When is the best time to visit France? Vacation season at Disneyland

When is the best time to go to France. Climate and weather of France

France is a dream country for many inhabitants of our planet. She is a symbol of luxury, romance and a beautiful life. The country has a huge number of cultural and historical monuments. In France, magnificent diverse nature is the slopes of the Alpine mountains, and the azure coast, and the picturesque valleys of the Seine and the Loire.

Everyone would like to visit this fabulous place. And now your dream has come true, you are already considering the time of your trip to this amazing country! When is the best time to go to France, what is the weather like there, what are the features of the local climate?

France has a temperate climate. Precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year.

The entire territory of the country is divided into four parts according to weather conditions. This is the only country in Europe that has so many types of climate on its territory. The western territories of the country have an oceanic type of climate. It is characterized by frequent but light rainfall. There are no significant temperature fluctuations throughout the year. Winters are mild and warm, summers are humid.

Central and eastern France belongs to the continental type of climate. These areas are characterized by rather frosty winters and hot summers.

The Mediterranean climate prevails in the southeastern territories. Summer here is dry and hot. The rainy season lasts from October to April. In general, this climate is warm and mild, but humid. The south-east of France is characterized by a large number of sunny clear days a year. Winters are mild, frosts are very rare. About a hundred days a year in the southern territories the mistral wind dominates, it is cold and humid. The average air temperature here in January is +7 degrees Celsius, in July the air temperature is +23 degrees.

For mountainous areas located at an altitude of 600 ... 800 meters above sea level, a mountain type of climate is also inherent. Such areas are characterized by a large amount of precipitation throughout the year. Snow cover lies here from three to six months a year. Winters are long and frosty, with precipitation increasing with altitude. The number of snowy days can reach 50 per year. The average air temperature in January in the Alpine regions is minus 2 degrees Celsius. In July - + 17 degrees. Snow can lie on the mountain slopes until July.

So what period to choose for a trip to France. It all depends on which region of the country you want to go to and what kind of vacation you prefer.

To rest on Cote d'Azur France most the best time from May to September. During this period, the sun is high above the horizon, the tan “sticks”, and the water temperature is optimal for swimming.

On the Mediterranean coast, average temperatures range from +2 to + 10 degrees Celsius, and in July from +17 to +29 degrees.

Paris is as beautiful as ever in spring. This is the most romantic city on the planet, it is better to visit it in the spring months. Good in Paris and early autumn. You are waiting for parks, squares of the capital of France. Spring and autumn are the best times for hiking.

The average January temperature in Paris is from + 1 to + 6 degrees Celsius, in July - from +15 to +25 degrees Celsius. The best months to visit Corsica are May-June or September-October.

It should be noted that with certain indicators of the thermometer, the sensations on the street differ significantly from those expected. At a temperature of + 3 ... 5 degrees it can be very cold. All this is due to the high humidity in the country. In summer, on the contrary, at low temperatures it can be very stuffy. At the same time, in winter, the weather can be very warm, clear and sunny.

The largest state in Western Europe, the northwestern part of which is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, and the southern part by the waters mediterranean sea, elegant and sophisticated France is a country of romance, a legislator of world fashion, as well as a cradle of culture and art. Read our Tour Calendar article which explains why the best time to visit is between June and September.

Tourist season in France

The many-sided, cosmopolitan France, which has a unique charm, is not only Paris with the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysees, but also gastronomic provinces with incredibly delicious cheese and wine, luxurious beaches on the Cote d'Azur, prestigious ski resorts, as well as popular balneological centers. Holidays in France promise everything that the most sophisticated traveler can only dream of. That is why the country is visited annually by about 80 million people from all latitudes the globe. And this is 30% more than the country's own population. The tourist season has a year-round cycle, and is conditionally divided into summer - beach and winter - skiing.

