Submarines of the Russian Navy (diesel-electric). Submarines of the Russian Navy (diesel-electric) Project 877 submarine

Led by Yuri Kormilitsyn, together with the Research Institute. Krylov since 1974.

The main feature of the project 877EKM ("export commercial modernized") was the possibility of operation and functioning of mechanisms and equipment in tropical conditions.

The submarine adopted a single-shaft propulsion system, an axisymmetric hull shape, and an optimized ratio of its length and diameter.

The internal strong hull of the submarine is divided by watertight bulkheads into six compartments. In the first - bow - compartment there are torpedo tubes, in the second - batteries and the main command post. The third compartment is residential, two-deck, includes a galley and cabins. In the fourth compartment there are diesel generators, in the fifth - propeller motors. In the tail compartment there are electric motors of economic progress and a backup power plant.

The power plant consists of several powerful electric motors, allowing this type of submarine to move only under electric motors, without using a diesel engine.

Most submarine mechanisms are equipped with vibration-absorbing coatings and mounted on shock absorbers or special platforms.

The six-blade propeller, reduced to 250 rpm, significantly reduces noise levels, leaving enemy anti-submarine forces less likely to detect a submarine with noise direction finders.

The maximum immersion depth of the submarine is 300 meters.

Full submerged speed - 17 knots.

Underwater cruising range at economic speed - 400 miles.

Autonomy - 45 days.

Crew size - 52 people.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Diesel-electric submarines of project 877 "Halibut" / Photo:

The Russian Project 877 Halibut submarine is considered one of the best diesel-electric submarines in the class. Even the US Navy is reluctant to take on her, writes National Interest magazine columnist, defense and national security specialist Kyle Mizokami.

The author draws attention to the low hydroacoustic visibility of the Halibut. Thanks to its special design, the submarine emits significantly less noise than its competitors. The life support system allows her to stay under water for up to two weeks, and the cruising range is 7.5 thousand nautical miles (14 thousand kilometers), which exceeds the distance from the base of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy to Cuba, the author writes.

"Halibuts", created in the Soviet era, after the collapse of the USSR went for export. India bought ten submarines, three - Iran, two - China. Many samples remained in the countries of the former Warsaw block, RIA Novosti reports.

"Project 877 submarines turned out to be very successful both in technical and export terms," ​​writes K. Mizokami. He is convinced that due to the growth of conflict moods in the Asia-Pacific region, the world community may soon witness the combat use of "Halibuts" and "Varshavyanka".

Technical reference

Diesel-electric submarine "Vladikavkaz" project 877, code "Halibut" -is the fifth in a series of seven submarines built at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) for the Soviet Navy.

The submarine was laid down under the name "B-459", construction number 608, on February 25, 1988. Launched on April 29, 1990. On September 28, 1990, she was accepted into the Navy.

Initially, the submarine was part of the Black Sea Fleet, in 1991 it was relocated to the Northern Fleet.

Project 877 diesel-electric submarines were designed by the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering.

Submarines of this project are designed to combat surface and submarine ships, lay minefields, and conduct reconnaissance. They are one of the quietest mass-produced submarines.

On August 2, 1997, the crew of the submarine signed a sponsorship agreement with the administration of North Ossetia and the ship received its current name "Vladikavkaz" in honor of the capital of the republic.

Until 2008, the submarine served in the Red Banner Northern Fleet.

The Vladikavkaz diesel-electric submarine arrived at the Zvezdochka CS for medium repairs and modernization in 2008. The state contract for the repair of the submarine was concluded in 2011, and Zvyozdochka shipbuilders launched full-scale work to return the submarine to service.

On September 19, 2014, the boat was withdrawn from the boathouse and launched. In 2015 at Vladikavkaz mooring trials begin , and at the beginning of summer 2015, with the opening of navigation in the White Sea, the ship will go to sea to carry out the program of factory sea trials.

The transfer of the Vladikavkaz diesel-electric submarine to the navy will take place in 2015, after which the ship will serve for the next ten years.


The main characteristics of diesel-electric submarines of project 877

Displacement, tons: surface - 2300;
underwater - 3040
Maximum length, m 72,6
Maximum width, m 9,9
Average draft, m 6,2
Speed, knots: surface - 10;
underwater - from 17 to 19
Immersion depth, m: working - 240;
limit - 350
Autonomy of navigation, days 45
Crew, man 57
Power point:
Diesel-electric with full electric propulsion: 2 diesel generators 1000…1500 kW each;
main electric motor 4,050…5,500 hp;
190 hp economical running electric motor;
two standby electric motors of 102 hp each;
one low-noise six-bladed low-speed fixed-pitch propeller;
2 rechargeable batteries of 120 cells.
Torpedo-mine armament: 6 bow TA caliber 533 mm, normally loaded, with automatic loading,
18 torpedoes or
24 mines.
Missile armament: Turquoise ZM-54E1 (Club-S, modification 08773)
Air defense: "Strela-ZM" or

In the 1970s, it was decided to replenish the Navy with a new generation of diesel-electric submarines, which needed to act against submarines and surface ships, lay minefields, and conduct reconnaissance. should be relatively small, high-speed, low-noise, have perfect radio, sonar and electronic equipment. Since these were going to be supplied to the allies under the Warsaw Pact, in addition to the usual project number - 877, she was given a proper name - "Varshavyanka". NATO classification - Kilo.

Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" project 877B KILO enters the roadstead of Cartagena to participate in joint maneuvers with NATO fleets "Bold Monarch 2011". May 25, 2011.

Their development in 1974 according to the TTZ approved by the USSR Navy was carried out by the designers of the Rubin Central Design Bureau, headed by Yu.N. Kormilitsyn together with the Research Institute. Krylov. If Project 641 submarines were traditionally narrow and long, then the outer and light hull of the Halibut was made spindle-shaped, with a round bow configuration like that of a nuclear submarine. The hull itself was designed in such a way that the hydrodynamic resistance was minimal. Several models have been tested and perfected in the experimental pool and on the benches.

The design of submarines of the project 877 "Halibut" - two-hull. The shape of the case is maximally adapted to reduce noise and resistance. The robust body is made in the form of a cylinder, the cross sections are circular. AK-25 steel was used for the manufacture of a durable case. Body end structures are spherical. Strong watertight bulkheads divide the hull into six compartments:
1st - bow, serves to accommodate torpedo tubes;
2nd - main command post and batteries;
3rd - two-deck, residential, galley and cabins on the upper deck, batteries on the lower deck;
4th - diesel generators;
5th - propeller motors;
6th - reserve power plant and electric motors of economic progress.

Submarine pr.877EKM serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy on tests after repair with modernization in Severodvinsk, 11/25/2012.

The light body was given a streamlined spindle-shaped "Albacore" shape. A special coating absorbs the radiation of enemy sonar systems. Tanks of the main ballast, other tanks, as well as various equipment are located in the double-hull space. Although, due to the double-hull design, the submarine has a significant underwater volume, in emergency situations this makes it possible to increase survivability by ensuring unsinkability with large flooded volumes of the ship. In the cruising position, the submarine can be afloat even if any compartment and two adjoining tanks of the main ballast of one side are flooded.

The fencing of the shafts of retractable devices is located approximately in the middle of the ship. The navigation bridge is also equipped in it. All retractable devices, with the exception of the commander's periscope, are made not penetrating into the rugged case. Thanks to this, the central post was made more spacious and convenient to control the ship and its combat systems.

Nasal horizontal rudders were also made retractable. To reduce the interference caused by them in the operation of the hydroacoustic complex, they were moved from the bow to the middle part of the hull. Also, scuppers were removed from the bow, and all mechanisms that emit noise from the first compartment were removed.

The main power plant was designed according to the scheme of full electric propulsion, that is, in the surface and underwater position, the movement is provided by a propeller motor. The main power plant includes:
- main propulsion motor PG141 (power 5500 hp). A low-speed PG165 engine of the same power is installed on the B-800 submarine and on Project 636 boats.
- 2 diesel generators 4DL-42MH (each with a power of 1500 kW, the first two submarines of Project 877 were equipped with 2x4DL-42M with a power of 1000 kW each) with a diesel generator operating system under water. On modifications 877M and 636, a 30DG diesel generator (power of one 1500 kW) is installed, which also works with RDP.
- two groups of lead-acid batteries.

For the economical running mode, a special propeller 190-horsepower PG142 electric motor is provided. Starting with the submarine B-800 / project 877V / project 636, a low-speed 190-horsepower PG166 engine was installed.

Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877V and disassembled jet propulsion, Sevastopol, another repair, January 12, 2006.

A design feature of Project 877 submarines is the presence of a pair of backup 102-horsepower PG-168 electric motors. These engines provide the boat with movement in narrow places, allow maneuvering during mooring, and can also be used to move in case of damage to the main shaft and propeller.

A low-speed six-bladed fixed-pitch propeller was used as a propeller. On boats B-470 and B-800 7-bladed from the Aurora alloy with saber-shaped blades. On the sides in the aft part of the hull are thruster water cannons. The process of submersion/surfacing of the submarine is automated.

When moving underwater, the submarine develops a maximum speed of 17 knots, while on the surface - 10 knots. The range of navigation under water at a speed of 7 knots in diesel mode is 6000 miles, the boat can overcome 400 miles at an economical speed at a speed of 3 knots in a submerged position.

Starting with the B-800 submarine, they are equipped with a rescue hatch that allows you to leave the flooded submarine from depths of up to 250 meters (made in the stern).

Energy - two groups of lead-acid batteries with 120 cells each. Project 636M submarines use batteries that have a 2.5 times longer service life while maintaining the same power.

The boats were equipped with an advanced navigation system. On various modifications of the project 877 "Halibut" complexes "Andoga", "Apassionata-EKM", "Apassionata-EKM.1" are installed. To search for surface targets and control the air situation, a radar station is used, as well as means that detect enemy radar radiation. Hydroacoustic equipment - active and passive.

Information from all surveillance equipment and posts enters the multi-purpose BUIS ("Lama" / "Uzel", "Lama-EKM" / "Uzel"), is processed by a computer, and then transferred to the commander, to the command post, which is isolated from other compartments. General ship systems are controlled from the Palladium or Palladium-EM control panel (depending on the modification).

Loading a missile of the Club-S complex into the torpedo tube of an Indian submarine pr.08773. For loading, a platform fixed on the submarine hull is used..

Most of the mechanisms are equipped with vibration-absorbing coatings and mounted on shock absorbers, others are arranged on special platforms in blocks, which, together with a low-noise propeller, streamlined hull, makes the submarine less noticeable compared to other types of submarines.

