Svetloyar village of Vladimir. Lake Svetloyar, Nizhny Novgorod Region

July 9, 2016 We discovered the route Lake Svetloyar - Nizhny Novgorod by accident.

Heat. June. I wanted to spend the weekend in nature, relax somewhere by the water. For some reason, after the Indian Ocean, I didn’t feel like swimming on the beaches of the city, and water bloomed on the Gorky Sea. Of the five nearest reservoirs, our choice accidentally fell on Lake Svetloyar. Mainly because it was easy to get there. We did not immediately understand what an unusual place we were in. But it's all right...

Where is the lake Svetloyar

Lake Svetloyar is located at the address: Nizhny Novgorod region, Voskresensky district, Vladimirskoye village. 130 km to the North-East from Nizhny Novgorod.

How to get to the lake by car and public transport, timetables for buses and trains, these and other issues are covered in detail in a separate article.

On the map of the village of Vladimirskoe, you can see in more detail the location of Lake Svetloyar and the sights surrounding it, as well as the rules of conduct in the protected area.

Lake Svetloyar Nizhny Novgorod region - photo

Our land is a bottomless sky, cornflowers in the fields, birch groves, darkened wooden churches, smoke from chimneys, heated baths, fog over the water ... and the pearl of the region - Lake Svetloyar. Since ancient times, the beauty of these places has been noted by all those who have been here. Now Lake Svetloyar is favorite place recreation for residents of Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region. There are so many swimmers on weekends in the summer that you can’t push your way into the depths, just like you get to the sea beach in the movie “Sportloto 82”.

At the beginning of the birch alley leading to the lake, on Saturdays and Sundays you can meet a guide with the name, like the ancient saint - Vera. She is an employee of the Kitezh Historical and Art Museum and conducts interesting excursions, you should definitely listen. The cost of the tour is purely symbolic - 100 rubles per person.

The Kitezh Museum is also worth a visit. For the same amount (100 rubles) you will see three thematic expositions: about Svetloyar, about life in an ancient Slavic hut, and historical and archaeological. Rare exhibits are complemented by an interesting story. The entrance ticket also gives you the opportunity to see the exhibition of ceramics by local craftsmen "City of Light".

It also consists of 3 parts: ancient Slavic legends, Orthodoxy and pottery techniques. A wonderful exhibition, the world level of exhibits, and the masters have truly "golden hands".

One Saturday evening, while relaxing on the beach, we unexpectedly got to a concert of the gusliar Sergei Balakin and his folk duet Zelen Holm. For more than an hour, old, comic and serious songs flew far over the hushed water. The performer has a wonderful instrument, a great voice and an appropriate appearance. He is deservedly invited to various creative meetings. In general, he is an interesting and versatile person.

Also in the village of Vladimirsky there is a museum and tourist complex "Grad Kitezh", where various folklore performances and events are held. And on Sundays, the 5D cinema opens its doors.

We regularly began to travel to Svetloyar Lake from Nizhny Novgorod and noticed the following pattern: the weather there is always better than in the capital of the Volga region. The water is clean and clear, you can drink it. Cold springs beat at the bottom of the reservoir. At a depth of 10 meters, the water temperature is only 4 degrees. But to the surface it has time to warm up to a comfortable bathing temperature. It is relatively small in size: 300 by 500 meters. Depth over 30 meters.

Origin - most likely meteoritic. The hills on one side were probably formed when a cosmic body hit the Earth's surface about 10,000 years ago. From the once popular song, we know that "mushrooms, berries, flowers are found in the Moscow region ..." Here in the Nizhny Novgorod region, on Lake Svetloyar, they are not just found - they are not transferred, carried and carried. There are very rich places for the gifts of the forest.

Lake Svetloyar hotels - where to stay

In the village of Vladimirskoe, near locality From the purpose of our trip, there are several hotels, guest houses and rooms for rent.

The first time we stopped in the hotel "Svyatogor". Single storey timber building. Parking for those traveling by car.

The hotel has about 12 two-bed rooms: spacious and neat. Each room has a toilet and washbasin. On the floor there are two shower rooms, a kitchen with everything you need. Free tea, coffee + hospitality of the owners - what more do you need! The cost of a standard room is 1740 rubles. Economy option costs 1400 rubles per night. What is the difference - I don’t know, the economy was handed over. Check-out time is standard - 12.00. Of the shortcomings: free places in the summer on weekends may not always be, and the price would be lower. Well, it's just great!

Almost in the forest, hospitably opened the door guest house "At the source".

