Altai Mountains brief information. About the mountains

Mountains occupy about 40% of the Earth's surface* They are on every continent and large island* Even along the bottom of the oceans there are mountain ranges, individual peaks of which rise above the water, forming islands or chains of islands * Australia has the fewest mountains, and most of the mountains of Antarctica are hidden under ice.

The youngest mountain system on our planet is the Himalayas, the longest is the Andes (about 7560 km long), and the oldest mountains are those belonging to the Nuvvuagittuq mountain formation, located in the vicinity of Hudson Bay (age approximately 4.28 billion years ).

The mountains are very diverse. According to the shape of the top There are peak-shaped, dome-shaped, plateau-shaped and other mountains. Mountains and by origin: tectonodenudation, volcanic, etc. In the Sayan Mountains, Transbaikalia and the Far East, a special type of mountain predominates - hills. The hills are distinguished by their conical shape and rocky or flattened top.

In rock formations there are often individual peaks, rising high above the surrounding, even high-mountain, landscape. Such peaks include Mount Chomolungma in the Himalayas, Elbrus in the Caucasus, and Belukha in Altai.

The relief of mountainous areas is characterized by the presence mountain ranges– elongated mountain formations with a clearly defined axis along which the highest mountains are located. This axis is often the watershed of a given area.

In the case when the height of the mountain range is small and the mountain tops are rounded, then such a chain of mountains is called mountain ridge. Mountain ranges, as a rule, are the remains of ancient destroyed mountains (in Russia - Timan Ridge, Yenisei Ridge, etc.)

The mountain range has two slope, often different from one another. While one slope is gentle, another may be steep ( Ural Mountains).

The top part of mountain ranges is called mountain ridge. The crest of the ridge can be pointed (in young mountains) or rounded and plateau-shaped (in old mountains).

Wide depressions with gentle slopes are called mountain passes.

A mountain uplift approximately equal in both length and width, which is characterized by weak dissection, is called mountain range. (Putorana plateau in Eastern Siberia, Russia).

The intersection of two mountain ranges is called mountain node. Mountain nodes consist of high, inaccessible mountains (the Tabyk-Bogdo-Ola mountain node in Altai).

Mountain ranges that are identical in origin and arranged in the same order (linear or radial) are called mountain systems. The outskirts of mountain systems characterized by low altitudes are called foothills.

Africa is characterized by a special type of mountains called canteens. They are characterized by flat tops and stepped slopes. The formation of these mountains is associated with the action of water from rivers cutting through the stratified valley.

The presence of mountains is characteristic not only of land. The ocean floor is also replete with various kinds of rock formations. Single mountains of volcanic origin are scattered here and there along the ocean floor. Active volcanoes emit lava, ash and rock fragments and have pointed peaks. The peaks of extinct volcanoes are smoothed by waves and currents. The summits of many underwater volcanoes form islands. Iceland is an example of such an island.

There are also mountain ranges at the bottom of the oceans. The most important discovery of recent years in oceanology has been the discovery mid-ocean ridges. They run almost through the middle of every ocean, forming a huge single chain. You can read more about mid-ocean ridges

The report about Mount Elbrus will tell you what Mount Elbrus is known for and where it is located.

Message about Mount Elbrus

Elbrus- stratovolcano in the Caucasus - the highest Mountain peak Russia and Europe, included in the list of the highest peaks of the world “Seven Summits”.

In the 19th century, scientific exploration of the peak began. The exact height and location were determined only in 1913. The goal of the first expedition in 1829 was to reach the top of the Elbrus volcano. Its members included such great scientists as Kupfer, Lenz, Minetrier. Having reached an altitude of 2400m, the group moved on. Only 5 people reached above 4800 m, and only three reached the Elbrus saddle. They could not go further because the snow had become very soft.

The first person to conquer the peaks of Elbrus was Ahiya Sottaev, when he was already over 40 years old. After his first ascent, he climbed the mountain 8 more times. Moreover, Sottayev made his last ascent at the age of 121.

Elbrus mountain where is it located?