The armament of the submarine is six 533 mm torpedo tubes placed in the bow.. Of these, two devices in the upper tier are designed for firing remote-controlled torpedoes. Management and reloading (the Murena quick reloading device was used) - remote from the gearbox. Loading of torpedoes was carried out using a special loading device. Ammunition - 18 torpedoes, 6 of which were in torpedo tubes, 12 - on racks. Torpedoes 53-56B, 53-56BA, 53-65K, SET-53M, TEST-71M, SET-65E, USET-80K could be used. Instead of torpedoes, 24 DM-1 mines could be taken on board: 12 mines in torpedo tubes (2 per tube) and the same amount on racks.

For air defense, Project 877 submarines that were part of the Soviet Navy were armed with the Strela-3 retractable anti-aircraft missile system (in the process of modernization, Strela-3M, Igla-1 9M313 were installed). The ammunition of the complex is 8 missiles.

In projects 08773, 636M / 06361, the Club-S missile system was used with the launch of cruise missiles from the upper tier torpedo tubes from a submerged position. Ammunition - 4 missiles. The project 06363 used the Caliber-PL missile system with the launch of missiles from a submerged position.

A powerful mine-torpedo weapon system can solve multi-purpose tasks. They provide firing of ammunition at any depth of immersion and, together with the CICS, allows you to conduct not only single, but also salvo fire at 2 targets.

In Komsomolsk-on-Amur, in 1979, the shipyard began building the lead submarine of project 877; in September 1982, it entered service. Later, the ships of this project were produced in Leningrad, as well as at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant. After they were spotted by foreign observers in 1981, NATO assigned the symbol "Kilo".

The construction of a series for the Navy continued after 1992. During the construction process, the project was constantly improved. So, for example, the B-800 submarine (created according to project 877LPMB) had a saber-shaped seven-bladed propeller made of Aurora alloy. This submarine was the first of the 877 projects to be equipped with an escape hatch and a system that allowed the submarine to exit from a depth of 250 meters. Other equipment in the BS-5 was carried out on a new element base. The submarine received a low-speed main propulsion motor and an ECT and other innovations, as well as additional acoustic equipment from the MGK-400 hydroacoustic complex (the SPK cabin was even reduced for this), new navigational equipment not included in the navigation complex, and so on.

The last eight ships of the series were built according to a slightly modified project. Due to the increase in the hull of the boat by two spaces (2x600 mm), more powerful diesel generators (1.5 times) were mounted on them, with improved platform damping, a Hall anchor that retracted inward, and a low-speed main electric motor. In total, 30 pieces of equipment were replaced with new, more maintainable and low-noise ones. The resource of the equipment has increased by 2 times, the maintainability of the ships has improved.

Submarine project 877 with a diesel generator operating under the RDP, Baltic Sea, 09/10/2007.


Project 877 "Halibut"(sub-series 08770) - the basic serial version of the submarine, the lead ones - B-248, B-401. In addition to the 08770 series, there were 08771 or 08772 series - which differed between manufacturing plants.

Project 877E "Varshavyanka"- export modification of the submarine project 877 of the first series. Supplied to the countries of the Warsaw Pact. It differs mainly in equipment and is not equipped with air defense systems.

Project 877EK- submarines were not built, it is an "export commercial" version adapted to tropical operating conditions.

Project 877EKM- "export commercial upgraded" version of the submarine of project 877. Deliveries were made to Algeria, India, Iran and China. The hydroacoustic system MGK-400E was installed. The project was adapted to tropical operating conditions. In 1999, project 08773 was modernized for the Indian Navy and received the designation Project 08773. Modification of equipment and weapons systems (equipped with Club-S cruise missile launchers). She received the Lama-ER control system, the new MGK-400EM / MGK-EM sonar system, and the Palladium-M combat information and control system. On the modification of the submarine, the rudder propeller group and design are kept similar to the 877EKM project.

Project 877LPMB (B-800 Kaluga)- equipped with a 7-bladed propeller made of Aurora alloy with saber-shaped blades. A rescue hatch was also equipped, which allows evacuation from a depth of up to 250 m. The BCh-5 equipment was redesigned, the economical running engine and the main propulsion motor were slower. Additional navigational equipment was installed on the boat.

Project 877B- equipped with a water jet. According to the main performance characteristics, it is similar to the project 877.

Project 877M "Halibut-M"- 8 last submarines of the Project 877 series for the Russian Navy. The body is extended by 1.2 m.

Project 877B- a project for the modernization of a submarine of project 877. Research and development work was carried out in the 1980s on the basis of project 877M. According to this project, an experimental submarine B-90 "Sargan" was laid down, later completed according to project 20120.

Projects 877K/877MK- modernized projects 877 and 877M. after the modernization of equipment (in particular, the combat information and control system).

Project 636- developed by the Central Design Bureau "Rubin", is an export modification of the project 877M for the Chinese Navy, the equipment is modernized according to the type of project 877M, sound-absorbing technologies are widely used.

Project 636M- a modernized version of project 636. The composition of the equipment has been changed, an inertial navigation system, a periscope with a laser rangefinder, a TV channel and a night vision channel have been installed. Towed communication antenna of HF and VLF bands. Submerged Club-S cruise missiles can be used. Project 06361 - modification of a submarine for the Vietnamese Navy. Project 06363 - modification of the project with updated equipment. Armed with the Kalibr missile system.

The project of a special submarine based on the project 877 - probably intended for work on laying pipelines on the seabed. Perhaps, after equipping, it can be used for a wide range of jobs.

Submarine B-464 "Ust-Kamchatsk" project 877 (modernized) in the floating dock.

Project 877 "Halibut" submarines and their modifications were supplied to:
Algeria - 2 submarines of project 877EKM;
India - 9 submarines of project 877EKM (8 modernized 08773) + 1 built according to project 08773;
Iran - 3 submarines 877EKM;
China - 1 project 636M submarine + 2 project 877EKM submarine;
Poland - 1 submarine project 877E;
Romania - 1 submarine project 877E.

The Russian Navy has 24 Project 877 Halibut diesel-electric submarines and their modifications.

Designs of the light hull of the submarine B-261 "Novorossiysk" pr.06363 at the Admiralty shipyards. St. Petersburg, November 27, 2012.

Launching after repair of the submarine Taregh pr.877EKM Iranian Navy, May 28, 2012.

Main characteristics:

Surface displacement - 2300 tons;
Underwater displacement - 3040 tons;
The greatest length is 72.6 m;
Buoyancy margin - 32%;
Durable hull length - 51.8 m;
The greatest width is 9.9 m;
Draft on design waterline - 6.2 m;

Main power plant:
- the number and power of diesel engines - 2x1000 kW, type DL42MH (on the last 8 boats 2x1500 kW type 30DG);
- the number and power of the HED - 1x5500 hp, type PG-141 (on the last 8 boats 1x5500 hp of the PG-165 type, on 877EKM - 1x4050 hp)
— number and power of EH electric motors — 1х190 h.p. (PG-166);
- the number and power of standby PEMs - 2x102 hp (PG-168);
- propellers - low-noise VFSh;
- fuel reserve - 172 tons;
- number of battery groups, number of cells - 2x120;

Surface speed - 10 knots;
Underwater speed - 17 ... 19 knots;
Economic underwater speed - 3 knots;
Underwater range (speed 7 knots, under the RDP) - 7500 miles;
Submerged range (speed 3 knots) - 400 miles;
Working immersion depth - 240 m;
Periscope immersion depth - 17.5 m;
Maximum immersion depth - 350 m;
Autonomy - 45 days;
Crew - 57 people;

- missile system (project 08773) - Ciub-S;
- bow torpedo tubes - 6 pcs.;
- caliber - 533 mm
- number of torpedoes - 18 (SET-65E, 53-65K, TEST-71M, USET-80K);
- the number and type of mines (instead of torpedoes) - 24 pieces, DM-1;
- MANPADS - "Strela-ZM" / "Igla-1";
Radar station of state recognition - "Nichrome-M".

Large diesel-electric submarine (type "B"). The development of the project began according to the tactical and technical specifications approved by the USSR Navy in 1974. The design was carried out by the Rubin Central Design Bureau (TsKB-18) together with the Research Institute. Academician Krylov, chief designer of the project - Yu.N. Kormilitsyn. The technical design of the boat was approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy on December 20, 1976. Preparation for the production of the lead boat of the project at the Lenin Komsomol shipyard No. 199 (Komsomolsk-on-Amur) began in 1979. The B-248 lead boat was laid on March 16, 1980. The boat was launched on September 12, 1980 and delivered and the USSR Navy on December 31, 1980

Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" project 877V KILO, Black Sea, January 20, 2007 (photo - Vitaly Kostrichenko,

In 1981, after the discovery of a new type of submarine in NATO, the boat was given the pseudonym KILO. According to unconfirmed reports, the lead boat, project 877 B-248, entered service only in September 1982. Perhaps, at that time, naval tests of the lead submarine were completed in full. Serial production of boats pr.877 lasted from 1979 to 1994. In total, different factories built:
- Plant No. 199 "Im. Lenin Komsomol" (Komsomolsk-on-Amur) - from 1979 to 1994 15 boats built;
- plant "Krasnoye Sormovo" (Gorky - Nizhny Novgorod) - from 1982 to 1995 built 17 boats incl. and for export;
- plant Leningrad Admiralty Association (Leningrad) - from 1983 to 1991. built 7 boats for export;
- Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Admiralty Shipyards" (St. Petersburg) - from 1992 to 2000. 4 boats were built for export and from 1997 to 1998 2 boats of project 636, and from 2002 to 2006. - 5 boats pr.636M.

One boat project 877 was completed in 2005 according to project 636M (B-340 = Yuan Zhend 73 Hao, China). Some time ago (1997) in the Western specialized media, the KILO-class boats were also called GRANAY, probably referring to the boats of the modernized project 636. By default, the data of the pr.877 boats are given.

In 2010, the FSUE "Admiralty Shipyards" (St. Petersburg) resumed the construction of boats pr.06363 for the Russian Navy ( see Register, below) - in construction a series of six submarines for the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy.

Submarine design
- two-hull. Shock-absorbing platforms and other sound-absorbing technologies (for example, anti-hydroacoustic coating of the hull) are widely used. The shape of the submarine case is maximally adapted to reduce resistance and noise. Nasal horizontal rudders retract into the hull. Submarines of the pr.877M type differ externally from pr.877 by a superstructure chopped off in the stern instead of smoothly passing into the hull. The material of the durable case is AK-25 steel. At least for submarine pr.06363, hull steel was developed by the Central Research Institute of KM "Prometey" and is produced at the Izhora Plant.

Split layout model of the submarine pr.877 of the studio "Corvette" (

From top to bottom - the first three pictures - in the slipway shop No. 12 of the Leningrad Admiralty Association, block No. 1, block No. 1 with a mask of torpedo tubes, block No. 3. In the fourth photo, the transportation of an element of the strong submarine hull to workshop No. 12. On the fifth photo - a block of a strong boat hull in shop No. 9. Presumably in the photo there are structural elements of the submarine B-477 ("Sindhushastra" S65) serial No. 01618 pr.

