1 higher education remotely. Where to get higher education? Choosing a university and training format

A modern form of education, recently introduced at MIEP and is in high demand. You can understand how it's right for you by reading the answers to questions that potential listeners often ask us.

Is it possible to combine the learning process with work?

Yes! This is possible with the help of modern technologies. The following categories of potential students may be interested in obtaining higher education remotely:

  • living remotely from the university;
  • those planning to study in their free time;
  • those for whom the Internet is their “natural habitat”:
  • those who plan to study in several educational institutions at once (or in several educational areas);
  • people with strict or special work schedules or working shifts;
  • young and large mothers;
  • people with limited mobility: disabled people and people with temporarily limited physical capabilities;
  • consisting of military service or forced to spend a lot of time on business trips;
  • all those who prefer to independently control the intensity of their training without wasting extra time.

Will it distance learning using distance learning technologies quality?

IN Lately The quality of knowledge is an acute problem, but new technologies in education, as well as serious ministerial projects in the field of its quality, allow us to be optimistic about the prospects for solving this problem. Distance learning is not an alternative to classical educational forms, but a new and effective tool. The educational process here is based on the Federal State Standards of Higher Education of the latest generation, the requirements of orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the use of distance learning technologies, and the latest methods developed by the faculty of the institute
Correspondence education using distance learning technologies is widely developed abroad. Recently, it has been gaining momentum in the country's leading universities and it is obvious that learning via the Internet will attract more and more supporters.
At MIEPP you can undergo remote training in any of the proposed areas of training (Psychology, Law, Economics, Management).

Distance learning using distance learning technologies solves three main problems at once: the problem of time, the problem of money, the problem of distance.

  • The student himself controls the entire educational process - he chooses the time for classes in accordance with the schedule convenient for him;
  • Prices for obtaining first and second higher education through distance learning are affordable for most applicants to Russian universities;
  • There is no need to make serious financial expenses every semester associated with travel to the place of study and accommodation during the session;
  • You do not waste your own time traveling to the place of study, but come to the educational institution only to pass the state exam and defend your diploma;
  • The entire process of learning and receiving economic, psychological or legal distance education takes place behind the student’s computer screen. The latest information technologies allow you to achieve amazing effects. You, being at home, attend a lecture or seminar “live”, communicate with fellow students or the teacher.

The advantages of this educational format are obvious. First of all, it is practically unlimited in scale. If, as part of the traditional educational process, a professor can give a lecture to several hundred students, then a course recorded on video and transmitted via the Internet can, in principle, be attended by any number of people interested.

What is needed for implementation?

Since this training is carried out via the Internet, the potential student must have basic knowledge and skills in working with a computer and, of course, constant access to the network through it.

Where can you get higher education? online using remote technologies in Moscow?

The spread of new educational technologies in Russia is happening very rapidly. Now all Moscow, and almost all Russian universities, are one way or another involved in this process.

Among other universities, the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law offers higher education and second higher education according to the program distance learning using remote technologies. By studying remotely at MIEP, you can remotely receive:

What does the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law offer in the field of distance learning using distance technologies?

MIEP provides training using distance technologies (correspondence courses) in the following areas of training:

  • 40.03.01. - Jurisprudence
  • 03/38/02. - Management
  • 03/38/01. - Economy
  • 03/37/01. - Psychology

What are the training periods?

  • Based on secondary general education, primary vocational education and secondary vocational (non-core) education - 5 years.
  • Based on secondary vocational education (profile) - 3.5 years.
  • On the basis of higher professional education - 3.5 years.

Place of training: Moscow.

Upon completion of training, a standard diploma is issued.

Modern multimedia, used at the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in organizing the educational process, makes learning visual and accessible to those categories of students who, being very busy at work, were unlikely to find an opportunity to improve their level of education. In this situation, Internet technology in education is a chance for everyone who is trying to find the optimal educational program for themselves.

High competition in the labor market forces young people and adults to look for / change ways of their professional development.

Benefits of Higher Education

  1. Having a higher education is often a decisive condition for employment. For many employers, full-time and part-time distance* higher education with a state diploma is documentary evidence of the required knowledge and skills of the candidate.
  2. In a number of specialties, a university diploma is a mandatory requirement of the professional standard.
  3. Advancing your career will be easier if you have a specialist, bachelor's or master's qualification. In most companies, this is a necessary condition for inclusion in the personnel reserve and appointment to management positions.
  4. During the learning process, in-depth knowledge in a specific professional field is acquired. This will give you confidence and will contribute to the quality performance of your job duties.
  5. Studying at a university helps you acquire the skills of a systematic approach to solving any problem.
  6. A person with a higher education can always be distinguished by a certain thoughtfulness in business, intelligence in relation to life and work issues.

More and more Russian universities are offering distance* higher education - distance learning using distance learning technologies. The “Bachelor-Master” website navigator will help you understand the learning conditions and educational programs. Here you can find detailed information on leading educational institutions in the field of online learning. On one resource you can:

  • Get information about universities and partner institutions.
  • Understand educational areas and higher education programs.
  • Compare admission conditions:

When to submit documents

How to submit documents to the university,

How is the competitive selection organized for those who took the Unified State Exam and those who do not have Unified State Exam results?