Elbrus is not only highest point Europe, but also a place of pilgrimage. It is located between Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, and the peoples living there have created many legends. For example, about the origin of the name. From Iranian "Aitbares" means high Mountain, from Georgian "Yalbuz" means ice and storm. According to another theory, the name of the mountain is made up of three words: “El” - settlement, “Bur” - twist, “Us” - character.

Mount Elbrus description

Elbrus height above sea level is 5642 m. Moreover, the height of the western peak is 5642 m, and the eastern one is 5621 m. Between them there is a saddle, inferior in height to only 300 m. There are more than 80 glaciers on the mountain, the largest are Bolshoi Azau, Irik and Terskol . They give rise to many rivers Malka, Terek, Baksan and Kuban.

Below the glaciers there are alpine meadows and coniferous forests. The slopes themselves are rocky. The mountains were formed more than a million years ago, and at first Elbrus was active volcano. Today, scientists are still arguing about whether the volcano is dormant or extinct. The “sleeping” version is supported by the fact that hot masses remain in its depths, which are heated by local thermal springs up to +60°С.

The mountain itself is made up of layers of tuff, ash and lava. Last eruption was recorded in 50 AD.


The climatic conditions near the slopes are mild. The humidity here is low, so frosts are tolerated quite easily. But higher up on the volcano the climate is already harsh, similar to the Arctic. At the foot of the mountain the average winter temperature ranges from 10 0 C to – 25 0 C, and at the top up to -40 ° C. On Elbrus, precipitation is abundant and frequent, mainly in the form of snow. The air warms up in summer to +10°C at an altitude of 2500 m, and higher even in July the temperature barely reaches -14°C. The weather is characterized by instability - a calm, clear day can give way to snowy storms with strong wind gusts.


The climate at the foot of the mountain is varied: many gorges and rocky areas. And on the slopes even in summer you can see melting snowflakes. On the surface of Elbrus there are glaciers with an ice thickness of 400 m. Glacial water forms streams that fall down as waterfalls. Starting from an altitude of 3500 m, moraines, cirques, and glacial lakes are common.

Flora and fauna

Velvet greenery, pine forests, and trees and shrubs grow in the meadows of Elbrus. The flora has 3000 species. It includes pine, alder, mint, celandine, sea buckthorn, thyme, fennel, wormwood, rose hips, St. John's wort and coltsfoot.

The fauna is represented by aurochs, mountain goats, ground squirrels, raccoon dogs, wild boars, chamois, jackals, roe deer, foxes, wolves, wild cats, lynxes, squirrels and bears.

The heavenly expanses were conquered by vultures, eagles and kites, golden eagles, saker falcons, titmice, bullfinches, blackbirds, and woodpeckers.

  • The local population calls Elbrus “Mingi-tau”, which means “Mountain of Thousands”. The name emphasizes its height and size.
  • This is a very difficult mountain to climb. In winter it is generally forbidden to climb it.
  • Elbrus is mentioned in the works of Herodotus. The ancient Greek historian pointed out that the god Zeus chained Prometheus to it because he gave fire to people.

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Impressions of the mountains in poetry and prose

Desperately, tearing off the skin on my hands -
Knocking down fear with stones
I despised him.
Who says that the risk is empty -
Making your way to the top in the clouds -
Take a chance!

* * *
Mountains, through the clouds,
Reaching for scatterings of stars.
Thoughtfully, through the centuries,
They send a silent question.
And one day, leaving peace,
A star falls down
Striving to the top alone,
And it fades away - forever.

* * *
Clouds in a row
Between the eternal peaks.
Between the eternal snows
The clouds are like smoke.
There is silence here for centuries,
Truly eternal peace,
What is called only up,
What are they calling for?
The heart is tight in the chest,
The heart is cramped below,
All the words are behind -
I'm only going up.
Dusk between the stones
Only the wind whistles
Eternity, with a thousand eyes,
Looks gloomily into your soul.
Only a star in the distance
Calls with dim light,
Among the gloomy peaks
Gives me hope.
I've been on the road for hundreds of years,
I've been walking for hundreds of years
Trying to find meaning
Only up, in height.