High season in France

This "tourist flood" France undergoes twice a year. The first time is in the height of summer - in July and August, grabbing the first days of September. At this time, the beaches of the Cote d'Azur and the Atlantic coast are crowded with vacationers - British, Italians, Germans, Belgians. Russians are also present here - about 800,000 immigrants from Russia come here to bask in the sun and spend a considerable amount of money. This time, by the way, is associated with the period of numerous festivals and concerts, so there are also enough eminent stars here, as well as ordinary tourists. The second time the real excitement for tours to France flares up in winter, especially from December to February. The reason for this is the New Year and Christmas holidays, as well as the snow-capped peaks of the Alps and the Pyrenees, attracting millions of fans of active winter holiday at the height of the skiing season. The Côte d'Azur also receives a decent share of tourists at this time of the year and all thanks to its own enterprise: in February, the Cannes Shopping Festival is held here, during which discounts of up to 50% are expected.

Low season in France

The smallest number of tourists arrive in France during the off-season. This rule, however, does not apply to Paris, where the crowds of foreigners never dry up. So, in the period from October to early December, as well as from late February to late April (with the exception of ski resorts) prices in hotels in many provinces are becoming lower, and the number of rooms is less busy. Of course, this does not mean at all that such a situation will be observed in all regions, but nevertheless, this trend can be traced quite easily in most of them. It finds its confirmation in the offers of tour operators who sell trips to France with significant discounts. It is possible that hot tours can be “caught” during the summer holidays, but most often free blocks in hotels and planes are observed precisely in the off-season.

The best time for excursions

France is the most visited place on earth. It has absolutely everything that is necessary for tourists of different age groups, interests and social status. Incredibly beautiful and romantic Paris with the world-famous Eiffel Tower and the legendary Louvre, attractive Provence, authentic villages, amazing beaches, picturesque landscapes of the snow-capped Alps and much more. Every corner of France opens it from a new, sometimes unexpected side. The best time to get acquainted with the cultural, historical and natural heritage of the country is the period from April to October, when the weather is warmest.

Beach season in France

In France, they mainly bathe in three tourist areas - on the French Riviera, on the island of Corsica and the Atlantic coast. The first, of course, is the undisputed leader in the number of foreign tourists, the bulk of which is represented by wealthy tourists, politicians, actors and show business figures. The swimming season on the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea (Riviera, Corsica) opens in the last days of May, when the water temperature is about +18 °C. Naturally, it is still cold to swim, so most tourists prefer to take only sunbathing. But in mid-June, the sea warms up to +21 ° C, so the density of holidaymakers on the beaches increases significantly. The climate of the Atlantic coast is wetter and cooler, and the ocean itself takes longer to reach comfortable temperatures. Therefore, the best time to visit this part of France, so beloved among pedantic Englishmen, is from mid-July to the end of August, when the water temperature ranges from +19 °C to +20 °C. Although in some secluded places, these figures are much higher due to the undercurrent of the Gulf Stream. For example, in Biarritz. But let's get back to bohemia, which in July and August on the Cote d'Azur becomes many times more, because by this time the sea water becomes as warm as possible - about +24 °C .. +25 °C. In addition, the last summer month is a period of "mass emigration" of residents of large metropolitan areas, rushing to the seaside resorts of France, including the most aristocratic ones. As for Corsica, we can say that its climate has much in common with the climate of the south of the country, so the weather conditions of the island during these summer months are almost identical.

Velvet season in France

There is no velvet season on the beaches of the Atlantic coast, as people swim there for only three months. But on the French Riviera, things are a little different. In September, although it is not as crowded here as in summer, there are still enough people. The heat subsides, and nice warm days come to replace it. The water temperature is confidently kept at around +24°C, so you can swim for a long time. The only thing is that as the evening approaches, you should hurry up to leave the beach, as in the dark it gets colder to about +16 °C. It is also worth knowing that in the first month of autumn it can rain from time to time. Fortunately, they do not have a strong influence on the weather. However, already in October, the beginning of which is also considered by many as an opportunity beach holiday, the amount of precipitation increases significantly, and the sea cools down to +19 °C .. +20 °C, so it would be unreasonable to count on this month. In Corsica, bathing is 1-2 weeks longer.