Submarine hull architecture pr.06363 or pr.06361. Workshop No. 9 of the Admiralty shipyards. 2012 ().

Propulsion system: both underwater and surface movement of the submarine is provided by propeller motors

2 x diesel generators 4DL-42MH with a capacity of 1500 kW (according to other data and on the first two submarines pr.877 - 4DL-42M with a capacity of 1000 kW) with an RDP system (project 877). On pr.877M - 30DG with a capacity of 1500 kW, also working with the RDP system.

1 x main propulsion motor PG141 with a power of 5500 hp (including project 877V / 877EKM, according to other data, project 877EKM has an engine with a power of 4050 hp), starting from the B-800 submarine (1989), a new low-speed PG165 engine with a power of 5500 hp has been installed. (6800 hp according to Western data).

1 x PG142 economy electric motor, 130-150 hp (first modifications), starting from the submarine B-800 (1989) / project 877V, a new low-speed PG166 engine with a power of 190 hp was installed.

2 x backup electric motors PG168 (apparently, starting with the B-800?) with a power of 102 hp each.

Mechanics- one shaft, one screw:
- 6-blade low noise fixed pitch propeller (B-470 ? and B-800)
- 7-bladed with saber-shaped blades from the Aurora alloy (B-470 - 1986, B-800 - 1989).
- 7-blade B-800 type propellers (Improved KILO type submarine).
- turbine-type jet nozzle (project 877V, earlier there was a shorter nozzle - perhaps this is the difference between the early project 877V and project 877VD - this is presumably).
The maximum rotation speed of the screw is 250 rpm.

On the submarines of all projects in the aft part of the hull on the sides there are thruster water cannons. The processes of submersion and ascent of the submarine are automated.

6-blade low-noise fixed-pitch propeller on boats pr.877 and 877EKM KILO. The picture shows a roll-out from the workshop of the submarine B-477 ("Sindhushastra" S65), serial No. 01618 pr.

Submarine project 636 / 636M with a 7-blade propeller ("Military parade", photo from the Gogs archive,

Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" project 877V KILO and a disassembled water jet propulsion unit. Sevastopol, floating dock PD-30, next repair, January 12, 2006 (photo - Dmitry Stogniy,

Energy- lead acid batteries. Quantity - 2 groups of 120 pcs. During operation in the Iranian Navy, problems were noted with the failure of batteries, which is likely caused by either high temperatures and humidity during operation or errors in maintenance (or both). Batteries for submarines pr.877/636 on the world market are also offered by such a manufacturer as British Chloride Industrial Batteries Ltd with a guarantee of 5 years (information for 1997).

rescue system- starting from the B-800 submarine, the boats of the series are equipped with a rescue hatch that allows you to leave the flooded submarine from a depth of up to 250 m (located in the aft part of the submarine).

Performance characteristics of the submarine:
Crew - 57 people (52 people - project 877EKM / 877V) - incl. 12 officers

73.8 m (Project 877M)

Durable hull length - 51.8 m

Width - 9.9 m

Draft - 6.2 m

Surface displacement - 2300 tons

Underwater displacement - 3040 tons (3076 tons according to other data)

Buoyancy reserve - 32%

Mass of diesel fuel - 172 tons

Surface speed - 10 knots

underwater speed:

3 knots (on auxiliary thrusters)

8-10 knots (periscope, wave limit - 5 points)

17 knots (including project 877V)

19 knots (project 877M)

21-25 knots (project 877M according to Western data)

Submarine range (under RDP, speed 7 knots) - 6500 miles

Submerged range (speed 3 knots) - 400 miles (including project 636 / 636M)

Submerged range (speed 21 knots) - 12.7 miles (according to Western data)

Periscope diving depth - 17.5 m (swell limit 5 points)

Working immersion depth - 240 m (250 m is possible pr.877M)

Maximum immersion depth - 350 m (300 m project 877EKM)

Autonomy - 45 days

The noisiness of the submarine pr.877 when driving on an auxiliary propulsion unit (water cannons) at a low-noise speed (LSH) of 5-6 knots is estimated by experts to be lower than or equal to the noise level of the Improved Los-Angeles-type submarine. When using the stroke under the main propulsion motor, the noise performance deteriorates significantly regardless of speed. Based on the reviews of Indian sailors, the submarine pr.877EKM is considered quieter than the German submarine pr.209 in terms of overall noise. With a natural background of 40-45 dB in calm, the noise level of the submarine project 877 was 52-56 dB (a series of submarines and measurement conditions are unknown). The Chinese media on submarines pr.636 reported a noise level of 117 dB.


Project 877 Project 877EKM Project 08773 project 877EKM after modernization (2015 and earlier)
Mine and torpedo armament 6 x 533 mm bow torpedo tubes (TA control - remote from the command post, including TA reloading). Two of the six torpedoes (the upper tier of vehicles) are designed for the use of remote-controlled torpedoes (for example, project 877V). Reloading is carried out with the help of the Murena quick reloading device (remote automated control system TA - SDAU TA). Loading is carried out using a special loading device. Ammunition - 18 torpedoes (6 pcs in TA, 12 pcs on racks)

Loading missiles of the Club-S complex into the torpedo tube of the Indian submarine "Sindhuvijay" pr.08773 (the picture was taken no later than 2007,

Equipment(data to be clarified) :

project 877 / 877E / 877V Project 877EKM project 877M / 08773
BIUS (combat information and control system) "Lama" / "Knot" (in some sources X)

Made on the basis of the computer MVU-110 "Uzel". The CICS allows you to simultaneously track 5 targets, incl. 2 targets automatically + 3 manually with automatic data generation for torpedoes. The CICS also solves navigation problems.

"Lama-EKM" / "Knot " , development and production - NPO "Aurora", "Okeanpribor" and "Granit-Electron".

Made on the basis of the computer MVU-100EM (?) "Knot". The CICS allows you to simultaneously track 5 targets, incl. 2 targets automatically + 3 manually with automatic data generation for torpedoes. The CICS also solves navigation problems.

"Lama-EKM" / "Knot", development and production - NPO "Aurora", "Okeanpribor" and "Granit-Electron".

Made on the basis of the MVU-110EM or MVU-119EM computer
General ship systems management Control panel "Palladium" (project 877E) Control panel "Palladium"
Control panel "Palladium-M" (possibly after the modernization of Indian submarines pr.877EKM)
Complex "Pirit-M"
(possibly after the modernization of Indian submarines pr.877EKM)
Control panel "Palladium-EM"(?)
MGK-400 "Rubicon", developed by NII-3 (later - Central Research Institute "Morfizpribor", St. Petersburg), modernized, starting from B-800, 1989, apparently, to "Rubicon-M". The complex includes: a block of digital processors for processing acoustic signals using a noise library ("Ajax" starting from the submarine B-470, serial number 467 pr.

The main GAS antenna (in the bow of the submarine hull) with a separate radiating antenna and a radiating antenna for sound conduction communication is made in a titanium case. The operation of the paths for noise direction finding (SHP), sonar (GL), detection of hydroacoustic signals (OGS) and sound underwater communications (ZPS) is ensured.

The number of emitter beams (in active mode) - 540 pcs

Detection range in passive mode - 16-20 km (PL) and 60-80 km (ships)

Target tracking range in active mode - 16-20 km

Range of underwater communication and data transmission - 20-25 km and 60-80 km (depending on the mode)

GAS mine detection MG-519 "Harp" (detection range min 1500 m)

MGK-400E "Rubicon-M" - SHARK TEETH MGK-400M "Rubicon-M" SHARK TEETH, developed by Central Research Institute "Morfizpribor" (St. Petersburg). The functions implemented in the first HAC models using the Ajax noise library (used starting from the B-470 submarine serial number 467 pr.877, in the Navy since 1986) were implemented using the Ajax noise library. The HAC also includes: a control panel. interface devices, power supply systems, communication devices and work support systems, passive and active GAS:

The main GAS antenna (in the bow of the submarine hull) with a separate radiating antenna and a radiating antenna for sound conduction communication is made in a titanium case.

Number of receiving antenna elements - 1008 pcs

The number of emitter beams (in active mode) - 540 pieces?

The area of ​​the working sector of the antenna - 7.5 sq.m

Detection range in passive mode - at least 16-20 km (submarines) and 60-80 km (ships)

Target tracking range in active mode - at least 16-20 km

Range of underwater communication and data transmission - at least 20-25 km and 60-80 km (depending on the mode)

GAS mine detection MG-519 "Harp" (range of detection of mines is not less than 1500 m). The equipment is made on a new element base. The composition of the equipment differs from the modernized composition of the equipment pr.877 (sometimes in the media - 877K)

on the submarine "Sindhuvijay" during the modernization of project 08773 (carried out by the shipyard "Zvezdochka", completed in 2007), the Indian GAK USNUS was installed

Radar complex
"Tobol" as part of the all-round radar MRK-50 "Kaskad" BRICK PULP
- target detection range at an altitude of 500 m - 70-100 km
- frigate-type target detection range - 12-20 km?
"Tobol" as part of the all-round radar MRK-50E "Kaskad" BRICK PULP "Tobol" as part of the all-round radar MRK-50 "Kaskad" BRICK PULP
Radio technical equipment
radio-technical station for detecting the MRP-25 BRICK GROUP radar and the "Frame" radio finder SNOOP TRAY-2 or "Veil" (doubtful), the radio-technical station (probably a satellite communications radio station) "Kiparis", the transponder of the state identification system "Khrom". Starting with the B-800 submarine (1989), the equipment of serial submarines has been modernized (made on a new element base). radio-technical station for detecting the BRICK GROUP MRP-25E radar and the Ramaka radio finder SNOOP TRAY-2 or "Veil" (doubtful), the radio-technical station (probably a satellite communications radio station) "Kiparis", the transponder of the Khrom state identification system. Starting with the B-800 submarine (1989), the equipment of serial submarines has been modernized (made on a new element base).
radio-technical station for detecting radar MRP-25 BRICK GROUP and radio direction finder "Frame" SNOOP TRAY-2 or "Veil", radio station "Cypress"
radio stations Radio stations R-654MR (1.5-24 MHz range), R-680 (1.5-60 MHz range) and R-625 (100-150 MHz, 220-400 MHz ranges). Indian radio communication system CSS-MK

HF and MW towed antenna

Navigation complex "Andoga" "Apassionata -EKM" "Andoga". On the modernized submarines pr.877EKM (at least by 2011 - Sindhurakshak) - the navigation complex "Apassionata-EKM.1" (modernization of the navigation complex "Apassionata-EKM").
periscopes commander's periscope PK-8.5 and anti-aircraft navigation periscope PZNG-8M (both periscopes have an optical zoom of 1.5x and 6x, vertical viewing angles from -10 to +90 degrees and all-round horizontal visibility) commander's periscope PK-8.5 and anti-aircraft navigation periscope PZNG-8M