* * *
Distance in the clouds,
Path to the horizon
Wind in the face
Only forward!
Words into the void -
They crumble to dust.
Thought - in height,
Fear is forgotten below.
Mountains are like a mystery
Clouds are mirages.
Rumble of stones -
A cry of silence.
A bird in captivity
The heart beats in my temples.
Looking up,
The goal is in the sky.

* * *
I'm going there again
Where a star burns alone,
Where the wind sings a song to me,
And where no one is waiting for me.
Where the echo measures the way,
Where nothing can be returned.
Where the earth meets the sky,
Where everything is possible and everything is impossible.
Where the silence is deafening,
Where water speaks to stone.
Where thoughts kill fear
Where thunder laughs in the clouds
And where I don't need sadness.
I'm going there again.

* * *
Either in a dream or in reality
I saw a beautiful country.
There the air is intoxicating with purity,
A crystal spring flows from the mountains.
There the stars fall from the sky,
There is a magical forest growing near the lake.
There's a huge mountain in the clouds
Sparkles like a piece of silver.
There are flowers growing in the meadows
Unprecedented, wonderful beauty.
An eagle soars in the distant heights.
I saw it in reality, it seemed like in a dream.

A world that penetrates you and changes you forever... a waking dream... a feeling of infinity of time and a moment of existence... another world, another planet... a world where everything is constantly changing and unchanged for centuries... a place where the only value is life... heaviness and lightness, difficulty and strength... amazing, cold, merciless, unusual and strange beauty that irresistibly attracts to itself... to understand it, to become part of this world means to survive in it.

Anyone who finds themselves in the mountains cannot remain indifferent. Amazement and delight seize a person at the sight of the formidable beauty of mountain landscapes. The world of mountains is so unusual and unique that it can only be compared with the landscapes of another planet. In the mountains there are no usual landmarks by which one can estimate the distance and size of objects. This world is illusory. It is often filled with complete silence. It’s unusual to be in the silence of a height after the bustling hubbub of cities. But, however, complete silence does not reign in the mountains: the sounds of babbling springs and streams, the noise of rivers and waterfalls, the whistle of the wind and the cries of mountain birds give rise to the beautiful, harmonious music of wild nature. The roar of rockfalls or avalanches is also a reality of the mountains, forcing one to remember caution and clearly realize a person’s weakness in the face of the elements. The nature of the mountains is very changeable, it is harsh and unpredictable - and this is why it is interesting. And if anyone wants to feel this unusualness, see the beauty of the mountains with their own eyes, test their strength and will, then they should definitely visit this amazing and beautiful world.

Oleg Raevsky

World of mountains

​In the mountains you can see the endless diversity of the Earth’s nature, which creates an inexhaustible source of impressions that attracts people. In most of the mountainous areas there are no traces of the presence of civilization and nature there is in its pristine, untouched form. Mountain lakes with clear, unusually colored water, multi-meter-high waterfalls, lifeless stones, delicate and bright flowers of alpine meadows, rarefied air at altitude, snowfields and glaciers, swirling clouds between rocks, numerous rivers, streams, springs, mountain animals and birds - all this in various combinations forms a world of mountains that is unlike anything else in its fantastic beauty, touching which is a genuine discovery that has a strong impact on a person.

Romance of the mountains

Romance. A word that has now almost lost its original meaning of moving away from banality and philistinism in the pursuit of the strong, bright, unusual. But where can we now find true romance in our world, with its pragmatic, fussy, mercantile everyday life? That romance, which is the opposite of comfort and satiety, which means the new, the unknown, the difficulties and dangers of unusual conditions. But, fortunately, there are mountains!

Mountain landscapes are beautiful, harsh and, perhaps, more romantic than anything else. Consciousness in the mountains breaks away from the everyday life and is captured by the contemplation of pictures of fantastic reality. A person frees himself from the old and fills his consciousness with new experiences. Mountains turn the banal and routine world upside down, burst into it with sheer cliffs, bright sun heights, the cold breath of eternal snow and glaciers, fresh gusts of wind and clouds underfoot.