Ski season in France

The first winter centers of France meet their guests in the middle - end of November. By mid-December, all ski resorts are already functioning. The top season takes place between January and early April. This is the time of a real pilgrimage to most of the ski resorts in France, famous for their excellent slopes and modern equipment. It is not difficult to guess that the rest during this period will cost a pretty penny to the tourist. Ski resorts on the slopes of the Pyrenees are considered more economical, where there is no such crazy full house as in the Alps. The season comes to an end, as a rule, in late April - early May.

religious season

The bulk of the population of France professes Catholicism. Pilgrimage tours to this country have long been very popular among millions of believers from different countries peace. The main centers of pilgrimage are Lourdes, Lisieux, Salette, Rocamadour, Pare-le-Monial. Each of these cities is associated with the history of the phenomenon of a miracle. Excursions to holy places are carried out throughout the year, but a massive influx of tourists is observed on the days of Catholic holidays.

Vacation season at Disneyland

Disneyland is the main reason why 12 million tourists land at Charles de Gaulle airport every year. This is a place for family and youth recreation. The legendary amusement park is open throughout the year, however, if from the middle of the second decade of June to the end of August the closing hours are 23.00, then the rest of the time on weekdays the park is open only until 19.00, and on weekends - until 22.00. The best time to visit Disneyland, according to the Tour-Calendar, is the end of spring - the beginning of summer and the first days of autumn. Try to avoid going to the rides during school holidays for French children, public holidays and weekends. Otherwise, you can waste a lot of time in the queue.

Sales season in France

France is an ideal country for shopping, because it was here that the concept of fashion and style was first born. Seasons of big sales, held in the country twice a year, are a sacred time for true fashionistas and fashionistas. In summer they start in mid-late July, and in winter after Orthodox Christmas. The duration is on average about five weeks. Discounts or "Soldes" reach up to 70%. In connection with these events, Russian travel agencies offer tempting shopping tours, especially profitable ones appear on sale, as a rule, 2-3 days before departure. So the holders of the Schengen multivisa in this regard have undeniable advantages in planning holidays and shopping in France.

wine season

France is the world's largest wine producer, and it's no surprise that the country hosts many festivals dedicated to this "sunny drink"

The French produce an incomparable wine that is consumed with almost every meal. It is not surprising that there are a great many festivals dedicated to this drink in the country. They are of particular scope in such provinces as the Loire Valley, Champagne, Burgundy and Bordeaux. All events are timed to coincide with the grape harvest season, which starts in mid-September. However, all kinds of celebrations in some regions begin at the beginning of summer. At the end of June, gourmets are advised to go to Bordeaux for a 4-day wine festival, in mid-September you can go to the wine press festival in the city of Shenov (Burgundy), and on the third Thursday of November, the grandiose Beaujolais Nouveau, a wine festival, takes place in all wine-producing provinces of France new crop.