How to get higher education remotely* on the basis of secondary special education

  • Consult with project specialists regarding admission issues.

Distance learning - best form obtaining higher education if you:

  • You work full time.
  • Have a flexible work schedule (shifts, seasonality, etc.).
  • A person with temporary or permanent health limitations.
  • You are on maternity leave.
  • Are you a mother of many children?
  • Do you want to get a correspondence higher education in Moscow or another region different from your place of residence?
  • Do military service or contract military service.
  • Are you planning to study in several areas of training at once?

Distance* higher education at state universities in Russia will be available to everyone who has completed secondary or specialized secondary education, as well as persons who already have a university diploma.

The Attractiveness of Distance* Education

  • You have the freedom to choose your pace of learning. Depending on your life circumstances, you can adjust the intensity of your training.
  • You determine your own lesson time. Access to educational materials, recordings of online lectures and webinars is usually possible 24/7.
  • You save time on travel/travel to your place of study. In most educational institutions, you can even submit documents without coming to the university. Notarized copies that you send by mail will do.
  • You get unlimited access to digital educational resources(textbooks, manuals, methodological recommendations, workshops, etc.).
  • You can take final testing, tests and term papers, projects, presentations remotely.
  • You reduce the financial costs of training. It is cheaper to obtain your first and second higher education remotely* than to study full-time or offline in absentia.

Where to study at a university remotely*?

The advantage of distance learning technologies is the ability to study from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. Russian universities They have long been mastering interactive and remote forms of working with students, improving the educational process, and looking for new high-tech solutions in order to improve the quality and prestige of distance learning*. In this regard, the location educational institution is not decisive.

What should you pay attention to first when choosing a university?

  • Availability of a license to provide educational services and state accreditation.
  • Conditions for admission.
  • Organization of the educational process.

Distance higher education is a teaching method in which the teacher and student are located at a distance from each other. They are deprived of the opportunity to see each other in person, but can communicate and see each other via the Internet. Some higher education institutions offer applicants to obtain the necessary knowledge in this way, and people who want to study happily take advantage of this opportunity.

The advantages of distance higher education are obvious:

  • you can live in one city/country and study in another
  • you don't need to waste time on the road
  • you choose a time convenient for you to study

Universities for distance higher education

Almost every state university that offers distance education on the basis of higher education is provided with all the necessary material and technical base.

In 2012, the Russian Federation passed Law No. 273-FZ “Law on Education in Russian Federation» which legalized and streamlined distance higher education. This was a breakthrough in the field of education in Russia, although this type of education has been practiced in the world for a long time.

  • In 1969 The Open University (UK Open University) began conducting distance learning using two-way radio.

Today, universities have the opportunity to conduct online seminars and take exams without meeting students in person. Therefore, educational institutions can offer a wide list of specialties that can be studied remotely.

Of course, you will not be able to get a profession that requires certain practical skills. You cannot study remotely to become a doctor or technologist, but you can become a lawyer, economist, journalist, manager, get a diploma in psychology, logistics and ecology... Some of the most popular areas of distance education are:

  • management;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence;
  • marketing;
  • finance and credit;
  • business Informatics;
  • digital design;
  • state and municipal administration;
  • automated information processing and management systems;
  • computer software and automated systems.

No matter what city you are in, you can study at any university in the country and abroad. Full list You can find universities of distance higher education on the website of the Unified Center for Higher Distance Education - ecvdo.ru or EduNetwork.ru.

How much does distance higher education cost?

Distance higher education is cheaper than full-time education both for the university itself and for students. The university does not pay for premises and utilities, students do not pay for travel, notebooks and other attributes.

The exact cost of education depends on the university and the level of qualifications you plan to obtain. The approximate cost of studying for a bachelor's degree varies from 30 to 60 thousand rubles per semester.

For example, at the UNIK Institute a semester (six-month) costs 48,000 rubles, training lasts 3.5-5 years depending on whether this is your first or second education.

Cost of distance education abroad ( specifically in European educational institutions) depends on the curriculum. The more items you choose, the more you pay. Load and cost consist of ECTS— modular credit system. The annual workload norm is 60 ECTS. For a bachelor's degree you need to score 180-240 ECTS, that is, 3-4 years of study, and for a master's degree 300 ECTS. In different universities, one ECTS costs differently, from 30 to 100 euros.

Another criterion is the popularity of the university.

Elite schools usually inflate their prices. For example, at the prestigious UK university Open University, the cost of ECTS is 42 euros, that is, you will need to pay per year 2500-3500 euros depending on specialization.

In Spanish Universidad a Distancia de Madrid The cost of ECTS is 73 euros, which means you will need to pay approximately 4380 euros per year.

The most expensive countries for studying are America, England, Germany, France and Canada. But the level of education there is significantly higher than that of other countries. Many foreign universities offer students to reduce tuition costs in case of high academic performance and personal achievements - this way they motivate students to study better.