The colors of the mountains are often skimpy, but they are painted with very powerful, unusual strokes that have a strong impact on a person. The difficulties of the hike and the dangers further sharpen the senses and make the impressions brighter. Get to the top or pass right away, without experiencing the burden of a long climb? This is incredibly boring! The more difficult the path, the more at the end you feel the significance of the achievement. Overcoming difficulties, neglecting comfort, gaining new impressions from the unknown, unusual world, becoming part of it and living according to its natural laws - this is the true romance that mountains can give!

Of course, it is impossible to feel the taste of a dish by looking at it in a picture. Likewise, photographs and videos about mountains cannot fully convey the sensations that you experience while being directly in the mountains. And I hope that my humble efforts motivate others to take small or big steps towards their dreams.

Good luck on your roads!

Oleg Raevsky

Mountain systems occupy about forty percent of the surface of our planet: they can be seen on every continent, on many islands and on the ocean floor. The fewest ranges are found on the Australian continent, and almost all the mountain ranges of Antarctica are reliably hidden under ice.

Mountains are parts of the earth's crust that, as a result of the movement of tectonic plates, volcanic eruptions, or other processes occurring within the planet, have risen to a significant height and began to rise above the plains. The height of some hills is small and amounts to about three hundred meters, others rise more than eight thousand meters above sea level. The type of mountains is extremely diverse: it can be a single peak, or it can be a long mountain range, which includes hundreds and even thousands of cones.

Considering that the structure of the mountains is ten percent sedimentary, and ninety percent igneous and metamorphic rocks (appearing as a result of changes in the structure of sedimentary and volcanic rocks), geologists often discover mineral deposits inside them and under the mountain.

The mountain relief consists of several parts:

  • Mountain (hill) – a low or high cone-shaped mountain, consisting of a peak, slopes and a base (the place where the slopes merge with the surrounding territory);
  • Ridges are strongly elongated mountain heights, the slopes of which, on the one hand, are often gentle, and on the other, steep. They are also watersheds because they direct river water flowing downhill from different sides of the slopes in opposite directions. For example, the Rocky Mountains extend from the north to the southeast, and their length is about five thousand kilometers, due to which the Rocky Mountains are a watershed between the basins of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans;
  • A saddle is a depression of relief between two hills located near each other, usually the beginning of two valleys that go downhill in different directions;
  • A hollow is an open, slightly inclined, downhill depression in the relief, which below, when the slopes merge, forms a drainage line;
  • Basin - located below sea level, a cone-shaped depression, which is characterized by a bottom, slopes and an edge line - the place where the slopes meet the surface.

Formation theory

Throughout the history of their development, people have put forward a variety of theories about how exactly the mountains of the world were formed. At first these were myths, legends and tales, then the versions began to be more substantiated. For example, it has been suggested that mountain systems arose due to the movement of matter under the ocean floor, causing the arching of its surface, which causes the heaving of the earth's crust along the margins of the ocean.

This hypothesis did not explain in any way the presence of mountain systems inside the continent. Then they considered the version that the Earth is constantly decreasing in volume, and this happens in leaps and bounds and leads to deformation of the surface, where folds are formed, some of which rise above the surface, and the other goes downhill.

Later, the idea emerged that the mountain system was formed during continental drift. The idea was not bad, but it did not explain the reason for the movement of the continents, so it was forgotten. Instead, another hypothesis arose, suggesting that there are currents inside the Earth that cause the rise and fall (going downhill) of the earth's crust, affecting the topography of the planet. Despite the fact that many people liked the idea, no scientific evidence was found to support it.

The modern hypothesis of the formation of mountains arose in the middle of the last century, when the movement of lithospheric plates was proven, during the collision of which a thinner plate goes under the neighboring one, forming hills on the earth's surface. This theory was combined with previous versions, it explained a lot and was accepted as the main one.

Age of the mountains

Based on the theory of the movement of tectonic plates and soil analyses, it was found that each mountain system was formed at one time. The age of young ranges ranges from 50 to 80 million years, while old mountain systems appeared more than a hundred million years ago (for comparison, the age of our planet is about four and a half billion years).