Time for holidays and festivals

The event calendar of France is very large. Each province, and their country totals as many as 22, celebrates its own celebrations. However, we suggest that you first get acquainted with public holidays that have fixed dates: the night of December 24 to 25 - Catholic Christmas, December 31 - New Year and the day of St. Sylvester, January 6 - Epiphany Day or "Three Kings Day", February 2 - Meeting of the Lord, March 8 - International Women's Day, May 1 - Labor Day and part-time Lily of the Valley Day, May 8 - Victory Day over fascism, June 21, in summer solstice, - Music Day, July 14 - Bastille Day, August 15 - Assumption of the Virgin, November 1 - All Saints' Day, November 11 - Armistice Day in memory of the end of the 1st World War. Well, let's talk a little about the largest festivals and cultural events, with the names of which France is associated. These include: Carnival of snails on May 1; the Cannes Film Festival, held annually in Cannes at the end of the month, and the European Night of Museums; Commemoration of the heavenly patroness of France Jeanne d'Arc May 30; Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, held in the city of the same name in the last full week of June; in July - the Theater Festival in Avignon, the Festival of the Middle Ages in Carcassonne, the International Jazz Festival in Juan-les-Pins and the Music Festival in Colmar; Charleville International Puppet Festival in September; Reading Feast, celebrated on October 16; The chestnut festival, which falls in the second half of the same month, as well as the gastronomic holidays following them - choukrut, cider, spices and fish; the October World Snowboard Championship "Mondial du Snowboard" in Les Deux Alpes; November events - exhibitions "Antique Salon" in Toulouse, "Chocolate Salon in Paris" and the ceremony of lighting Christmas lights on the Champs Elysees at the end of the month; International Grandmother's Day and Francophonie Day in March.

Climate in France

Within the framework of the whole country, the climate of France can be described as temperate. However, due to the large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory and the diversity of landscapes, as well as the presence of seas, rivers and lakes, it undergoes changes from region to region: from oceanic in the west to continental in the center and east of the country, while in the south and on the island of Corsica reigns the classic Mediterranean climate is subtropical, and in the region of the Alps and the Pyrenees it is mountainous.

France in spring

Spring weather in France varies depending on the area in question. However, its beginning is marked by changeable climatic conditions throughout the country. In March, the thermometer begins to gradually rise upwards, the snow melts under the soft rays of the sun, turning into a mud slurry, but the good mood is maintained by the cheerful chirping of birds. Nature wakes up from hibernation, although it sometimes brings surprises in the form of a blizzard or sudden changes in temperature. The coldest of all, of course, is in ski resorts and in villages located high above sea level. Spring here is quite late, but still, during the day, positive temperatures are observed here. On the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and on the French Riviera, on the warmest day, the air warms up to 15 °C..+16 °C. In April, the weather more or less stabilizes, becomes warmer, as a result of which some ski resorts are preparing for the end of the season. Despite a slight dankness in some provinces of France, the middle of spring is a time of flowering, marvelous aromas and a large number of sunny days, periodically alternating with hours of inclement weather. The tourist season officially opens in May. The average daily air temperature in the country ranges from +15 °C to +20 °C. In the southern resorts during the day it is possible to raise the thermometer up to +25 °C, and in Chamonix and Courchevel - up to +15 °C. This month you can’t do without an umbrella either, but there are still much more sunny days conducive to picnics in parks. Yes, and the precipitation is only beneficial, because May is a riot of juicy greenery and colorful flowers.

Temperature and weather in France in spring

March weatherApril weatherMay weather
Paris +13 +14 +20
Corsica +13 +14 +16 +14 +20 +17
Cote d'Azur +14 +13 +17 +14 +20 +16
Bordeaux +14 +17 +20
Lyon +13 +16 +20
Strasbourg +11 +16 +20
Marseilles +14 +13 +17 +14 +21 +16
Nantes +12 +15 +18

France in summer

In general, the summer in France is hot and sunny, but not without rainy days, in which, in addition to light rains, thunderstorms also occur. Extremely high temperatures, however, do not happen here. Although, of course, exceptions to the rule are possible, but this happens extremely rarely. In Paris, the summer weather is quite warm, without sharp fluctuations in temperature, in the late afternoon the temperature drops to +12 °C .. +14 °C. Precipitation accounts for almost a whole half of the month, but this does not prevent tourists from enjoying their holidays in the French capital. Bordeaux is 1°C..2°C warmer. In the mountainous regions, the maximum daily air temperature for the season is about +20 °C, after sunset the thermometer drops to +5 °C..+7 °C. Keep this in mind if you are planning to go there. It is warmest on the Mediterranean coast, where an active swimming season already opens in June. Predominantly dry and moderately hot weather prevails here, often moderated by the northeasterly Mistral wind. Marseille, located in the very south of France, can experience real heat in summer - up to +29 °C .. +30 °C. More precipitation falls on the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean than on the Cote d'Azur, relaxation here is indicated for those who cannot stand the heat: the thermometer during the season during daylight hours ranges from +18 ° C to +22 ° C, the water becomes most comfortable for swimming in mid-July, but in the last days of August it is already chilly to enter it.