The country complex "At the source" provides 1-2-3-4 bed rooms, a toilet in each room, there is everything you need for a comfortable stay. A real forest tower. New log buildings are pleasing to the eye. In the season, mushrooms can be picked right on the territory. I myself found one white there. Internet and Wi-Fi are available to guests.

Guest house "Belaya Dacha"- A fairly large private hotel.

It is located on the territory of the village of Vladimirskoe, not far from the museum. It obviously enjoys well-deserved popularity among visiting groups. Prices for accommodation per day for 1 person - 900 rubles. From September 1, there is a seasonal discount - 100 rubles. Judging by the prices, everything is in order with the amenities at Belaya Dacha. The hostess of the hotel gave a vague answer about the presence of the Internet.

Strizheli- private estate. Located behind the hotel "Svyatogor", a little further from the road. Rooms for rent in various buildings. Facilities in the yard. You can arrange meals, ride horses - 250 rubles for 10 minutes. There is a lecture hall, a small petting zoo, various master classes are regularly held. The cost of living is 500 rubles per day per person. The hostess with a rare name Alfina in a beautiful sundress with an ornament cordially welcomes the guests.

Craft Compound- a small fortress in miniature.

1 separate house for rent. There are plans to build a second one. There you can learn to shoot a bow, leave a spear and much more.

Rooms in the private sector.

There are enough of them. These are rooms for rent located above the "Anna" store and a room for two in a neat house at the very end of the village near the Lunda River, and obviously there are still not discovered by us. The cost of an affordable overnight stay is the same everywhere - 350 rubles per bed. Above the store "Anna" we were even offered a walk-through room, which surprised us a little.

We ourselves stopped for the night not reaching a couple of houses to the hotel "Svyatogor" from the center of the village. Summer rooms for 2-4 residents. Everything is simple, clean and tidy. The cost of living is 350 rubles per person. Shared summer kitchen, tea, raspberries, currants, sauna. The cost of the bath is 300 rubles per lover of oak or birch brooms. The minimum number of participants in Russian is traditionally 3 people. True amenities in the yard. But for those who are not going to sit up "there" - this is not so significant.

The beds are not large and are designed for people up to 185 cm. Tall guests above 185 cm can comfortably sit simply by moving the beds.

It is known from unverified sources that several thousand people gather here for the feast of Ivan Kupala. If you plan to come on these days, then you need to book accommodation for the night in advance. Due to the influx of guests, it is easy to stay overnight in the open air.

Pilgrimage to Lake Svetloyar

Lake Svetloyar has long been considered sacred and endowed with special properties. Legends told us about various amazing events that took place on its shores. From different places, from near and far, pilgrims came here: some for healing, some for peace of mind, and some asked for protection and help from higher powers. Not everyone got what they wanted, but everyone who visited here received hope, at least temporarily.

The flow of people does not stop even now.

The shores of Svetloyar are visited both by individual pilgrims in private and by organized groups making pilgrimage tours. The route Lake Svetloyar - Nizhny Novgorod is a direction that is gaining more and more popularity. Pilgrimage to Lake Svetloyar includes a mandatory visit to several holy places. Pilgrims arrive early in the morning, around 6:00, or even earlier. And first of all they go along the birch alley to the sacred water surface.

The lake itself is the main object of pilgrimage. At this time, its banks are not crowded. Only the sun came up, silence, not a breeze. The water is clear and still. In it, as in a mirror, all the beauty of our Earth is reflected.

The reasons for the formation of Lake Svetloyar are not fully known, the events that took place on its shores are covered with many secrets and legends, the water, which has a "normal chemical composition", does not deteriorate for years and has healing properties. This place has some sort of attraction. People who have been here come back here again and again.

In wooden Church of Our Lady of Kazan

There are several rather rare and interesting icons. In the church you can buy candles, icons and other religious items. A woman working in the church is happy to tell visitors about each relic kept: the history of the icon, what is depicted and "what helps". This is a professional, soulful story that inspires hope. She can tell you a lot.

Most of all we liked the icon "The All-Seeing Eye of the Lord". It is also called the "Icon of all icons". A fantastic icon, especially in the flickering twilight of burning candles. Photography is prohibited in the temple. Therefore, we post only a photo of a reproduction of the icon we like. The original resembles only remotely.

The church is open every day from 12:00 to 15:00 except Monday and Tuesday. On weekends and holidays from 11:00.

To the left of the entrance to the Kazan Church there is another relic that attracts pilgrims and believers - this stone with an imprint of the footprint of the Virgin. There is no established tradition of worship yet. Who stands nearby prays, who does it on his knees standing on a stone, who simply touches it.