Integrated control panel AIMS "Lama-EKM" produced by NPO "Avrora" (

Retractable devices in the cabin fence of the submarine B-871 "Alrosa" project 877V (in the retracted position, view aft,

Submarine project 877 (probably pryu877EKM B-806) with a diesel generator operating under the RDP, Baltic Sea, 09/10/2007 (photo by Alex Suetin,


project 877 / 08770, project 877E, project 877EKM (except for 2 PL) pryu877LPMB (B-800) Project 877V (B-871) project 877M / 08772 (?) / 636 / 636M project 877EKM / 08773 (repair with modernization) Project 06363
Frame smooth transition superstructure with "fin" superstructure transition with "threshold", no "fin"
smooth transition superstructure with "fin" superstructure transition with "threshold", no "fin"
Screw 6-blade classic VFS 7-bladed saber jet propulsion 7-bladed saber 6-blade classic VFS 7-bladed saber

pr.877 "Halibut" / subseries 08770 (?) - KILO(1980) - the basic serial version of the submarine, the lead submarines - B-248 and B-401. There is an assumption that, in addition to the 08770 series, there was a series 08771 or 08772 - perhaps they differed between manufacturing plants (respectively, the head boats B-248 and B-401, and B-401, in this case, the head boat of the 08770 series).

project 877E "Varshavyanka" - KILO(1985) - export modification of the submarine pr.877 of the first series for the Warsaw Pact countries, delivered to Poland (B-351 = Orzel, June 29, 1986 transferred to the Polish Navy) and Romania (B-801 = Delfinul, September 19, 1986 transferred to the Romanian Navy).

project 877EK- Submarines were not built, "export commercial", adapted to tropical operating conditions.

project 877EKM - KILO(1985) - "export commercial upgraded" version of the submarine pr.877, delivered to Algeria, India, China and Iran. GAS MGK-400E. Adapted to tropical operating conditions. The last 2 submarines of the project are identified in the West as Improved KILO (presumably these are "Yunes" of the Iranian Navy and "Sindhurakshak" of the Indian Navy - the last pr.08773). The cost of one submarine, according to the media, is from 150 to 200 million USD (1990s).

Submarine B-806 pr.877EKM (the second boat in the series) of the Russian Navy, pier No. 3, Merchant harbor, Kronstadt (photo - Ilya Kurganov,

Submarine pr.877EKM on acceptance tests (Admiralty shipyards for the Russian submarine fleet. S.-Pb., "Gangut", 2003).

Project 877LPMB(1989) - serial submarine (B-800, 1 copy) equipped with a 7-blade propeller made of Aurora alloy with saber-shaped blades. The boat has modernized equipment partially similar to Project 877M.

Project 877B - "KILO-III"(1990) - serial submarine B-871, equipped with a water jet, renamed "Alrosa" on January 5, 2001. Project 877V is similar in basic performance characteristics to project 877. Submarine B-871 was laid down at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant (Gorky) on May 17, 1988. In November 1989, the submarine crossed to the Black Sea by inland waterways and on December 1, 1990 became part of the Black Sea Fleet. Also in the media there is the name of the project "877VD" (in our opinion, either erroneous, or after modernization - "D" - "modified"). The submarine bears the Western name KILO-III in some sources in 2010-2011. ( Weyers) - we have not encountered the name KILO-III before.

pr.877M "Halibut-M" (?) / subseries 08773 (?) or 08772 (?) - Improved KILO (1990) - 8 last submarines of the pr.877 series for the Russian Navy (according to the time of commissioning - B-464, B-459, B-471, B-494, B-177, B-187, B-190 , B-345). Produced by factories in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (5 units) and "Krasnoe Sormovo" (Gorky, 3 units). Completed with a modified hull (lengthened by 1.2 m), some sources call the project number "877M", the submarine belongs to the Improved KILO class according to the NATO notation.

Project 877B - submarine modernization project pr.877. R&D was probably carried out on the basis of the Type 877M project in the 1980s. It can be assumed that, according to project 877B, an experimental submarine B-90 "Sargan" was laid down at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in 1989, later completed according to project 20120. Either these two projects (877B and 20120) have something in common in the development history. There is no other information.

Project 877K / Project 877MK- according to Western data, these are submarines pr.877 and pr.877M after equipment upgrades (in particular, BIUS).

The lead submarine B-466 - "Yuan Zhend 66 Hao" serial number 01616 - project 636 on the slipway of the "Admiralty Shipyards", April 1997 (photo - "Admiralty Shipyards",

Submarine "Yuan Zhend 66 Hao" board No. 366 project 636 Improved KILO of the Chinese Navy (

(project, 1990s) - a project of a submarine project 636 with engines with an electrochemical generator. Not implemented.

Submarine pr.636 with ECG, the generator is located vertically in the central part of the boat (Aleksandrov Yu.I., Gusev A.N., Warships of the world at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. Part I. Submarines. Srb, "Galea Print", 2000)

pr.877EKM / pr.08773 - Improved KILO
(1999) - modification of the submarine pr.877EKM for the Indian Navy to the level of Improved KILO in terms of equipment and weapons systems (the submarine is equipped with TA-launchers of Club-S series cruise missiles). Lama-ER control system, new GAK MGK-400EM / MGK-EM, BIUS "Palladium-M". Estimated advertising cost of repair with modernization to the level of project 08773 from project 877EKM (according to the price list) is 1 billion 700 million rubles (in 2005 prices). On the modification of the submarine, the rudder propeller group and the design of the boat are kept similar to Project 877EKM.

Construction, withdrawal from the workshop and launching of the submarine B-477 ("Sindhushastra" S65) serial No. 01618 pr.

- modification of the submarine pr.636M or a variant of pr.636M with updated equipment and the Caliber missile system. Chief designer - Igor Molchanov. On August 20, 2010, a large diesel-electric torpedo-missile submarine "B-261 Novorossiysk" was laid down at the Admiralty Shipyards under this project. The submarine was laid down for the Russian Black Sea Navy. In total, it is planned to build at least six boats of the project. The name "Improved KILO-II" is not officially recognized.

Projections of modifications of the submarine project 877 KILO (c) DIMMI, 2009, 2010

Status- USSR / Russia

Combat-ready submarines of the pr.877 KILO family in the Navy of the USSR and Russia (data = analysis of, 2009):

1995 March 19 - fire on the boat B-401 project 877 (Northern Fleet). There was an ignition of rags in the process of tidying up in the base due to the fault of the sailors (improper handling of the V-64 regeneration plates).

2004 - a total of 15 diesel submarines in the combat strength of the Navy (mainly project 877).

July 22, 2008 - Submarine pr.877EKM B-806 (board No. 487) participated in the naval parade on the Neva in St. Petersburg.

Submarine B-806 pr.877EKM (the second boat in the series, board No. 487) of the Russian Navy, St. Petersburg, 07/22/2008 (photo - Dmitry Shipulya,

2008 - according to the plan, the submarine B-401 pr. 877 (Northern Fleet) was to be decommissioned.

September 24, 2009 - after a long overhaul at SRZ-35 (Rosta, Murmansk), the submarine B-808 "Yaroslavl" pr.877 was launched. The submarine was under repair in 1995, previously the submarine was based in the 161st brigade of the submarine (Polyarny) of the Northern Fleet.

November 21, 2009 - on the submarine B-871 "Alrosa" of the Black Sea Fleet, 150 km from Sukhumi, an accident occurred with a propulsion system. On November 22, the submarine arrived at the base in Sevastopol on its own. Submarine "Alrosa" bears tail number 554, is part of the 247th division of submarines, the base point is the 458th coastal base (Sevastopol). According to statements by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense, there were no casualties and flooding during the accident. Later it was stated that the repair was minor - presumably a foreign object (for example, fishing nets) got into the submarine's jet propulsion unit.

July 31, 2010 - at 07:00, the submarine B-871 Alrosa returned to its permanent base in Sevastopol from the shipyard from Novorossiysk, where it was being repaired after the autumn accident in 2009.

Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" moored in Sevastopol, 07/31/2010 (photo - Doctor,

Reception of torpedo armament of the submarine B-871 "Alrosa" in the South Bay of Sevastopol, 08/05/2010 (photo from the Capt (N) archive,

2010 August 20 - at the production association "Admiralty Shipyards" the ceremony of laying the submarine B-261 "Novorossiysk" under the name "large diesel-electric torpedo-rocket submarine" was held. The submarine was laid down for the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy.

- 2010 - according to the results of the year, the Taganrog plant "Priboy" delivered to the SRZ and CVD sets of SJSC MGK-400V.1 (product IKLM36511.011-03) for a boat of factory No. KLM36511.011-04) for export orders No. 01340, 01341, 01342, 01343, 01344 (delivery under the contract dated 20.05.2010).

Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" project 877V KILO enters the roadstead of Cartagena (Spain) to participate in joint maneuvers with NATO fleets "Bold Monarch 2011". May 25, 2011 (photo from the archive of Vladimir Vladimirovich,

- December 2011 - in shop No. 10 of the Zvezdochka shipyard (Severodvinsk), the submarines pr.877 "Vladikavkaz" and "Kaluga" of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy are undergoing medium repairs. Completion of the repair of boats is planned for 2014 and May 2012, respectively.

Submarine B-459 "Vladikavkaz" in workshop No. 10 of the Zvyozdochka shipyard, December 2011 (photo - V. Kovpak, Labor watch. 12/22/2011).

- 2012 February 6 - in an interview with the media, Commander-in-Chief of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia Alexander Fedotenkov said that it is planned to form a full-fledged brigade of non-nuclear submarines in the fleet. In 2014, the fleet will receive 3 submarines pr.06363, in 2015 - 1 similar submarine and in 2016 - two more. Also, by 2016, the submarine B-871 "Alrosa" will return to service from repair. The brigade's submarines are planned to be based in Sevastopol and Novorossiysk.

May 26, 2012 - after repairs, the Kaluga submarine, pr. After mooring and sea trials, the submarine will be transferred to the Navy at the end of 2012.

- 2012 September 21 - Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877V arrived at the place of permanent deployment in Sevastopol after a scheduled repair in Kronstadt.

- 2013 July 9 - after repair, the submarine B-800 "Kaluga" was transferred to the Russian Navy. The repair was carried out at the Zvyozdochka CA in Severodvinsk ().