Temperature and weather in France in summer

June weatherJuly weatherAugust weather
Paris +23 +24 +24
Corsica +23 +20 +26 +23 +26 +24
Cote d'Azur +24 +19 +26 +22 +26 +23
Bordeaux +23 +25 +25
Lyon +24 +27 +26
Strasbourg +23 +25 +24
Marseilles +25 +18 +28 +21 +27 +22
Nantes +22 +24 +24

France in autumn

In September, the amount of precipitation falling in France increases slightly. However, in many parts of the country, especially on the Cote d'Azur and Corsica, this is an amazing time called the "velvet season". One can only remember the past hot midday hours, as instead of them mild warm weather sets in at the resorts. The sun's rays no longer burn, but only gently glide over the skin. The water is still quite warm - about +20 °C..+22 °C. This is a rather "dry" month, especially in Corsica. On the Atlantic coast, the temperature indicators announced above are a couple of degrees less, this region is well “flavored” with precipitation. It is cold in the capital in the mornings - approximately +14 °C, but at the height of the day the thermometer can rise to +21 °C. In October, real autumn comes to France - with golden foliage, gusty winds and precipitation. And if Corsica and Marseille with Nice still somehow “hold on”, then the sky over Paris and other cities of the central and northern parts of the country often breaks out with precipitation. The average daily air temperature ranges from +10 °C to +14 °C, in the mountains it drops to +7 °C..+10 °C. The last month of the autumn season brings cold, dank weather. Increasingly, the sky is covered with fog or gray menacing clouds, a piercing wind blows. The first snow falls in the Alps. The average daily air temperature in the country ranges from +10 °C to 12 °C, falling to +4 °C .. +6 °C by night.

Going on vacation to the country of the Musketeers, you, of course, think about when is the best time to go to France. Perhaps the main way to answer this question is to decide why you are planning a trip. Summer is the time to go to France on the Cote d'Azur and the Atlantic coast. Although the Mediterranean Sea has its own little secret in the form of velvet season in September. In winter, there comes a period when flying to France is in the direction of the Alpine ski resorts. But sightseeing routes should be traveled in spring and early autumn, when there is no heat.

Holidays in France in spring

The weather in France in the spring is very changeable. Spring makes its way through the country gradually, from southern Aquitaine to northern Normandy. And if on the Cote d'Azur in March it can already be + 15 ° C, then it is much cooler in. In April, there are more sunny days throughout the country, and the air is already warming up significantly. Well, in May, during the flowering period, the tourist season officially begins.

Holidays in France in the summer

The weather in France during the summer varies from region to region. On the south coast it is quite hot, while on the Atlantic coast there is no heat, and in Paris the weather is very moderate. In summer, many beach lovers come to France who want to soak up the waves of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. And in the summer, Disneyland Paris extends its working hours until 22:00

Having lived a year in France, I had the pleasure of observing the change of all seasons. I lived in Paris but occasionally traveled throughout the rest of France. I must say, it was not always easy because of the weather. In winter, I was very cold, because the winters there are not dry and cold, as in Russia, but very wet, with plenty of rain. I remember that it was cold, especially in the metro of Paris. When I went down there, it was as if I was additionally doused with a wave of cold.