I witnessed how one man poured water from a holy spring into the footprint of the Virgin, knelt down, took off his massive gold chain with a cross and lowered it into the water. He took the chain out of the water, kissed the cross, crossed himself and put it on his powerful neck.

This stone appeared not so long ago, after the completion of the restoration of the temple. Whoever visits there and wants to, he will be able to learn about it in more detail. In our travels, we have already come across the footprints of various saints.

Every Saturday at 12:00 around the lake Svetloyar takes place procession.

From the Kazan Church, located on a high bank, the rector of the Vladimir Church begins his weekly round and carries the icon. Behind him, with lit candles, believers and visiting pilgrims follow. In certain places of the route there are crosses, where believers pray, rest, and take ablutions. For convenience, the entire path is lined with wooden flooring. It is believed that the cherished desire will surely come true if you go around Svetloyar clockwise. It is bypassed by pilgrims and ordinary vacationers. In the old days, many believers crawled over it on their knees. Swimming in the sacred water was forbidden before.

Kibelek Key is another place to visit. The road to the holy spring starts from a stone with a footprint of the Virgin. The path leads through the forest, enters the field and turns right. There are signs along the way. At the end of the field you can see a dense forest. you there. Part of the path through the forest is lined with wooden flooring. There are benches for rest. At the end of the road at the fork on the left will be consecrated bath, straight ahead, a little further you will see the Kibelek Key.

Here you can relax, drink water and stock up on it for future use. The spring water is believed to have healing properties.

Before visiting it, it is advisable to stock up on a container for carrying and storing water.

There is a church in the village of Vladimirskoye, which also arouses great interest among many pilgrims. There will be an opportunity - do not forget to visit.

Pilgrimage to Lake Svetloyar is a phenomenon happening before our eyes. Everyone should visit here, try to learn something new about themselves and their native Earth.

We have Slavs ancient history: forgotten, rewritten, distorted. We measure our life according to a strange, alien to us calendar, from which more than 5,000 years of life and struggle of our ancestors have been thrown out. Lake Svetloyar is our relic, an outpost of our memory, with careful attitude to which the revival of our native Earth will begin.

The road to revival passes here, through Lake Svetloyar and our hearts.

It is now 7525 according to the Old Slavic calendar. Lake Svetloyar already existed then. Now it is waiting for you.

Remember, the truth is in the numbers. Good luck!

Writes (I am a female wave)

The mystery of Lake Svetloyar. Nizhny Novgorod Region

“Once upon a time, even before the advent of the Tatars, the city of Kitezh stood on the site of Lake Svetloyar. Six domes of churches towered in the center of the city.

Arriving in Russia and conquering many of our lands, Batu heard about the glorious Kitezh-grad and rushed to him with his hordes ...

The Tatars surrounded the city with a thundercloud and wanted to take it by force, but when they broke through to its walls, they were amazed. The inhabitants of the city not only did not build any fortifications, but were not even going to defend themselves. Only the church bells reached the Tatars. The inhabitants prayed for salvation, since nothing good could be expected from the Tatars.

When the noise of the springs subsided, there were only waves in the place of the city. In the distance glimmered the lonely dome of the cathedral with a cross shining in the middle. She slowly sank into the water. The cross soon disappeared. “And until now that city stands invisible, it will open before the terrible Judgment Seat of Christ,” says the Chronicler.

And as soon as the Tatars rushed to the city, high-water springs suddenly burst out of the ground, and the Tatars retreated in fear. And the water kept running and running.

(V.L. Komarovich "Kitezh legend", 1936)

Little Russian Atlantis

In the very center of Russia, the Nizhny Novgorod Territory, there is Lake Svetloyar - the pearl of Russian nature. The size of the lake is modest - half a kilometer in length, a little more in width. And the depth is great - 39 m, the largest in the region. And the water is crystal clear and cold - it comes from a deep rift in the bottom of the lake. This lake is sometimes called a small Russian Atlantis: its history is covered with legends. The most incredible rumors have been circulating about this lake for more than one century. How many secrets Svetloyar keeps, how many miracles take place on its shores!

Everything on Svetloyar surprises: the transparency of water, incomprehensible to scientists; its unique healing properties, collected in a vessel, it does not deteriorate for several years. On the shores of the lake grow 27 species of plants that are not typical for this high latitude. Even a rare species of southern orchid grows. Another feature is the unusual relief of the lake. From a bird's eye view, Svetloyar looks like a round coin. The cross section of the lake resembles the profile of a giant cabochon diamond. The bottom from the center to the sides diverges almost evenly and ends like a compass drawn by the coast.