Submarine B-800 "Kaluga" project 877 KILO leaves the Zvezdochka and Severodvinsk after repair, 07/09/2013 (

Submarine B-459 "Vladikavkaz", withdrawal from the docking chamber of the shipyard "Zvezdochka", December 2014 (

PLA pr.877 KILO in the Navy of the USSR and Russia:
Northern Fleet
Year SF B-402

Board 405 (2011)
425 (2011) 468 (2011) 431 (2011) 409 (2011) 429 (2011)
Project 877 877 877LPMB 877M 877M 877M
1984 Accepted by the Navy - - - - -
- - - - -
1988 Accepted by the Navy - - - -
1989 Accepted by the Navy - - -
1990 Accepted by the Navy Accepted by the Navy -
1991 Accepted by the Navy
2003 The submarine, in anticipation of a medium repair, was placed at the wall of the Zvyozdochka CA.
2008 4 Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny CS "Asterisk". 12.11 - The submarine arrived in anticipation of a medium repair to the wall of the Zvezdochka CS Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny
2009 4 Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny September 25 - launched after dock repair of the Nerpa shipyard (Severomorsk, )

Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny

December - a decision was made to repair the boat in the Zvyozdochka CA. Completion of the renovation is scheduled for May 2012. CS "Asterisk" Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny
2010 4 Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny Submarine repairs have begun at Zvezdochka CS CS "Asterisk" Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny

according to media reports, is preparing for repairs ()

Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny Repair at the Zvezdochka CA Medium repairs have begun at Zvezdochka CS. Completion of the renovation is scheduled for 2014. Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny
2012 3 Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny Repair at the Zvezdochka CA

May - the planned date for the completion of the repair and transfer of the submarine to the Fleet according to the plans for 2009

05/26/2012 the boat was taken out of the shed

Factory sea trials started in autumn

Repair at the Zvezdochka CA Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny
2013 2 listed in the Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny

March - in Polyarny next to B-401, presumably awaiting repair or decommissioning ()

May - plans for putting into repair at the Zvezdochka center (Severodvinsk) in 2015-2017 were announced. () The boat was transferred to the Navy after repairs on July 9, 2013 ()

Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny

Repair at the Zvezdochka CA

spring - the plan for the delivery of the boat has been shifted to 2015

Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny

May - plans were announced for repair at the Zvyozdochka CS (Severodvinsk) in 2015-2017.

Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny

The submarine was transferred to the Baltic Fleet to ensure testing of export submarines pr.636

May - plans were announced for repair at the Zvyozdochka CS (Severodvinsk) in 2015-2017.

24.12 - Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny

2014 3 listed in the Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny the beginning of the repair of the submarine in 2015 at the Zvezdochka CS was confirmed on 06/11/2014 () Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny Repair at the Zvezdochka CA

The planned completion date for repairs according to plans is 2011.

December - completion of the main part of the repair

Baltic Fleet (Baltiysk) from July 27 at least, ensuring testing of the Vyborg submarine
Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny
2015 5 listed in the Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny

undergoing "demilitarization" and probably dismantling ()

Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny

April - a contract was signed for medium repairs in the Zvezdochka center

Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny Repair at the Zvezdochka CA

The planned completion date for the repair according to the plans is 2013.

August - it is planned to enter sea trials

September - an optimistic plan for the transfer of the boat to the Navy

November - plan for the transfer of the boat to the Fleet according to the contract ()

Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny

23.05 - Northern Fleet, 161 divisions of submarines, Polyarny Northern Fleet, 161 submarine divisions, Polyarny

Pacific Fleet (1):
Year B-248 B-260 "Chita" B-229 B-404 B-405 B-401 "Novosibirsk" B-470 B-439
Plant No. 451
452 464 465 466 601
467 468
Board number

504 (2011) 440 (2011)
Project 877 877 877 877 877 877 877 877
1980 Accepted by the Navy - -
1981 Accepted by the Navy
1983 Accepted by the Navy Accepted by the Navy
1984 Accepted by the Navy Accepted by the Navy
1985 Accepted by the Navy
1986 Accepted by the Navy
1994 Pacific Fleet
2001 Pacific Fleet Pacific Fleet Pacific Fleet
2002 Withdrawn from the combat fleet and transferred to SARS for disposal Withdrawn from the combat fleet and transferred to SARS for disposal Withdrawn from the combat fleet and transferred to SARS for disposal
2006 Withdrawn from the combat fleet and transferred to SARS for disposal
2007 Located in Zavodskaya Bay awaiting towing for cutting into metal
2010 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay
summer - transferred to "SRZ 178" (Vladivostok)

located at the 10th shipyard, ZATO Aleksandrovsk ()

2012 January 17 - information was received in the media about the ingress of water into the pressure hull when the submarine was taken out of the dock

19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay

planned withdrawal from the Navy ()
2013 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay March-May - located in Polyarny (Northern Fleet) nearby in B-402, presumably awaiting repair or decommissioning ( , )
2014 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay
2015 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay

Pacific Fleet (2):
Year B-394 B-464
B-494 "Ust-Bolsheretsk" B-187 "Komsomolsk-on-Amur"
B-190 "Krasnokamensk" B-345 "Mogocha"
Plant No. 469
Board number
531 (2011)
547 (2011) 549 (2011) 529 (2011) 521 (2011) 507 (2011)
NATO KILO KILO Improved KILO Improved KILO Improved KILO Improved KILO Improved KILO
Project 877 877 877M 877M 877M 877M 877M
1988 Accepted by the Navy Accepted by the Navy



Accepted by the Navy Accepted by the Navy


Accepted by the Navy


Accepted by the Navy


Accepted by the Navy



possibly under renovation

19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay

19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay
2009 182 separate brigade submarine, Rybachy

19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay
2010 182 separate brigade submarine, Rybachy 182 separate brigade submarine, Rybachy

probably under renovation 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay
2011 182 separate brigade submarine, Rybachy

put into repair at SRZ-49 (Vilyuchinsk)

182 separate brigade submarine, Rybachy 182 separate brigade submarine, Rybachy

from 01.12.- 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay

182 separate brigade submarine, Rybachy there are 19 brigade submarines, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay
2012 repair at SRZ-49 (Vilyuchinsk) presumably repair

december - 19 brigade submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay

19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay from 26.01 - 19 brigade submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay
19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay
2013 repair at SRZ-49 (Vilyuchinsk) 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay presumably under repair at the Amur Shipbuilding Plant
19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay
2014 repair at SRZ-49 (Vilyuchinsk)

getting ready to write off

19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay 19 brigali submarine, Vladivostok, Ulysses Bay


January - the average repair at the Amur Shipbuilding Plant is confirmed, the repair is expected to be completed in the fall of 2015.

2016 sea ​​trials after repair
2017 27.01 - The submarine was transferred to the Fleet

Baltic and Black Sea Fleets:

Year B-227 "Vyborg" B-806 "Dmitrov" B-871 Alrosa

Board 469 (2011)
487 (2011) 554 (2011)
877 877EKM 877B
Accepted by the Navy - -
1986 Accepted by the Navy
1990 Accepted by the Navy
2010 Baltic Fleet, 123 division submarine, Kronstadt
2011 repair at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kronstadt Marine Plant"
Baltic Fleet, 123 division submarine, Baltiysk

July - transition for repairs to St. Petersburg to the "Baltic Plant"

2012 March 20 - a small fire during repairs at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kronstadt Marine Plant" March - based next to the submarine B-871 "Alrosa" in Kronstadt (Merchant Harbor) March - based next to the submarine B-806 "Dmitrov" in Kronstadt (Merchant's harbor)

August - after the completion of the repair, it makes the transition to the Black Sea

from 21.09 - Black Sea Fleet, 247th submarine division, Sevastopol

2013 May 15 - taken out of the dock Black Sea Fleet, 247th submarine division, Sevastopol
2014 January-July - the submarine passed the mooring test program

August - sea trials

September-October - passed the program of state tests

Black Sea Fleet, 247th submarine division, Sevastopol

June - got under repair at the 13th shipyard, Sevastopol

2015 Kronstadt submarine brigade May - under repair, 13th Shipyard, Sevastopol. Completion of the renovation is scheduled for 2015.

Black Sea Fleet, 247th submarine division, Sevastopol



Submarine Rais Hadj Mubarek (B-861) Project 877EKM Algerian Navy, March 1996 (Jane's Fighting Ships 2004-2005. UK, 2004)

2005 - Submarine B-386 began repairs with the modernization of the sieves of the specialists of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Admiralty Shipyards" in Oran (Algeria).

2005 December 9 - October 2007 (at least) - one submarine of the Algerian Navy (probably B-861) arrived for modernization and repair at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Admiralty Shipyards" (St. Petersburg). It is possible that the upgrade will be up to the level of Project 08773.

2006 - a contract was signed for the construction of two submarines pr.636M at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Admiralty Shipyards" in the amount of 600 million USD. Perhaps the contract will be increased to 4 pcs. The first submarine under the contract was laid down (serial number 01336).

2007 - it was planned to lay down the 2nd submarine pr.636M (laid down - serial number 01337).

2008 - it was planned to hand over to the Navy the 1st submarine pr.636M

2009 - it was planned to hand over to the Navy the 2nd submarine pr.636M

October 29, 2009 - The Algerian Navy received the second submarine pr.636M (serial number 01337). The contract has been completed.

March 31, 2010 - JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" handed over to Algeria the submarine project 636M (serial number 01336, the Algerian flag was hoisted on the submarine).

July 10, 2012 - an acceptance certificate was signed with JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" on the readiness of the submarine pr.877EKM after an average repair and partial modernization.

July 27, 2010 - JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" handed over to Algeria another submarine pr.636M (serial number 01337, the Algerian flag was hoisted on the submarine). In addition, the submarine pr.877EKM is under repair at the enterprise.

1986 - in the Navy 1 piece pr.877EKM (first)

1987 - in the Navy 3 pieces pr.877EKM

1988 - in the Navy 4 pieces pr.877EKM

1989 - in the Navy 6 pcs pr.877EKM

1990 - in the Navy 7 pcs pr.877EKM

1991-1996 - in the Navy 8 pieces pr.877EKM

December 29, 1996 - a contract was signed for the modernization of the Sindhuvir submarine project 877EKM to project 08773 at the Zvyozdochka shipyard (Severodvinsk).

1997 - 7 pieces pr.877EKM

June 25, 1997 - Submarine Sindhuvir pr.877EKM arrived for modernization to the level of Improved KILO at the Zvyozdochka shipyard (Severodvinsk) in the Superservant-3 transport floating dock of the Belgian company Dockwise.

Submarine Sindhuvir pr.877EKM on the transport floating dock "Superservant-3" of the Belgian company Dockwise in the Nikolsky mouth of the city of Severodvinsk. View from Primorsky Boulevard. 06/25/1997 Photo by Yu.V. Okunev (Shipbuilders "Zvezdochka": historical and local history collection. Issue No. 2. Severodvinsk, FSUE "Zvyozdochka", 2004)

1998 - 7 pcs pr.877EKM + 1 pc improved to Improved KILO pr.877EKM

1999 - 5 pcs pr.877EKM + 1 pcs pr.08773 + 1 pc improved to Improved KILO pr.877EKM (Sindhuvir, modernization completed in 1999).

