumilon.

Kidnappings and terrorist attacks are unpredictable.

Perhaps the most common dangers in tourist places in the Philippines are:

  • jellyfish/plankton sting,
  • get sick with Dengue or other tropical diseases,
  • step on sea urchins.

Not sure which island to choose? Order my help in organizing a trip to the Philippines

I'm on this moment(writing an article) I’m planning my 6th trip to the Philippines.

In total, I visited 5 large tourist and non-tourist islands and dozens of small ones. Therefore, I have experience and I can help you plan a profitable
desired vacation.

My master class in the Philippines (Samal Island) for Russian speakers on the topic “How to buy the most cheap air tickets” (12/12/2018)

Why are my services paid? I believe that any experience, knowledge, or time of a person that ultimately helps should be rewarded.

Why are my services profitable? I have been traveling since 2010 and have a lot of experience in
planning independent travel from A to Z.

I will help you organize a safe, comfortable stay no overpayments in the Philippines.

You will save time, money, nerves, and get answers to your questions.

And most importantly, go on vacation to the best place for you prepared, with a calm soul.

During the consultation you will learn:

  1. Which holiday island suits you best?
  2. How to find out which islands are safe and free of typhoons, tsunamis and others
  3. Where and how to rent affordable housing in the Philippines?
  4. How to buy the best air tickets to and within the Philippines?
  5. What transport is best for you to travel by?
  6. How to get to the necessary places and islands?
  7. How to navigate the Philippines and not get lost?
  8. What should you be prepared for, what precautions should you take?
  9. What is important to take with you from Russia?
  10. What is the minimum budget needed for the Philippines?
  11. What are the prices for different products, services on different islands?
  12. What is the best internet connection in the Philippines?
  13. Which by bank card is it better to use and where is it more profitable to withdraw money?
  14. What diseases await Russian tourists in the Philippines?
  15. What is the cheapest way to extend a visa?
  16. How to solve the problem with English? What can you do if you don't speak English?
    at all?
  17. Which places in the Philippines are the most beautiful, must-see, and which
    Is it better not to visit islands and places?
  18. How to determine season/out-of-season, weather in the Philippines by months, days?

I will answer all your questions.

The most important thing is that we will organize you from A to Z comfortable, without overpayments, safe
dream trip to the Philippines.

Don't worry, get in touch ;)


Fortunately, There are many beautiful and safe places in the Philippines!

I wish you a wonderful holiday.

For this article, we have selected relevant information for travelers with a variety of expectations who are ready to choose a new destination for their vacation. All you have to do is book a tour and get ready for your upcoming vacation.

The Philippines is a piece of paradise on seven thousand islands, which Russian citizens can plunge into without a visa for a month. This is quite enough to gain some impressions and taste the local oriental exoticism, which is absolutely unique in each Asian country. Put aside any doubts you may have about unexplored destinations: tourism is a big focus in the Philippines.

The best resort islands in the Philippines are Boracay, famous for its snow-white sands, Cebu, the place where the most elite resorts country, and Bohol, most suitable for ecotourism and secluded recreation.

Boracay Island is considered one of the best island resorts due to its excellent beaches. According to some reports, a significant part of tourists, after spending several weeks in one of the island hotels, change their return tickets and extend their vacation. Numerous restaurants and clubs, golf courses and spa centers will help diversify your relaxing pastime. And to satisfy your cultural interest with your family, here you can see the Butterfly Garden, visit the city of Lujo, or simply take a mini-tour along the most picturesque beaches of the island.

Cebu Island, the oldest island, attracts not only history buffs. The hotels here are designed for a wide variety of families; you can choose from budget to fabulously luxurious ones. But pay attention, unlike Boracay, when choosing a hotel in Cebu, you should carefully look at the photographs of the beaches - here they can be either milky sand or gray and pebbly. Among the attractions you may find interesting are Kawasan Falls, Cathedral Cebu and the Taosit Chinese Temple, located on a picturesque hill in the capital city of the island.

Just a couple of hours ferry service From Cebu there is the island of Bohol, which is not very developed in terms of resort. There are not many hotels here, and therefore there are not many tourists who, if they visit the island, do so for a one-day trip. sightseeing tour. Bohol may become a real find for connoisseurs of secluded relaxation, diluted with excursions to the Chocolate Hills. Children will love the tiny tarsier monkeys that live on the island.

On all the islands of the Philippines, the whole year is considered a resort year, but the most favorable for Russian tourists is the dry season, lasting from November to April. During these months, the heat is not aggravated by monsoon rains and high humidity, so the Philippines can be an excellent choice for those who are used to escaping our winter to a foreign summer.