Absolutely incredible cases of miraculous healings occur on the lake every year. Orthodox pilgrims, for many centuries now, have been going to this holy place to pray, ... and through their prayers, sometimes miracles are performed. It is believed that this ordinary-looking body of water has great spiritual power; it heals human ailments, removes damage and even prolongs life.

The belief is still alive that life's well-being will return if the lake is slid three times. And there were cases when believers crawled Svetloyar on their knees, trying to get at least a small piece of his holiness.

As one local resident said, several women managed to perform such a kneeling ceremony during the Great Patriotic War, praying for the preservation of the lives of their husbands and sons. He assures that it helped - all their men returned home safe and sound. And today, local schoolchildren and students, hoping for a good mark, take walks around the lake on the eve of exams.

Locals say that a mere mortal is never destined to know its secrets. You just have to believe in the Svetloyarsk miracle.

Psychics say that the lake draws energy from space and shares it with people who come here.

Scientists tried to explain the mysteries of the lake by earthly standards, but who would believe them. They say that the lake is quite ordinary, of karst origin, and there are thousands of such lakes on earth. There are even nearby lakes. One can agree with these arguments, but why on those lakes, except for fishermen, you will not see anyone, but here ...

If, say, a memorial sign is installed on the lake, which we like to put in and out of business, then the names of dozens of famous and not so famous writers, poets, artists, composers will be carved on it. For example, Maxim Gorky, Pavel Melnikov (A. Pechersky), Mikhail Prishvin, Vladimir Korolenko, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Zinaida Gippius.

Someone went here out of simple curiosity, but for someone the trip to Svetloyar was a milestone in life.

So, Mikhail Prishvin wrote in his diary: “I am thinking about that Trans-Volga region unknown to me, where I have to go in the summer. It's decided, I'm going there. Let everything there be studied, let everything be known, but I know almost nothing. And almost no one knows me in the world. I will tear off a piece of the big mysterious world and tell other people in my own way.”

“Acquainted with the wonderful lake, after that I came to him more than once with a stick in my hands and a knapsack over my shoulders, so that, mixing with the crowd, I could watch, listen and catch the live stream of folk poetry amid the colorful flickering and noise.” And these are the lines of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko.

The composer Rimsky-Korsakov expressed his impressions by writing the opera The Tale of the City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia.

And the Latvian writer Rihards Rudzitys in his book "The Brotherhood of the Grail" drew a parallel between different legends of the world: the sacred country of Shambhala, the brotherhood of the Grail, the mysterious country of Belovodie and, of course, the city of Kitezh near the village of Vladimirskoe.

So what happened on the shores of the lake, to which people aspired?

Traditions of antiquity deep

The main Svetnoyarsk legend is about the invisible city of Kitezh. The legend says: there is a lake in the Vetluzh forests. It is located in the forest thicket. The blue waters of the lake lie still day and night. Only occasionally a light swell runs through them. There are days when long-drawn-out singing reaches the quiet shores, and distant bells are heard.

The history of the emergence of the main legend of Svetloyar - about the glorious city of Kitezh - goes back to the 12th-13th centuries AD, when internecine princely wars raged in Russia and the Tatar-Mongols began to raid. Ancient chronicles testify that the small and large cities of Kitezh on the banks of the Volga, in the area of ​​present-day Gorodets and on Lake Svetloyar, were built by Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich, the great-grandson of Vladimir the Red Sun himself.

According to legend, Batu Khan, having conquered Suzdal Rus, sent his troops to Kitezh Rus. On the Volga, the first battle of the prince with the army of the khan took place. “There was a great slaughter and bloodshed,” wrote the Kitezh chronicler. “Then the noble prince George had few soldiers, and the prince retreated from the impious king Batu down the Volga to his Little Kitezh.”

It all ended with the fact that Georgy Vsevolodovich jumped on a horse and secretly decided to move to Svetloyar. There was a chase after him, and, according to another beautiful legend, the prince's horse stumbled in the forest, and a fountain of water suddenly gushed out from under the hoof. The Khan took this as a bad sign and turned his men back with the words: "Cursed land!"

The place where the horse stumbled is still considered holy and is called the Kibelek key of holy water. Near it there are three graves with crosses. Some say that three bogatyrs from the army of Prince George are buried there, others claim that these are monks-schemniks. But, one way or another, it is customary to go around these graves three times with a prayer, and only after that draw water from the spring, which is located one and a half kilometers from Svetloyar.