April 25, 1999 - Submarine Sindhuvir pr.877EKM, upgraded to the level of Improved KILO, was withdrawn from the Zvezdochka shipyard and launched.

2000 - 5 pcs pr.877EKM + 1 pcs pr.08773 + 2 pcs improved to Improved KILO pr.877EKM

The only submarine built (not modernized) according to project 08773 Improved KILO "Sindhushastra" / B-477 of the Indian Navy at the outfitting wall of the Admiralty Shipyards, St. Petersburg, May 16, 2000 (

2001 - 4 pieces project 877EKM + 3 pieces project 08773 + 2 pieces improved to project 08773 Improved KILO project 877EKM - "Sindhuraj" S57 (serial number 08405) and "Sindhukesari" S60 (serial number 08313), repairs with modernization were carried out at LAO.

Under repair with modernization according to project 08773 Improved KILO on the LAO submarine "Sindhuraj" S57 (serial No. 08405) and "Sindhukesari" S60 (serial No. 08313), probably 2001 (Admiralty shipyards for the Russian submarine fleet. S.-Pb., "Gangut", 2003).

Submarine "Sindhukesari" after repair and modernization according to project 08773 at the LAO, probably 2001 (Admiralty shipyards for the Russian submarine fleet. S.-Pb., "Gangut", 2003).

One of the Indian boats pr.877 after repairs in the LAO dock. This is probably one of the boats pr.08773 commissioned in 2001 (Admiralty shipyards to the Russian submarine fleet. S.-Pb., "Gangut", 2003).

- 2002 - 3 pcs pr.877EKM + 3 pcs pr.08773 + 2 pcs improved to Improved KILO pr.877EKM, the Sindhuratna submarine was handed over to the Indian Navy after modernization at the Zvezdochka shipyard, to the level of pr.08773.

2003-2004 - 3 pcs pr.877EKM + 4 pcs pr.08773 + 2 pcs improved to Improved KILO pr.877EKM

2005 - 2 pcs pr.877EKM + 5 pcs pr.08773 + 2 pcs improved to Improved KILO pr.877EKM, the submarine Sindhugosh was handed over to the Indian Navy after modernization at the Zvyozdochka shipyard to the level of pr.08773.

2006 - 1 pc pr.877EKM + 5 pcs pr.08773 + 2 pcs improved to Improved KILO pr.877EKM

2007 - 5 pcs pr.08773 + 2 pcs improved to Improved KILO pr.877EKM

2008 - 7 pcs pr.08773 + 2 pcs improved to Improved KILO pr.877EKM

2009 - 8 pcs pr.08773 + 2 pcs improved to Improved KILO pr.877EKM

- 2010 June 4 - there were reports in the media that the submarine pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy will be upgraded to the level of pr.636M in Severodvinsk (without changing the project 877EKM). This is the fifth Indian submarine, project 877, which is being modernized on the Zvyozdochka. In addition, SRZ provides modernization and repair of the Sidhukirti submarine serial number 01315 in India at the shipyard in Vizakhapatnam. 06/04/2010, a contract was signed for medium repairs with partial modernization of the submarine ().

Transportation by a Rolldock transport vessel of one of the Indian submarines pr.877EKM - presumably Sindhurakshak, 2010 - to Severodvinsk at the Zvyozdochka shipyard (

August 3, 2010 - Submarine project 877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy arrived at the Zvyozdochka shipyard in Severodvinsk. The ship has been placed on a solid foundation in the dock chamber of the SRZ and is being prepared for transfer to the workshop.

Carrier ship RollDock with submarine pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy near the Zvyozdochka shipyard, Severodvinsk, 08/03/2010 (photo - Alexey Morozov, Labor watch, 08/05/2010).

Submarine pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy in the dock chamber of the Zvezdochka shipyard, 08/03/2010 (photo - Zvezdochka shipyard,

- 2010 September - as part of the Navy 10 submarines of the KILO family.

December 2011 - in shop No. 10 of the Zvyozdochka shipyard in Severodvinsk, repairs continue with the modernization of the submarine pr.877EKM Improved KILO, serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy. In the course of work on the submarine, a completely new fencing of retractable devices will be installed. "Sindurakshak" is the fifth submarine of project 877EKM of the Indian Navy undergoing repairs at the Zvyozdochka shipyard.

October 29, 2012 - began sea trials of the submarine pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy, which was undergoing repairs with modernization at the Zvezdochka CS in Severodvinsk.

Submarine pr.877EKM serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy on trials after repair with modernization at the Zvezdochka shipyard in Severodvinsk, 11/25/2012 (photo - Zvyozdochka CA,

- 2012 December 12 - during the acceptance tests in Severodvinsk, the submarine pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy completed successful missile firing at ground targets. Earlier, on December 7, 2012, surface targets were successfully hit. Thus, the missile firing of the Club-S complex with 3M54E and 3M14E missiles completed the factory tests of the submarine after undergoing repairs with modernization at the Zvezdochka CS ().

January 26, 2013 - Submarine project 877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy after repair and partial modernization (without changing project 877EKM) was transferred to the Indian Navy in Severodvinsk. The submarine was equipped with the Club-S weapons system with cruise missiles, the Ushus GAK, the CCS-Mk-2 radio communication system, the modernization of cooling systems, the installation of the Porpoise radar station and other work. On January 29, 2013, the submarine will be released in India ().

2013 August 14 - on the submarine project 877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy, an explosion and fire occurred at the pier in the port of Mumbai, which led to partial flooding of the boat. On board at the time of the explosion were 18 crew members of the boat, some of the people managed to escape. With a high probability, an explosion occurred in the ammunition of the boat, which was at the pier in a fully equipped condition ().

The glow of the explosion on the Sindhurakshak submarine pr.877EKM of the Indian Navy at the pier in the port of Mumbai, 08/14/2013 (

The first photos of the sunken submarine Sindhurakshak pr.877EKM of the Indian Navy at the pier in the port of Mumbai, August 14, 2013, in the afternoon (photo - Ministry of Defense of India,

- 2013 August 18 - Indian media reported that an explosion of excess hydrogen from improperly functioning batteries could not cause an explosion of the boat's ammunition. The cause is still considered to be some kind of emergency in the weapons compartment. The boat was fully equipped with ammunition. Sabotage is still considered unlikely. During the rescue operation, divers entered the bow compartment of the boat. It is also planned to raise the boat to the surface. Recovery of the boat after such a disaster is considered impossible.

May 28, 2015 - it is reported that the submarine "Sindhukirti" S61 pr.877EKM after the completion of repairs with modernization, which were carried out at the shipyard in India, will go on sea trials. The boat is equipped with the complexes "Pirit-M", "Palladium-M", BIUS "Lama-EKM" (all - development and production of NPO "Aurora"). After the upgrade, Project 877EKM boats will be able to use two types of missiles - 3M-54E for sea targets and 3M-14E for ground targets ().

- 2015 May 29 - Submarine "Sindhukesari" S60project 877EKM (previously upgraded according to project 08773) will arrive at the Zvyozdochka CA in the summer of 2016 to perform medium repairs and equipment upgrades ().


2006 - a contract was signed for the construction of two submarines pr.636M at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Admiralty Shipyards". Perhaps the contract will be increased to 6 pcs.

September 2007 - an agreement was signed on the supply of equipment for 1 billion USD - within the framework of the agreement, 2 submarines pr.877 were ordered;

2007 - according to the plan, the 1st submarine was to be laid down

2008 - according to the plan, the 2nd submarine was to be laid down

2009 - according to the plan, the 1st submarine was to be delivered to the Navy, the delivery of the submarine was postponed until at least 2011.

2010 - according to the plan, the 2nd submarine was to be delivered to the Navy, the delivery of the submarine was postponed until at least 2011.

November 27-28, 2010 - it was announced that the purchase of submarines under the 2007 agreement will be made in 2011.


November 25, 1996 - The 3rd submarine, project 877EKM B-220, was transferred to the Iranian Navy, renamed Yunes. The press reports the cost of the contract for the supply of submarines - 450 million USD.

2006 - may be under repair or modernization (part in Iran, part at the Zvyozdochka shipyard, Severodvinsk). In total in the Navy - 3 pcs.

Iranian submarines pr.877EKM at the Navy parade during the Velayat-90 exercise in the Strait of Hormuz. 01/03/2012 (photo - Norouzi Jamejam—ParsPix/ABACAUSA via

- May 28, 2012 - repair of the emergency submarine Taregh pr.877EKM was completed. The repairs were carried out in Iran using 18,000 different locally produced components, including anechoic coating, some engine parts, propellers and sonars.

Launching after repair of the submarine Taregh pr.877EKM of the Iranian Navy, May 28, 2012 (photo - Azin Haghighi,


1994 - the Navy received the 1st submarine pr.877EKM

1995-1997 - in the Navy 2 pieces pr.877EKM

Submarine "Yuan Zhend 64 Hao" board No. 364 project 877EKM of the Chinese Navy (

Presumably submarine "Yuan Zhend 65 Hao" serial number 414 pr.877EKM manufactured by Shipyard "Krasnoye Sormovo". Launching on March 31, 1995 (photo from sam7 archive,

1998 - The Navy received the 1st submarine pr.636 and 2 submarines pr.877EKM remain

1999-2004 - in the Navy 2 pcs pr.877EKM + 2 pcs pr.636

Preparation of two submarines pr.877EKM for shipment to China by the carrier vessel Tai An Kou. Sanki-Petersburg, Rybny Port, late May 2005 (photo by scorpionishe, The second photo is the carrier ship Tai An Kou (

Preparation of two submarines pr.877EKM / 636 for shipment to China by the carrier vessel Tai An Kou. St. Petersburg, Rybny port, late May 2005 (photo - scorpionishe,

2005 - in the Navy 2 pcs pr.877EKM + 2 pcs pr.636 + 5 pcs pr.636M

2006-2009 - in the Navy 2 pcs pr.877EKM + 2 pcs pr.636 + 8 pcs pr.636M


2007 - is part of the Navy, based in Gdynia.

Submarine Orzel pr.877E KILO Polish Navy, June 2001 (Jane's Fighting Ships 2004-2005. UK, 2004)


September 19, 1986 - Submarine B-801 pr.877E was transferred to the Romanian Navy under the name Delfinul.

2007 - is part of the Navy, based in Constanta.

Submarine Delfinul pr.877E KILO Romanian Navy, June 2003 (Jane's Fighting Ships 2004-2005. UK, 2004)

Register of submarines pr.877
and similar (version dated 08/18/2012, sorted by bookmark date):
Plant designations - Koms. - Komsomolsk-on-Amur Shipyard im. Lenin Komsomol; Kr.Sm - Shipyard "Krasnoye Sormovo" them. A.A. Zhdanova (Gorky / Nizhny Novgorod); LAO - Leningrad Admiralty Association (since 1992 - "Admiralty Shipyards"); SevM - PO "Sevmash" (Severodvinsk).