Video about distance higher education and tuition costs

How is the training going?

  • If you want to pursue higher education remotely, you must have high-speed Internet and a webcam.

On your university website you will have your Personal Area, where you can see the class schedule, your homework, contacts of teachers, and you can download past lecture recordings. For each lesson you will be sent a link to an online conference, which can be held through the service Cisco WebEx or Adobe. If you were not present at the lecture, you can watch it at a convenient time in the recording. The only difference will be that during the lecture you can immediately ask questions to the teacher in a group chat.

Distance learning lasts the same amount of time as regular learning. If you get a second higher education, the time is significantly reduced (up to 1-3 years). After each session you go on vacation, but some universities give you the opportunity to skip this time and start the next course.

How to enter a university for distance higher education

Before you begin your studies, you must go through the admission procedure. Keep in mind that some institutions accept students year-round, while others accept students at certain times once a year. Detailed information can be found on the website of the university of your choice. But there are several rules that are the same for all universities and institutes. So, how to enroll in a university for distance learning?

First, you need to provide the admissions committee with a certain package of documents. After registering on the university website, you can submit an application for admission. After this, the manager will contact you and provide a list of required documents as well as the address where they need to be sent.

Required documents:

  • A copy of the first page of the passport, a copy of the page indicating registration (certified copy by a notary);
  • 4 photographs in 3x4 format;
  • The original certificate or a notarized copy of the document on previous education: a diploma of secondary vocational education or a diploma of higher education with attachments;
  • certificate of results of the Unified State Exam (USE);
  • application with your signature.

You can download all application forms and questionnaires on the official website of the university. School graduates may need to pass an entrance test, and those wishing to obtain a second higher education may need to pass an interview. After enrollment as a student, you will receive an email containing a training agreement and a payment receipt for the first semester. You sign an agreement, pay for the semester and send documents to the university. The admissions committee issues an enrollment order, and you get access to classes.

Distance education of the UNIK Institute

Here we can talk about receiving distance education using the example of a real student who shared his experience with us.

As we have already said, the obvious advantage of DO is that you can live not only in another city, but also in another country. Gleb lives in Moldova, but is studying to become a designer (digital design) at the Moscow UNIK Institute remotely. All documents for admission were sent by regular mail to the Moscow address of the university.

Evgeniy studies the basics of design, academic drawing, and almost all Adobe programs. Gleb told us about the most important advantages for him -

“Among the teachers there are only active professionals, that is, designers, directors of companies and studios, those who earn money not only by teaching, but also by design. The teachers are young, from 25 to 40 years old, active and lively people who tell only relevant information, what you need to know today.”

The institute's training programs cover the full range of knowledge needed by a future specialist. Education through distance learning programs is equivalent to full-time education at regular universities. The Institute offers education in the following popular specialties:

  1. Journalism. During the course, you communicate with experienced representatives of the profession; after completion, each student is provided with assistance in finding a job. The course will teach you to inspire trust in people and correctly analyze information and events. Duration of training – from 4.5 to 3.5 years. Cost – 40,000 rubles for six months.
  2. Psychology. Serious but interesting program. The best teachers, lectures, seminars and master classes with the participation of famous psychologists. At this faculty you will receive the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Duration of training – from 3.5 to 5 years. Cost – 29,500 rubles for six months.
  3. Design. Faculty for creative people, future graphic designers and interior designers. Developing a portfolio, training practical skills. Duration of training – from 4.5 to 5 years. Cost – 48,000 rubles for six months.
  4. Foreign languages. Training is conducted in two profiles: translation and foreign language in business. Faculty specialists are in demand on the labor market. The duration of training is from 3.5 to 4.5 years. Cost – 48,000 rubles for six months.

Graduates of the institute work in various fields - from advertising agencies and media to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. After training you will receive a state diploma. To enroll in the institute, just leave an application on the official website. Specialists admissions committee they will call you and send you detailed plan training. Institute staff will help prepare Required documents, will accept the introductory task and enroll you in the course.

Distance education abroad

If you choose to study abroad, first prepare the necessary documents. This is a certificate of complete secondary education, all necessary applications, letters of recommendation. All submitted documents will most likely have to be translated into a foreign language. When applying for a second higher education or master's degree, in addition to the standard package of documents, you must provide a diploma of higher education.

When applying to some English-speaking universities, you will have to take a language proficiency test, after which you will receive an international certificate TOEFL. If you want to enroll in a German university, you will need to pass TestDaF or DSH. Sometimes you have to take additional tests. For example, in order to become a student National University in the US, you will need to take tests in arithmetic and psychology.

The operating principle of foreign universities is similar to the operating principle of Russian ones. You register on the website of the educational institution, where you study lectures, take tests, take part in seminars, communicate with fellow students, and submit completed work.

Distance higher education is an excellent opportunity to gain a profession without attending lectures and seminars and without being distracted from work and other everyday activities.

Distance education allows you to communicate with a student at a distance: provide him with the necessary literature, communicate with him and control his knowledge. All this makes the learning process easier, faster and more effective.

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