The second battle, as the chronicle says, took place in Bolshoi Kitezh. The way there was shown to the khan by Grishka Kuterma, who could not stand the torture, a man from the army of Prince George. When the enemies approached the city, the earth opened up, covering Kitezh together with the faithful elders who prayed for his salvation. Since then, according to legend, the city of Kitezh has become invisible. Now there is a path to the lake, which is called Batu's path. It can lead to the glorious city of Kitezh, but not everyone, but only those who are pure in heart and soul. But only the most enlightened people can hear the ringing of bells on Svetloyar, and see the reflection of temples and the lights of religious processions in the waters of the lake.

Two years ago, a teacher from a school in Nizhny Novgorod came with her class to Svetloyar for an excursion. In memory of the trip, the woman took several photographs. When the photographs were printed, a ghostly image of a church dome without a cross appeared on one of them.

The obvious is the incredible

In Soviet times, they tried to artificially consign the legend of the city of Kitezh to oblivion. There was no legend about Lake Svetloyar in any history textbook; a pioneer camp was built here, where cars and trucks passed freely. But no prohibitions could keep people from visiting the lake. During the Great Patriotic War, old people made pilgrimages around Svetloyar, praying for fellow countrymen who had gone to the front.

Russian and foreign scientists have repeatedly dived under the water of Svetloyar, drilled the land near the shore in search of traces of the city of Kitezh. But these attempts were unsuccessful. Moreover, serious troubles happened to some meticulous people.

About 20 years ago, Svetloyar wanted to investigate a visiting hydrobiologist. After several dives into the water, his temperature rose sharply. The man went to the doctors, but they could not even make a diagnosis: an unknown disease developed without any objective reasons. And only when the hydrobiologist left these places, the disease receded by itself.

Once, a resident of Nizhny Novgorod came to pick mushrooms in the vicinity of Svetloyar. He did not return home that day or the next. Relatives sounded the alarm. Search and rescue operations did not yield results. The man was put on the wanted list. A week later he returned home alive and unharmed. He answered all questions evasively: they say, he got lost, wandered through the forest. Then he generally said that he had a memory lapse. Only later did he confess to his friend, who specially made him drunk, that he was in the invisible city of Kitezh, where he was met by miraculous elders. "How can you prove it?" the friend asked. And then the mushroom picker took out a piece of bread, which he was treated to in Kitezh. However, in an instant, the bread turned into stone.

They also say that before the 1917 coup, one of the museums allegedly kept a letter in Old Slavonic, which was addressed from son to father. Its content boiled down to the following: a young man ended up in Kitezh thanks to some miracle and asks his parents not to bury him ahead of time.

What are divers hiding?

In the recent past, divers dived to the bottom of Svetloyar. The most interesting thing is that they do not tell anyone about the results of their research. According to rumors, they never found the bottom and were very frightened by this circumstance. The reservoir cannot be bottomless! There is a belief that the secrets of the lake are guarded by a miracle fish, a kind of Loch Ness monster, only in a Russian way.

Convinced materialists, in defiance of believers, say that the maximum depth of Svetloyar is 30 meters. Its origin is karst. There is another version. Its supporters claim that the lake was formed due to the fall of a meteorite. An indirect confirmation of this theory can be the correct shape of the bowl of the reservoir (circle), great depth and the presence of stones in the vicinity. By the way, about the stones. On one of them, again according to legend, the Mother of God left her mark. The print is quite clear and deep, but fits the size of a child's foot. A church has recently been built next to this holy stone, where visiting parishioners go to pray.

An even more fantastic legend about Lake Svetloyar is told by local residents. They say that the lake has an underground bottom and connects with the waters of Lake Baikal. And again, no confirmation of this was found. However, these popular beliefs were not refuted. And, as you know, just like that, from scratch, legends do not arise. And people have faith, and this is the most important thing.

By the way, ufologists from Moscow, who recently worked here, clearly recorded with their devices that the area of ​​​​Lake Svetloyar - anomalous zone. In their opinion, there is a certain energy pillar here, invisible to ordinary vision. It is also often called the subtle plane, the fourth dimension. And only believers, enlightened people can see it.

Recently, the Kerzhensky Reserve, on the territory of which Lake Svetloyar is located, which, according to legend, hides the “invisible city of Kitezh”, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Register.

Svetloyar is a lake with which the legend of the sunken city of Kitezh is associated.

It is located in the Nizhny Novgorod Trans-Volga region, about 130 km northeast of the regional center and 1-1.5 km west of the village of Vladimirskoye, Voskresensky district. Monument of nature of federal significance. The lake is planned to become an object of cultural heritage.

The lake is located between the rivers Kerzhenets and Vetluga, the left tributaries of the Volga. It has the shape of an oval with dimensions of 470 × 350 m with a long axis in the north-south direction, differs from neighboring lakes in its great depth, reaching 33.4 m.