Gourmets in the Philippines will definitely try the most incredible tropical fruits, as well as fish dishes, which they will regularly have to snack on with rice. Philippine cuisine is also a chance to try spicy Asian dishes without fearing for your well-being, because during the years of Spanish rule, local cuisine has become much more bland. Spain is not the only country that has participated in the formation of modern Philippine culinary flavor. Experienced tourists will definitely notice echoes of Indian and Chinese cuisines. Typical Filipino dishes include rilletafel (fried chicken with boiled vegetables and curry sauce), adobo (marinated pork and chicken then fried), kare-kare soup and pansit noodles, for which there is no generally accepted recipe. To sum it up, Philippine cuisine has an incredible amount of culinary quotes from all over the world. In the Philippines, you can choose both typically Asian combinations and familiar European dishes, slightly adapted to local tastes. But the most important thing is that here you can order inexpensive seafood dishes and try fish that is not common in our country.

You may not know, but the Philippines is not only about beaches and entertainment venues, but also about the opportunity to actively travel and play sports. The archipelago is considered an excellent option for divers due to its coral reefs, secluded lagoons and sunken ships. The latter can be explored in Subic Bay - if you leave Manila by car, you can get there in about three hours. This bay was closed for a long time due to the American naval base, which was located here until 1992. Another attractive diving spot is Coron Bay, located between the islands of Palawan and Mindoro. There are only about fifteen dive sites here, among which the Apo Reef is a group of coral reefs occupying a total area of ​​34 square meters. kilometer In addition, you can find many flooded caves on the archipelago, but experts recommend not diving more than once a day due to the risk of decompression sickness after long flights.

However, you can do without diving, because in the Philippines there is something to see on land. It is a common practice among tourists active rest, and, as a rule, many try to see as much as possible at one time. For example, you can take a tour of the beaches, while capturing several islands at once, such as Paglao and Palawan. National Geographic Traveler magazine has named Palawan the best island vacation destination in East and Southeast Asia. Palawan offers boat tours on the Underground River, which is not that easy to get to. First from administrative center city ​​of Puerto Princesa, you need to get to the village of Sabang, and then either on foot along one of the trekking routes, or by motor boat. In addition to the bus and their own legs, travelers can choose minibuses for several people, which are called “jippies” here, as a means of transportation. You can travel on them both in cities and outside them (they are distributed throughout the country). From Puerto Princessa you can take a jeepney to the Tabon Caves cave complex, another attraction of the island of Palawan. Historical places The Philippines deserve special attention, and the review should start with Manila, the main city and capital of the Philippines. Worth a visit here ancient city Intramorus, built by the Spaniards. In the northwestern part of the complex, Fort Satyago is still preserved - a legacy of Spanish colonization, and on the contrary - the miraculously preserved Manila Cathedral. The local "Manhattan" - the business center of the city and Chinatown - have a special tourist charm. And on the island of Mindao, be sure to visit Lake Sebu (not to be confused with the island); you can even have a small picnic on its shores.

But attractions can be not only historical or natural; sometimes the most interesting things can be hidden in the culture of the country. In almost any Philippine village, and sometimes in small towns You can watch a very exotic spectacle - cockfights. And at one time, Filipino healers were on everyone’s lips. Do you remember? Contact them to try a unique hilot massage.

Finally, the Philippines may be great place for convinced shoppers. Many resorts, in addition to a snow-white beach and restaurants, are ready to offer their tourists large shopping areas. On Boracay Island, visit the D'Mall complex, where among the branded boutiques there are also small shops with local goods and beach accessories. In Manila, the Mall of Asia is considered the largest, and nearby, in the Seaside market, you can buy fresh fish and seafood, which will be prepared for you in the desired way here. By the way, the main monetary unit The Philippines is the Philippine peso (one dollar is 45.5 pesos). Prices in the markets are not too high, so most often you will need change: the most popular bills are 5, 10 and 2 pesos. Other currencies are not accepted in the Philippines, so dollars will have to be changed on the spot. It is better not to take euros to the Philippines, as the rates will most likely be unreasonably high. Exchange offices in resort towns It’s not difficult to find, but there are places where you have to change money in person.

Philippines - perfect place for relaxation not only thanks to its snow-white beaches and developed entertainment infrastructure. The Filipinos themselves will brighten up your vacation. Local population- hospitable and open people, so be prepared for attention from them. They love to pose for photographs, often greet and ask travelers about their impressions, and spend Sundays cheerfully, almost festively. Many of the local residents understand English, however, here, as elsewhere, sign language works. You will not have any difficulty in negotiating with them a special menu for your child or bargaining for a smaller amount for an extensive tour of the islands. And by showing reciprocal friendliness, you will definitely receive valuable advice for travel and learn a lot of interesting things about the country.

Ksenia Syrtsova

Somehow I got “spinned and wound up” studying materials for my blogs. Was too busy with work. There wasn't even time to keep track latest news about travel, tours. I was exhausted by the usual routine work on the Internet. But somehow I gradually sorted out all the things that had accumulated on blogs and decided to look at everything that happened in the world of travel. And immediately came across interesting fact, which I want to write about now. I think this will be unexpected for you... Residents of America compare the journey to this country with the journey of Thor Hayerdahl. Full of danger and adventure.

Philippines. Perhaps this is one of the most beautiful countries South-East Asia. Sun and beach lovers come here. Diving lovers. Coastline has more than seven thousand islands. Which is very popular among tourists, nature lovers, and those who like to explore its endless wonders.