But summer came very quickly, already in March, which could not but please me. Then I fully felt why impressionism was born in France. Roses and other flowers bloom in the gardens all around, and a pleasant, spicy fragrance spreads through the city. It is especially pleasant to walk in the suburbs of Paris at this time: the trees are already green, rose bushes hang over the fence of the gardens, and light birds chirp among the flowers.

Summer in France

It is very hot. The temperature rises to +25, and in some regions - up to +30. The most unfavorable time to arrive in . Unless, of course, you want to get sunstroke in the endless line to the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower. Even to buy ice cream, you have to stand in line. It seems that at this time all the tourists from all over the world come here. The Parisians themselves laugh that they are just leaving their city, going to rest on the Riviera or some resort, leaving tourists to be torn to pieces.

Things to do

Things to do

In the spring it is nice to walk not only in the city itself, but also to go, for example, to the Vincennes castle and park. A visit to the castle, of course, is paid (about 10 EUR), but the park is completely free. Peacocks walk there and you can meet other animals. The flora of different countries is represented there: from the Japanese garden to tall maples.

There are also excursions to Giverny. It was there that Monet painted his famous water lilies. It is amazing beautiful place. I remember that Bus tours there were only 35 EUR.

The Loire Valley is also a pleasure to visit. Lead next to the castles, influential nobles and kings used to arrange parks and gardens, amazing in their taste.


Therefore, depending on the season, go to the appropriate regions of France. Either way, you won't be disappointed. She is beautiful at any time of the year and will give you the most pleasant education. I liked the spring in France the most. At this time, indeed, all the streets are simply fragrant with the smell of flowers. My friends and I went to parks in the spring and had mini-picnics. It is pleasant to sit there on the grass, in the shade of trees, watching the people passing around.

Travel The World provides an answer to the question of when it is better to go to France for recreation, excursions and acquaintance with local customs and traditions.

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Travel The World provides an answer to the question of when it is better to go to France for recreation, excursions and acquaintance with local customs and traditions.

A trip to France is an important event, which is often expected for years. In order not to spoil your trip, it should be carefully planned in advance. In addition to compiling an excursion program and choosing a hotel, you need to pay attention to the time of year to visit. This will help to avoid unpleasant surprises, and make acquaintance with the country memorable only on the positive side!

Most tourists who have already been to France agree that it is best to plan a trip for the end of spring or early autumn. Weather conditions are conducive to walks in the fresh air: comfortable temperature, no prolonged rains and strong gusty winds. In May, the cities of France are filled with the soaring aroma of blooming lilacs, almonds and chestnuts, which creates a romantic atmosphere and encourages the purchase of various souvenirs.

If the trip is planned for the purpose of relaxing in the seaside resort of the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean, washing France, then you should give preference to the summer months or September. In this case, it will be possible to swim and sunbathe - the summer is hot here, the temperature often reaches +30 °C. And for tourists who want to visit the sights and wander the streets of Paris, such heat is unlikely to be a good companion for a walk. Also at this time of the year it can be difficult to find a free room in hotels.

Walk in Paris

Those who are not afraid of the cold can plunge into the atmosphere of the French Catholic Christmas. Trees on the boulevards are wrapped in numerous garlands, shop windows are decorated with beautiful decorative Christmas trees and lights. This holiday is sure to be remembered for a long time!

Winter is the best time to travel to France and for outdoor enthusiasts. The snowy slopes of the Alps are waiting for skiers, snowboarders and everyone who decides to spend their vacation "on top". You can also choose the summer months for a trip to the mountains: in this case, you can enjoy the famous freshness of flowering alpine meadows.

When planning a visit to France, it is necessary to take into account that due to its geographical location and relief, the weather in different parts of the country can vary significantly. It is better to visit the northern regions in the summer, and for a trip to Corsica, it is recommended to choose the beginning of autumn, when the Mediterranean heat will weaken a little.

When to go to France? The answer to this question depends only on the wishes of the tourist. Those who have been here more than once note that the country is magnificent at any time of the year - there are umbrellas and warm sweaters.

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