The deepest point is in the southern part of the lake, where the lowering of the bottom has the shape of a funnel, which is a continuation of steep southern shores. To the north of this depression at the bottom there is a flat area 22-24 m deep. In the northern, relatively shallow part of the lake, the depth differences are smoother compared to the southern part. The height of the lake surface above sea level is 109 m.

The shores of the lake are somewhat elevated, and the lake itself is located in a basin; the hills surrounding the lake are most distinct from the south, where they form an arc. The height of the hills reaches 122-124 m above sea level (13-15 m above the lake's water line), the hills are separated by deep (7-8 m) ravines. Unusually pure water of the bicarbonate-calcium type, transparent to a depth of more than 5 m. The lake is cold, it is fed by numerous bottom springs. The shores are slightly swampy.

A small shallow river Lunda flows 0.5 km to the northeast, with which the lake is connected by a stream. The flow from the lake through the stream, partially disturbed during the construction of the road during the Soviet era (as a result of which the lake began to become waterlogged), was restored in the 1990s.

The volume of the lake basin (not the lake itself) is about 1.5 km3, the water surface area is 14.83 ha. The thickness of bottom sediments is about 8 m.

The lake is located on the territory of the natural park "Voskresenskoye Povetluzhye" (protected zone of the Nizhny Novgorod Povetluzhye, a natural park of regional significance), created in 2008.

The attentive reader noticed that on our site the concepts of Mari El and the Mari Territory differ!

Actually, Mari El is a well-known republic, with its own geographical borders, administrative regions and settlements.

And the Mari Territory includes much more!

Historically, the territory of the settlement of the Mari people extended west to Kerzhentsa river and further to the Nizhny Novgorod region, everyone also knows the rivers and Mari sanctuaries on the territory of the Kirov region, the Mari occupied large territories in the south - to the Kazanka and Kama rivers. And in the east, the limits of the Mari Territory reached Vyatka. There are still places of compact residence of the Eastern Mari, but this will be another story.

(handwritten map of the 13th century of the settlement of peoples in the Nizhny Novgorod region)

In this article we will focus on the most famous lake in the interfluve Vetlugi and Kerzhenets, and on the most famous lake in central Russia - on legendary Svetloyar!!!

Every person has heard the legend about the hidden city of Kitezh and the wonderful lake Svetloyar more than once!

But a thousand years ago, the Mari lived in the dense forests of this region, and in the north of present-day Russia: from the Baltic to the Ural Mountains, the Finno-Ugric belt of related peoples stretched: Komi, Karelians, Chud, Mer, Meshchera, Berendei, Mari, Mordovians, Udmurts , Permians, Khanty, Mansi, etc.

Many geographical names of central Russia testify to this, including the ending of the lakes: -yar, -er, which are clearly of Mari origin. It is at the western Mari that the lake is called: Yar, for example, the lakes located near Svetloyar - Nestiyar, Patyar, Kuzmiyar, Izyar, Arda, Shorskoye, Moryar, Yuronskoye, etc.

It is impossible not to mention the names of the rivers in the Nizhny Novgorod region, which very often have Finno-Ugric roots, and also a direct origin from the Mari language.

Here is just a short selection of the most obvious examples:

Vadok(the left tributary of the Pyana in the Vadsky district of the same name flows through a heavily karst, rife area), or Vatka (as Vadok was called on maps of the 18th century). This name, obviously, of Finno-Ugric origin, has been preserved since then (until the 10th-11th centuries), when the ancient tribes of this group of peoples lived in these places. The name is based on the word vad (vut), meaning water, as indicated by its modern name in Mari (vud). The village Vad was named after this river.

Vezloma(left tributary of the Volga, flowing in the Bor region) - the name of Finno-Ugric origin, preserved from the X-XI centuries. when the ancient tribes of this group of peoples (in particular, the Meshchera) lived along the banks of the river. It consists of two words: wez (water) and loma (lake) and in semantic translation means "a river flowing through lakes" (indeed, Vezloma forms several lakes on its way).

Svetloyar is one of the most mysterious lakes in the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that for more than 40 years researchers have been trying to understand how this reservoir arose, so far they have not come to a consensus. It is safe to say that it is this source of strength and health that the Nizhny Novgorod region is famous for. Lake Svetloyar causes a lot of discussion about its origin, the usefulness of water and legends that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries.