Name Project Factory Plant No. Bookmark Descent to Input in page Note
1 B-248 877 Coms 451 16.03.1980 12.09.1980 31.12.1980 expelled from the Navy in 2001 (?)
2 B-260 "Chita" 877 Coms 452 22.02.1981 23.08.1981 30.12.1981 03/19/2006 renamed "Chita", type hull No. 451, according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
3 B-227 "Vyborg" 877 Coms 453 23.02.1982 16.09.1982 23.02.1983 in July 2008 it was renamed to "Vyborg", the corps differs from Nos. 451 and 452, according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
4 B-401 "Novosibirsk" 877 Cr.Sm 601 06.10.1982 15.03.1984 30.09.1984 07/18/1998 renamed to "Novosibirsk", according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
5 B-229 877 Coms 464 23.02.1983 15.07.1983 30.10.1983
6 B-404 877 Coms 465 07.05.1983 24.09.1983 30.12.1983 hull type No. 453, according to Western data in 2011 not in the Navy
7 "Sindhugosh"
(S55, B-888)
877EKM LAO 01307 29.05.1983 29.07.1985 25.11.1985 from 04/30/1986 Indian Navy, 2005 - modernized according to pr. 08773 at the Zvezdochka shipyard
8 B-402 "Vologda" 877 Cr.Sm 602 24.08.1983 23.09.1984 30.12.1984 03/03/1997 renamed "Vologda", according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
9 B-405 877 Coms 466 20.04.1984 21.09.1984 30.12.1984 07/24/1990 renamed "Tyumen Komsomolets" (name removed 02/15/1992),
10 Orzel
(291, B-351)
877E Cr.Sm 603 1984? 1985 1985 from 06/29/1986 Polish Navy
11 Delfinul
(581, B-801)
877E Cr.Sm 401 1984 1985 1985 from 09/19/1986 Romanian Navy
12 B-806 "Dmitrov"
877EKM Cr.Sm 403 / 903*(government order) 15.10.1984 30.04.1986 25.09.1986 used to train crews of export submarines, the boat was named "Dmitrov" apparently in 2010, according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
13 B-470 877 Coms 467 06.05.1985 27.08.1985 30.12.1985 hull type No. 453, saber propeller, according to Western data in 2011 not in the Navy
14 Rais Hadj Mubarek
(012, B-861)
877EKM Cr.Sm 404 1985? 1986 29.11.1986 from December 1986 Algerian Navy
15 "Sindhudhvaj"
(S56, B-898)
877EKM LAO 01309 01.04.1986 27.07.1986 25.11.1986 from 06/12/1987 Indian Navy
16 B-808
877 Cr.Sm 605 29.09.1986 30.07.1988 27.12.1988 09/16/1999 renamed Yaroslavl, according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
17 B-439 877 Coms 468 04.04.1986 31.07.1986 30.12.1986 hull type No. 453, saber propeller, according to Western data in 2011 not in the Navy
18 "Sindhuraj"
(S57, B-890)
877EKM Cr.Sm 405 / 08405
1986? 1987 02.09.1987 from 10/20/1987 Indian Navy, 2001 - modernized according to project 08773
19 El Hadj Slimane
(013, B-386)
877EKM Cr.Sm 411 1986? 1987 25.11.1987 from December 1987 Algerian Navy
20 B-800 "Kaluga" 877LPMB Coms 606 05.03.1987 07.05.1989 30.09.1989 07/24/1990 renamed "Vologda Komsomolets" (name removed 02/15/1992), 05/31/2003 renamed "Kaluga", according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
21 B-445 "St. Nicholas the Wonderworker" 877 Coms 469 21.03.1987 26.09.1987 30.01.1988 2007-09? renamed "St. Nicholas the Wonderworker", hull type No. 453, saber propeller, according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
22 "Sindhuvir"
(S58, B-860)
877EKM LAO 01311 15.05.1987 13.09.1987 25.12.1987 from 08/26/1988 Indian Navy, 1999 - modernized according to project 08773
23 "Sindhuratna"
(S59, B-803)
877EKM Cr.Sm 412 1987? 1988 14.08.1988 from 12/22/1988 Indian Navy, 2003 - modernized according to pr. 08773 at the Zvezdochka shipyard
24 B-459 "Vladikavkaz" pr.877M Imp KILO Cr.Sm 608 25.02.1988 29.04.1990 30.09.1990 08/02/1997 renamed "Vladikavkaz", according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
25 B-394 877 Coms 470 15.04.1988 03.09.1988 30.12.1988 12/30/1987 renamed "Komsomolets of Tajikistan" (name removed 02/15/1992), hull type No. 453, saber propeller, according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
26 "Sindhukesari"
(S60, B-804)
877EKM LAO 01313 / 08313 20.04.1988 16.08.1988 29.10.1988 from 02/16/1989 Indian Navy, 2001 - modernized according to project 08773
27 B-871 Alrosa 877B Cr.Sm 607 17.05.1988 10.09.1989 30.12.1990 01/05/2004 renamed Alrosa, in 2011 as part of the Navy
28 B-471 "Magnitogorsk" pr.877M Imp KILO Cr.Sm 609 26.10.1988 22.09.1990 30.12.1990 in June 2001 renamed "Magnitogorsk", according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
29 "Yuan Zhend 64 Hao"
(364, B-185)
877EKM Cr.Sm 413 23.03.1989 31.05.1994 10.11.1994 from 12/15/1994 Chinese Navy, laid down for the Chinese Navy
30 "Sindhukirti"
(S61, B-468)
877EKM LAO 01315 05.04.1989 26.08.1989 30.10.1989 from 01/04/1990 the Indian Navy, since 2007, modernization has been underway according to pr. 08773
31 B-464
pr.877M Imp KILO Coms 471 26.05.1989 23.09.1989 30.01.1990 11/27/2003 renamed to "Ust-Kamchatsk",
hull length increased compared to No. 470, according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
32 B-177 "Lipetsk" pr.877M Imp KILO Cr.Sm 610 03.11.1989 27.07.1991 30.12.1991 in December 2000 it was renamed Lipetsk, according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
33 "Sindhuvijay"
(S62, B-597)
877EKM LAO 01317 06.04.1990 27.07.1990 27.10.1990 from 03/08/1991 Indian Navy, 2007 - modernized according to project 08773 at the Zvezdochka shipyard with the installation of an Indian GAK and a radio communication system
34 B-494 "Ust-Bolsheretsk" pr.877M Imp KILO Coms 472 05.05.1990 04.10.1990 30.12.1990 03/19/2003 renamed to "Ust-Bolsheretsk",
hull similar to No. 471, according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
35 "Yuan Zhend 65 Hao"
(365, B-188)
877EKM Cr.Sm 414 18.11.1990 31.03.1995 15.08.1995 from 09/05/1995 Chinese Navy, laid down for the Chinese Navy
36 "Tareg"
(901, B-175)
877EKM LAO 01319 05.04.1991 25.09.1991 25.12.1991 from 11/22/1992 Iranian Navy
37 B-187 "Komsomolsk-on-Amur"
pr.877M Imp KILO Coms 473 07.05.1991 05.10.1991 30.12.1991 the hull is similar to No. 471, according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy,
07/15/2015 - named "Komsomolsk-on-Amur"
2016 - sea trials after repair
01/27/2017, after repair, transferred to the Navy
38 "Yunes"
(903, B-220)
877EKM Imp KILO LAO 01323 05.02.1992 12.07.1994 02.09.1996 from 11/25/1996 Iranian Navy
39 "Noor"
(902, B-224)
877EKM LAO 01321 30.04.1992 16.10.1992 31.12.1992 from 06/06/1993 Iranian Navy
40 B-190 "Krasnokamensk" pr.877M Imp KILO Coms 474 08.05.1992 25.09.1992 30.12.1992 12/11/2007 renamed "Krasnokamensk", hull similar to No. 471, according to Western data in 2011 as part of the Navy
41 "Yuan Zhend 73 Hao"
(373, B-340)
Project 877 /
Soviet diesel-electric submarines of post-war construction Gagin Vladimir Vladimirovich



The Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering (TsKB MT Rubin) is the oldest Russian company specializing in the creation of submarines of various displacements, which began its history in designing combat submarines since 1901 (then called the technical bureau of diving of the Baltic Shipyard in St. Petersburg).

The bureau designed submarines under the guidance of the outstanding designer I.G. Bubnov. Since 1926, the design bureau has become an independent design organization under the leadership of the well-known shipbuilder B.U. Malinin, a pioneer of the Soviet submarine fleet. More than 900 submarines were built according to his designs, including diesel-electric and nuclear missile carriers.

The projects of modern submarines use the latest scientific and technological achievements. Currently, the Rubin Central Design Bureau of MT, headed by Academician Igor Spassky, performs work not only in the field of underwater shipbuilding for the Russian Navy, but also for export.

In 1974, the terms of reference were signed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy S.G. Gorshkov and the Minister of the Shipbuilding Industry of the USSR B.E. Butoma for the creation of a new submarine with higher performance characteristics. Particular attention was paid to the issues of the power supply of the boat, speed characteristics in a submerged position and under the RDP ("Snorkel"), low noise and the level of physical fields that determine the stealth of a submarine, the effectiveness of torpedo and electronic weapons.

Diesel-electric submarines (DEPL) of the FOXTROT class were designed as diving. The newly designed submarine was supposed to be different. The task was to provide a significant increase in the speed of the underwater course in comparison with the project 641, improve seaworthiness, survivability, especially habitability, reduce the number of crew, which is associated with the use of automation of most diesel-electric submarine control processes.

By that time, design bureaus and research institutes of various industries had already accumulated a significant potential for the development of modern economical diesel generators, main propulsion motors, batteries, navigation, radar, hydroacoustics, etc. Our equipment was not inferior to foreign, and in some respects surpassed it, it was more reliable.

Anticipating work on the project, together with the institutes of the shipbuilding industry and the Navy, a detailed analysis of the state and development of submarine forces abroad was carried out to develop a new concept for the use of submarines of the USSR Navy. This made it possible to create a project taking into account competition in the global arms market, as well as to provide a certain margin of submarine displacement for the possibility of its modernization, so that the submarine would maintain high combat capability for many decades.

Displacement of a submarine with anti-sonar coating of the hull is about 2300 m 3 . The maximum length of the hull is 72.6 m. The width is 9.9 m. The height of the outer hull along the roof of the fencing of retractable devices is 14.7 m. Draft of the boat at normal displacement: amidships - 6.2 m, bow - 6.6 m.

The boat is single-shaft, has a well-streamlined hull shape. Nasal horizontal rudders are further to the middle part. Thus, a significant reduction in interference to the hydroacoustic complex has been achieved. The special shape of the nose and a number of other structural elements also contribute to reducing the level of interference.