Thousands of people come to the Philippines to relax. Thousands of people come here to get the most out of their vacation. But unfortunately this is often not the case. In this article I would like to warn my regular readers, as well as all new ones, against some dangers for any tourist in the Philippines. This cheerful, corrupt state.


In the Philippines, terrorism has recently become the “scourge” of this country. A constant threat that can be very dangerous for every tourist. The Philippine authorities themselves do not recommend tourists visiting the Mindanao region, the small Zamboanga Peninsula. Authorities warn that these areas are the most dangerous for those traveling in the Philippines.

Today there are a lot of facts about the kidnapping of tourists. Precisely tourists. It's probably very profitable there.

There have also been multiple incidents of terrorism involving explosives in some areas of the Philippines. IN public transport, restaurants, markets. in which the victims were often local residents and the tourists themselves.

It is advisable to go to the Philippines in a small group. It will still be safer that way. But thousands of tourists still come to the Philippines every year to relax. This country is still very beautiful. Here, like nowhere else in the world, you can find the most varied types of recreation to suit your taste. Perhaps you will find something new for yourself in this article, so do not be lazy, before traveling to the Philippines, try to find out the political situation of this country. No wonder the US State Department recently warned all American residents about the unstable situation in the Philippines. And he recommended not to visit this country unless absolutely necessary.

Scammers in the Philippines.

The Philippines belongs to the "third world" countries. High level unemployment and crime are the result. This is what the US State Department says in its address to its citizens. From January 30, 2013.

The capital of the Philippines, Manila, is a rather dangerous city. It is doubly dangerous if you don’t know how to behave here. It is, of course, not much more dangerous than any other city or country that belongs to “third world countries,” but it still poses a danger.

In Manila, you can often encounter scammers who dress up as law enforcement officers. I really “dug” through all the news publications in the Philippines, but I still couldn’t find the answer to how to distinguish such policemen from real ones. I really found the only way, but rather advice; Do not rent a car, but use the services of taxi drivers.

When trying to “catch” a taxi, don’t even think about running across the street. Traffic lights in the Philippines are often faulty. And no one will stop for you at the pedestrian crossing. Cars will pass within five centimeters of you, but don't be afraid. They won't hurt you on purpose. Walk a little further down the street. There are still transitions here.

The number one scam in the Philippines is Gain Your Trust. By any means. Putting drugs into your food for one purpose only. Rob, kidnap or rape. This is how it happens in the Philippines:

Neatly dressed, to some extent even elegant people (and they can be of any age) can come up to you and start a conversation with you. For example, help translate the name of a street, suggest directions, in principle they can ask you anything. You somehow decide to help them. Whether they helped or not is no longer so important. When you come to the Philippines for the first time, you don’t really know anything. The further scheme is simple.

They definitely want to thank you. They persistently offer to treat you to a drink or something else edible for the attention shown to them. Well, naturally, this treat will already be stuffed with a drug that causes unconsciousness. This is what all kinds of scammers take advantage of.

But this does not mean that you need to worry too much about the friendly intentions of the people of the Philippines.

Just try to be attentive and resourceful in such situations. And be wary of the fact that as soon as you set foot in the Philippines, strangers will want to make friends with you. This alone should alert you.

Well, a little more about taxis in the Philippines.

Before you get into a taxi, make sure that it is easy to open or close the window. Discuss or agree on the amount of travel in advance. When moving around the city, lock your doors. If they try to pick someone up with you on the way, refuse this taxi immediately. Pay the amount for which you traveled and change taxis. It is advisable to discuss all these conditions before boarding a taxi. Recently there have been cases of tourists being killed in the Philippines. Single tourists left by taxi from the airport. Then they were found killed on the roads. They were allegedly accidentally hit by a car.

Try not to get into a jeepney taxi. The Philippine police quite often receive complaints from tourists that it is in such taxis (the type of taxi can be different) that they are often robbed and raped.

But your biggest mistake in the Philippines will be if you take a taxi into the city from NAIA airport. No taxi has a license or right to operate here. Only those that Philippine tourists book through the hotel. If you want to leave by taxi, please book one in advance through your hotel. The taxi driver must have your names, and the hotel must confirm your order.

Have you forgotten that at the beginning of the article I mentioned corruption in the Philippines? One of my readers, in his letter to me, mentioned cases when, before his eyes, taxi drivers operating illegally at this airport stood next to a policeman. who naturally was already in “share” with him. Fraudsters are ready to take any risk for their profit.

In this article, I have outlined only the most dangerous types of scams in the Philippines. From which most tourists who visit this exotic country suffer.

There is no point in listing the entire criminal codec of the Philippines. But keep in mind that if you broke the law even without realizing it, you may be deported from the country. Fined and even jailed. Just try to stick to your plans for good vacation and not break the law in the most brazen manner.

The Philippines experiences typhoons very often. Floods. Landslides. Mostly from May to December. Which can seriously delay you on the road. By land, sea or air transport.

Schistomiasis in the Philippines.

Have a nice holiday. If you need additional information about the nuances of holidays in the Philippines, write. I will be happy to answer or create an additional article on your topic.