The legend of the city of Kitezh

One of the most ancient legends is based on the fact that even before the Tatars came here, the city of Kitezh stood near the coast. It was a small town, in the center of which stood six churches. At this time, near the city of Small Kitezh, a battle took place between Batu Khan and Prince Vsevolodich. In an unequal battle, the Russian heroes were forced to retreat into the wilderness of the forests, where Bolshoy Kitezh stood. After the Tatars reached Svetloyar, the final battle took place, as a result of which the Russian commander died. But the enemy did not get the city, it hid under the overflowing waters of the lake. Nizhny Novgorod Region is known for this glorious place. Lake Svetloyar, whose history is so mysterious, still hides in its depths the city of Kitezh, which, they say, can be seen in crystal clear waters.

Legends of the lake and reviews of tourists

The most fantastic stories about this reservoir can be heard from local residents. They claim that there is some kind of underground bottom connecting Svetloyar with Baikal. It's hard to believe, but to date there are no rebuttals or confirmations. This, of course, if you do not take into account that quite recently a group of divers dived to explore the bottom of Svetloyar. But there is no data on this. Reviews of tourists indicate that the water here is crystal clear and healing. After swimming in a pond, health is strengthened and mood is lifted.

There was a lot of talk about the fact that the scuba divers never got to the bottom, which scared them very much. There is another ancient belief, according to which the depth of the lake is guarded by a miracle fish that protects Kitezh from intruders. Locals claim that Svetloyar is a lake, the legends about which are simply amazing, it has miraculous powers, but it's up to you to believe in it or not. However, today there are rumors about cases of incredible healing from various diseases in this reservoir. For example, tourists have repeatedly said that after visiting the lake, all their ailments disappeared as if by magic.

When and under what circumstances did Svetloyar appear?

According to many researchers, the reservoir appeared about 14 thousand years ago. This time can be attributed to the end of the Ice Age. But in practice, it turns out that in this area all glacial lakes have long disappeared. This confirms the version that Svetloyar - a lake whose legends attract tourists - has a karst nature of origin. As an argument, facts are given, if they can be called that, from the distant 1903. It was written in one of the local newspapers that the inhabitants of the nearest village called Shary, not far from Svetloyar, were very alarmed. One day in the middle of the night there was a loud noise and crackling. But it was not thunder, as the sounds came from underground. All the inhabitants of the village ran to the sounds and, to their surprise, saw a huge failure, on which Svetloyar was formed. The lake, the photo of which you can see in this article, according to eyewitnesses, appeared in an instant. It was so deep that not a single tree that had grown in this place before could be seen.

Opinions of experts on anomalous phenomena

But many researchers and scientists reject the version of karst origin. This is due to several factors. Firstly, there are no easily soluble rocks on the coast, which are washed out by the waters of Svetloyar. Secondly, according to research data, the center of the European part of the Russian Federation lies on very strong rocks. In some places, under the influence of shifts, cracks form. According to Nikishin, it is at the crossroads of two similar faults that the lake is located today. This is quite logical, especially considering that a failure in such a place can happen very quickly. As for the healing waters, experts do not deny this. The fact is that high energy coming from the depths of the planet Earth can have a variety of effects on the human body. Hence the mirages, the sounds of bells, periodically appearing UFOs. But the most interesting thing is that if you take some water from this reservoir with you, it will stand for several years and will not deteriorate at all.

Are there pagan temples at the bottom of the lake?

Approximately 50 years ago, Svetloyar was visited by a complex scientific expedition. It was found that the underwater world of the reservoir was not created immediately, but in stages. This is due to the fact that the lake has a large number of ledges, which are located at a depth of 9 to 20 meters. The last one is only 700 years old. Around this time, Batu Khan came to these lands. Based on this, the experts concluded that the monastery should be located almost at the very bottom, which is practically not explored. In their opinion, there used to be a pagan temple here, which went to the bottom when the waters overflowed. In the center of the lake, a small island was formed, to which Christians came for the purpose of solitude. They created the temple, which also went into the abyss of the reservoir. It is these amazing legends that attract tourists. Lake Svetloyar is always in the center of attention of visitors. Especially after a wooden fragment was found there, indicating that it was a building of ancient times, which miraculously survived.


Currently, recreation on Lake Svetloyar is very popular. Mostly tourists come here from all over Russia, but sometimes from other countries. Many believe that the waters of the reservoir are healing and give vitality. In addition, almost everyone is not averse to taking “living” water from Svetloyar with them. A huge number of hypotheses that exist today suggest that there is something alluring in this place. Legends don't just happen. Although they are far from always reliable, there is definitely some truth in them. In the end, faith matters a lot. According to local residents, only those who believe in the miracle of the reservoir will be able to discover all its secrets. By the way, ufologists say that Svetloyar) is the fourth dimension, or an energy column that is not visible to the naked eye. And only believers can see it. Despite the fact that this place is not a resort, those who have been here want to see Svetloyar again and advise others to visit this magical place.