The boat is double-hulled, which provides it with greater survivability. It has 6 compartments separated by strong bulkheads. In the cruising position, the boat, even when filling any one compartment with two adjoining tanks of the main ballast of one side, can remain afloat.

The boat, in contrast to the previously used, adopted the original scheme of full electric propulsion. The use of full electric propulsion instead of a direct-acting diesel-electric circuit greatly simplifies the control of the boat and increases its maneuverability. These processes are fully automated and centrally managed. The largest enterprises in Russia, Elektrosila and Kolomensky Zavod, manufactured new electric power equipment: a diesel engine, a generator, and propeller motors. Domestic industry has mastered new energy-intensive batteries especially for this diesel-electric submarine. For the economic mode, a special electric motor is provided. For the first time on a boat of this class, low-power standby electric motors were used. They ensure its movement in narrow spaces, allow maneuvering when mooring, and can also be used to move if the main shaft and propeller are damaged.

Full surface speed - about 10 knots. Full submerged speed is 17 knots.

Cruising range - 6000 miles in diesel mode under water. Design solutions have been found that have made it possible to reduce the underwater noise of the boat by several times in relation to previous submarine projects and to drastically reduce vibration.

The scuppers were removed in the bow, the bow rudders were moved to the middle part, the noisy mechanisms were removed from the first compartment. Consequently, the secrecy of the movement of the boat has increased. The secrecy of the movement of the boat is also facilitated by the fundamentally new gas exhaust system used on it. There is practically no trace left behind the boat.

The dive and ascent system is automated. Maximum immersion depth - 300 m, working - 240 m, periscope - 17.5 m.

The boat is equipped with 6 torpedo tubes. Of these, 2 vehicles are designed to fire remote-controlled torpedoes of the latest design with a particularly high destruction rate.

A special device is installed on the boat for loading ammunition. The boat can take 18 torpedoes (6 in torpedo tubes and 12 in racks). Instead of torpedoes, 24 mines can be taken, 12 - in torpedo tubes (2 per tube) and 12 - on racks.

For the first time, boats have been equipped with an automatic fast loader, which reduces the time of loading torpedo tubes by several times, makes it possible to significantly increase the rate of fire and provide an advantage in a duel situation. The fast loader is controlled remotely from the torpedo room from the Murena control panel or from local posts.

A powerful complex of mine-torpedo weapons is capable of solving multi-purpose tasks. It provides for the firing of all ammunition at all immersion depths - from periscope to working - and, together with the combat information and control system (CICS), allows both single and salvo firing at two targets.

Instead of the Leningrad torpedo firing control post, which manually entered the necessary data for torpedo firing on the Project 641 submarine, a BIUS, a multi-purpose computer (MVU-POEM), was installed on the new diesel-electric submarine. It allows you to simultaneously track 5 targets, of which 2 targets are conducted in automatic mode and 3 - manually, providing corrections in connection with target maneuvers and accurate targeting of torpedoes with a telecontrol complex. The CICS allows you to solve a number of navigation tasks.

The Andoga small-sized navigation system provides continuous plotting of the course, gives out position and speed coordinates. Through the BIUS system, the command to change the course is sent to the control panel of the submarine. That is, automation can guide the boat along the laid course.

The boat is equipped with active and passive radar stations with high tracking efficiency. They can clearly work in the surface and periscope position.

The station has a target divergence system and allows you to detect enemy surface ships, aircraft and helicopters much earlier than they detect the boat.

The architecture of the bow end of the submarine made it possible to fit into its dimensions a hydroacoustic antenna of a completely new design, which helped to significantly increase the range of the hydroacoustic complex (HAC). GAK - MGK-400 is designed for a new generation of diesel-electric submarines, taking into account long-term operation in various areas of the World Ocean and the possibility of modernization as new technologies are mastered. Hydroacoustics provide a significant increase in the range of target detection and lead in a duel situation with a potential enemy. All system indicators are displayed on a single control panel.

The advantage in anticipating the detection of the enemy is achieved by reliable hydroacoustic protection of the boat hull. On the basis of many years of scientific research, marine tests in basins and in natural conditions, using a special coating, it was possible to solve the problem of creating a system for anti-hydroacoustic protection of submarines. True, the first trips to areas with a tropical climate proved the need to improve the technology for sealing the plates from which the rubber shell of the diesel-electric submarine of project 877 was made. Already the first export submarines received a technology of special processing of plates that was well developed by the industry, which excluded their separation when submerged boats.

Taking into account the experience of submarine navigation in warm seas and oceans, the industry has introduced a special ozonation layer into the design of the plate to reduce the harmful effects of direct sunlight. At the same time, at the initiative of the designers of the bureau, tropical products were used on all outboard structures, including torpedo tubes.

The unconventional placement of combat posts and complexes made it possible to control most of the systems of the new boat in automatic mode from the control panel of the central post. This led to a reduction in personnel to 52 people with a 3-shift shift. Automation helps to eliminate errors and prevent emergencies. But in the event of its failure, the operation of any of the automatic systems can be performed manually.

Full autonomy of the boat - 45 days of continuous stay at sea. Comfortable conditions have been created for the personnel. The crew is provided with comfortable cabins. There is a shower room, an outpatient clinic, a wardroom, a cinema room, which is located in two adjacent 6-bed cabins.

Storerooms for provisions with different cooling temperatures allow you to store for a long time and supply fresh food in any assortment to the galley.

The staff is not cut off from the world. On board there is a video and film library, a library, individual radio broadcasting, which is used by each member of the crew, free from watch.

The boat is equipped with a ventilation and air conditioning system. To fight fires, air-foam and volumetric chemical fire extinguishing systems were installed. The composition of the technical means of the boat ensures the possibility of its operation in any climatic conditions.

Experts from the leading countries of the world, including the United States, immediately appreciated the merits of our submarine. They drew attention to the fact that with the advent of the new Soviet submarines, American submarines lost the advantage in noiselessness that they had for many years.

One of the American magazines called the Kilo-class submarine "a black hole in the ocean" because of the difficulty of detecting it by means of hydroacoustics, since its "noise portrait" is similar to the natural noises of the sea. This assessment fully confirmed the forecasts of the designers and the fleet about the high degree of secrecy of the Kilo-class submarines.

The construction of Project 877 submarines is being carried out in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Komsomolsk-on-Amur according to a proven technology, in an aggregate-modular way, mastered by the Russian shipbuilding industry. This allows you to improve the quality of work and increase the reliability of the assembly of boat elements.

During the transfer of the first Project 877EKM submarine to the Indian Navy in September 1986, the Minister of Defense of India noted that the acquisition of this boat marks a big technical leap in the development of his country's fleet. “The future of the country depends on how well we can use the maritime spaces,” he added, noting that this task is very difficult, and submarines will have to play an important role in its implementation.

From the book SOFTWARE OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS. General requirements for development and documentation author Gosstandart of Russia

From the book Rules for the installation of electrical installations in questions and answers [A guide for studying and preparing for a knowledge test] author

12.16 Software Design Description The Software Design Description describes the architecture and low-level software requirements that must satisfy the high-level software requirements. This document should include: - a detailed description of how the software

From the book Electrical installation rules in questions and answers. Section 2. Electricity transmission. A guide for studying and preparing for a knowledge test author Krasnik Valentin Viktorovich

Underwater cabling In what areas are cables laid when cables cross rivers, canals, etc.? Answer. They are laid mainly in areas with a bottom and banks that are little prone to erosion. When laying cables across rivers with unstable

From the book Wonder Weapon of the USSR. Secrets of Soviet weapons [with illustrations] author Shirokorad Alexander Borisovich

Underwater laying of cables Question 167. What are the rules for laying cables when crossing rivers, canals, etc.? Answer. In these cases, cables, as a rule, are buried in the bottom to a depth of at least 1 m in coastal and shallow water areas, as well as on shipping and rafting routes; 2 m

From the book Submarines of the Soviet Navy 1945-1991. Volume 1. The first generation of nuclear submarines author Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

Chapter 4. Flying boat - doomsday weapon July 6, 1961 Aviation Day. Tushino airfield. Thousands of spectators. From powerful loudspeakers it is heard: “We were born to make a fairy tale come true ...” And suddenly, over the very stands with a terrible roar, four huge flying

From the book The Mysterious Ships of Admiral Gorshkov the author Zablotsky V P

Modernization of project 675 During the construction of the nuclear submarine, project 675 was recognized, in any case, by the Soviet command, as a force capable of effectively fighting the ship groups of a potential enemy. However, their major drawback was the lack of

From the book Create a do-it-yourself android robot author Lovin John

Development of the project The creation of the project 31 radio intelligence ships was preceded by the development at TsKB-53 of a number of options for upgrading the serial ships of the project 30bis, providing for the improvement of their air defense and anti-submarine defense. However, every year

From the book Small high-speed automated fighter submarine pr. 705 (705K) author author unknown

Submarine Toy submarine models are manufactured and sold by many companies. Their capabilities depend on the complexity of the model, but they are usually radio-controlled and capable of sinking and surfacing (see Figure 13.2). Rice. 13.2. Toy submarine

From the book Planes of the World 2005 01 author author unknown

Small high-speed automated fighter submarine of project 705 (705K) R.A. Shmakov, chief designer of the Malachite SPMBM

From the book Planes of the World 2003 01 author author unknown

THE ORIGIN OF THE SU-27 PROJECT Pavel PLUNSKYBy the end of the 1960s, OKB P.O. Sukhoi was one of the leading MAP design bureaus specializing in tactical aircraft. The team managed to develop its own design school, and the design bureau had

From the book Strike Under Water author Perlya Zigmund Naumovich

Flying boat MDR-6-2M-25E Elena ASTAKHOVABefore the start of World War II, the aviation of the USSR Navy received several types of flying boats, including a long-range naval reconnaissance aircraft (MDR). It was developed by a group of engineers led by aircraft designer I.V.

From the book Warships author Perlya Zigmund Naumovich

Underwater danger A clear sunny day turned out on June 8, 1855 in the expanses of the Baltic. Here, the storm of the Crimean War, which has been raging for two years in the Black Sea, was less felt. But on this day, the flagship of the Anglo-French fleet "Merlin" appeared not far from Kronstadt.

From the book Tutorial Adobe Premiere 6.5 author Kiryanova Elena

Chapter Seven Underwater Defense Gas-Water Hammer Trawls and minesweepers are all active means of combating the threat of an underwater strike. But it is far from possible to use trawls in all cases. Off the coast of the enemy, for example, where minefields are vigilant

From the author's book

Underwater "armor" First of all, this is the side plating - thin sheets of high-quality steel. Then comes the air space. Here the mixture of gases and water expands freely and loses some of its strength. But still, the remaining strength will still be enough to destroy

From the author's book

From the author's book

2.1. Project settings Before you start working with a new project, you must define its settings. Settings are combinations of the properties of the movie that you will be editing within the project and, accordingly, the frame from which you will watch in the Monitor window.