Young mountain ranges (Rocky Mountains, Himalayas) are interesting because their internal processes are still developing.

For example, due to the constant collision of the Indian and Asian plates, the high mountains of the Himalayas grow by five centimeters per year. This process is always accompanied by earthquakes, and in some cases – volcanic eruptions. A young, growing mountain system is easily recognizable by its sharply defined relief, consisting of alternating peaks and protrusions, the sharp shape of the peaks, and the presence of very steep and high slopes that complicate both the ascent and descent from the mountain.

The ancient mountain system differs from the younger one in that all processes inside it have long ceased, while external processes that cause erosion continue to affect the surface of the Earth. Interesting fact: geologists have discovered more than one area on the plains where there was previously a mountain system, from which only roots remained, securely hidden under a thick layer of sedimentary rocks. The most ancient hills of the Earth were recognized as the remains of mountains that are located in the Hudson Bay area: they appeared almost simultaneously with our planet.

As for the ancient mountains, which time has not erased from the face of the Earth (for example, the Ural or Scandinavian), they can be recognized primarily by their height, not exceeding one and a half thousand meters, gentle slopes, and also by severe erosion. If in young mountains water streams flow in narrow gorges, then the rivers of an old mountain flow along a well-defined wide river valley.

It is not uncommon for older mountain ranges to include younger formations. For example, the Rocky Mountains, which appeared as a result of a tectonic shift from 80 to 50 million years ago, are a young part of the Western Cordillera, which began to form more than 120 million years ago. It should be noted that the Rocky Mountains are still growing, so earthquakes and post-volcanic phenomena are common in the region where they are located.

Types of mountains

The answer to the question of what kinds of mountains there are is not as simple as it seems: mountain ranges differ not only in age, but also in structure, origin, shape, location, height:

  1. In terms of altitude, low mountains are characterized by heights of up to 800 meters, middle mountains – up to 3 thousand meters and high mountains – more than 3 thousand meters. The height of mountains in some cases can reach incredible proportions. For example, the height of Everest, which for a long period was listed in reference books as the highest mountain in the world, is almost nine kilometers. Recently this primacy was called into question when at the bottom Pacific Ocean, was found big mountain, exceeding the size of Chomolungma: the height of the inactive Mauna Kea volcano from its base to its summit exceeds ten kilometers.
  2. By origin - volcanic, tectonic or erosional (erosion of plains by strong river flows, for example, canyons and mesas consisting of limestone, basalt, sandstone).
  3. At the top, a young high mountain usually has a peak-shaped, pointed shape. The top of the mountain can have a plateau-shaped, dome-shaped or rounded shape, which is typical both for old, heavily destroyed volcanoes and for areas where a large mountain has arisen as a result of the collision of plates.


If the hill itself is not high, then the nature of the mountain at its base and at the top is not particularly different. True, this largely depends on which altitudinal group it belongs to. For example, the characteristic of continental-type mountains implies a complete absence of forests.

But when describing the low and middle elevations of the coastal type, one cannot fail to mention the presence of a forest landscape and meadows. If we are talking about a mountain with a height of more than three thousand meters, it is worth considering: in order to climb to its peak, you need to overcome absolutely all the belts of our planet. Therefore, the weather in the mountains differs significantly from the climate of the adjacent plains.

This is explained by the fact that the temperature drops by six degrees with each kilometer traveled. In addition, atmospheric pressure decreases, the level of solar radiation increases and the amount of precipitation changes. Accordingly, such weather in the mountains also affects nature.

Exactly how many zones a high mountain will have depends largely on what climatic zone it is in (mountain ranges near the equator have the largest number of zonal zones). It is also important at what height these zones will be located, how the slopes are located: on the sunny side they are usually lower. Geologists divide altitudinal zones into several parts.

Nival altitude belt

Only a high mountain can boast of having a nival belt: in the tropics it begins at an altitude exceeding 6.5 km above sea level. m., the further north it is, the lower it is located (ascent and descent from the mountain is quite difficult and often fraught with death).