Lake Svetloyar, located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, is considered one of the most fabulous and unusual reservoirs in Russia. Locals call Svetloyar Atlantis. And it is no coincidence - it is believed that once on the shore of the lake (during the time of the Tatar-Mongol yoke) there was a beautiful city of Kitezh. Then he disappeared. There is even a legend about this city, according to which Kitezh sank to the bottom of Lake Svetloyar. Hence the comparison with Atlantis.

By the way, the lake is small but deep: only 500 meters long and 350 meters wide. The maximum depth is about 33.5 meters.

Legend of Lake Svetloyar

Grand Duke Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich, according to legend, ordered the construction of the city of Kitezh on the shores of Lake Svetloyar.

Khan Batu, having learned about the city in a picturesque and rich region, decided to capture it. The Mongols, approaching the city, looked with surprise at the local residents: there were no fortifications, people only lifted up their prayers to heaven. Suddenly, streams of water gushed out of the ground. The Mongols retreated. Kitezh plunged into the water. The last thing the invaders saw was the cross on the dome of the church.

It is believed that only true believers and pure souls will be able to find the sunken city. Pilgrims making a religious procession to these places say that they sometimes hear a bell ringing coming from the lake itself.

Rest on Lake Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The lake is located on the territory of the natural park Voskresenskoye Povetluzhye, which belongs to a specially protected area. It is not allowed to put up tents and make a fire on the shore of the reservoir.

But in the area of ​​​​the village of Vladimirskoye you can find accommodation - a hotel or guest houses. There you will be offered to rent single, double and triple rooms. There is a sauna on the territory of the guest houses, and you can find a shop or a cafe nearby.

You can also visit Lake Svetloyar as part of an excursion group. Bus tours organized directly from Nizhny Novgorod. The cost of such trips depends on the route, duration and number of people in the group. Prices range from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles. You will be told in detail about the history of the lake, its features, legends associated with Svetloyar.


In addition to Lake Svetloyar, tourists can visit the historical and art museum of Kitezh and the temple-chapel, located right on the shore of the reservoir.

The exposition of the museum is dedicated to the history of the village of Vladimirskoye and Lake Svetloyar. Here you will learn about the local traditions and culture of the ancestors who once lived on the banks of the famous reservoir.

As for the chapel, it was erected in the 1990s with public donations. The chapel is built entirely of wood. The central place in it is occupied by the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. For pilgrims, the chapel and Lake Svetloyar are considered special places that fill with strength.

Fishing on Lake Svetloyar

Tench, pike, roach, perch, bream are found in the lake. However, you will rarely meet fishermen here, since the believers consider Lake Svetloyar sacred place. Pilgrims make a religious procession here.

Usually they fish here in winter, when there are no pilgrims and tourists coming to the lake just to relax and admire the beauty. According to the fishermen, the catch here is always good.


The village of Vladimirskoye is located on the eastern shore of Lake Svetloyar. In the north, almost four kilometers away is the village of Rassadino, and three kilometers away is the village of Bolshie Klyuchi. To the west, three kilometers away is the village of Shadrino. That part of the coast, which is not adjacent to the village of Vladimirskoye, is occupied by forests and fields. By the way, the banks of the reservoir are raised. Somewhere the hills are separated by 8-meter ravines.

To the east of Svetloyar flows a small river, Lunda, with which the lake is connected by a stream.

The lake has an almost perfect oval shape. The bottom, according to the researchers, is funnel-shaped. The water is fresh and clean.

How to get there

You can get to Lake Svetloyar by public transport, by private or rented car, as well as by taxi.

Public transport

There are daily buses from Nizhny Novgorod from the Kanavinskaya bus station to the village of Voskresenskoye. You will spend at least two hours on the way. you can look at the popular service for tourists


If you decide to go to Lake Svetloyar by car, then you need to move towards the village of Neklyudovo, then through the villages of Temryashino, Rekshino, the village of Zheleznodorozhny, the villages of Valki and Dryukovo, the village of Tarasikha, the village of Bydreevka, the village of Shaldezh, after passing Bokovo, turn right and follow through the village of Bolshiye Klyuchi to the village of Vladimirskoye. The distance from Nizhny Novgorod to Lake Svetloyar is 125 kilometers. On the way you will spend approximately 1 hour 50 minutes. See the laid route on the google-map.

You can also use the services of local taxi services - Yandex. Taxi and Uber.

Lake Svetloyar on google-panorama

Lake Svetloyar on video