This zone is characterized by the presence of glaciers and eternal snow (the Rocky Mountains or the Himalayas, which include the highest mountain in the world, Everest), while the surface not covered with snow is subject to severe erosion, primarily weathering. The vegetation here is extremely sparse - lichens and a few herbs. There are also few animals: sometimes predators wander here, rodents are found, birds fly in and some types of insects can be seen.

Mountain-tundra altitudinal belt

Winter in the mountain-tundra zone is long, summer is short and cold. Average temperatures do not exceed +9°C. A strong wind constantly blows here, and the soil often freezes (only lichens, mosses, and low shrubs grow). This belt is not typical for all mountains: in warm latitudes it is absent; instead, an alpine or subalpine belt is located at this level.

Alpine altitudinal belt

The alpine belt is typical for mountains of the coastal type, and is almost never found in sharply continental latitudes. In the Himalayas it is located at an altitude exceeding 3.6 kilometers, in the Alps and Andes - 2.2 kilometers. During the short summer period, the meadows bloom profusely here, but winter is long and the slopes are completely covered with snow.

Desert-steppe belt

Characteristic of mountains that are located in desert and semi-desert areas of tropical latitudes and temperate zones. In drier areas it is located above the subalpine zone, in more humid areas it is located above the mountain forest zone. The landscape of this zone is first characterized by the presence of steppe, then semi-desert and desert.

Subalpine altitudinal zone

In this zone, meadows are mixed with small areas of forests. Sometimes geologists combine this zone with the alpine zone and call it the mountain-meadow belt.

Mountain-forest altitudinal belt

The mountain-forest belt is characterized by the presence of forest landscapes, while there is an extremely large amount of vegetation here and all its types largely depend on the latitude where the mountain is located. This belt goes downhill.

Human life in the mountains

Despite the fact that people settle mainly in the lowlands, at the base of the mountain, they long ago learned to benefit from almost the entire mountain surface and learn to make the most of relatively small spaces. For example, in the Alps (the highest mountain is Mont Blanc, 4810 m high), at the foot you can often see vineyards and garden plots, the middle part is sown with agricultural crops, and cattle are grazed in the alpine meadows.

In these same mountains, thanks to a large amount of minerals, salt and precious metals, the mining industry is developed, paper and pulp are harvested from the forest, and hydroelectric power stations were built on the banks of the rivers.

People also actively use the mountains located on the American continent. A striking example is the Rocky Mountains (the largest mountain in the range is Elbert, 4.4 km high). The Rocky Mountains hide in their depths huge reserves of coal, lead, zinc, silver, shale, oil and natural gas. Despite the fact that relatively few people live here (four people per square kilometer, and the population of only a few cities exceeds fifty thousand),

The Rocky Mountains have extremely developed agriculture and forestry industries. Americans and Canadians successfully use mountain lands for grazing livestock and growing crops.

The Rocky Mountains are now an extremely popular place among tourists: there are a huge number of national parks, among them is Yellowstone, famous for its geysers and geothermal springs.

Mountains occupy about 24% of all land. The most mountains are in Asia - 64%, the least in Africa - 3%. 10% of the population lives in the mountains globe. And it is in the mountains that most rivers on our planet originate.

Characteristics of mountains

By geographical location mountains are united into different communities that must be distinguished.

. Mountain belts- the largest formations, often stretching across several continents. For example, the Alpine-Himalayan belt passes through Europe and Asia or the Andean-Cordilleran belt, stretching through North and South America.
. Mountain system- groups of mountains and ranges similar in structure and age. For example, the Ural Mountains.

. Mountain ranges- a group of mountains stretched in a line (Sangre de Cristo in the USA).

. Mountain groups- also a group of mountains, but not stretched out in a line, but simply located nearby. For example, the Bear Pau Mountains in Montana.

. Single mountains- unrelated to others, often of volcanic origin (Table Mountain in South Africa).

Natural mountain areas

Natural areas in the mountains they are arranged in layers and change depending on the height. At the foothills there is most often a zone of meadows (in the highlands) and forests (in the middle and low mountains). The higher you go, the harsher the climate becomes.

The change of zones is influenced by climate, altitude, mountain topography and their geographical location. For example, the continental mountains do not have a belt of forests. From the base to the summit, the natural areas vary from deserts to grasslands.

Types of mountains

There are several classifications of mountains according to various criteria: structure, shape, origin, age, geographical location. Let's look at the most basic types:

1. By age old and young mountains are distinguished.

Old are called mountain systems whose age is estimated at hundreds of millions of years. Internal processes in them have calmed down, but external processes (wind, water) continue to destroy, gradually comparing them with the plains. The old mountains include the Ural, Scandinavian, and Khibiny mountains (on the Kola Peninsula).

2. Height There are low mountains, middle mountains and high mountains.

Low mountains (up to 800 m) - with rounded or flat tops and gentle slopes. There are many rivers in such mountains. Examples: Northern Urals, Khibiny Mountains, spurs of the Tien Shan.

Average mountains (800-3000 m). They are characterized by a change in landscape depending on the height. These are the Polar Urals, the Appalachians, the mountains of the Far East.

High mountains (over 3000 m). These are mostly young mountains with steep slopes and sharp peaks. Natural areas change from forests to icy deserts. Examples: Pamirs, Caucasus, Andes, Himalayas, Alps, Rocky Mountains.

3. By origin There are volcanic (Fujiyama), tectonic (Altai mountains) and denudation, or erosion (Vilyuisky, Ilimsky).

4. According to the shape of the top mountains can be peak-shaped (Communism Peak, Kazbek), plateau-shaped and table-shaped (Amba in Ethiopia or Monument Valley in the USA), domed (Ayu-Dag, Mashuk).

Climate in the mountains

The mountain climate has a number of characteristic features that appear with altitude.

Decrease in temperature - the higher it is, the colder it is. It is no coincidence that the peaks of the highest mountains are covered with glaciers.

Atmospheric pressure decreases. For example, at the top of Everest the pressure is two times lower than at sea level. This is why water boils faster in the mountains - at 86-90ºC.

The intensity of solar radiation increases. In the mountains, sunlight contains more ultraviolet radiation.

The amount of precipitation is increasing.

High mountain ranges trap precipitation and influence the movement of cyclones. Therefore, the climate on different slopes of the same mountain may differ. On the windward side there is a lot of moisture and sun, on the leeward side it is always dry and cool. A striking example is the Alps, where on one side of the slopes there are subtropics, and on the other, a temperate climate prevails.

The highest mountains in the world

(Click on the picture to enlarge the diagram in full size)

There are seven highest peaks in the world that all climbers dream of conquering. Those who succeed become honorary members of the Seven Peaks Club. These are mountains such as:

. Chomolungma, or Everest (8848 m). Located on the border of Nepal and Tibet. Refers to mountain system Himalayas. It has the shape of a triangular pyramid. The first conquest of the mountain took place in 1953.

. Aconcagua(6962 m). This highest mountain in the southern hemisphere, located in Argentina. Belongs to the Andes mountain system. The first ascent took place in 1897.

. McKinley- highest peak North America(6168 m). Located in Alaska. First conquered in 1913. It was considered the highest point in Russia until Alaska was sold to America.

. Kilimanjaro- the highest point in Africa (5891.8 m). Located in Tanzania. First conquered in 1889. This is the only mountain where all types of Earth's belts are represented.

. Elbrus- the highest peak in Europe and Russia (5642 m). Located in the Caucasus. The first ascent took place in 1829.

. Vinson Massif- the highest mountain in Antarctica (4897 m). Part of the Ellsworth Mountains system. First conquered in 1966.

. Mont Blanc- the highest point in Europe (many attribute Elbrus to Asia). Height - 4810 m. Located on the border of France and Italy, it belongs to the Alps mountain system. The first ascent in 1786, and a century later, in 1886, Theodore Roosevelt conquered the top of Mont Blanc.

. Pyramid of Carstens- the highest mountain in Australia and Oceania (4884 m). Located on the island of New Guinea. The first conquest was in 1962.